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Fantasy Isle of Mist


"Well, doesn't this place look fun" she grinned as she wandered into the tavern, the prinnies sat outside, breathing happily that they were given a break from their training. "So! Who would like to become aquainted with the lovely demon lord Etna?" She laughed, her voice soft and friendly, a little tired from teaching the prinnies how to fight


"No No No!! I would hurt your ears if I sang... Please just sing for me...!" Khaleesi said with a giggle and smiled. She sat there a giant smile on her lips as she awaited Will to sing. She loves being sang to, so she wants to hear him...

Seeing the girl walk by he would look at her cautiously before looking back to Khaleesi "Fine...but I warned you...and I only know songs....well that are in Elvish..." he would say just before he starts singing in a soft, pleasing tone [media]

[/media] and after finishing he would sigh "Sorry...I tolf you im not good..."
Khaleesi listened to the soft melody and smiled, humming along. She giggled lightly and looked around for a moment, her thoughts drifted as she listened to Will sing. Once he was finished she began to clap. "That... That was amazing!!" She said with a giggle and played with the grass in between her fingers. "I loved it..."

Shyly looking to the side "It wasnt that good" clearly embarressed from her words and he shakes his head "I mean I'm not great....I'm just a protector. Sword to protect the forests and the Isle."

Khaleesi's smiled didn't disappear. "Will... No matter what you are. It was great. You are great." She blushed lightly, her emerald eyes shifted to his, "Now that you sang to me, I have to do something in return. So! What do you wanna know? What do you want me to do?" Khaleesi asked, just cause she liked to be fair to everyone... most of the time.


"Yeah... But I have no one to have that fun with... So I'll just stay out here and guard with you!!" Khaleesi said with a smile and stood up, turning into her dog form to look a little tougher and sat next to Will, looking out into the forest.

The puppy looked up at Will and then turned back to her normal Khaleesi self, staring up at his hand before she took it and stood up straight. "Fine... i guess so..." She said with a small blush and giggled lightly. What was she doing? He was an elf... She looked up at him and shook her head. Doesn't matter now...

Trust said:


"Well, doesn't this place look fun" she grinned as she wandered into the tavern, the prinnies sat outside, breathing happily that they were given a break from their training. "So! Who would like to become aquainted with the lovely demon lord Etna?" She laughed, her voice soft and friendly, a little tired from teaching the prinnies how to fight


Evan watched the girl come into the tavern and say "So! Who would like to become aquainted with the lovely demon lord Etna?" evan stood up and walked over to her "Hello, I'm sorry but people seem to not want to join you right now. we are busy running an establishment. why don't you sit down, eat, and enjoy yourself. we have some roasted boar if you like that."

(sup trust been long time)
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Khaleesi shook her head, squeezing tighter on his hand. She didn't know what to eat... what to do... "U-um... I don't eat in front of people..." Khaleesi said to Will softly. "S-sorry..." Her eyes glistened at the music as a hum buzzed in her head. She wasn't one to sing in front of others, but humming was perfectly fine with her.

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The girl blushed lightly and looked up at Will. She shook her head no lightly and then looked at everyone having fun. "U-um... On second thought..." She began and smiled brightly, "I would love to dance." She giggled lightly and stood up from her seat. She didn't care what others thought of her at that moment, she wasn't about to reject Will just cause she was embarrassed.



"I will decide what I will do" she giggled while taking a seat and flirtily looking at anyone that came close to her table before noticing a certain elf walk in. Etna had a certain disliking towards elves since one shot an arrow at her for talking about murdering some precious person they had been caring for. She frowned at him. "I think I will have some boar if you don't mind" she said, her small demon wings flapping slightly


@FrostRaven (hey :D ) @ThatOneLunatic
Will smiles as he takes her to the dance floor not being the best dancer he was average as he lead her in a few steps on the floor and as they danced he would say quietly "You dont need to be so worried."
"I'm not that worried, I just don't like people... I told you that Nar Nar..." Khaleesi said quietly as they danced. She wasn't a good lead so she just let him, every step was like a glide. Her heart began to pound as they danced though, she wasn't used to it. "So... When did you learn to dance? And sing?"

"Well..I never learned to dance...thats why im only decent...usually im much worse than this. And singing I just picked it up when i was young." He says softly so others do not hear although he was glad he wasnt without a partner. He would wince slightly as the injuries to his leg began to sting again and he tried to ignore it best he could @PixieDusts
Khaleesi smiled and listened to the music. A bright smile she had one. She giggled, looking up into his green eyes. "Remember the first time we met?" She asked and slowly swayed to the music. A whispered escaped her lips as they danced, "I love your eyes..." A small giggle was placed after it before she noticed he was in pain. "What happened?"

chuckling "I'm fine...just a little fight with a strange creature." he smiles before adding "Your eyes are pretty too?" he says adding a hint of a joking tone although meaning what he says
The girl let go of his hand and smiled, "You need that to heal... Go sit down..." She said and smiled, walking off the dance floor. "Thanks for the dance... It was nice... " She said, not hearing what he had said about her eyes. Her own eyes, on the floor as she sat at the table. "See now that's fun!!" She told Will, awaiting for him to sit down.

Evan stands up high with a glass of ale in his hand. "Excuse me, Excuse me, can i get everyones attentions please" Evan says as he taps the glass trying to get attention.


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