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Fantasy Isle of Mist

As Raina was distracted he pushed up and to the side forcing her off but gently so she wouldnt be hurt and he stood grabbing his sword "Come on then, lets finish this outside you old pile of scum!" He was rarely this angry and usually kept his cool, but being called an invader when he had lived on the isle for so long without a single human being there only to be called an invader, well it set him over the edge and his eyes that were green began to glow as he grew angrier, him being within the ten meters of the Skeleton caused the glow to stop after a few seconds but it was bright and any who were in the room should have seen it, and hearing his words towards Raina the person he cared most for sent him far beyond the edge. He dashed forward angrily pushing the guards that were holding him before kicking his chest hard attempting to send him backwards into one of the tables @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
ThatOneLunatic said:
As Raina was distracted he pushed up and to the side forcing her off but gently so she wouldnt be hurt and he stood grabbing his sword "Come on then, lets finish this outside you old pile of scum!" He was rarely this angry and usually kept his cool, but being called an invader when he had lived on the isle for so long without a single human being there only to be called an invader, well it set him over the edge and his eyes that were green began to glow as he grew angrier, him being within the ten meters of the Skeleton caused the glow to stop after a few seconds but it was bright and any who were in the room should have seen it, and hearing his words towards Raina the person he cared most for sent him far beyond the edge. He dashed forward angrily pushing the guards that were holding him before kicking his chest hard attempting to send him backwards into one of the tables @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
Having no joints and being extremely light, Hickory saw him coming and right when he wouldn't see it coming, decided to use the guards as supports, lifting himself like a figure in one of the soccer table games, and punting the elf right in the chin.

Davorin had been sat in watching the events. They were humorous. The fight showed skill. Still Davorin found that is hypnotic powers wouldn't work. "Curious, oh that clever bastard " the vampire muttered.The skeleton knew his weakness. Then it happened. The skeleton seemed to have pushed Will over the edge. This brought an awful smile to the vampires face. Standing up he drew his sword, while walking over to the skeleton. "Having fun are we" Davorin said with a smile. "While I find this fun I would advise you to follow what I say" Davorin muttered before speaking to the recently punted elf. "Sorry about my bodyguard here he gets violent at times". @ThatOneLunatic @Hiatus @Crystal Cali
Raina was a bit shocked as she was pushed off Will, but more than that, the sheer stupidity of the words that came out of the skeleton's mouth dumbfounded her. "I am a wood elf, I am not GOD! I can control the fog no more than I can make the sun rise! Do you hear the sheer, utter, stupidity that is flowing from your mouth? And as far as what we are doing here, there is no law preventing us from coming and going as we please. The Woodland Fae and the Colonists are allies, and if you are ignorant enough to not be aware of this, than you have no right to claim that you are anything more than a pitiful outcast." Raina would snatch Will's sword from the floor so he couldn't start swinging it around again, then looks to the vampire with a perplexed look. "If you truly hired this moron to be a body guard, you must be desperate," she says, not believing the vampires story. While she did not know Davrin, she had seen him around. She remembered that at one time he was often seen with the pirate queen, though that was hardly her concern really.

@Hiatus @ThatOneLunatic @SirGrey
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His well trained eyes caught his movements and he ducked his free hand moving down to catch his leg as he rolled backwards and he didn't care for Davorins words "Hold your tongue." he said coldly "Your body guard is coming with me. Without weapon or I will kill him here." He said as he stepped closer his fists clenched, he couldnt care less for anyone at the moment, his people had been insulted the woman he loved insulted and his ancestors insulted. To him this was punishable by death and he looked to Raina "Give me my sword. Now!" He demanded "Or I'll kill this disgrace with my hands." @Crystal Cali @SirGrey @Hiatus
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Raina sighs, keeping a tight grip on the sword. "Words from the mouth of a fool are hardly worth death, Will. He has made no threat, nor truly done any harm. While this isle would certainly be a more peaceful place if this disgrace were eliminated, killing him for simply being a moron will cause more trouble for the Woodland Fae than it is worth."

ThatOneLunatic said:
His well trained eyes caught his movements and he ducked his free hand moving down to catch his leg as he rolled backwards and he didn't care for Davorins words "Hold your tongue." he said coldly "Your body guard is coming with me. Without weapon or I will kill him here." He said as he stepped closer his fists clenched, he couldnt care less for anyone at the moment, his people had been insulted the woman he loved insulted and his ancestors insulted. To him this was punishable by death and he looked to Raina "Give me my sword. Now!" He demanded "Or I'll kill this disgrace with my hands." @Crystal Cali @SirGrey @Hiatus
( plz stop dodging everything, that was a suprise attack (:'() @ThatOneLunatic )

"Can we's end dis now? Oim trynna get mah drink. Me and de boss gots tings da do." He stated. feeling safe in the comfort of his own village. "Oi didn't even start nothen wit nobody."
"After you provoked him Will I doubt it will" Davorin said in a bitter tone. "You came in here provoked him and while i tried to stop the two of you, you attacked my guard" Davorin said moving closer to Will now face to face with him. "I confuse that he may of insulted you, still perhaps you could learn some wit instead trying to stab him" Davorin said smiling. "But then we are just pitiful outcast aren't we oh peaceful one" He said glaring at Rania. He wanted to see what Will would do. @Hiatus @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
As Raider would go he would wonder how long till the Ranger shows up. He was told she went this way, so he would go that way. If she wasn't there... then he'll just have to go back to the village and continue guarding it. Still he has a feeling something else is going on besides the Ranger, but the Ranger is still of top priority. If anything the Ranger is the biggest threat on this Isle currently.

