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Fantasy Isle of Mist

SirGrey said:
Davorin knew he had been baited. Liz did it alot back when. Davorin laughed to himself. "A bit rich perhaps" he muttered. The vampire wander through the forest. He wondered what Evie was up to. Davorin sighed. He really had to make it up to her. His thoughts were cut short by seeing someone. Someone who looked very confused. "You quite alright there?" Davorin asked Killua.
@IkutoForever2222 @Lithia
*Killua was a little relieved to see another person* "just lost...."
Ty sat waiting, ignoring everything including his wounds. He didn't notice the infection creeping in as he simply worried for his friend.
"Well how did you come to fi-Never mind lets just get you out of here, do you have somewhere you can go?" Davorin asked. The person didn't look to old. About 17 at most. He also seemed very confused. "I'm Davorin by the way, what is your name if I may ask" The vampire said in a polite manner.

SirGrey said:
"Well how did you come to fi-Never mind lets just get you out of here, do you have somewhere you can go?" Davorin asked. The person didn't look to old. About 17 at most. He also seemed very confused. "I'm Davorin by the way, what is your name if I may ask" The vampire said in a polite manner.
*he gave a cute smile* "Killua...and I was staying in a cabin...but my time is up there and I have no money....so no...I have no where to go"
Davorin let out a sigh. The fear vampire seemed to be going soft. "Well I suppose I will have to get that cabin back for you" The vampire said in a polite firm manner. "Now shall we be off?"

SirGrey said:
Davorin let out a sigh. The fear vampire seemed to be going soft. "Well I suppose I will have to get that cabin back for you" The vampire said in a polite firm manner. "Now shall we be off?"
"Yes!" *he focused his aura and disappeared, but you could see his foot steps*
May smiles at Raider, and thinks for a moment. "Nothing in particular, though I did have an idea." She paused a moment as she gathered her thoughts. "Since it seems you have decided to stay here, I would like to offer you a position as the head of the town guard. You've certainly proven that you can handle the position these past few days. What do you think?"



Liz makes her way back to the caves, and would enter her throne room, moving past the throne and pull out a white shirt and black pair of pants from a trunk in the back of the room. She takes the clothes and starts to walk to her favorite waterfall in the forest, passing Davrin and Killua on her way. Liz pauses, standing somewhat being the vampire, where the kid could probably see her. She thought about approaching, but she didn't want to set Davrin off again, and possibly scare Killua. She sees Killua just vanish from sight anyway, so she would move on. She'd have to find the kid later on. @IkutoForever2222 @SirGrey
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Liz makes her way back to the caves, and would enter her throne room, moving past the throne and pull out a white shirt and black pair of pants from a trunk in the back of the room. She takes the clothes and starts to walk to her favorite waterfall in the forest, passing Davrin and Killua on her way. Liz pauses, standing somewhat being the vampire, where the kid could probably see her. She thought about approaching, but she didn't want to set Davrin off again, and possibly scare Killua. She sees Killua just vanish from sight anyway, so she would move on. Shed have to find the kid later on. @IkutoForever2222 @SirGrey
He would smile back at her. "Sounds like a plan to me. Thank you May." He certainly never found himself as a town guard, but this was his home now. It was more than appropriate to be head of the town guard as of now. Then he would extend his hand to her and asked, "Now then would you like to take a walk?"
"Well then let us be off then" The vampire said before setting off. His eyes caught a glimpse of someone. The vampire kept his hand on his sword. The kid seemed nice enough so he couldn't imagine who would want to hurt him. Still best to be careful.

@Crystal Cali @IkutoForever2222
SirGrey said:
"Well then let us be off then" The vampire said before setting off. His eyes caught a glimpse of someone. The vampire kept his hand on his sword. The kid seemed nice enough so he couldn't imagine who would want to hurt him. Still best to be careful.
@Crystal Cali @IkutoForever2222
"Killua tripped on a root and his invisibility came off. He giggled and stood back up* "oops" *he lifted his hand and the electricity sparked off him, lighting the way*
Will having been gone a while would have fallen asleep in the cave, he had been lost in thought and soon after he fell asleep in the dark damp cave system, his body aching as it recovered
May would take Raider's hand and herself up. "Sure," she does, and would follow him out.



