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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Evan nodded with approval just about when he was going to fire someone scared the boar and caused him to miss and the boar to scatter. "what the hell!" evan started to fire rapidly trying to get a shot until he finally lands one causing the boar to fall but not die on contact. it squealed and thrash. trying to do everything it can to escape
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Raider would be on the move and with one swing he would chop them boars head off clean. "Hmm.. what was that now?"

Will finally calming down would sheathe his blade storming off in the direction of the clearing mumbling to himself the whole way angry about how he cant find where it came from
Raina fires her arrow, and hits the boar, but Will's shout caused it to move before the arrow hit, and the arrow did not quite hit it's mark. Raina pulled out her dagger, and rushed over to the injured boar to end it's suffering quickly. Annoyed, Raina turns her head in the direction the shout came from. "This had better be important," she grumbled. Raina whistled, and her panther, Ash appeared from the tree lines. "Tira, uma il- mata," she instructed, then would start to walk towards the direction of the sound, seeing Will close to the clearing. She walks up to him, not exactly pleased at the moment. "lle ought caela y' quel excuse ten' i' raun. lye farim rime ten' en' ta." she says in a harsh tone.

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic
He would be slowly backing away the look on his face almost scared as he would say nervously but also a hint of sadness "amin uma..... amin utue sina agar....nan' n'uma trace en' manke ta tul e tuulo'... Amin hiraetha..." Backing away a little faster
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Raina frowns at Will's excuse. "N'uma quel." Though Raina did not think what Will saw warranted the disruption to the hunt, she did think it needed investigating. She turns towards Raider and Evan. "It seems as if something strange has happened in the forest. I need to investigate, but we must first take these boar to May." She looks back to Will. "Help us, and then show me what you found."

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina frowns at Will's excuse. "N'uma quel." Though Raina did not think what Will saw warranted the disruption to the hunt, she did think it needed investigating. She turns towards Raider and Evan. "It seems as if something strange has happened in the forest. I need to investigate, but we must first take these boar to May." She looks back to Will. "Help us, and then show me what you found."

"I'll take them back to May," he says as he collects all the boar. He then proceeds to head back to May.
Shaking his head "amin disrupted i' fara.....amin upset lle ar' tyare y' boar un-needed awra ar' sufferien..." He backs partially into the forest feeling terrible for his actions before he begins to shift his feet to run @Crystal Cali
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Raina watches Raider take the boar, then turns in time to see Will run off. She sighs. Though she was annoyed, Raina would not have described the situation as drastically as Will had. She glances back at Evan, giving him an apologetic look before running to catch up to Will.

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina watches Raider take the boar, then turns in time to see Will run off. She sighs. Though she was annoyed, Raina would not have described the situation as drastically as Will had. She glances back at Evan, giving him an apologetic look before running to catch up to Will.

Raider would he walking and eventually reach Mays door again. He's been here so many times its basically second nature. A knock on the door and he waits for the bodyguard.
Running off deep into the woods past the camp and out to the "graveyard" that they had fought against the queen in not long ago sprinting across the field into the other side of the forest @Crystal Cali
The body guard would lead Raider to the kitchens this time, seeing that he had the boar May was waiting for. May would be in the kitchen, cooking along with the servant, which might be out of character for someone typically in her position, but May enjoyed it anyway. She was wearing a more plain dress with her hair completely tied back, and wrapped in a brown cloth, so she didn't quite look like her usual self.


Raina runs faster, trying to keep up with Will. She had thought the blood was closer. What was he doing? "Amin estela lle naa il- runnien tuulo' amin" she comments.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]The body guard would lead Raider to the kitchens this time, seeing that he had the boar May was waiting for. May would be in the kitchen, cooking along with the servant, which might be out of character for someone typically in her position, but May enjoyed it anyway. She was wearing a more plain dress with her hair completely tied back, and wrapped in a brown cloth, so she didn't quite look like her usual self.

Raina runs faster, trying to keep up with Will. She had thought the blood was closer. What was he doing? "Amin estela lle naa il- runnien tuulo' amin" she comments.

