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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Khaleesi, a short girl, happened to be sitting in a tree, listening to the laughter, the dancing, the songs. It must have been fun. But no matter!! She didn't care... The girl sat there, humming to the music. She had a voice, but never showed it... Her mother once had a voice to. Always sang to Khaleesi as Khaleesi laid in her stomach.

The girl's mind drifted back to the festivity and noticed a guard.
"Why are there guards?" She asked out loud and Micheal sighed. The young boy was on the tree branch below her. He didn't like intruding her space... Well at night that is. At the day, he'll pick on her no matter what. He just laid there, smiling brightly.

"Well princess..." "Don't call me that!!" "Fine! Whatever. Anyways, they don't want people like us, or 'bad' people getting into their precious party. Only humans, beautiful creatures, and..." The boy paused and sighed, "And elves..."
"Oh. Sorry, I mostly stay by myself so I tend to forget not everyone's like that. Not to mention I'm a bit....different." Ty mentally slapped himself for forgetting that detail.

"Nothing to apologize for mellon but if you'd excuse me for but a moment I have something to do" he would step past Ty and walk out the door of the tavern stretchjng his arms and looking into the trees. His heavier armor shining in the moonslight @Otakubeats @PixieDusts
The armor from the light blinded Khaleesi as she squeaked and hid herself in the tree leaves. She watched the figure, and moved slightly, the tree leaves shaking, 'No idiot! Don't move!' She thought to herself and sighed lightly, looking down to Micheal. She sighed lightly and peered from the leaves for a quick sec, making sure she saw Micheal.


He wasn't there!! 'Shit!' She screamed to herself and looked around. Where did he go? Was he scared? Well... Deep into the woods now, Micheal was running, and running on every tree. He had left right after he had spoken, so now that the guard was out, Micheal didn't even know. He just kept running...

Wills face still visable through the helmet as it was not extremely heavy armor. It was heavier than the other cloak and leather he wore

But still light and movable and he would have his bow on his back along with his quiver and his Elven long-sword at his side along with his horn @PixieDusts

Khaleesi hit her head on the tree branch and growled before she looked back at the armor. The big horn was something quiet unusual, made her laugh a little. She turned into an owl, quiet a beauty in the moonlight as she flew over to the guard and landed on his shoulder, bringing her chest out to make her look sophisticated and big. A small giggle was placed before she looked around his helmet and saw the face of Will.


Will woudl look to the owl and smile "Khaleesi I take it?" Smirking the horn not actually being very large only a couple inches tall and was mainly there to add somewhat of a finesse to the helmet along with some strategic value as the back of the helmet was mostly open.@PixieDusts

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The owl growled at Will as it hopped off his shoulder and landed on the ground, turning back to her normal Khaleesi self. "How'd you know... It's not that easy to tell..." She mumbled and rubbed her arm. She sighed lightly and looked at his outfit, turning her head lightly. "You look good..." She said ever so softly, as was the faint pink that grew to her chubby cheeks.

"I look like I normally do doofus!!" Khaleesi said playfully and stuck out her tongue. She smiled brightly as the moon light reflected off her smile, it made her lips look a dark red, and before she knew it the wind blew and a chill rolled up her spin, making her lightly squeak. "Tonight look beautiful!!" She yelled and spun around in a circle. "Whatcha doing here? Protecting the ones inside?" She asked and lightly smirked.

Khaleesi giggled and nodded, "I suppose that's what you always d-..." She was cut off by his remark and growled. A smirk was placed on her lips as she covered her body and laughed, "Stop it professor!! You're making me embarrassed!!" A laugh escaped her lips as she doubled over and smiled brightly, flipping her hair out of her face. "I said tonight! Not me you dork..."

"No Sir." Khaleesi said as she spun around a few more times and giggled lightly, sitting in the grass as she played with it between her fingers. She sighed lightly and looked up at him. "Nothing is more beautiful that the night sky..." She said like a poem and laughed lightly, falling on her back. "I bet you have no fun ever..." She said with a smirk.

The vampire was a bit surprised by Evie's dancing prowess. Davorin himself wasn't normally known for dancing, however with Evie he seemed to just get lost in the music and rhythm. Dancing with her, to Davorin, was a experience he almost never wanted to end.

"I mean real fun. Like playing in the trees, messing with the animals. Planting flowers... Talking... Laughing..." Khaleesi rubbed the back of her neck and looked down. "Sorry... I don't know why I even came over here..." She said before she stood up and began to walk away from Will. Her eyes stained on the grass.

Khaleesi heard his words and then stopped. "Funny you should ask... I just don't like people... You should know that. Anyways, I only know one person here, and he's guarding the place..." She said as she turned around and looked up at Will, a small smile creased on her face. "You really don't know what fun is.. Do you?"

"Well I wanted to dance but I had no partner.....and I did sing a bit..." he would say sadly before turning to walk back inside realizing his only hope of fun would probably leave him there. @PixieDusts
"What about your girlfriend...?" Khaleesi asked, turning around to look at Will as he walked away. She moved forwards a little but before she did so, she let out a sigh. "You sing...?" Honestly, Khaleesi didn't want Will to leave her alone. He was really the only friend on this island, besides Micheal who honestly only cared for himself.

Stopping "You mean Raina.....I could hardly call her my girlfriend. She is always busy with the Isle and she is a musician for tonight....she barely has any time anymore. And yeah...I sing....I'm not that good but..."

"Lemme hear it!!" Khaleesi said as she ran over to Will and grabbed his arm. "Can I please hear you sing?!" She asked extremely happy. A small blush creased on her face before she let go of his arm and sat down. "I mean... Um yeah... Please.." She smiled up at him, the sun reflecting into her green eyes. She giggled lightly, still staring up at Will.


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