Liz watches the two as they leave. She hadn't been notified. Oh well, she would just drop by the inn after she washed up, hoping that Davrin work be gone by the time she got there so she could speak to Killua uninterrupted.

@SirGrey @IkutoForever2222


Raina would finally wake up, now feeling refreshed. She looked around and does not see Will, but she does not panic. So long as he did not try to overwork himself, he would be fine. Raina would approach the boy she did not know, and gently try to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Are you in need of bandages as well?" she asks, a bit disappointed with herself that she was unable to attend to him before her energy faded.

@ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
Will waking after a short while he sighed still not having a solution as he walked out of the caves back towards the camp and when he got there he kept walking passing through the camp into the forest not saying a word or looking at any of them @otakuebeats @Crystal Cali


Liz watches the two as they leave. She hadn't been notified. Oh well, she would just drop by the inn after she washed up, hoping that Davrin work be gone by the time she got there so she could speak to Killua uninterrupted.

@SirGrey @IkutoForever2222


Raina would finally wake up, now feeling refreshed. She looked around and does not see Will, but she does not panic. So long as he did not try to overwork himself, he would be fine. Raina would approach the boy she did not know, and gently try to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Are you in need of bandages as well?" she asks, a bit disappointed with herself that she was unable to attend to him before her energy faded.

@ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
Ty looked at her a bit dazed and nodded. He hadn't wanted to bother her but he'd gotten a little light-headed.


Liz watches the two as they leave. She hadn't been notified. Oh well, she would just drop by the inn after she washed up, hoping that Davrin work be gone by the time she got there so she could speak to Killua uninterrupted.

@SirGrey @IkutoForever2222


Raina would finally wake up, now feeling refreshed. She looked around and does not see Will, but she does not panic. So long as he did not try to overwork himself, he would be fine. Raina would approach the boy she did not know, and gently try to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Are you in need of bandages as well?" she asks, a bit disappointed with herself that she was unable to attend to him before her energy faded.

@ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
He would lead May outside while holding her hand. Then he would wonder what they should do. "What should we do today? Your choice." A smile was on his face.
Raina sees Will walk through the camp. She raises an eyebrow, but does not say anything. She turns back to the boy, noticing he did not look well. This worried Raina, and she asks "Where are you injured?" As she spoke, she got out her medical supplies, and would also get another one of those flowers to make a solution to deal with his pain.

@ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats


May thinks for a moment. "I wouldn't mind just walking around the market for a while. It might be good to see how the people are fairing."



Liz makes her way to a small underground cave with a small pond and waterfall. The area was secluded enough that no one would be able to see. She puts her clean clothes on a dry rock nearby, and dips herself in the water. She would use the waterfall to rinse the dirt off her hair and clothes, then relax in the pond, eventually dozing off.
@ThatOneLunatic[/URL] @Otakubeats


May thinks for a moment. "I wouldn't mind just walking around the market for a while. It might be good to see how the people are fairing."



Liz makes her way to a small underground cave with a small pond and waterfall. The area was secluded enough that no one would be able to see. She puts her clean clothes on a dry rock nearby, and dips herself in the water. She would use the waterfall to rinse the dirt off her hair and clothes, then relax in the pond, eventually dozing off.
"I see. Well then to the market we go," and Raider heads out to the market with May. Since the recent events, he has to wonder how everyone is doing as of late. It's probably a good way of knowing the people, and how they live their typical lives here. Plus he is now head of the town guard, so it's best to get to know his own people.
@ThatOneLunatic[/URL] @Otakubeats


May thinks for a moment. "I wouldn't mind just walking around the market for a while. It might be good to see how the people are fairing."



Liz makes her way to a small underground cave with a small pond and waterfall. The area was secluded enough that no one would be able to see. She puts her clean clothes on a dry rock nearby, and dips herself in the water. She would use the waterfall to rinse the dirt off her hair and clothes, then relax in the pond, eventually dozing off.
He blinked, and showed the large gash on his torso. The gash was a bit of a sickly color at this point.

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