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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Will smiled and nodded "Then let us be off-oh umm my sword." he would say smiling as he held his hand out "And what will I do for Armor.....I gave my last full set to Ty and I haven't had time to complete the second set....." He was still only wearing a green tunic and brown pants @Crystal Cali
May nods. "Perhaps Raina and some of the others can help you with her. It would be best to not hunt her alone, I would think. I did not see Raina or any of the others on my way over here, so they might have gone back to the forest."



Raina unhooks the sword from her waist, and hands it over to Will. "There may be armor that you can use back at the camp. I should probably find some for myself as well."



Raina unhooks the sword from her waist, and hands it over to Will. "There may be armor that you can use back at the camp. I should probably find some for myself as well."

Raider would nod. "Sounds like the plan. I'll go see her then. Once this is over with then I'll plan on seeing you," he smiled at her and would leave. From there be would head into the forest looking for Will and Raina.
Mawlock had walked around, deciding the trouble was gone for the time being. He caught sight of a man who was seemingly chasing the same person, why else would he be moving around the way he was? Mawlock listened to him talk to someone about a person they called 'Ranger'. Mawlock watched Raider head into the forest as he approached May. "Excuse me, is this Ranger person the one who is causing all this trouble?" He asked.

@Crystal Cali
May was a bit startled by the sudden approach of the stranger, but she smiles warmly at him. "Yes, this ranger has been causing us quite a bit of trouble, actually. Do you know any information about her that might aid our search?" she says in a calm manner.



Raina follows Will to the camp, and would open the chest left by the tent. She began to search through, finding a few armor sets jumbled together. It takes her a moment, but eventually she comes across the armor she had fashioned for her when the colonists first arrived, and a war seemed to be on the horizon. The armor had seen little use, and was not very worn. Raina ducks into the tent, closing the flap behind her while she quickly changed. She was soon out of the tent, and dressed in the armor. Raina began to sharpen her daggers as she waited for Will.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/armor.jpg.21d7222d6605530343c884094b1e3b74.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/armor.jpg.21d7222d6605530343c884094b1e3b74.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"No I do not, but I can help you if trouble comes up." He responded. "If you need healing, water, or for me to conjure any kind of plant, I can give plenty." He spoke with a smile. "I also have a book that could help. It has a lot of stuff in it that can teach you all how to defend yourselves." He added.

@Crystal Cali
Will grabbed what he could from his tent, he would have to wait for the Gauntlets and helmet for his armor as he had not finished them yet. He put the chestplate and leggings on and walked out (same armor as before without the helm or gauntlets) @Crystal Cali
May smiles back at the boy. He seemed to be genuinely sweet, and rather innocent. "Your powers could be quite useful, though we are not short on supplies just yet. I would be interested in learning what kinds of defense techniques are in your book, though. Would you care to join me in my library so we can take a look. Ah, before that, I suppose I should introduce myself. I am May Graves. What is your name?"



Once Raina was done sharpening her daggers, she counted the arrows she had, then looked to Will. "I am ready when you are."

"I am Mawlock... Umm that's all I remember. I think I had a last name." He knelt down, his book traveling underground and uprooting in front of him. He picked up the white book and stood up straight. "Yes, let us look." He opened the book up, the same thing being seen by May that was seen by Evie. "My friend says she cannot read it, can you?" The symbols continued to shift and fade and blur slowly all over the pages.

@Crystal Cali
May moves to stand slightly behind Mawlock, and looks over his shoulder at the book. She looks intrigued at what she sees on the page, but can't make any sense of the symbols. "It is not written in any language I am familiar with, and I do not think I have come across symbols like these in any other book of mine. It is fascinating, though. I assume you can read this for me?"

"Sort of. I can translate it, but this stuff can't be 'read' like words. Lead the way... May." He let out a little giggle because of his rhyme. Mawlock gestured for her to lead him to the library. Mawlock knew that a good amount of study would have to be done for him to find useful things for them. A lot of the things that were in the book that could be helpful were in the biographies of the most cruel and evil beings to ever exist. So Mawlock was a bit uneasy as to the actual effects.

@Crystal Cali
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May gives Mawlock an intrigued look at his explanation of the symbols. She definitely wanted to know more about this book. May would chuckle a little at the rhyme, and smile at Mawlock before turning and leading him to her manor at the center of town. May would lead him inside, and right around the first corner to the first door on the right in the hallway, which was a small library. The walls were lined top to bottom with shelves of books, and there was a desk in the center of the room, and a purple sofa to the right. "Make yourself comfortable. I can have someone bring us something to drink if you like."

