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Fantasy Isle of Mist

ThatOneLunatic said:
Looking over to him "Yes...I'm fine." he says before adding "Just here to collect my thoughts...." @Otakubeats
"Ah.....I may have seen what happened, and heard a bit of your...thoughts I suppose. May I ask why you feel this way? If you prefer not to answer then that's fine. I simply find it easier to talk with others of my troubles instead of to myself." He shrugged, and adjusted the sleeve hiding his dagger, he then took out the dagger and pulled out a piece of wood. He began to test the blade on this.
"Hm an elf who is noble and pretty vs you" He says waiting for a reaction. "You who are wonderful, charming, resourceful, mysterious and oh words fail me" Davorin muttered. "See elves aren't the only one who can be sickly sweet" He joked. "Now will my all powerful ruler take mercy on me, or must I be suffer thy rage".



"Etna, but you may call me whatever you like" she smiled flirtily, moving ever closer towards him until they were practically touching eachother. "So... What's your name?" She asked him, her tail wrapping around his arm, not exactly tight enough to be painful, but squeezing slightly


Trust said:


"No, I'm sure your girlfriend is though" she laughed, knowing that the girl he was looking after was something he disliked being mentioned. She began eating some meat, with a knife and fork, considering she was pretty much nobility. She noticed the man beside her had asked her a question who seemed a little drunk and easy to charm. "Their leader and some others defeated a bunch of necromancers, but to me, that isn't the main attraction here... To me, you are" she said, applying charm to her voice while moving closer to him, her tail slipping over and rubbing his arm gently



Trust said:


"Etna, but you may call me whatever you like" she smiled flirtily, moving ever closer towards him until they were practically touching eachother. "So... What's your name?" She asked him, her tail wrapping around his arm, not exactly tight enough to be painful, but squeezing slightly


Master Mirror

I watch from the edge of the room, I need a idea of what they may wish for... a mortal soul is always good.
Asher's grin widened, he liked this lady, he liked this lady a lot. Though, he was sober enough to get the feeling she wasn't completely trustworthy. He opted to save that information in the back of his brain, he was still going to enjoy her company!

"Well, it's a pleasure, Etna. Name's Keith" Wasn't a complete lie, he named this new persona Keith after all. And he was definitely liking the tail.



"What a beautiful name..." She complimented as she began draining him of his energy extremely slowly so he wouldn't notice, not planning on killing him but draining him until her felt tired. "I think I would like to get to know you Keith" she smiled, resting her head on his shoulder and nibbling softly on his neck


Evie really didn't know what to think. She wasn't really mad at Davorin, she just felt like she should keep her walls up a little more. She shouldn't be so trusting all the time, this island had made her softer than she used to be. Her head hurt from a mixture of the music, drinking, and just the loudness of the tavern.

"You can have mercy," she said deciding there was no point in getting angry, "But I'm going to go for a walk in the woods to clear my head. The drink made everything fuzzy." It was strange, Evie felt dizzy, more so than she should. "I'll come find you later," she told him turning and heading out into the cool air and going in the direction of the forest.

ThatOneLunatic said:
"Why would you care? I'm only a tool for the Isle. Born to die when the time comes." @Otakubeats
"Who says that? I think if I got to know you'd better you'd make a good friend. Besides, fate is something twisted. When it wills you one way, you shouldn't fight it. If you follow life's path then it may diverge on it's own."
PixieDusts said:
Once Will had walked off, Khaleesi's eyes widened. She growled lightly and looked up at the man. She stood, still having to look up. "Sir... Would you mind joining me for a moment...?" She asked, not being the kind of person to leave a conversation for no reason, but not a person that would let someone walk away, knowing full well they were in pain. The girl's eyes looked up at the man before she heard the leaves. "How many Elves live in this place!?" She mumbled and sighed, looking up. Once they were gone she looked at the man and sighed. "My name is Khaleesi... You are...?" She asked, slowly gesturing for the boy to follow her towards where Will had went.

he sits down next to her "would love to join you, and my name is Ranger Evan" he looks at the forest and sighs "only a few "
Otakubeats said:
"Who says that? I think if I got to know you'd better you'd make a good friend. Besides, fate is something twisted. When it wills you one way, you shouldn't fight it. If you follow life's path then it may diverge on it's own."
"And my path it to die for the Isle, nothing more will be of my life."
Asher paused as he was about to drink some more ale, something felt off. Yeah, yeah he figured this moment was too good to be true. Even with a dashingly good looking disguise, not that he needed a disguise to look dashing, he rarely had someone flirt this openly with him. He smiled at Etna.

