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Fantasy Isle of Mist

ThatOneLunatic said:
Will walking forward slowly towards Evan "Evan....I'm coming....." his side gashed the armor and flesh torn as his blood ran out of his sides he would fall to his knees next to Evan trying helplessly to pick him up "C-come on....you...arent done...yet"
Ty stood ignoring his own injuries and rushing to the two. "Move for a sec?" He placed a hand to his neck, checking for a pulse.
"he is not dead" a voice echoed "just emotionally, and physcaly worn out, if you are wondering who i am, my name is Halt, Master Ranger" the old mans sprit slowly came into view beside evan
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Raider would look to see Will and another person taking care of Evan. Then he would look to try and find the Kalkara. At this point his eyes were two different colors: black on the left and white on the right. He held Septentrion, that extremely big blade in his right hand.


Khaleesi jumped down from the tree, wincing in pain at her leg as she moved to Will and picked Evan up from his arms. "Stop it..." She said with a growl at Will. Evan and Khaleesi didn't know each other much, but she thought he was nice, and was a friend... and she helps them... per say. She looked at the spirit and smiled, "I won't hurt him... I can heal him though... and right now, you guys need to back off, let the non wounded help." She said with a slight smile, trying not to look worried.

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic
ThatOneLunatic said:
Not sure who he was he stupidly slashed at the spirit "Give me...my friend..."
Ty stood infront of Will. "Calm down. He would have killed us by now." He then winced, stumbling slightly, holding his wounds shut.
PixieDusts said:
Khaleesi jumped down from the tree, wincing in pain at her leg as she moved to Will and picked Evan up from his arms. "Stop it..." She said with a growl at Will. Evan and Khaleesi didn't know each other much, but she thought he was nice, and was a friend... and she helps them... per say. She looked at the spirit and smiled, "I won't hurt him... I can heal him though... and right now, you guys need to back off, let the non wounded help." She said with a slight smile, trying not to look worried.

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic
"I would be a smart aleck and say your one to talk about being injured, but i feel like not dying today." He smiled, making a joke in light of the situation at hand.
Raina runs to Evan's side as he drops, relieved to hear the spirit's voice saying that he wasn't dead. Raina was panting hard. She had just barely regained her energy from reviving that shifter girl, and now this. In an extremely irritated voice, Raina says "What is it with you boys and SACRIFICING YOURSELVES?!?!? Do you enjoy making me anxious?" without realizing what she was doing, Raina would grab at the color of Will's shirt, and try to shake him as she scolded both of them.

"I assume the Kalkara's dead then?" He looked to Will who was busy helping Evan who seemed to be dead. It seems there was a way to help him, but he wouldn't do anything here. For now he decided to head back to May's building. First he would head back to his house where he changed into his usual attire. Then he would knock on her door expecting the bodyguard.

@Crystal Cali
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina runs to Evan's side as he drops, relieved to hear the spirit's voice saying that he wasn't dead. Raina was panting hard. She had just barely regained her energy from reviving that shifter girl, and now this. In an extremely irritated voice, Raina says "What is it with you boys and SACRIFICING YOURSELVES?!?!? Do you enjoy making me anxious?" without realizing what she was doing, Raina would grab at the color of Will's shirt, and try to shake him as she scolded both of them.

Ty having no idea who this girl is would be a bit intimidated, and step back a bit. "U-uh...c-can you n-not do that?"
Chuckling "Khaleesi...we're all wounded...now...go..we got this.." Cracking a weak smile just before Raina grabs the collar of his chestplate and he immediately holds his side, the torn metal digging into his skin as she shakes him and the armor groaning loudly as his wounds poor more blood @PixieDusts @Crystal Cali
ThatOneLunatic said:
Chuckling "Khaleesi...we're all wounded...now...go..we got this.." Cracking a weak smile just before Raina grabs the collar of his chestplate and he immediately holds his side, the torn metal digging into his skin as she shakes him and the armor groaning loudly as his wounds poor more blood @PixieDusts @Crystal Cali
"W-will! M-Miss can you stop please?!" Ty looked at her pleading, worry clouding his green eyes. (Im imagining a short ty, trying to stop two taller people from fighting. He is a very short teen...and childish.)
Otakubeats said:
Ty stood infront of Will. "Calm down. He would have killed us by now." He then winced, stumbling slightly, holding his wounds shut.
"SILENCE ALL OF YOU" the mans voice boomed "I'm sorry. let me tell you people something. The day the Kalkara first appeared in the kingdom the king called all the rangers to kill it, even apprentices. Many rangers and apprenices died. i died along with them, and evan was my apprentice when it happened. he was the only apprentice to survive in that battle. he was the most promising apprentice in the entire Corps, and everyone knew it. I have watched over him ever since. so you have one of the greatest rangers ever in the Corps here on your Isle. take good care off him, i trust you all." the voice says as he walks away and slowly disappears.
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FrostRaven said:
"SILENCE ALL OF YOU" the mans voice boomed "I'm sorry. let me tell you people something. The day the Kalkara first appeared in the kingdom the king called all the rangers to kill it, even apprentices. Many rangers and apprenices died. i died along with them, and evan was my apprentice when it happened. he was the only apprentice to survive in that battle. he was the most promising apprentice in the entire Corps, and everyone knew it. I have watched over him ever since. so you have one of the greatest rangers ever in the Corps here on your Isle. take good care off him, i trust you all." the voice says as he walks away and slowly disappears.
Master Mirror

