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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"Morals I have morals they are just flexible is all" Davorin said in a dry and sardonic matter. "amin never said lye couldn't be friendly, amin just merne tanak-, nan' amin demade lle pretty Tel'Quessir naa always ikotane lisse" The vampire said in a sarcastic, flirtatious manner. He didn't know what Wills 'preferences' were he was just hoping to confuse the poor man. After all deep down Davorin had to admit Will did seem genuinely nice.

@Trust @ThatOneLunatic
PixieDusts said:

No one had really noticed. Khaleesi had walked out of the festival once that boy was done talking. She smiled lightly as she made her way back out into the open area. The girl's eyes glistened in the moon light as she watched the clouds surround it. Once there was music and laughter again, Khaleesi began to hum, it didn't change. Just a simple hum. She smiled brightly as her eyes slowly shut, her humming ceased.

A voice thought, ever so precious and sweet began to escape the girl's lips. It was nothing but a song, nothing special to it. She smiled brightly as a bunny hopped near here. She didn't open her eyes, but began to pet the bunny, her voice echoed around the woods as she sang ever so slightly. Her smiled glistened as her hand slowly messed with the bunny's soft soothing fur.


he then heard growling that could only be Theia and Apallius. "hold on i need to do something in the forest" after awhile he found Theia and Apallius fighting in the forest tree line "stop fightien sii' he pointed different directions and so they left. after the growling stopped he heard someone singing. he walked toward it and saw a girl. Evan waited till she finished then said "you sing beautifully" he said as he removed his hood. "I'm sorry if i startled you, i was taught to stay quiet, but now actualy i don't even know if I'm trying to be quiet or not" he says with a smile.
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"I guess I shall leve you two love birds alone" she grinned, not exactly sure what was being said but able to hear the charm in his voice. She got up and moved over to the buffet table next to some guy that appeared to be eating everything in sight


@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey


Once the singing did stop, Khaleesi smiled at the bunny. Something had startled it and she moved back quickly. A small blush was pressed on her cheeks as she was not flirty, but she was embarrassed. "N-no... I don't... but thank you anyways..." She said and brought her emerald eyes up to the boy. It was the one from before, the one that gave the toast? She sighed lightly and heard footsteps, the footsteps of another male. "U-um... No you didn't startle me... I'm used to people sneaking up on me..." She said with a giggle and smiled brightly.

Once Will made his way to the forest, it would seem a little awkward. Khaleesi was sitting on the ground, her hand seemed to have had something in it and now rested on the ground. She looked different though. Her hair was curled up in the grass and her eyes glistened in the light. She was smiling, the echoing of her voice had stopped, maybe Will didn't hear it. But no matter!! The boy stood above her. He hovered over her, like even when she was standing.

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic
"Why Jealous?" Davorin asked Etna ask she walked away. He turned to Will saying before he left "Good day then and thank you" Davorin said in a genuine way. Walking back over to Evie he put his arms around her waist saying "Miss me oh powerful one?".

@ThatOneLunatic @Trust @Lithia
Evie noticed a wolf coming toward her, she tensed a little until she saw that the wolf's body language wasn't threatening. She reached out her hand and let the wolf smell her hand. Looking into the animal's eyes she saw only kindness, Evie ran her fingers through the wolf's fur and scratched her ears. She momentarily forgot about the trouble Davorin might be getting into. A few minutes with the wolf did wonders for the thief's nerves.

@FrostRaven @SirGrey
Asher noticed the pretty demon chic was walking towards him, he took a long swig of his ale and grinned at her. "Hey, lovely, you wouldn't have a sweet clue what's going on here, would ya? Haven't seen the tavern this busy since...well since that time I offered to pay for everyone's drinks for the whole night." He winced. That evening had not gone well.

PixieDusts said:

Once the singing did stop, Khaleesi smiled at the bunny. Something had startled it and she moved back quickly. A small blush was pressed on her cheeks as she was not flirty, but she was embarrassed. "N-no... I don't... but thank you anyways..." She said and brought her emerald eyes up to the boy. It was the one from before, the one that gave the toast? She sighed lightly and heard footsteps, the footsteps of another male. "U-um... No you didn't startle me... I'm used to people sneaking up on me..." She said with a giggle and smiled brightly.

Once Will made his way to the forest, it would seem a little awkward. Khaleesi was sitting on the ground, her hand seemed to have had something in it and now rested on the ground. She looked different though. Her hair was curled up in the grass and her eyes glistened in the light. She was smiling, the echoing of her voice had stopped, maybe Will didn't hear it. But no matter!! The boy stood above her. He hovered over her, like even when she was standing.

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic
Ty poked a head out of the leaves, looking at the situation below. It was an odd sight to say the least.
Will seeing the two would stop in his tracks observing the two for a moment before turning away and walking away from them, he didnt want to interrupt them as he figured they were lovers of some sort and he walked away a pain in his chest as he did so wandering out into the "graveyard" of where many bodies of elves and men lay dead some in the ground some just lay upon it, to the elves this place was almost forbidden and very rarely did they go there. But will had never cared he felt the place strangely comforting and he wandered off into one of the many caves @FrostRaven @PixieDusts
"Maybe a little," she teased the vampire. "What were you talking about in Elvish?" she asked wishing she understood the language.



