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Fantasy Isle of Mist

YoungX said:
Raider would then take a moment to talk with May. He looks to her and says, "You know it's interesting. Ever since I've been on this Isle I've been meeting with all sorts of individuals. Getting to know them, helping them out it was nice. Of course I do this all the time as a Hunter, but this wasn't really for a job or anything. Now here I am getting ready to help prepare a festival. I'm honestly thankful that I found myself here on this Isle." There was a look of appreciation in his eyes, and he really did think of this place as his new home. He had never had a home since well his own childhood, so to have a new one was something he could appreciate.
May smiles as she listens to Raider. "I am glad you are able to feel comfortable here. Everyone deserves a place they can come home to, no matter how far they travel."
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May smiles as she listens to Raider. "I am glad you are able to feel comfortable here. Everyone deserves a place they can come home to, no matter how far they travel."

"Thanks. Now then we best be heading back. Hold on tightly alright?" He says looking to May who had his head on his shoulder. From there he would do his best to guide May safely back to the entrance.
YoungX said:
"Thanks. Now then we best be heading back. Hold on tightly alright?" He says looking to May who had his head on his shoulder. From there he would do his best to guide May safely back to the entrance.
May nods, and would hold on tightly to Raider's arm as he led her back out of the cave. She would be a bit more unstable going back up the slope than she was coming down, but would make it out just fine. May follows Raider back to the village, though stops once they get there. "I should check the tavern to make sure they have everything they need for hosting the feast tonight."
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May nods, and would hold on tightly to Raider's arm as he led her back out of the cave. She would be a bit more unstable going back up the slope than she was coming down, but would make it out just fine. May follows Raider back to the village, though stops once they get there. "I should check the tavern to make sure they have everything they need for hosting the feast tonight."

"All right that seems like a plan. Thank you for the wonderful time. I'll see you again tonight," he says smiling as he heads towards the forest. For now he would see if he could do anything.
After firing the two arrows he turns and runs. Sprinting back avoiding any path to the elven camp to avoid leading the creature to his people and he reched the town as he runs down the street to the tavern yelling "lamya i' alarm! i' tol naa e' danger" completey forgetting that most of the inhabitants were human @FrostRaven @GreenEyedStranger
ThatOneLunatic said:
After firing the two arrows he turns and runs. Sprinting back avoiding any path to the elven camp to avoid leading the creature to his people and he reched the town as he runs down the street to the tavern yelling "lamya i' alarm! i' tol naa e' danger" completey forgetting that most of the inhabitants were human @FrostRaven @GreenEyedStranger
As Raider would head into the forest, he would hear some yelling and found it to be Will's voice. He would hurry to where Will was and wondered what was wrong. "Will calm down. What happened?"

Out of breathe panting heavily as he had quite literally ran accross the entire isle wothout stoping "Beast.......forest...large.....strong...."
ThatOneLunatic said:
Out of breathe panting heavily as he had quite literally ran accross the entire isle wothout stoping "Beast.......forest...large.....strong...."
"A beast?" He thought about the Kalkar, but he felt that Will wasn't referring to that. "What was it? What did it look like? Where is it now?" He would start off with three simple questions.
ThatOneLunatic said:
"Deep...forest.....big....dark skin....tentacles...
Raider would then prepare himself to check out the situation. "It would be best if we the two of us came together. This creature is most definitely not a native to the Isle." Of course he wasn't exactly sure what counted as native, but he was sure that something with dark skin and tentacles can't be a native.
ThatOneLunatic said:
Releasing the arrow before quickly knocking another to the string and firing again yelling at the beast "tul a beast! ona amin ilya lle've got!" @GreenEyedStranger
The arrow ruptured the eye, creating a blast of a sticky blast residue. In response, Sepentireon began rolling at a terrifying speed towards the elf, flailing limbs eyes and teeth as he did in all directions. Trees sticks and rocks stocked to his sticky skin, making a thing layer of armor as he barreled towards the elf.
Turning towards the forest realizing that even with his years of training and elven speed he dodnt get to far ahead and he pushes Raider back "Go! Warn the people!" he looks back to the forest taking the bow back off his back readying himself @YoungX @GreenEyedStranger
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ThatOneLunatic said:
Turning towards the forest realizing that even with his years of traing and elven speed he dodnt get to far ahead and he pushes Raider back "Go! Warn the people!" he looks back to the forest taking the bow back off his back readying himself
He would be able to help him in this situation, but Will insisted thy needed help. So with great speed, he would head towards the Tavern and told everyone about the situation.

@Crystal Cali (Anyone at the Tavern in the RP)
YoungX said:
"A beast?" He thought about the Kalkar, but he felt that Will wasn't referring to that. "What was it? What did it look like? Where is it now?" He would start off with three simple questions.
Evan quickly runs to raider "there's something moving in the forest! the magic markers i set have detected something big but its not the Kalkara though." he unslings his bow and turns to the forest "what ever it is it's moving slowly"
FrostRaven said:
Evan quickly runs to raider "there's something moving in the forest! the magic markers i set have detected something big but its not the Kalkara though." he unslings his bow and turns to the forest "what ever it is it's moving slowly"
Raider would nod and would tell him Will had alerted him about it. "I must go get help. Can you go assist Will? He is planning on taking not eh creature for now."

As Sepentireon approached, he could hear the voices of several more beings...

Unfortunate, he thought.

His reason for chasing the elf having been to cover his identity for a little while longer. Unfortunately, years of preying silently on the masses of the island would no longer be dismissed as mysterious disappearances or drownings. He retreated back into the forest, away from the village while rolling back.

"I must bide my time... They're awake now, but I know they're all dreamers..."

He thought to himself. Already he was hungry for another dream...
Will would be standing at the edge of the forest clad in his cloak and leather armor . His bow at the ready and arrow knocked to the string
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May looks troubled as she hears the talk about the creature. There were not many in the tavern, so not many would hear the story. She reacts quickly, though, giving orders in the middle of the chaos that broke out among the few people there. "Everyone remain calm and return to your homes at once! No one is to go into the forest except those who can hunt this creature. Anyone who wants to participate in the hunt, please speak with Raider." Of course, none of the tavern staff were particularly willing to step up, so they all just went home.



Hearing the order to not go into the forest again, Liz quickly starts to asses weather or not it was worth the risk to sneak out, and promptly decided it wasn't. She approached the tavern owner and asks if he could show her to the room she had rented for Killua. The tavern owner, knowing full well who she was and why she didn't want to leave, agreed. Liz entered the room, and looked around to see if Killua was there.

Raider would then head to May and said, "The situation seems to have taken a strange turn. However it seems the creature would not consider striking at citizens during the festival. Now that it knows that we are aware of it's presence, it'll most likely hide. For now we'll just have to make the guards extra careful during the festival." A war, the Winter Court and now a strange tentacle monster. The Isle is very intriguing yet dangerous.
Growing tired of waiting he would run into the forest and into the camp "Raina? Are you here?" He would search for her throughout the camp @Crystal Cali
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May nods at Raider's statement, showing a bit of relief. "Alright, we will just have to be watchful. I will inform the guards of the situation, and make sure every way into the town is well protected for the festival."



Raina hops down from her perch high in the trees as she hears Will coming back. "Mani marte a' i' beast?" she asks, her expression calm.



Raina hops down from her perch high in the trees as she hears Will coming back. "Mani marte a' i' beast?" she asks, her expression calm.

"Great. Now then do you need assistance with anything? I'll be glad to help you," he says to her smiling. The tentacle monster may have been sudden, but he was sure it wouldn't dare ruin the festival not with all this security afoot.

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