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Fantasy Isle of Mist



May felt strange as Davrin used his hypnosis on her, which honestly was not necessary, considering she did not have any secret plans, but now she would likely be able to recognize that the vampire had some sort of hypnotic powers. "I simply plan to keep the peace for as long as I can. The people deserve a chance to live life happily, do they not?" her voice sounded a little strange as she spoke as a result of the hypnosis.


Liz watches the conversation from the other end of the table, noticing a change in May's face as she speaks with Davrin. Was he using some sort of magic on her? What the hell for? Oh well, she didn't need to concern herself with Davrin, really. Liz just turned back to her crew, and continued drinking until she was fairly drunk.

@SirGrey @Lithia
SirGrey said:
"Of course the do" Davorin said in an almost sickly, polite voice. He most likely didn't have to use hypnosis after all May seemed like an actual good person. Unlike most of her kind. Davorin sipped his drink.
@Crystal Cali
"Now then I believe we should prepare for the dance soon. Hopefully Raina and the others arrive for the event," he says to May. For now he would at least have to find himself a suit of some kind. He would then whisper into her ear, "Do you know where I could get a suit?"

Micheal was shocked by the girl. He watched the aura form around them and sighed lightly. He hated Elves, even if they did heal Khaleesi, he would still hate them. No matter what... His eyes stayed on Khaleesi's as the green aura formed around her emerald eyes. His eyes though, watched the girl in awe. He was pissed, but it was an amazing sight.

Eyes flickered open as the girl awoke. Her breathing, steady and soothing. Her green eyes glistened in the light as it shown above her. "I thought I was dead..." She mumbled, seeing the bright smile of Micheal, "Hey bro... Long time no see..." With that they hugged, a warm... Welcoming hug. Before she knew it though, she couldn't thank anyone.

Where'd they go? Who did it? All in a good times work she would find out.
"Micheal... I need to get out of here..." She said darkly, thinking of everyone, what had happened, her parents... And with that! Khaleesi stood up, wobbling as she hit the tree trunk next to her. She pushed herself off of it and limped slightly away, her emerald eyes flickered in the light.
He smiles down at her "oh nan' sina naa mani amin must uma. ten' amin tari" as he walked through the woods. The light of the stars and moon shinjng beautifully through the treetops. The forest looking enchanted
May nods at Raider's statement and stands. She was still wearing the very plain dress she had worn to cook for the feast. She grins at Raider's question, and whispers back "There is a tailor shop on this side of the street, two buildings to the west." May looks up as she sees a group of her servants come in with her own dress, as if they had been summoned. May smiles at them, then would go to the tavern owner and ask to use one of the rooms to change. The tavern owner would show May and her servants to an empty room.



Hearing talk about changing for a dance, Liz looks over to one of her pirates. "Go get me my good shirt. I wouldn't want to be underdressed." Though given that Liz would only change her shirt, she still would be. The pirate timidly asks Liz a question, to which she grunts and responds "No, the black one! What on Earth makes ye think I'd be referring to that old piece of cloth?" The pirate nods, and nervously rushes out of the tavern, and would return a few minutes later with the shirt Liz requested. Liz would go to the room she had rented to change, though checking first to see if Killua was hiding in there by chance.



Raina just smiles at Will as he carries her to the tavern. When they arrive, she would notice everyone was preparing for the dance, meaning she had missed the formal dinner, though no one was clearing the food. She looks to Will and says, "I need to eat. Please set me down now."



Hearing talk about changing for a dance, Liz looks over to one of her pirates. "Go get me my good shirt. I wouldn't want to be underdressed." Though given that Liz would only change her shirt, she still would be. The pirate timidly asks Liz a question, to which she grunts and responds "No, the black one! What on Earth makes ye think I'd be referring to that old piece of cloth?" The pirate nods, and nervously rushes out of the tavern, and would return a few minutes later with the shirt Liz requested. Liz would go to the room she had rented to change, though checking first to see if Killua was hiding in there by chance.



