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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Khaleesi smiled at Will, "You do..." She said with a giggle and looked up at the boy. He had her attention. She didn't notice that he was an elf, he seemed a little different than one. She smiled brightly up at him, her emerald eyes stained onto his. She thought he looked cute, no doubt about that. With every thought running through Khaleesi's head, her smile, still stayed.

Chuckling as he sits waiting patiently for Evan to speak he would say loudly to Evan "Well then get on with it you little runt!" Jokingly of course. He had always liked Evan, not in any romantic way but as a friend. When Evan first came to the Isle and his people accepted him he wasn't to sure about it but seeing how Evan worked and how he cared for the forest and the Elves he grew to like him and not to Evans knowledge, he thinks of him as a brother.


"This better be important, if I get bored I may burn this place down" she mumbled, not threateningly but sounding like she meant it, she admired the small knife she had been provided before looking at the man that was tapping against a glass


"I would like to make a toast" he raises his glass high "This has been a great festival so far, and I think we should thank May for this wonderful time" he gestures to May. "May you have been a leader, a light, a guide, and showing them the way, and making sure the safety and happyness is kept. To that I thank you, We thank you, to May and to the Isle." he raises it a little higher "Cheers "
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FrostRaven said:
"I would like to make a toast" he raises his glass high "This has been a great festival so far, and I think we should thank May for this wonderful time" he gestures to May. "May you have been a leader, a light, a guide, and showing them the way, and making sure the safety and happyness is kept. To that I thank you, We thank you, to May and to the Isle." he raises it a little higher "Cheers "
Raider would also say his says his "Cheers" as well while looking at May with a smile. After this celebration he could go on a walk with her probably. In any case, to honor May is the priority first.


Etna didn't bother cheering for a measly human, she merely waited for her food to be delivered. "all this for one human? For what, telling them what to do? I do that all the time and i never get cheered for..." she growled, planning on speaking to her Prinnies later about how grateful they should be to her


Hearting her ungrateful comments he says to her "It's not just her. All of the people of the Isle have worked together. Its more for that. We've stopped the winter court be grateful."


"I don't live here handsome man, so I have no reason to be grateful" she told him, her tail flicking around behind her. "I don't even know what the winter court is, nor do I want to know, it sounds long and boring" she continued. "Whenis my food going to be here... And if you don't mind, I would love to get a large mug of Ale" she demanded, her temper flaring up slightly


@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic
"No here is going to wait on you. Do something for yourself for once in your life you ungrateful wench." He would say standing up angrily wincing slightly from the wound on his leg, before adding "If you cant do anything fro yourself then I suggest you leave." @Trust


"Ungrateful..? Do something for myself for once?" Do you have any idea who you are talking to?" She laughed "I've killed countless Demons, Humans and angels, even the original Demon lord. I practically own the underworld. I have fought more battles than any human and, despite my appearance, have existed for over a thousand years, what are you? twenty? thirty? either way you are a mere child in my eyes, I do believe you have a saying in your world? Respect your elders?" she hissed


"Elder? Child? Ha you may be thousands of years old but you cant even tell the difference between a Elf and a human? Sad really. Before you come and insult these humans and ruin their festival with your ungrateful selfish attitude you should know the difference between them and my people.. How can you expect to be a guest if you dont know the difference between your host and other guests? Oh wait I'm sorry your ego must have blinded you! Let me explain it real slow.. Evan over there......" pointing to Evan "is a human...me on the other hand I am an Elf. So before you go spouting nonsense about respecting your elders attain the intelligence of one." He would say elders in a mocking tone the whole time a smirk upon his face just to tick her off @Trust
Liz looks over to the stranger who came up beside her. Odd. Usually people didn't approach her. "Name is Elizabeth. It's unusual to see a new face around here... well when people aren't popping out of portals from hell." When the elf man toasts May, Liz shouts "Cheers!" And takes a large gulp of her ale and orders a new one. To the demon girl throwing a fit she shouts "Oi, if I, the queen of the pirates, has to have the sense to order my own damn drink, then you have no excuse for your laze ass! Ain't like they makin' ye cook it. Damn food's laid out on the table."

