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Fantasy Isle of Mist


"A puppy, how cute!" she smiled happily, resisting the urge to pet the wolf considering it looked intelligent. "This man has been harrassing me for a while, calling me some rude thing, even threatening me! would you believe the nerve of him! All because I didn't cheer for your leader." she told the second man that appeared to be commanding the wolf. "That's what your mad about? me saying she gave orders? That wasn't an insult, silly person, all great leaders must be able to give orders, otherwise how would the people under her command know what to do? Not to mention you have to defend your people when it comes to it, if anything I'm sure she must be a great person, you however, are an idiot that is overly protective" she smiled


Chuckling "Its in my nature. I am sorry for taking your comments the wrong way but I believe you dont truly understand what im upset about. Anyways amin apologies" he would make a slight bow "Now how about I get you that ale? To make up for this pitiful arguement?"
Trust said:


"A puppy, how cute!" she smiled happily, resisting the urge to pet the wolf considering it looked intelligent. "This man has been harrassing me for a while, calling me some rude thing, even threatening me! would you believe the nerve of him! All because I didn't cheer for your leader." she told the second man that appeared to be commanding the wolf. "That's what your mad about? me saying she gave orders? That wasn't an insult, silly person, all great leaders must be able to give orders, otherwise how would the people under her command know what to do? Not to mention you have to defend your people when it comes to it, if anything I'm sure she must be a great person, you however, are an idiot that is overly protective" she smiled


"please both of you calm down, it would be a shame if this festival was ruined just because of some tiny dispute." he whistled to the wolf and it stood between the two. "Eris here will have to monitor you two if you don't calm down" he turns to the girl "i know you have lived longer than mostly everyone here but, this is culture, you have to respect it even if its not in your liking. Im not trying to tell you what to do, I'm just saying that its a different time and place, and you must respect that."

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"That would suffice" she smiled, her tail resuming flicking around behind her. "So, why is there such a large amount of people here anyway? Did something big happen? Does it have anything to do with that Winter Court you mentioned earlier?" she asked, slightly happy that she was getting a free drink


"Ill explain in a moment" he returns shortly with two drinks handing one to her and holding the other out to evan "They were a group of skilled people bearing magic abilities. The planned to raise the undead in the area. Raina and Raider managed to stop them along woth myself towards the end, Raider and myself killed the final one before she could raise the army of undead" he would step the wrong way and he winces again his leg stinging once again due to the burns
Trust said:


"That would suffice" she smiled, her tail resuming flicking around behind her. "So, why is there such a large amount of people here anyway? Did something big happen? Does it have anything to do with that Winter Court you mentioned earlier?" she asked, slightly happy that she was getting a free drink


ThatOneLunatic said:
"Ill explain in a moment" he returns shortly with two drinks handing one to her and holding the other out to evan "They were a group of skilled people bearing magic abilities. The planned to raise the undead in the area. Raina and Raider managed to stop them along woth myself towards the end, Raider and myself killed the final one before she could raise the army of undead" he would step the wrong way and he winces again his leg stinging once again due to the burns
"thats one of the many things that we need to kill" he looks out the window at the forest "theres still the Kalkara."
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"Oh, well If they had, I would have killed them all, No one is allowed to take people from the Underworld apart from me. My prinnies outside are actually the souls of those who have died, originally a human, demon, angel, elf, beast, etcetera" she said. "And please don't think I know nothing about the social life of humans, it's rather rude" she told the wolf controller


He smiles and sits down to take the weight off his leg "I'll kill the creature soon. Tomorrow I'll be good to hunt it..." @FrostRaven
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The vampire didn't join in with the toast. After all May while a great leader was a leader of fools. Fools that deserve deaths sweet touch. Speaking of death he had been watching the elf and the troublesome demon. He felt a grim bit of satisfaction at the elf's misfortune, but the demon was some Davorin had a bone to pick with. "Excuse me a moment my dear" Davorin tells Evie. Walking towards the Elf and the demon he says "Excuse me but is everything alright?" He asks in an innocent and polite way. Davorin is such a good actor.

@Lithia @ThatOneLunatic @Trust
Long time ago Evan was told by his old master "No matter how friendly they seem, always keep your guard up." at that moment those words seemed to echo as someone approached him "ro naa acting, y' Taur'ohtar sinta iire ron naa actien ri' actually beien nostale, be alert" he told will
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"He speaks our language Mellon. And I know." Now voicing his suspicions as Evan has given them away, but he was going to confront him anyways @FrostRaven
Asher had literally no idea what was going on, but this wasn't exactly new. He had just woken up from a nap and found himself sitting at the base of a tree. He hadn't been entirely sure how he'd gotten there, or when he had fallen asleep or what time it currently was. Frankly, he hadn't really cared. Now, he was standing in an alley beside the Tavern which was extremely busy, busier than he'd ever seen it. From the looks of it some sort of celebration was going on and if Asher knew anything about celebrations that meant free food and ale and pockets to pick.