"What a fuckin mouthful" I say downing my 3rd bottle of wine
Khaleesi of course ignored the others. She didn't care what they told her to do, what they were going to do. At that moment they boy in her arms was more important than getting scolded. She walked though, with a big limp, her eyes shifted on the ground as the emerald turned sad. No one was there to hurt her, see her smile disappear. And with that, it faded, her smile was almost as if she would die from tears. She sighed lightly and shook her head, weakly holding the big man in her arms. Even though she was smaller than most, she was pretty strong, being that she was half animal. She had heard the words of the man spirit and leaned against a tree, her eyes widened as she placed the boy on the ground and picked a few weeds that surrounded them. "I'm no good at healing... but I know what can help..." She whispered.

The bodyguard would answer the door, though May was close behind him this time, looking over the bodyguard's shoulder, as best she could. "What has happened?" she says in a calm voice, though the disheveled rug and the way her skirt was tangled indicated that she had been there pacing the entire time he was gone.

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats [/color][/color][/color][/color]
Will now after Raina shaking his armor and his flesh being torn even more he would be laying on his back holding his side coughing blood hsi teeth stained in blood as he made a weak smile "Heh...I-I...." Coughing violently @Crystal Cali @PixieDusts
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ThatOneLunatic said:
Will now after Raina shaking his armor and his flesh being torn even more he would be laying on his back holding his side coughing blood hsi teeth stained in blood as he made a weak smile "Heh...I-I...." Coughing violently @Crystal Cali @PixieDusts
"W-Will! No no no!" Ty started to panic, speaking quickly. "lle said lle wouldn't gurtha, stop dyien ok? saesa don't gurtha!" His words ran together as he spoke, and began to pace back and forth, too panicked to notice his own wounds bleeding more from the movement.
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May nods, relived the issue had been dealt with so quickly. She would tap the body guard on the shoulder to signal him to move. May steps back to let Raider in, and the body guard would close the door behind him after he was inside.



Though Will started coughing blood, Raina kept her composure this time, and knelt beside him. She takes out a few basic medical supplies she carried in her bag, it was really only enough to stitch and bandage an injured person. Hopefully that was all that was needed. Raina would begin trying to examine Will to see what wounds had opened up, and how they should be treated. Raina glances to the boy who was now panicing, ans says in a soothing voice, "Be calm, amin will il- let ho gurtha" she then looks to Will with determination, and a look that says If you die on me, I will never forgive you.



Though Will started coughing blood, Raina kept her composure this time, and knelt beside him. She takes out a few basic medical supplies she carried in her bag, it was really only enough to stitch and bandage an injured person. Hopefully that was all that was needed. Raina would begin trying to examine Will to see what wounds had opened up, and how they should be treated. Raina glances to the boy who was now panicing, ans says in a soothing voice, "Be calm, amin will il- let ho gurtha" she then looks to Will with determination, and a look that says If you die on me, I will never forgive you.

Raider would come inside and would look to May. "If you don't mind me asking, but perhaps we could spend time somewhere in private? I hope you don't mind." He tried his best to maintain a respectful tone considering she is the leader of the colonists. Still for him to be so... forward is certainly a bit of a surprise. In any case, for now he feels that the best way to end the night was to spend more time with her.

@Crystal Cali
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Though Will started coughing blood, Raina kept her composure this time, and knelt beside him. She takes out a few basic medical supplies she carried in her bag, it was really only enough to stitch and bandage an injured person. Hopefully that was all that was needed. Raina would begin trying to examine Will to see what wounds had opened up, and how they should be treated. Raina glances to the boy who was now panicing, ans says in a soothing voice, "Be calm, amin will il- let ho gurtha" she then looks to Will with determination, and a look that says If you die on me, I will never forgive you.

Ty nodded and sat down nearby, watching worriedly. Even though he hadn't know Will long he still trusted him. After all he was willing(haha) to die to protect everyone. "sorry. amin'm just scared. amin lond't seen bloodshed ar' death e' y' an(n) coiasira, amin'd rather il- elea i' latter au' ikotane rato. "
ThatOneLunatic said:
Looking to Ty shaking his head slowly and then to Raina "Amin hiraetha. . . . amin tried. . .amin failed....ille " smiling to calm both of them down @Crystal Cali @Otakubeats
Ty shook his head at Will, "manka lle gurtha, amin'll dig lle de ar' Ndengina lle au' got ta? ikotane don't even nowa about dyien. "

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