Raina just smiles at Will as he carries her to the tavern. When they arrive, she would notice everyone was preparing for the dance, meaning she had missed the formal dinner, though no one was clearing the food. She looks to Will and says, "I need to eat. Please set me down now."

Raider would nod and would head into the tailor shop. From there he would request for a nice fancy suit, and the tailor would proceed to get one for him. A little while later, he would come out with his hair all combed, and his suit all clean looking quite handsome. So now he would head towards the Tavern, and would ask one of the servants if May is finished.

The servant informs Raider that it will take May a while before she is ready, and that Raina just arrived, and she had said something about eating, so it would probably be a while before the dance would begin.

Evan stops before fully entering the forest "oh and one more thing" he turns to them but they are gone. he summons a wolf to take it to them "Sana sina a' sen. ona sen i' message. ten' mani amin naa about um-, amin Lotesse gurtha, ikotane amin entrust lle yassen sina" he hands a silver oak leaf to the wolf "iire lle nowa lle caela utue i' ento Taur'ohtar ona ho sina" the wolf barks back out of understanding and runs off.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Unknown.jpeg.8736cd52db8ab205053d494725257b43.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Unknown.jpeg.8736cd52db8ab205053d494725257b43.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic



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Will nods and sets her down in a chair standing beside her as he normaly would during a gathering. Watching over every little thing anyone did. Before tapping Raina on the shoulder and saying "I'll be back soon. I'm going to put on more traditional armor." Before leaving and heading back to camp @Crystal Cali
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Raina nods to Will as she would reach for the food in front of her and begin to eat. Normally, she would have eventually changed as well, but the spell she had just cast drained too much of her energy, and she doubted she would get her strength back in time to change. Raina ate quietly, sitting not that far from Davrin and Evie's places at the table. She looked around the room to observe everyone who was there, pleased to see that most people were having a pleasant time. The wolf that Evan had sent would come to Raina with the pendant and the message. Raina takes the pendant, and sighs. Could she go one day without one of her people thinking they needed to sacrifice themselves, alone, without asking for help? Was that too much to ask? Apparently. Raina would take the pendant and secure it around her neck so she didn't loose it, and the wolf would walk out of the tavern before making too much of a fuss.



Liz had changed her shirt rather quickly, opting to leave the grey shirt the had been wearing in the room, along with the bandanna she usually wore. Liz takes down her hair, and arranges it as neatly as one could get by just using your fingers, and rejoins the group. She passes by Raider, and pauses, raising an eyebrow at the sight of him in such an elegant suit. I suppose I'm the only one who hates dressing up she thought to herself, as she turned and saw that her crew had, at some point, changed as well. They still looked like a bunch of ruffians, just ruffians with new clothes and less dirt on their face than before.


It takes May and her servants a while to get her dress and hair adjusted to look just right, but May rejoined the group as soon as she could. Many eyes turned towards her as she entered the room, all of which she gracefully ignored, not seeming to be phased by the majority of the attention. May scans the room and finds Raider in his new suit. She smiles to him, then glances to the table and sees Raina there. Raina looked up at May, and gave her a silent plea to be patient with her. May smiles kindly back, and walks over to Raider's side. "Well, that's certainly a good look on you," she says in a somewhat quiet voice, though sounding rather impressed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9ceaf00423261a24a4b45cc9025c1e53.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9ceaf00423261a24a4b45cc9025c1e53.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Returning in the traditional armor rather than the lightweight skirmishing armor he normally wore he would stand next to raina only his longsword and bow his shortsword back at the camp and the quiver of arrows on his back woth the bow "Now I remember why I hate this armor....its so damn heavy..." He would complain more to be funny rather than because it bothered him ((looks like the picture @Crystal Cali



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After amusing himself with the harmony of sounds, Sepentireon finally left the water, prowling the ground again. There was a giddy smile on his face, accompanied by an occasional giggle in one of his favorite voices. But now he was curious. He crawled to the edge of the elf village and began spying at them under a small pond.