"No, I'm sure your girlfriend is though" she laughed, knowing that the girl he was looking after was something he disliked being mentioned. She began eating some meat, with a knife and fork, considering she was pretty much nobility. She noticed the man beside her had asked her a question who seemed a little drunk and easy to charm. "Their leader and some others defeated a bunch of necromancers, but to me, that isn't the main attraction here... To me, you are" she said, applying charm to her voice while moving closer to him, her tail slipping over and rubbing his arm gently



ThatOneLunatic said:
Will seeing the two would stop in his tracks observing the two for a moment before turning away and walking away from them, he didnt want to interrupt them as he figured they were lovers of some sort and he walked away a pain in his chest as he did so wandering out into the "graveyard" of where many bodies of elves and men lay dead some in the ground some just lay upon it, to the elves this place was almost forbidden and very rarely did they go there. But will had never cared he felt the place strangely comforting and he wandered off into one of the many caves @FrostRaven @PixieDusts
Noticing the flickering hurt in Will's eyes, he silently slid down and followed the man. Sure, the graveyard was an odd place to go without reason but then again, reason was kinda stupid in a sense. He simply decided to follow him until he took notice.
YoungX said:
Raider would take May by the hand and lead her outside. He planned on taking May to the beach where he first appeared on the Isle. The location had some sort of connection for him being that it was the first location he had seen on the Isle. It was the place where everything began for him in a sense. As he lead her by the hand, he would walk by the beach slowly admiring the night time scenery. The ocean glistened in the dark, and the moon would be visible creating a beautiful scene. As he lead her he would then begins to talk. "You know the beach is where I first showed up, so I consider this place special. It's where my new "adventure" began, and now here I am walking through it with you."
May would hold on tight to Raider's hand, not used to walking the uneven path that led to the beach. "That beach is where I first started my adventure here as well. It's where all the ships crashed."
Once Will had walked off, Khaleesi's eyes widened. She growled lightly and looked up at the man. She stood, still having to look up. "Sir... Would you mind joining me for a moment...?" She asked, not being the kind of person to leave a conversation for no reason, but not a person that would let someone walk away, knowing full well they were in pain. The girl's eyes looked up at the man before she heard the leaves. "How many Elves live in this place!?" She mumbled and sighed, looking up. Once they were gone she looked at the man and sighed. "My name is Khaleesi... You are...?" She asked, slowly gesturing for the boy to follow her towards where Will had went.

"Oh just about who I was and what my real name was" Davorin muttered to Evie. "He does know though he seems rather noble and even a little sweet" Davorin whispered wondering what Evie's reaction would be. He had 'known' a few men over his life. Life is like ones food taste, Davorin always said, it should be ever expanding.

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May would hold on tight to Raider's hand, not used to walking the uneven path that led to the beach. "That beach is where I first started my adventure here as well. It's where all the ships crashed."

He would keep walking with her and would stop to take a look at the beach. "Is that so? Life's interesting... to me at least." As he stared at the ocean he would look back to May. "If anything I'm glad I came here really. I've meet all sorts of people, had some adventures and I was able to meet you." There was a warm happy smile coming from him as he looked to May.
YoungX said:
He would keep walking with her and would stop to take a look at the beach. "Is that so? Life's interesting... to me at least." As he stared at the ocean he would look back to May. "If anything I'm glad I came here really. I've meet all sorts of people, had some adventures and I was able to meet you." There was a warm happy smile coming from him as he looked to May.
ay looks up at him and gently squeezes his hand. "I am glad you came here as well." (And back to work yet again. :P )
Will would enter the cave and begin walking deep into them growing up on the Isle he knew everything, all the paths all the secrets and he reached the deepest part of the cave and sit back against the jagged walls sighing as he sat there mumbling things to himself in elvish just loud enough for Ty and any who had come even partially into the caves to hear, as it echoed through the caves "ya uma lle nowa lle naa? sanya? ha lle naa y' tool ten' ohta ar' protection. lle aren't karne ten' feelings. lle never nae. ona de" @FrostRaven @Otakuebeats @PixieDusts
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]ay looks up at him and gently squeezes his hand. "I am glad you came here as well." (And back to work yet again. :P )

(Rip. xD )

Raider would be glad she said that and would look at her, more specifically her eyes. He had usually travelled alone for his journey across the world, and it may have given him a wanting for company. He wasn't exactly sure as he had gotten used to it, but he felt much better here than anywhere else. Sure there would be trouble, but it's nothing he can't handle without some help. Then he would ask her, "Well I believe we should get you back. We shouldn't be out here dressed up for too long," he has a smile and wondered if she wanted to stay for a bit.
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will would enter the cave and begin walking deep into them growing up on the Isle he knew everything, all the paths all the secrets and he reached the deepest part of the cave and sit back against the jagged walls sighing as he sat there mumbling things to himself in elvish just loud enough for Ty and any who had come even partially into the caves to hear, as it echoed through the caves "ya uma lle nowa lle naa? sanya? ha lle naa y' tool ten' ohta ar' protection. lle aren't karne ten' feelings. lle never nae. ona de" @FrostRaven @Otakuebeats @PixieDusts
Ty eventually came to a stop and looked over at him. He coughed lightly to get his attention, so he would not startle him. He then spoke. "

naa lle alright? ta naa y' bit strange, even ten' y' Ohtar en' lle caliber a' be e' i' caverns alon." He kept a good distance, so as not to impose upon the man's space.
At the guild where Evie had spent her time before coming to the island, she had seen and heard many things so Davoirn's words may have caught her a little off guard but she wasn't bothered by them. She did however start to wonder if the vampire was maybe toying with her a bit. "Are you going to go after him then?" she asked bluntly. The two hadn't known each other long and though Evie felt a sort of connection between them maybe to Davorin it was just a game. This was the reason she tended to stay guarded and distance herself, the reason she had never let herself love anyone.

"Well, that's quiet something, can't believe I managed to sleep through something like that. Good for 'em." He chugged some more of his ale. He raised an eyebrow at the tail, but honestly, he was a pretty cool tail. "Oh ho, you're too kind, Miss-?"


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