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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"sorry amin ruined lle re gal" he says as he winces a bit looking at her a saddened look upon his face as he adds "auta caela y' quel coiasira, kela amin sinome" @Crystal Cali
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Evie could practically feel the tension rolling in the air between Davorin and Liz. She didn't really know what to do never having been in a situation like this before. She quietly turned to the vampire, "Are things okay? Should we leave?" The last thing she wanted was for Davorin to be uncomfortable.

"amin sinta amin can't prevent sina nan' ta will ere' delay. amin "antidote" naa ere' just y' vitality potion. ta will ere' karna ho tella y' bit longer. get him back to the village" he stands up "i'm going hunting. I'm the only one here who could track this thing."
Chuckling slightly before wincing in pain "amin'm tereva Mellon....amin've tyave worse......awra than sina." Although he had rarely ever been harmed in combat he would say this in hopes of putting Evan and Raina's minds at ease. He did not want anyone to worry about him, as it was his job to protect them and he felt it unnecessary to care for him. In his mind he was nothing but a loyal Protector of the forest who's only purpose was to protect his people and the Isle @FrostRaven @Crystal Cali
"Oh know its fine my dear" Davorin he mutters to Evie "Thank you for the concern". He looks up actually making looking towards Liz. He was creature of the night, he shouldn't be getting wet feet. "Well I'm glad things have gone well for you, especially with the Winter Court" Davorin said in a polite tone. When he first came to the island he dealt with some of the council. The vampire began to feel more comfortable in the situation. "Tell me how are the people doing" Davorin asked May. He knew she was a sort of leader so it would be a good idea to gather some information.

@Lithia @Crystal Cali
Sepentireon floated in the shallow waters just at the shore of the island. He didn't need to swim to survive, though he felt much more comfortable in the water than on land.

He remembered the woman's instrument and grew a mouth on the topside of his head.

After a few more moments of remembering, he submerged all of himself except for a single mouth which began to mimic the instrument the woman played.
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Raider would finish eating the feast and would look to May. "What are the other events planned after this?" The feast was most likely the prelude to the events, so he would be curious as to what they were actually doing.

@Crystal Cali
Raina would gently pat Will on the back, relieved that he was alright, when the sound of sobbing reached her ears. It was nearby, she could tell. Raina walks around a few trees before finding Michael holding Khaleesi. Raina crouches down next to Kahleesi's feet, and puts a hand around the girl's ankle. She closes her eyes and stands still for a moment as she tries to get a sense of any remaining life force inside the girl. Something felt off about her death, but there was still spirit inside of her. Raina stands still for a long moment, then sighs. She walks over to where she had dropped her pan pipes earlier, picks them up, and comes back over beside the girl. She doesn't say anything to anyone around, she had to focus, this was going to take a lot of concentration.

Raina brings her pan pipes to her lips and begins playing an eery melody. A green aura glows around her, and she again places her hand on the girl's ankle, while continuing to play. After a short moment, the aura that had appeared around Raina, also appears around the girl. As Raina continues to play, the aura around the girl gets brighter, while the aura around Raina gets dimmer. She would play until both were equally as bright, and then she stops. Raina would fall back, now dizzy from what she had just done, and watch the girl. Whatever injury Khaleesi had sustained should have healed, and if the spell worked, the girl should start breathing again.

Will would follow her watching the scene in awe and stepping forward as she falls catching her "amin'll always be sinome atsa- lle iire lle lanta" he would say smiling holding her bridal style @FrostRaven
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May smiles at Davrin, honestly thrilled that someone seemed to be interested in the state of things. "There is still a small amount of rebuilding to be done from the damage the village took from the airships, and there are quite a few still injured from the event, though it should not be long until everyone can return to life as it normally is." May looks over to Raider, and nods "After this, I am planning on having a dance here in the tavern, though Raina is supposed to be our musician, so I cannot do much until she arrives. Did you happen to see her in the forest when you went out earlier?"


Liz couldn't hear the conversation between Evie and Davrin real well, but she had trained herself to be able to read lips fairly effectively, and got the general idea of what had been said before Davrin started talking with May. Liz closes her eyes, and lets out an irritated sigh. Well, if there was one thing Liz wouldn't steal, it was someone's good time at a party. Clearly, she was causing tension, and though Davrin might be trying to deal with it, his companion was now concerned. Grumbling about how land-lovers were all just a bunch of sissies under her breath, Liz pushes herself off of the wall and moves to the far end of the table where two of her crew sat. She sits in between them, and orders another round of ale for her group.

