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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

where would we take him though? No place is safe now.. Especially around here, we are in the middle of Orc territory
"I have a small cottage a few miles from here, but I left because goblins kept attacking me. They will probably still be there, but together we can take them out." Kane replies in a hopeful voice.
That sounds good...." I sigh with reliefe "i was hoping we would have to keep going further north" gets up and draws my blade as I start cleaning it with samurai arts. I wonder how many goblins will fall by my blade.
"I don't have a home town." Kane says, trying to hold back tears, "It was destroyed by ogres."

"I saw my own parents be torn apart and killed" Kane adds as a tear streams down his face. Then realizing he had said too much, Kane stands up wipes the tear from his face and states, " what is done is done, there's no point in dwelling over it. let's get going."
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Looks at Kane and says "T-thats awful... Anyway its good that you havent completely forgotten about it... Its the past that makes you stronger." Smiles warmly at Kane as I sheath my blade and walk over to the edge od the cliff
"After we get to the cottage we are getting out of orc territory, but we are going into witch. The Holow is a day worth of running, at my speed. So lets get to your cottage quick." Jack says while starong off into space. Suddenly a huge shooting pain goes down his arm. "AHHH!" he yelps, He pulls a dart out of his arm. "Assassin! " Jack yells grasping his arm, "GO NOW!" he says pulling out his sword. "Do NOT wait for me. Ill catch up!" He shouts before sprinting ttowardsthe assassin.
"No we are in this together, come on fate lets teach that assassin a lesson" Kane says bravely.

Kane lays Matthew down and sprints to help Jack.
He'll be a vampire very shortly.

Jack flys from one assassin to another slicing them in half.

The vampire assassin kills 2 and dies
"Meh for assassins they're not that good at assassinating" Jack smiles " Plus with that little poison It wont effect me."
"Thats all of them." Jack says before pulling an arrow out of his chest and stabbing the last one. "Before we figure all this out." He says pointing to the dead orcs and assassins. "Let's get to the cottage." He says while walking away.

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