"How curious..."

He saw them running around. Some of them changed clothes so fast. They spend too much time awake, he thought.

But still, he was curious. He began dreaming of his favorite prey. An elf woman he devoured a few months ago. As he dreamt, his skin slowly began to mimic that form. While still spying, he decided to mimic some of the clothes the townspeople were wearing. After around an hour, Sepentireon had transformed into an elf female wearing a formal dress. Of course, the dress was melded with the "skin" of the elf, but as long as he didn't use too much energy he could keep the disguise up.
Raina chuckles at Will's grumbling. "It's not very practical, but still.... lle maa amaizien." she grins, and finishes off the rest of the food on her plate. Raina felt much better after eating, and though she felt bad for not being able to dress up, she didn't want to make anyone wait any longer to start the dance. She stands up, and would start moving to the stage in the tavern, straightening her hair and clothing as she does. Raina finds an extra bar stool, sets it in the center of the stage, then sits on it. She reaches into her pouch, and first take a set of jingle bells on a leather strap, and wraps them around her leg, in between her knee and her ankle. She then takes out her pan pipes, and without an introduction, she begins to play. @ThatOneLunatic



Hearing the music start up, Liz look over to the stage and grins. "Looks like that party's gettin' started now." she comments and grabs another ale as she, and a couple of her crew, make their way over to the dance floor. They dance around in what kind of looks like a disorganized conga line, and all of them had drinks in their hand. Though Liz was somewhat drunk, she danced quite well, leading her crew around the floor, jumping and twirling as she goes.


May blushes at Raiders comment, then looks over as Raina starts up the music. She smiles and just stands there listening for a moment, before turning to Raider and asking, "Would you like to dance?" It might not be considered proper manners in some places for the girl to ask the guy for a dance, but May was trying to seem less shy than she normally was.

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Hearing the music start up, Liz look over to the stage and grins. "Looks like that party's gettin' started now." she comments and grabs another ale as she, and a couple of her crew, make their way over to the dance floor. They dance around in what kind of looks like a disorganized conga line, and all of them had drinks in their hand. Though Liz was somewhat drunk, she danced quite well, leading her crew around the floor, jumping and twirling as she goes.


May blushes at Raiders comment, then looks over as Raina starts up the music. She smiles and just stands there listening for a moment, before turning to Raider and asking, "Would you like to dance?" It might not be considered proper manners in some places for the girl to ask the guy for a dance, but May was trying to seem less shy than she normally was.

"Of course. Though keep in mind... I'm not the best dancer in the world." Raider smiled and would offer his hand to May for a dance. He recalls the last time he even tried to dance, and it wasn't exactly the greatest time really. That is a story for another day.
Smiling as the people begin to dance although he was partly upset that he wouldnt get to dance this night, partly due to his wounds but more so that the only one he wished to dance with was the musician and he would quietly sing in Elvish to himself in a low tone. His vocals only heard within the short radius of him. They would be smooth and have a pleasing sound to the ear as he continues to sing to himself stopping every few minutes to check that no one had heard him and also to make sure that nothing suspicious was going on @Crystal Cali @YoungX @SirGrey @Lithia
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May smiles, and taking Raider's hand, she would lead him out to the dance floor. She turns to face him, and would start to dance. She, of course, was a rather skilled dancer, having taken formal lessons as a child, but she would also watch Raider's moves closely, and react to him.