He hesitated though, probably shouldn't go in looking like this. He rubbed the purple jewel on his ring and concentrated. A rippling sensation traveled over his body for a moment as he focused on how he wanted to look. Glancing in a barrel full of rain water, he admired his new reflection. He hadn't changed too much, given himself shorter blonde hair, clean shaven face, no scars or earrings, pale blue eyes and overall made his features thinner and more pointy. He also made his clothes a bit fancier and cleaner, special occasion and all. It wasn't perfect, he hadn't done this persona before, but it would do.

He tucked the orange gem stone under his shirt as he made his way to the door. For a moment he heard the room quiet, but then the party picked up again. As he walked towards the door he saw...what the hell were those things? They looked kinda like birds but he'd never seen a bird like that. Whatever they were, they were adorable. He was pretty sure he saw one of them had a knife, but he'd seen weirder things on the Isle.

Asher burst through the door, a massive grin pulling itself across his face. Now, logically when one enters of tavern and notices most of the people here don't appear to frequent it, or taverns in general, you would quietly go get some food and drink and calmly introduce yourself to some people or keep to yourself.

But this was Asher and neither of those things sounded fun or interesting, so he yelled at the first people he laid eyes on.

"Oi! Where's the ale, mates?"
"You think so I always thought I could be a killer in theatre" Davorin said in a light jokey tone hoping to elevate some of his suspicion. "amin risa il- ten' treachery nan' ten' safety. nir' gwaith elea those ar' those amin mela hurt" Davorin said looking over to Evie. "Sorry but while I may be a good actor I am not an expert in your tongue" The vampire said politely.

Will smiled "You have nothing to fear. Our people do not wish to harm anyone. Only to protect our forest. Now please tell me who you REALLY are." he would say calmly and in a friendly manner @SirGrey
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Evie toasted May like most of the others did, however she noticed that Davorin didn't and that Demon from before was causing trouble again. It followed her around like a shadow. "Okay," Evie said to Davorin as he slipped away, "Don't get into too much trouble." She was half joking about the last part but she knew he didn't really care for the demon so there was no telling what would happen if the two of them got into an argument.

She watched out of the corner of her eye just to makes sure everything was going okay. She couldn't understand the Elvish that was being spoken but knew that Davorin could. She was starting to feel a little nervous.

@FrostRaven @Trust
Looking to the newcomer he smiles "All around friend. Take what you will." He would say his armor still on it was apparent he would be one of the few there who was more concerned about the people theres safety rather than having fun @PerfectDevil
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"So the half-demon knows to speak their tongue, huh? I thought you at least would be above that" she grinned at the vampire, not entirely sure as to what they were saying. She was still sitting down through all of this eith her legs cross and her hands lying over her short skirt


@FrostRaven @SirGrey
Smiling to Etna "You know you could at least look a little happy, theres food, drink and us wonderful Elves" jokingly saying the last part knowing she has something against elves @Trust
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"Fine" He said with a sigh. "amin essa naa davorin ar' amin naa y' vampire" he said in a calm manner. "And you are okay with that" He says in a hypnotic voice with a purple glow in his eyes. He didn't know how they would react buy he couldn't risk things becoming violent. He the turned to the demon. A smile showed on his face. A seemingly genuine smile. "Well we all can't be actual demons like you can we?


No one had really noticed. Khaleesi had walked out of the festival once that boy was done talking. She smiled lightly as she made her way back out into the open area. The girl's eyes glistened in the moon light as she watched the clouds surround it. Once there was music and laughter again, Khaleesi began to hum, it didn't change. Just a simple hum. She smiled brightly as her eyes slowly shut, her humming ceased.

A voice thought, ever so precious and sweet began to escape the girl's lips. It was nothing but a song, nothing special to it. She smiled brightly as a bunny hopped near here. She didn't open her eyes, but began to pet the bunny, her voice echoed around the woods as she sang ever so slightly. Her smiled glistened as her hand slowly messed with the bunny's soft soothing fur.


he follows the other mans gaze, seeing that it led to a young woman who looked nervous. he whistled for Eris "calm i' nessa edainme keep he` company" he patted the wolf as she walked toward her playfuly.



"I suppose, I'm actually quiet nice for a demon so you know, most typical demons would have tried destroying the entire town at the slightest comment, and I should know, they have tried destroying my castle tons of times..." She mumbled, frowning as she remembered. "I suppose races from the overworld are better to talk to, you all have morals, which sound like stupid things to me, but at least they prevent you from trying to kill me on sight, which is why I don't trust you half-demon" she said, her wings flapping slightly


@ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey
"Wonderful!" Asher cheered at the man.

He waltzed over to where there were drinks and food. Poured himself a glass of ale and stuffed his face and perhaps, sneakily, his pockets as well. When he looked around, he noticed the group he'd first seen looked a tad tense. This was a party, was it not? No matter the reason there should be no tension in a tavern unless it was right before a bar fight. These people did not look like they were the kind of people to start bar fights. They didn't even appear to be drunk yet. Pity, really. However, Kaiden kept his distance and continued to munch on the food while watching them.

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