Raider would then come in with the boar. "May is that you? I almost didn't recognize you with that look. Still it looks great on you," he says smiling as he wonders how he could help. Surely there must be something he could at least help with in the kitchen. Of course his big blade isn't helping him with cooking. That would be extremely stupid.
He would stop and shake his head turning "amin dont merna a' be e' i' presence en' someone ya naa upset yassen amin" he would say partly sad partly angry, showing a side he had rarely shown, normally calm and observant he seemed scared, sad, and angry. @Crystal Cali
May had one hand in a bowl, and was reaching for flour with another. She throws flower into the bowl as she looks up at Raider, wrinkles her nose, and rolls her eyes. The servant girl next to her giggles. "It's not quite as dignified as a noble usually is, but I suppose I simply have strange hobbies for someone in my position. Oh, you can leave the boar on that table there if you wish. We'll roast them once I get finished preparing this dough." May smiles at Raider. "You do not have to stay if you do not wish to. Thank you for bringing me the boar."

Raina sighs, stopping next to Will. She reaches out her hand to gently place it on his arm. "I am not quite that angry, and I should not have been quite as harsh on you as I was. I am sorry."



May chuckles. "I suppose not, though most people do not find it that fascinating. Did you often spend time in the kitchen with your mother as a child?" she asks out of curiosity.

As the night rose, an enigmatic silhouette rose from the shore of the beach. It started sliding across the sand, not making a single sound as it moved towards lights in the center of the forest. As it crawled it absorbed anything it touched, leaves, plants, and even small animals not keen enough to notice the moving sludge.

An eye suddenly opened on the thing and it began to spy on a village.


It began surveying the land around and started searching for an open cabin without any lights...

After a few minutes of searching it found an elf sleeping, seperated from the center of the village. Sepentireon almost laughed to himself at how easy this was as he began to descend upon the elf, slowly devouring his dreams as he slept.

(Feel free to notice Sepentireon, I'm just trying to ease into the rp now)

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Smiling slightly as he looks to the sky "Sorry...." chuckling scratching the back of his head "I kinda over-reacted" Smiling fully "It's getting late and we have a festival to attend, dont we?" @Crystal Cali


May chuckles. "I suppose not, though most people do not find it that fascinating. Did you often spend time in the kitchen with your mother as a child?" she asks out of curiosity.

He thought about his mother for a monent. Through his time spent he did relish the time indeed. "No my mother never cooked. She was "special" compared to other mothers. She was a "saint," a symbol of God. My time was spent at the royal cathedral where she would pray and bring blessings to the people." Memories would at least come flashing back as he remembers the times he joined his mother in prayer. It was nice... for the most part.
Raina smiles warmly at Will. "I am sure the festivities will not truly get started for a while. May only just got the boar to cook." she says.



May nods as she listens to Raider's story of his mother. "Oh? That is rather interesting. It sounds like you've had a fairly unique childhood as well." she comments as she takes the dough she had been working on out of the bowl. She would knead it some more, then throw it on a pan, and put the pan on a rack inside her brick oven.

Crystal Cali]Raina smiles warmly at Will. "[COLOR=#00b300]I am sure the festivities will not truly get started for a while. May only just got the boar to cook.[/COLOR][COLOR=#00b300]" she says. [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/37187-thatonelunatic/ said:


May nods as she listens to Raider's story of his mother. "Oh? That is rather interesting. It sounds like you've had a fairly unique childhood as well." she comments as she takes the dough she had been working on out of the bowl. She would knead it some more, then throw it on a pan, and put the pan on a rack inside her brick oven.

Raider would nod and watch as she puts the pan into the oven. "You know you would make an excellent mother yourself. You have the beauty, leadership and cooking skills to go alongside. Not that a mother needs to know how to cook. My mother being an example of course." Still he thinks back to his own mother. Now that he thinks about it, he didn't really know her all that well. It wouldnt be too much of a concern for him though. The past is all done and over with.
GreenEyedStranger said:
As the night rose, an enigmatic silhouette rose from the shore of the beach. It started sliding across the sand, not making a single sound as it moved towards lights in the center of the forest. As it crawled it absorbed anything it touched, leaves, plants, and even small animals not keen enough to notice the moving sludge.
An eye suddenly opened on the thing and it began to spy on a village.


It began surveying the land around and started searching for an open cabin without any lights...

After a few minutes of searching it found an elf sleeping, seperated from the center of the village. Sepentireon almost laughed to himself at how easy this was as he began to descend upon the elf, slowly devouring his dreams as he slept.

(Feel free to notice Sepentireon, I'm just trying to ease into the rp now)

(Maybe Will could investigate. Hue. Incoming monster approaching elf)

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