"Warm honey milk would be nice." He sat down in the desk and set the book open. He began to turn the pages slowly, reading and scanning. "So what are we looking for? There are pyre curses, spell creations, arcane rituals, alchemy recipes, enchantments, witch craft, and what seems like a manual for slaying creatures." He explained. Mawlock shuddered when he read the stories leading up to the bits of information.

@Crystal Cali
May instructs one of her servants to bring Mawlock warm milk and honey, and also to bring her a glass of water, then takes a seat beside Mawlock as he looks in the book. "Hmmm. Our current threat is an elven ranger, so we may need a defense against elven magic. I do not know what exactly her powers are, though. Our other problem, well more of a minor bother really, is an animated skeleton. I do not know his particular fighting skills, though I do know of some alchemy potions that can dissolve skeletons. I have had to do that before." As May finished speaking, the servant came into the room with the drinks, and set them on a tray in front of May and Mawlock. May gave the servant a smile, and the servant left the room.

Mawlock took a drink of milk. "A ward could be put up to paralyze all elven beings that enter. The spell was created by a powerful arcane master, and the only counter to it was discovered by his brother. It can be set up to paralyze any race with the right ingredients. It was so precise, that even humans who were just as tall as an elf were affected by it." Mawlock explained, pointing to a certain part of the page. He chuckled, "The brother turned an elf into an entirely different creature. A sheep, but it still didn't work." He looked up at May, "You wanna try it out? It might affect some of the residents but the ward is fool proof. Unless someone gets their hands on this book and finds out how to get around it." He finished his drink. "The paralysis lasts about two hours and causes a flashing light when it happens. Interesting story really..."

@Crystal Cali
May thinks about that for a moment. She did not want to cause all elves on the isle trouble, but this could be useful. "If we could set the ward to a very specific area, and lure the elf woman into it, this might work. Perhaps we can test it in an area of the forest where we can easily trap her."


He walked through the forest again, he saw another big animal and growled as he went up to it. He ran up and attacked it, biting down on the things side as it ran away and kicked him off. Ezekiel growled "Let's keep going, i'll eat when the moon is out," he said walking until they came to a stream.


Avery couldn't help but giggle at what had happened "Congratulations. You got a laugh out of me," she said ruffling his hair before following him to the stream. She ran up and drank some water, she adjusted her hat and sat by the stream to take in the wild.

Liz came out of the caves, growing kind of bored at the lack of things happening on the beach. She decides to take a hike in the forest, following a stream uphill. As she walked along, through the middle of the stream, she looked at the rocks to see if she could spot something interesting. She eventually runs into the two kids who seemed to be traveling along the stream. They were pretty young-looking, so she wasn't about to attack them. "Not lost, are ye, kids?" she calls out, having not seen these two before, she was wondering if these were some colonist kids who ran too far from home, though they did look a bit odd for colonists.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"Oh! Uh.....no! This is my brother Ezekiel, we've been lost for quite some time. We ran away from a monster that chased us through the woods and well...we been trying to find our home but to no avail," she said putting the hat down, tears dripped behind it but a smile could be seen by Ezekiel.

Ezekiel patted her head and got to his feet "We're cold and hungry. I tried to hunt something but....I'm only good at night. It kicked me in the face and ran away," he said rubbing his cheek where the creature had hit him. "What are you? You aren't a monster, are you?" he asked taking a step back.

@Crystal Cali
Liz, being a pirate and a rather skilled swindler herself, could spot fake tears when she saw them. Still, she was bored, so she decided to play along for a while, though the boy's question cracked her up a little. "Depends on who ye ask, kid. I'm Elizabeth Alis, queen of the pirates on this isle. I ain't a mythical, if that's what ye mean by monster, though."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Avery caught the act and looked up "Alright let's just cut the acts before we get bored. Listen I am Avery. This is my partner Ezekiel, he's a were creature except his form a bit more....dangerous. I'm telling you this because we need food, I don't want to eat a pirate because I don't like the taste of drunks and I am willing to make a deal if it means I can eat another day," she said shaking her head as she studied the girl.

Ezekiel sighed "Really, I thought it would be fun to mess around for a bit. Like she said, we're hungry," he said as he went on his fours and went around Avery used himself as a barrier "Please don't try anything," he said before curling up on the ground.

@Crystal Cali
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Liz chuckles, amused by the sudden break in the act. These kids were certainly entertaining. "I weren't getting bored, but yer act could've used more work. And I ain't gonna hurt ye. I may be a pirate, but I do live by a few rules, one of them bein' not hurtin' kids. Now, if it's just food ye need, I can buy ye a meal at the tavern, I don't mind that."

@Shammy the Shamrock ((I gotta get to bed for the night. Later))

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