@SirGrey @Lithia @YoungX
@Crystal Cali

Once Sepentireon had finished mimicking the song, he proceeded to play the sound of the pan pipes in a strange fashion.

The way he played them, there were no melodies, harmonies, or any sort of coherent music, just an insane assortment of sounds and flute noises.
Raina could hear the sound of pan pipes echoing faintly from where she was in the forest. She looks towards the beach, leaning up against Will as she was still quite dizzy, and listens. The sound did not concern her, though it was odd to hear. She looks to Will, who was holding her, and chuckles slightly. She had been crouching when she fell backwards, so it's not like she would've gotten hurt, but he still picked her up.

@FrostRaven @PixieDusts
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"i' harwe must fallana, get sen n'alaquel ar' keep sen varna. I will stay here and patrol." looks at his quiver. "if you come back Raina could you bring more arrows i only have sixteen left."
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Will would look to Evan and shake his head "n'uma Mellon tul a, enjoy i' mereth, lle deserve i' coiasira off." Beginning to walk to the town @FrostRaven
"Amin hiraetha nan' amin can't, part maa amin merna a', nan' i' n'at perya says amin must vara i' gwaith maa sina tol ie' ilya cost. Amin caela tyare a' nir' deaths n'alaquel eska ten' slacking, ar' amin uma il- wish ten' tanya mart- au'. Amin hiraetha nan' amin must uma sina " he slowly dissapears into the forest. (song sets mood)


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"Well I'm sure everything will be right as rain soon" Davorin said in a polite manner. His eyes darted to Liz watching as she walked away. She could of stayed for him but still it would make things easier. "I must ask you if I can do you have any other plans I mean I know you are sort of a leader here so would you mind telling me" The vampire asked with a hypnotic tone in his voice while his eyes glowed purple. This low level hypnosis wouldn't control May it would make her want to tell him. No reason to be too rude or controlling for now.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
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SirGrey said:
"Well I'm sure everything will be right as rain soon" Davorin said in a polite manner. His eyes darted to Liz watching as she walked away. She could of stayed for him but still it would make things easier. "I must ask you if I can do you have any other plans I mean I know you are sort of a leader here so would you mind telling me" The vampire asked with a hypnotic tone in his voice while his eyes glowed purple. This low level hypnosis wouldn't control May it would make her want to tell him. No reason to be too rude or controlling for now.
@JPax42 @YoungX
(That JPax42 tag)
@Crystal Cali

The horrible sound of the pan flutes eventually deteriorated into an insane mass of whistles and low long howls, coupled with a sound similar to laughing.

Sepentireon liked to cause madness and chaos, especially in his prey. However, when he couldn't find food he would take delight in just making an unusual sound.
Raina looks to Will, still grinning. "lle ume il- anta kol- amin, Melamin, ta nae il- y' hae- lanta, nan' amin uma il- malia tanya lle caela." Raina looks to Evan as they start to walk off. "I can bring arrows," she says simply, not having the energy to try to convince him to join the festival. She can hear the horrible pan pipe sound made by Sepentireon, but it annoyed her more than it caused her to fear, and it only mildly annoyed her, but it would fade as soon as Will and Raina made it to the village anyway.

@FrostRaven @GreenEyedStranger


May felt strange as Davrin used his hypnosis on her, which honestly was not necessary, considering she did not have any secret plans, but now she would likely be able to recognize that the vampire had some sort of hypnotic powers. "I simply plan to keep the peace for as long as I can. The people deserve a chance to live life happily, do they not?" her voice sounded a little strange as she spoke as a result of the hypnosis.


Liz watches the conversation from the other end of the table, noticing a change in May's face as she speaks with Davrin. Was he using some sort of magic on her? What the hell for? Oh well, she didn't need to concern herself with Davrin, really. Liz just turned back to her crew, and continued drinking until she was fairly drunk.

@SirGrey @Lithia
"Of course the do" Davorin said in an almost sickly, polite voice. He most likely didn't have to use hypnosis after all May seemed like an actual good person. Unlike most of her kind. Davorin sipped his drink.

@Crystal Cali

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