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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Raina would finish up the stitching, and then proceed to wrap the gauze around the wounds to protect the stitches. She wore a confused look on her face, though she did not say anything. Her thoughts were swimming with question, but she wouldn't ask them here, not with Kahleesi around. She felt that she should have a more private conversation with Will. Raina glances to Kahleesi as the girl returns with things to make a came. She smiles. "Thank you," she says, and then finishes up with Will's bandages. Raina looks over Kahleesi, and asks "Do you need bandaged as well?"

@ThatOneLunatic @PixieDusts


Elizabeth was walking the path nearby a cave, and notices Davrin emerge. She pauses, giving him a glazed look, as she was still rather out of it from her binge drinking at the party. There was little she remembers from earlier, but she did remember seeing Davrin's companion leave without him. "Seems you've frightened another one off," she mocks, though her words were still slurred.

ThatOneLunatic said:
Will drank the mixture when given the oppurtunity choking on it somewhat but after he had swallowed it he smiled to the both of them "You two....make a....cute team...." Smirking wrakly before trying to sit up "Alright...lets go......" @Crystal Cali @PixieDusts
Evan had slowly sat up. He turned body his head to the dead Kalkara he said "its truly dead isn't it?"
He sighs as he lay there thinking about the decision he has just made and he says quietly "just y' tool, gurth- iire naie" just loud enough for those around to catch a small bit of his words
"N-no thank you!" Khaleesi said and giggled at her wound. "It's nothing that I can't do. You've done enough at this moment in time." Khaleesi smiled brightly and then sat her hand on Will's head. "You two are adorable together... I hope it works out for you two... He seems deeply in love with you..." She said, ever so happy for them. When they boy sat up though, Khaleesi walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Yep! It's dead... How are you feeling?" She asked the boy with a kind look, not wanting to startle the thing. Khaleesi had heard Will, but didn't understand what he had said.

ThatOneLunatic said:
He sighs as he lay there thinking about the decision he has just made and he says quietly "just y' tool, gurth- iire naie" just loud enough for those around to catch a small bit of his words
Evan gives him a serious look "never say that, you're not a tool, you are a person who wishes to protect. in the corps we honor and respect that kind of person." when Khaleesi asked him he started laughting "like shit."
"Elizabeth" Davorin said with a bitter sigh. "Your thoughts on my life are something I neither want nor value" Davorin eyes darted over to Liz. Along with her slurred speech, the wobbly body movements confirmed it. Liz is drunk again. Davorin let out a tired sigh. "Besides I don't see you with any company, unless you have yet another bottle with you".

@Crystal Cali
Shaking his head as he looked to evan and Khaleesi sighing before turning back thinking to himself about various things as he lay there the pain slowly coming back as the elixir wore off
Khaleesi smiled brightly and then looked at Will. She wished she knew what they had said. With that she looked over to Evan and laughed lightly. "I bet... You injured at all?" She asked with chuckle and shook her head, looking into the night sky. It seemed to peaceful now. She brought her knees to her chest and let out a light sigh. She wanted everyone to be happy, and really, they were... until she was brought back to life. Her hair curled up around her and she sighed lightly, this was one of the best times to look at Khaleesi, her emerald eyes reflected the moonlight so they looked a somewhat blue. Her hair on the other hand, a dark brown, almost blue, but when the moonlight hit it, it was a nice copper. Her skin, the darkness, yet still paleness was just a beauty. Her face, stared into the night, not a care in the world. Her sighs carried her thoughts away.

Raina nods to Kahleesi, and puts her medical supplies back in her pouch. Raina sighs at Will's statement, and as Evan speaks, she lays down beside Will. "lle naa il- y' tool. lle naa ikotane sai- ner a' amin, Melamin." she says in a gentle voice, closing her eyes as she was rather tired, though she would not totally drift off to sleep just yet.



Liz dramatically slaps her forehead "Oh, I knew I was forgetting something! Damn it." she grins.

Will smiled and as he lay there he began to sing lightly to try and bring some cheer into the event that had happened and to keep them from worrying about his mental state [media]

[/media] it was one of the few songs he knew that wasnt in elvish @FrostRaven
SirGrey said:
"Do you have a purpose pirate or are you here to just annoy me" Davorin said in a monotone voice. He didn't have time to deal with this right now.
@Crystal Cali
Liz crosses her arms and raises her eyebrow. "My very existence is meant to be an annoyance at the very least, but on another note, I've come to a realization. Ye behave as if ye blame me for our past, yet ye are just as skilled as I in chasing away one's companions. Don't act so cowardly in front of your own reflection. It truly is embarrassing to watch."
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That got the blood boil, yet it also made the vampire have laugh to himself. "The reason I don't look at you my dear pirate, is because I try and forget you still live, as it brings nothing but pain to me". The vampire moved closer to his old flame and began to walk around her. "Yes you are correct our relationship was problematic and both of us are to blame" Davorin said in calm voice. "But don't even for a second compare your miserable self to me, you wretch little pirate scum" Davorin said his voice growing in deepness and anger. "Now run along, haven't you got some robbing or pillaging to do". The fangs hung from his mouth.

@Crystal Cali
Apparently unphased by the fangs, Liz flashes a daring smile. "And here thought ye might have moved on." She clicks her tongue and shakes her head, then casually starts walking towards the beach. @SirGrey
Raider would then wake up and would look to May. He wondered if he should wake her up, and thought about it for a bit. As a playful gesture, he would shake a tiny bit and would say, "May you awake?" Then he would proceed to kiss her on the cheek as he smiled.

@Crystal Cali
YoungX said:
Raider would then wake up and would look to May. He wondered if he should wake her up, and thought about it for a bit. As a playful gesture, he would shake a tiny bit and would say, "May you awake?" Then he would proceed to kiss her on the cheek as he smiled.
@Crystal Cali
May had dozed off, but she was an incredibly light sleeper. The movement cause May to quickly bolt upright. She looks to Raider after he kisses her, her eyes wide for a moment, then she giggles. "Sorry, I can be kind of jumpy when people wake me up suddenly."
Davorin knew he had been baited. Liz did it alot back when. Davorin laughed to himself. "A bit rich perhaps" he muttered. The vampire wander through the forest. He wondered what Evie was up to. Davorin sighed. He really had to make it up to her. His thoughts were cut short by seeing someone. Someone who looked very confused. "You quite alright there?" Davorin asked Killua.

@IkutoForever2222 @Lithia
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