"Love, you wouldn't be trying anything crooked would ya?" He smirked as she leaned against him. " 'Cause, I'm sure yer a real powerful demon, but I get the feeling yer in a room full a people who would probably enjoy fighting a demon."

Khaleesi grabbed the man's hand and pulled him with her. "Come on!! Will can't be far!!" She said as she walked further into the forest. She let go of Ranger's hand and smiled as she walked fast. "Sorry... It's an instinct to not let someone just walk away... and I hate leaving conversations... Like this..." She sighed lightly and looked up into the trees as they made their way to a graveyard. So many dead bodies. Her eyes widened lightly as she walked more into the graveyard and heard voices. "I'm a Shifter by the way..."

The ground began to break open as Mawlock emerged from the dirt. He sat up and looked around seeing only forest. Basic clothing formed on him from the tree that was beside him. The bark and leaves were formed into normal looking apparel. A white book caught his attention as it lay beside him. He reached over and grabbed it, setting it down in his lap before waiting. He just sat there quietly, looking around and staying put.
ThatOneLunatic said:
"No, but the Isle grows more dangerous as the days go on....I know my time will ocme...and it will be soon." @Otakubeats
"Well. If you are not yet dead you haven't seen the dn have you? It's like a story. Unles you see it til the final chapter yo won't know how it ends. One of my favorite phrases is, coia a're, ar' gurtha tommorow. If you worry about what tomorrow will bring you'll miss the beauty of today." He looked up at the man, giving a brief smile. "Besides, Life isn't only death."
Will would stop talking and in a low tone begin singing as it was soemthing he did for comfort often this time in the common tongue


@FrostRaven @Otakubeats
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"I'll see you around then" Davorin said all his ego and sarcasm leaving his voice. All his arrogance and lack of caring and look at what he got him. Someone he actually cared walking off. "Nice going idiot" Davorin he said sitting down. He order a few drinks. He sighed. Time to forget.



"Noone would want to fight me..." She said "I'm too powerful for any of them, and why would you suspect me of doing something wrong? I am a succubus, it's in my nature to be flirtatious" she explained. "And if they wanted to fight me, they would have done so already" she said, still draining him


ThatOneLunatic said:
Will would stop talking and in a low tone begin singing as it was soemthing he did for comfort often this time in the common tongue

Ty listened, smiling lightly at the tune.
Evie stumbled through the forest her head pounding. Part of her knew she shouldn't be in the forest alone but her legs just kept walking. She wanted to run back to Davorin and have him wrap his arms around her but something was messing with her head and she couldn't make herself turn around. Maybe someone had slipped something in her drink when she wasn't looking, or used magic on her, Evie didn't know but she didn't feel like herself.
"Succubus eh?" Asher pursed his lips, did he know anything about succubi? succubes? Whatever. No, no he did not. They stole peoples lifeforce through sex right? So logically, as long as they didn't have sex he'd be fine yes? Yes.

He continued to drink.

"Suppose yer probably right, but if yer gonna do any sexy life sucking stuff ya should ask first. Long as ya don't make me pass out, I ain't gonna stop ya, but I've got ale to drink and food to eat."

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Mawlock looked in a random direction, to his left, seeing a woman stumbling. He stood up, carrying his book, and rushed over to her without actually running. He didn't want to startle her so he moved a little slowly so that she would be able to see him from a distance. "Hello? Are you okay?" He asked her as he kept some distance between them. His voice was soft and melodic, almost like something out of a really nice dream. He studied her as he waited for her response, if it ever decided to come.


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