At his core, Raider was only about average when it came to dancing. So for now he would start things off slow, and would perform some slow simple dancing moves that he was sure May would be able to react to. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't really actually danced since... well... perhaps his one job where he had to guard a princess. Of course that was still long ago, and the best he could do was simple moves. Hopefully he wouldn't offend her or anyone else.
Will would watch raider and smile to him before returning to singing to himself tapping his feet to Raina's music. His voice growing slightly louder as he would continue until the area in which he can be heard from contains the dance floor although it subtle at that distance. He would not know of his voice growing louder as he continued singing various different songs. ( The one he is singing up until the first long pause and then resume after the long instrumental, cut out the part that makes absolutely no sense even if i tried to implacate it to the rp xD [media]

[/media] )) @Crystal Cali @YoungX
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Raina finished her song, and in the short moment where she wasn't playing, she heard Will's singing. She knew the song right away, and picked up playing where he was, smoothly transitioning from the faster song she had been playing to the slower one. She looks over to Will as she plays, and motions with her hand for him to come join her, giving him a look that said I'll drag you if I have to.



May wouldn't be bothered by the way Raider danced. She didn't care that he wasn't as showy as she was, she was just happy he agreed to dance with her in the first place. When the music transitions, May moves closer to Raider, reaching one hand towards his shoulder, and trying to take his hand in her free hand, somewhat closing the gap between them.



When the music slows, Liz and her group scurry off to the side. The men who were with her went to look for unaccompanied women in the crowd, leaving Liz standing alone, which she had honestly expected. As much as she did try to be friendly with her crew, the way she ran things was more like the way a mother cares for her children. Though she was harsh with them, she cared for them, though it did make the idea of a slow dance with the pirate queen a little bit cringe-worthy.
Immediately stopping shying away slightly looking as if he was about to slip away but stops and walks over shyly. This was very different as he was normally outgoing and didnt care but as he would shyly walk over he would avoid eye contact with anyone who looked at him @Crystal Cali


May wouldn't be bothered by the way Raider danced. She didn't care that he wasn't as showy as she was, she was just happy he agreed to dance with her in the first place. When the music transitions, May moves closer to Raider, reaching one hand towards his shoulder, and trying to take his hand in her free hand, somewhat closing the gap between them.



When the music slows, Liz and her group scurry off to the side. The men who were with her went to look for unaccompanied women in the crowd, leaving Liz standing alone, which she had honestly expected. As much as she did try to be friendly with her crew, the way she ran things was more like the way a mother cares for her children. Though she was harsh with them, she cared for them, though it did make the idea of a slow dance with the pirate queen a little bit cringe-worthy.
As he danced, Raider would move closer to May. He would also take his free hand into her free hand. It was special for him in more ways than one. This Isle was his home now, and the people here are well friends. May is more important than a friend, but he didn't want to say that now. Was it nervousness? Maybe. In any case, he would continue dancing and would enjoy the moment. There was a calm peaceful smile on his face, and he would most certainly remember this night for a very long timd.
Evan went to the heart of the forest and set his bow down and 2 arrows making a R. (the bow is the curve and the arrows are the lines) Evan cupped his hands kneeled down and said "oh great Master Halt, please come forth and grant me with your wisdom, I am in a time of great extremity." a few seconds later a deep blank voice said "What is it you need young Ranger" at first Evan was surprised it worked, but after a while evan gained the confidence to say. "the great kalkara has returned, there are to many risks to take this beast down and i don't know what to do." it had taken him awhile to think,until he finally replied "There are always risks in battle, it is a dangerous business, the trick is to take the right ones." Evan nodded and "A mans got to have something worth fighting for if he is going to do his best. Now go young ranger enjoy your time here, this will the only time for you to have fun" He smiles as he slowly fades into smoke. Evan walks to the tavern to join everybody else. he smiles as he enters
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Raina would not stop playing, but between breaths she quickly whispers to Will, "Uma il- be shy, Melamin, lle linda eithel." She would continue playing, looking to Will with a look of encouragement.



May smiles back at Raider, though just looking up at him made her heart beat faster. She had never felt this mixture of excitement, and sense of comfort with anyone. She felt as if she never wanted to let him go.


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