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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Raider would notice the creature leave, and would head to Will and the others. "Everyone all right?" He would clean his blade as he talked.

Holding his throat trying to stop the burning sensation from the tentacles grip that had briefly touched there his sword lay in the dirt as he tries to stop both the burning on his leg and his neck. His face shriveled in a look of immense pain as he rolls to his sides one to the other doing anything to stop the pain, or at least get his mind off it @FrostRaven
Raina watches the beast as her arrow hits, and another eye forms. It seemed to be affected from Raider's more powerful attack, so with Raina's skills, she wouldn't really be able to do much next time she came across this creature. Hearing Will's struggles behind her, Raina whirls around, noticing the slime that covered the places where the tentacles had grabbed him. "Get up, we have to get this washed off you," she orders as she tries to take hold of Will's arms and pull him up. Raina glances to Raider. "I am unharmed." she says simply.

YoungX said:
Raider would notice the creature leave, and would head to Will and the others. "Everyone all right?" He would clean his blade as he talked.
ThatOneLunatic said:
Holding his throat trying to stop the burning sensation from the tentacles grip that had briefly touched there his sword lay in the dirt as he tries to stop both the burning on his leg and his neck. His face shriveled in a look of immense pain as he rolls to his sides one to the other doing anything to stop the pain, or at least get his mind off it @FrostRaven
"not everyone" he quickly grabs a sample of the substance and puts it in a vile and adds strange medicine. "drink antidote

Khaleesi jolted awake at the hearings of something big. She moved out of the tree and shook her head at the drying blood puddle. Her head still pounded like hell so she tried to walk fast. She pushed her way through the tree branches and fell into the grass, her brown hair sparkled as the light hit the blood. She growled lightly and moved to look at the beast. 'Easy...' She thought before she picked herself up and took a deep breath, her body collapsing before she did anything else.

With that a flash of light moved swiftly over Khaleesi and towards the beast. Not much to it, just lightly. What was it you ask? Well it's Micheal of course! He moved in front of the girl after she shot her arrow and growled lightly, his deep voice echoed around the trees as the light around him disappeared. You all thought it was going to be a boy, but instead, it was a beast.

A whip or so it would seem flashed around the dark body. It stood there, protecting the others, making a fight with the monster. It may have been smaller than it, but this skin was pretty darn powerful. it watched how everything seemed to fall apart and he awaited the instructions of the monster. He wasn't on the monster's side, but wanted to know what the monster want. He whipped his stuff around and growled loudly.

FrostRaven said:
"not everyone" he quickly grabs a sample of the substance and puts it in a vile and adds strange medicine. "drink antidote
(Heads up. If you drink that stuff, you will die. You can't make an "antidote" for acid.)
FrostRaven said:
"not everyone" he quickly grabs a sample of the substance and puts it in a vile and adds strange medicine. "drink antidote
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina watches the beast as her arrow hits, and another eye forms. It seemed to be affected from Raider's more powerful attack, so with Raina's skills, she wouldn't really be able to do much next time she came across this creature. Hearing Will's struggles behind her, Raina whirls around, noticing the slime that covered the places where the tentacles had grabbed him. "Get up, we have to get this washed off you," she orders as she tries to take hold of Will's arms and pull him up. Raina glances to Raider. "I am unharmed." she says simply.

"I see. Well I'll get back to the tavern for the feast. Everyone should join as well." He heads back to the tavern to rejoin the feast.
He wouldn't respond except for the groans of pain and his movements would become slower and the groans fainter until they came to a stop his eyes rolling backwards as his eye-lids close. The bodies natural reaction to immense amounts of pain. Now being unconscious the slime would still be burning through his skin as he lay un-moving. @FrostRaven
PixieDusts said:

Khaleesi jolted awake at the hearings of something big. She moved out of the tree and shook her head at the drying blood puddle. Her head still pounded like hell so she tried to walk fast. She pushed her way through the tree branches and fell into the grass, her brown hair sparkled as the light hit the blood. She growled lightly and moved to look at the beast. 'Easy...' She thought before she picked herself up and took a deep breath, her body collapsing before she did anything else.

With that a flash of light moved swiftly over Khaleesi and towards the beast. Not much to it, just lightly. What was it you ask? Well it's Micheal of course! He moved in front of the girl after she shot her arrow and growled lightly, his deep voice echoed around the trees as the light around him disappeared. You all thought it was going to be a boy, but instead, it was a beast.

A whip or so it would seem flashed around the dark body. It stood there, protecting the others, making a fight with the monster. It may have been smaller than it, but this skin was pretty darn powerful. it watched how everything seemed to fall apart and he awaited the instructions of the monster. He wasn't on the monster's side, but wanted to know what the monster want. He whipped his stuff around and growled loudly.


As Sepentireon retreated, he was stopped by a strange creature. He wasn't entirely sure what it was, though he was in a hurry.

"I have no time for this.."

He rolled past the creature, heading towards the beach.

The creature jumped, even though the beast rolled, it caught into it's skin or whatever was the outer layer and rolled, and rolled. It stayed attached to the beast, not letting go before it was to late, and fell off. It growled, mud splashing in it's face before it moved quickly back to Khaleesi. It roared loudly, the hearing being heard from anywhere as Khaleesi jolted awake.

"Shit!" Said the now awake Khaleesi as she jumped back from Micheal, "Great..." She growled, her eyes moved around the once battle field. They came upon Will, seeing the slime burn through him. "Either you cut the damn arm off to keep it from infecting everywhere, or you try to get all the slime off!!" She screamed, hoping they would hear her clearly.

