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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Raina was disappointed that the beast got away, but was honestly relieved to see Will unharmed. "Quel. Uma il- rana ereb san'." she says, though her statement sounded like more of a request, and there was a tone of concern in her voice.



May smiles. "I just need to make sure all the preparations are made. It shouldn't be too much trouble. You can accompany me if you wish, though I do not know that there will be much for you to do."



May smiles. "I just need to make sure all the preparations are made. It shouldn't be too much trouble. You can accompany me if you wish, though I do not know that there will be much for you to do."

Raider nods and decides to accompany her anyhow. "I see well I'll accompany you then. It's important that your safe," he says as he stays by her close and becomes cautious of his surroundings. Anything could happen really. Just like that creature there could be more just like it. Even the Kalkara could strike tonight, so he had to make sure everyone, especially May, was safe.
Sepentireon creeped through the forest, spying on the people with countless tony eyes. He remained low, taking on the form of a small pool as he slithered under the leaves.
May was glad Raider decided to keep her company as she went about things. First she would talk with the tavern owner, and try to work out the arrangements for the feast that night. Workers were moving tables and chairs to make room for a single long table that spanned the length of the dining room.



Raina closes her eyes and lets out a short, happy sigh hearing Will's words. "Uma," she replies, then turns to the log she often uses for a seat. She would sit down and pull out her pan pipes, then looking to Will she says "We have a while before the feast. We may as well relax a bit." Raina then would start playing a soft and comforting melody that echoes through the forest. Her music had a magical quality to it, that would effect not only the normal wildlife, but also many magical creatures that did not have human-like features. Her music has only been known to tame a few mythical creatures, like griffins and unicorns, but it could possibly effect the new monster roaming about if the creature found her music soothing.

@ThatOneLunatic @GreenEyedStranger


Raina closes her eyes and lets out a short, happy sigh hearing Will's words. "Uma," she replies, then turns to the log she often uses for a seat. She would sit down and pull out her pan pipes, then looking to Will she says "We have a while before the feast. We may as well relax a bit." Raina then would start playing a soft and comforting melody that echoes through the forest. Her music had a magical quality to it, that would effect not only the normal wildlife, but also many magical creatures that did not have human-like features. Her music has only been known to tame a few mythical creatures, like griffins and unicorns, but it could possibly effect the new monster roaming about if the creature found her music soothing.

@ThatOneLunatic @GreenEyedStranger
Raider would help out by moving the tables and chairs as well. Then he went to May and asked, "Mind if I move the dining table in here? With my strength this should be an easy task."


Raina closes her eyes and lets out a short, happy sigh hearing Will's words. "Uma," she replies, then turns to the log she often uses for a seat. She would sit down and pull out her pan pipes, then looking to Will she says "We have a while before the feast. We may as well relax a bit." Raina then would start playing a soft and comforting melody that echoes through the forest. Her music had a magical quality to it, that would effect not only the normal wildlife, but also many magical creatures that did not have human-like features. Her music has only been known to tame a few mythical creatures, like griffins and unicorns, but it could possibly effect the new monster roaming about if the creature found her music soothing.

@ThatOneLunatic @GreenEyedStranger
Hearing the music, Sepentireon would be enticed. He was genuinely curious, and was an explorer at heart, being half the reason why he so enjoyed devouring the dreams of others. He liked to feel what they dreamt.

He slowly began slithering forward, trying to be slow enough as to not make a sound. Once he got close enough, he formed a mouth and spoke in an eerily default males voice

"Hello? Anyone out there?"

Smiling and humming along woth her music showing some of his decent singing ability through his hums although it eould be subconsciously. He would then stop and smile to her "lle lindale's vanim naa ere' second a' lle" the night stars shining off his eyes @Crystal Cali
May glances to the tavern owner. "Your call," she tells him. The tavern owner nods, thinking it was a good idea.



Raina blushes at Will's comment, though her eyes scanned the area for the source of the eery voice she had heard. She never stopped playing the music, hoping it would draw whatever the creature was closer. Perhaps it was one of the two beasts that had appeared recently, and it was able to be either reasoned with, or tamed.

@ThatOneLunatic @GreenEyedStranger


Raina blushes at Will's comment, though her eyes scanned the area for the source of the eery voice she had heard. She never stopped playing the music, hoping it would draw whatever the creature was closer. Perhaps it was one of the two beasts that had appeared recently, and it was able to be either reasoned with, or tamed.