@GreenEyedStranger @Trust


May smiles, and blushes a little at the sudden toast, but politely says "Thank you" as she takes a sip of her drink.
@GreenEyedStranger[/URL] @Trust


May smiles, and blushes a little at the sudden toast, but politely says "Thank you" as she takes a sip of her drink.
Raider would then walk up to May and asks her, "Would you like to go take a walk with me outside?" He smiled and would hope to at least spend some time with her at the very least. For now celebration was in order.
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"I already know the difference between a somewhat manageable Human and a pain-in-the-ass Elf. One has normal ears, is kind on occasion and have actually become one of my slaves. Funny creatures. I have met two elves, you and another one, both with the exact same mind set, thinking you are noble yet attacking people because of pride or a major temper, what a bad example you all must be setting. I haven't even insulted anyone in the party! I just don't see the point in cheering for something I haven't been involved in, If anything, you are ruining the party" she laughed. "I find people like you funny, you seem to dislike demons for whatever reason, why is that I wonder, did a demon kill your family or some other sob story?" she giggled "I've done that a bunch of times! I've been hunted down millions of times and no one has managed to kill me! Now if you don't mind, I would like to eat, I'm famished and have been training my new servants all day"


YoungX said:
Raider would then walk up to May and asks her, "Would you like to go take a walk with me outside?" He smiled and would hope to at least spend some time with her at the very least. For now celebration was in order.
May nods, and would take Raider's hand, and follow him outside. (Have to get back to work though, so won't reply for a couple hours.)
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May nods, and would take Raider's hand, and follow him outside. (Have to get back to work though, so won't reply for a couple hours.)


Raider would take May by the hand and lead her outside. He planned on taking May to the beach where he first appeared on the Isle. The location had some sort of connection for him being that it was the first location he had seen on the Isle. It was the place where everything began for him in a sense. As he lead her by the hand, he would walk by the beach slowly admiring the night time scenery. The ocean glistened in the dark, and the moon would be visible creating a beautiful scene. As he lead her he would then begins to talk. "You know the beach is where I first showed up, so I consider this place special. It's where my new "adventure" began, and now here I am walking through it with you."
"I dont have anything agaisnt demons. Just snobby ones who boast and are direspectful to others. We are trying to celebrate how May here has helped in keeping the peace on the Isle. You just seem to dislike peoples happiness. Also how could I be attacking you hmm? You come in here making disrespectful comments and I told you eother shut your mouth and have fun or leave. If anyone here is attacking anyone its you. The only tiem I take pride in anything is when some snobby brat like you decides to mouth off when they know nothing of the subject. Now as I said shut up and enjoy the feast or leave." He would say completely calm. He never lost his tenper about anything except for when his friends lives were in danger. But that happened rarely so very few people had ever seen him angry.


"I already told you to leave me alone, or do you want a fire fight? Just so you know i can be quite destructive so either leave me alone you pompous, egotistical swordsman or try attacking me. One will lead to your imminent death, the other will have everyone happy" she said calmly "And sorry if I speak the truth about myself, it gets me out of fighting alot of the time, not that I can't fight, mostly because it never ends well for my opponent. And may i enquire to the disrespectful comments I have made? Because if you had been paying attention rather than going on some drunken rant, I have only stated that I feel a little under-gratified by my own servants


he steps down and takes a sip of his ale. a little while later he sees Will arguing with someone. "summonien i' draug en' anoron, i' seere keeper en' coiasira, ar' i' er en' i' ened" the wolf of dawn appears beside him "Settle the dispute" the wolf slowly walks over to them.
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ThatOneLunatic said:
"You do not command me wolf." He says looking back to the woman
"Will calm yourself. re has coie an(n), re nowa re naa aute, keep angerien he` re will tyara distraction" he says as he puts his hand on his shoulder
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"If you feel ungratified then talk to your servents dont comment about the toast saying that all she did was give orders. You may give your people orders and you may do great things but it gives you no right to make comments as if she doesnt deserve it. And as for the rest of what you said, you know nothing of me or who I am and my ego is not that high I'd have to say. But yours seems to be your center of focus so if you did. Not intend insult or disrespect in your past statements then you should choose wiser words." He would turn his back to her not caring for her next words as he assumed she was drunk and did not he had done a lot that day that he did not have to energy to deal with her anymore turning to Evan "Sorry about that, the brat was questioning your toast in a distasteful tone and felt it necessary to boast." He smiles at his next clmment "I am completely calm my friend we both know I do not loose my temper for egotistic brats."
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