Khaleesi hobbled over to them, hoping
Micheal wouldn't notice the blood from her head. She shook it lightly, her headache pounding in her head as it could be heard. Micheal, still in beast form walked along Khaleesi, eyeing the people.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @ThatOneLunatic

(Just an idea lol)

Raina frowns at Evan as he mixes the acid with something else. "You cannot guarantee that will work. Eller naa il- y' single solution ten' iluve." Seeing Will pass out, Raina realized she wasn't going to get him to a water source, so she would have to wash the acid off him another way. She takes out a flask of water, and a rag, and begins getting what she can off his skin. She hears the voice of the woman she met earlier shouting, though noting that she wasn't stopping to help, Raina just continued to try to clean the slime off Will. @FrostRaven @PixieDusts
He is still unconscious as Raina washes the slime off, large burns on his neck and leg have formed and as you wash the last of the slime off he wakes grunting in pain as you touch the tender burns groaning out "maa......ve' lle're....doien amin job......Melamin...." chuckling slightly before groaning in pain again @FrostRaven
Raina would pause to gently stroke Will's cheek before washing off the last of the slime. She sees the burns, and would turn to the nearby plants in search of things she knew would treat them. She gathers what she needs, and crushes up the plants in her hands. Of course it would be better if she had a bowl, but she didn't have time to grab one, and the two others who were here were doing useless things. Once she had a mixture crushed up in her hands, she begins to spread it on Will's burns. The mixture should soothe the pain of the burn, and the fact that the acid was gone should mean that the burns don't spread.


Khaleesi looked down at the two. She growled darkly and shook her head, turning around. The blood from her head trailed down her back, not much had been wated, but she had a headache. She walked along, her eyes glowing a green as they focused forwards. She moved quickly, ignoring the others as she was no help, and never would be any. She heard the man's words and shook her head, continuing to move quickly.

The creature stood there, growling like usual before he stood up and turned, his human form glistened as his hair dropped on his head perfectly. He looked around. "Names Micheal, I wonder if you guys know Khaleesi..." He said lightly and then watched the girl leave. He looked down at the boy and then at Khaleesi.

Khaleesi jumped into a tree and began to climb up more and more, to the branches where she couldn't be held anymore. She sat there, looking over the tree tops. Her eyes glistened in the light.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Raina smiles at Will, and would reach her arm around his back to try to help him sit up. She glances up to the boy who had appeared, shaking her head. "I am not familiar with that name." Raina had met Khaleesi, but hadn't caught the girl's name, so she couldn't make the connection.

@ThatOneLunatic @PixieDusts
"Girl who just left." Micheal said with a huff and glared at the girl. She seemed off in his opinion. His brown hair blew in the soft cooling wind, his strand of blonde smiled at them like a flag. "What of her?" He shrugged, "Just seems like you guys knew her, and I don't need you guys to be getting in her business, she may have talked every once and a while," He began and glared, noticing the elvish form of the two, "But she hates your kind..." He said with a loud and low growl. He glared at the girl, not caring about the boy.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
Raider would make it to the tavern where he sits next to May. "Situations been taken care of. The beast ran away, but I'm certain we won't see it for a while." He would proceed to eat with his table manners in mind.

@Crystal Cali
Raina moves closer to Will as he falls to his knees, reaching her arm around him gently to try to keep him stable. "Sana lle coiasira" she says in a gentle voice, then looks over to the other boy who, for no reason Raina could see, was irritated with her. Raina's face stays composed, she looks as if she really does not care. Raina gets up as Will does, still trying to hold onto him to steady him. Raina looks to the other boy, and says "I do not particularly care what she does, so long as she does not harm anyone. You have no reason to be hostile." she speaks calmly.

@ThatOneLunatic @PixieDusts


May smiles at Raider as he rejoins the group. "Good. Perhaps we can continue this feast without any further interruptions then," she says, then takes a drink from the cup in front of her. Liz was still leaning against the wall as Raider came back in. She looks to him as he rejoins the group, nodding in greeting, then taking a drink from her mug.


"Little boy I ain't gonna do shit to your little bitchy princess." Micheal growled and moved away, "Khaleesi might on the other hand!!!" With that the boy looked at the blood trail. He looked down and followed it, his eyes glistened. "The hell..." He whispered, snicking it softly. He growled and moved quickly to the tree, smiling at the leaves. "The hell's going on?" With that the boy began to climb.

Khaleesi's body laid there still and cold. Her green eyes stained the sky as the blood dripped, hitting the trunk. Micheal's eyes began to tear up as he looked at Khaleesi. Her dead body, filled with coldness laid in Micheal's arms. Tears rolled down his face like the blood from her head. She looked so peaceful, her eyes smiling bright, as were her lips.

Micheal began to sob, pulling
her body down from the tree and sat on the ground, crying his eyes out as she laid there, cold and stiff.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali


@ThatOneLunatic[/URL] @PixieDusts


May smiles at Raider as he rejoins the group. "Good. Perhaps we can continue this feast without any further interruptions then," she says, then takes a drink from the cup in front of her. Liz was still leaning against the wall as Raider came back in. She looks to him as he rejoins the group, nodding in greeting, then taking a drink from her mug.

The teen whispered under his breath, staying hidden from both parties. "mani naa ron doing?"
@ThatOneLunatic[/URL] @PixieDusts


May smiles at Raider as he rejoins the group. "Good. Perhaps we can continue this feast without any further interruptions then," she says, then takes a drink from the cup in front of her. Liz was still leaning against the wall as Raider came back in. She looks to him as he rejoins the group, nodding in greeting, then taking a drink from her mug.

Raider would continue to eat. A time of celebration was at hand, and tonight would certainly be wonderful.

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