@ThatOneLunatic @GreenEyedStranger
Raider would nod and would get ready to move the dining table in. Lifting the whole thing by himself was a very easy task, and in no time he would have the dining table all set inside the tavern. "All right now thats settled what else is there to do?"


Raina blushes at Will's comment, though her eyes scanned the area for the source of the eery voice she had heard. She never stopped playing the music, hoping it would draw whatever the creature was closer. Perhaps it was one of the two beasts that had appeared recently, and it was able to be either reasoned with, or tamed.

@ThatOneLunatic @GreenEyedStranger
At not hearing any response apart from the music, Sepentireon spoke a little louder

"Can anyone help me?! I'm hurt... Stabbed myself with an arrow! Hello? Anybody?!"

Raina stops playing and stands up as she hears the voice. She looks to Will, watching him carefully. "Come to the sound of my voice, slowly," she calls to the one who was claiming to be injured. "If you mean no harm, we will help you." She looks to Will and says, "Uma il- cronha. Amin merna a' elea mani ta uma."

@ThatOneLunatic @GreenEyedStranger


May looks over to Raider. "The food should be about done by now. We should get it and bring it over here while the tavern staff sets up the chairs."

@ThatOneLunatic[/URL] @GreenEyedStranger


May looks over to Raider. "The food should be about done by now. We should get it and bring it over here while the tavern staff sets up the chairs."

"All right then let's go then." Tonight's festival would most certainly be a fun event, but he would remain vigilant as he watches out for anything out of the ordinary. Then again even the ordinary can be strange as well.
May nods and leads Raider back to her house, and to the kitchen. The servants had finished preparations, and had all of the food artfully arranged on plates sitting on the usually empty tables. May starts directing people to grab certain things. She asks Raider to take one of the roasted boars, considering it was one of the heavier items. Even May's bodyguard came in to help, also taking one of the plates with roasted boar.



Raina sighs slightly, but nods, and would let Will approach the creature first.

@ThatOneLunatic @GreenEyedStranger
May and her servants would bring the rest of the food behind Raider. Once the table was set up, May asked one of her servants to ring the bell that they usually used to call everyone to a feast. It wasn't the first time they had done something like this, so people who had lived here for a while would know what it meant. Soon people would slowly start to make their way in.


Raina hears the bell, and looks into the direction of the village. Well, this was an unfortunate interruption. She had been looking forward to the feast, but she did not want to leave Will with this unknown creature.


Liz had fallen asleep in the room at the inn, and was awoken by the bell. She hops up, feeling disappointed that Kilua never showed up. She wondered what had happened to him, and if she was being honest with herself, which she rarely was, she was worried. Maybe he'll show up at the feast. Everyone on the isle would likely be heading this way in any case. Liz takes a moment to make herself look a bit less disheveled, though her hair was still knotted, and her shirt had permanent wrinkles, and made her way down to the dining room. She sees May and Raider by the table, though walks over to the bar for a drink first. "I'm assumin' everything's free, right?" she asks the bartender, who just flashes her a smile and hands her a large mug of ale.

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May and her servants would bring the rest of the food behind Raider. Once the table was set up, May asked one of her servants to ring the bell that they usually used to call everyone to a feast. It wasn't the first time they had done something like this, so people who had lived here for a while would know what it meant. Soon people would slowly start to make their way in.

Raina hears the bell, and looks into the direction of the village. Well, this was an unfortunate interruption. She had been looking forward to the feast, but she did not want to leave Will with this unknown creature.


Liz had fallen asleep in the room at the inn, and was awoken by the bell. She hops up, feeling disappointed that Kilua never showed up. She wondered what had happened to him, and if she was being honest with herself, which she rarely was, she was worried. Maybe he'll show up at the feast. Everyone on the isle would likely be heading this way in any case. Liz takes a moment to make herself look a bit less disheveled, though her hair was still knotted, and her shirt had permanent wrinkles, and made her way down to the dining room. She sees May and Raider by the table, though walks over to the bar for a drink first. "I'm assumin' everything's free, right?" she asks the bartender, who just flashes her a smile and hands her a large mug of ale.


Raider would then help everyone to be seated, and would then head to May. "Well looks like everyone will be here soon enough. You should get seated as well since your one of the guests of honor."

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