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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"How can you read those symbols?" she asked, her fingers brushing over the cover of the book. Mawlock's story seemed very strange but then again nothing was quite normal on this island. Even Evie had some crazy stories to tell about her time here. Her thoughts shifted back to Davorin and she wondered if he missed her. She missed him. She focused again on the mysterious boy in front of her, starting to feel more energized. "Are you making me feel better or is it this pod thing?" her curiosity was getting the better of her.

@Tetro @SirGrey
He would begin to scavenge the woods for flowers, in particular the Athelas flower. Finding a small patch he picks it all and heads back to the camp and he would begin to tear it and mush it into a paste-like substance applying it to his wounds and then walking over to the two of them kneeling and smiling "Here" he would be holding it out for Raina "It will help prevent infection, and stop some pain." @Otakubeats @Crystal Cali
May would walk along the streets, holding Raider's hand. The sun was still low in the sky, though rising, so the village was only just waking up. Shops were beginning to open. A bakery nearby opened it's doors and flooded the streets with the smell of fresh baked bread. May simply looked content as she watched everyone preparing for the morning.



Raina takes the paste Will hands her, and starts to apply it to the boy's wounds. "Diola lle" she says in a calm voice. "Tell me when the pain lessens," she says to the boy as she applies the paste.

@ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats


Raina takes the paste Will hands her, and starts to apply it to the boy's wounds. "Diola lle" she says in a calm voice. "Tell me when the pain lessens," she says to the boy as she applies the paste.

@ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
Raider would look to see the shops beginning to open. It was certainly a nice sight to behold, and would decide to head to a bakery and purchase some bread. Then as he walked with May he would take a bit of the bread. "Say aah!" He would calmly say with a gentle smile on his face as he offered bread.
May chuckles, and blushes, but opens her mouth anyways. "Aah," she says, half tempted to roll her eyes, but she didn't. She knew Raider was just being sweet, though it was odd to be interacting with someone this way.

He smiles and puts the piece of bread at her mouth. "It's important to eat you know," and as he walks he would take a bit of the bread to eat for himself. For now it would certainly be a wonderful morning, and who knows what could go about today? Now that he thinks about it what happened to the elves? Were they alright? After this he would consider checking out the situation.
"The words are pretty plain... Nothing too complex, I can't seem to open it though. Oh, it's the pod also." He explained. The pod opened only at the top to let in some fresh air, it also expanded a bit so it wasn't so cramped. "I'm infusing my healing into it." He commented, trying to open the book but being unable to. "Do you wanna try opening it?" He asked after a few failed attempts, holding it towards her.

"Healing powers? That's interesting. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one around here who can't do anything special," she laughed, her mind going back to the 'powerful' joke between her and Davorin. "Of course there's a whole village here of humans who can't do anything magical so I'm not really the only one."

"Okay sure I guess it couldn't hurt," Evie told him taking the book into her hands. She let her fingers trace over the unique symbols that were pretty but made absolutely no sense at all to her. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and gently tried to lift the cover.

@Tetro (it's your book so I'll let you decide if Evie can open it or not) @SirGrey
The book opened up only a little before giving Evie a paper cut. The edges of the first page glowed a golden color as the book opened. Inside the first page were symbols that seemed to be constantly moving, almost like they were blurring across the paper they were written on. These ones, unlike the symbols on the cover, couldn't even be made out. It was almost hypnotic to just look at it, let alone read it.

Mawlock looked with interest and impression when Evie opened the book. "Wow, that's so cool..." He stared. Mawlock, not forgetting about the reason why he put the pod up in the first place, began to slowly make the plant open up more and more until it was folded all the way back. The two were now out in the open again, but still sitting on the base of the pod. "I think it's safe now, I'm not hearing a horn anymore." He looked around slowly as he spoke.

"Shocking" The vampire says in a monotone voice. The boy appeared to be more powerful the Davorin originally thought. "I take it your not a average human are you?" Davorin asked while following the light.

ThatOneLunatic said:
Chuckling as he punches Ty's shoulder gently "Dont be selling me short....jerk..." he says jokingly with a weak chuckle
"Yea yea....But in all seriousness I have no clue where I'm going after this. See the reason I ventured from my home was because it got destroyed. Originally it was a tree-house but someone lit it on fire..... I've sorta been disconnected from whats happened, including the whole...winter guard whatever."
Otakubeats said:
"Yea yea....But in all seriousness I have no clue where I'm going after this. See the reason I ventured from my home was because it got destroyed. Originally it was a tree-house but someone lit it on fire..... I've sorta been disconnected from whats happened, including the whole...winter guard whatever."
He hears tree house "tree house you say?" he looks at Raina says "a tree house would actually be a great forest meeting house"

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
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Raina rolls her eyes as the two boys talk. "You are both idiots, and one of these days you will be the death of me," she says in a teasing tone as she finished mending the boy's wounds. "Hmm, a tree house. I suppose that is a good idea, though given the situation, it will have to wait. I doubt I can build one myself."


May thinks for a moment, then nods. "Though I do not wish to gather the people when they are trying to get back to work. I can have pages deliver the message, though."

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats

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