(If hes lifting himself in the air its very easy to see as he is lifting himself up and that would be noticable.....) Looking to Davorin "Provoked? So your guard running through the town saying its his and demanding to have it handed to him brandishing his sword and then moving into here and demanding things his sword drawn, and then when I ask him to put his weapon down or leave he turned towards me telling me to leave in a threatening tone with his sword in his hand still. Thats me provoking? Oh what corrupt logic you have." He chuckled @SirGrey @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
ThatOneLunatic said:
(If hes lifting himself in the air its very easy to see as he is lifting himself up and that would be noticable.....) Looking to Davorin "Provoked? So your guard running through the town saying its his and demanding to have it handed to him brandishing his sword and then moving into here and demanding things his sword drawn, and then when I ask him to put his weapon down or leave he turned towards me telling me to leave in a threatening tone with his sword in his hand still. Thats me provoking? Oh what corrupt logic you have." He chuckled @SirGrey @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
(I did it at the last possible second, there's only so much you can do to dodge something. Us both are really fast.)

"Oi carreh a sword bacaus every man does, ye git! Ah wasn't demanden de drink, I was ordren!" He shouted back at the man, now growing sick of the men holding him.
"Do you do that to every angry patron if so I commend for doing the impossible" Davorin said with a smile. "Also he didn't actually hurt anyone, he could of just be another mad person, like the ones who run this isle" Davorin said with a smile. "You didn't take it outside as well which is a law" the vampire said explaining. "You also got a bit angry didn't we over an insult which means you don't come to the tavern very often" Davorin said in a mocking tone. @Hiatus @ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
"Your right I dont go to the tavern much which means your words mean little to nothing right now, an insult to my people is all i care about. Insult me all you want but not my people. Now keep up with your meaningless insults and I'll gut you aswell. Vampire" he said the last part loud so everyone would know @SirGrey @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
Raina frowns at Will's blatant disregard for her opinion, and his refusal to stay calm. "William! Go home, now!" she says in a demanding voice, with the air of a commander, rather than a friend or a lover. Hearing her words thrown back at her, Raina flinches and gives Davrin an apologetic look. "I apologize for my rash words. I should speak with more composure." she says, her usual calm demeanor coming back to her. @SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic @Hiatus

((Also, yes, you are avoiding too many attacks. Both of your characters are fighting with EQUAL skill, which means both of you should have been hit at least once by now.))
Raider would then be met by one of his guards saying that there is trouble near the tavern. He would be troubled in deciding whether or not to attend to the Ranger or to the Tavern. Decisions... decisions...decisions. He was pretty puzzled as which situation to attend to first, but the Ranger was also a considerable threat. Which should he go to?
@SirGrey[/URL] @ThatOneLunatic @Hiatus
((Also, yes, you are avoiding too many attacks. Both of your characters are fighting with EQUAL skill, which means both of you should have been hit at least once by now.))
( Yeah, I was hit by almost everything if not everything. )

"Finelly speakin sum sense, woman. Now get dis brutes off mah. Oi'd hate ta a've to do it mahself." Hickory would seem only briefly phased at the discovery of his helper being a vampire. With hickory himself being a dark creature fighting for the colonists, it didn't raise an immediate concern, only suspicions.
"No you shouldn't you get stuff done when you're angry" Davorin said his tone coming to his normal charismatic tone. "If it comes to it I will pay for his prison visit, though I contest that I expect William to get some reprimanded as well" the vampire said in a more authoritative tone. "So shall we be free to go, oh and er how many people heard what William shouted, do you think it was alot" the vampire asked revealing some vulnerability. He protected and hid what he was for so long, not out of fear or disgust for what he was, but for security. People don't trust vampires outright. Life could be a little difficult for here on out. @Hiatus @Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
(Ahhh yeah sorry was at work most of this legit got off like 10 mins ago, didnt really notice it sorry about that. But also you getting hit was your call there were plenty of times you coudl have countered and it would have been accepted, its just the last one where he lifted himself up a skilled fighter would notice that even if it was last second, plus his hands were free he would lift his hands up to defend in a situation like that but yeah i see the other times. My b) He sighed and didnt care "My name isnt William, dont call me that. Ever." he walked past Raina out of the Tavern "When you regain your sense come find me Raina." he was angry and didnt want to traumatize the people by attacking the Vampire too. as he walked towards the camp he decided to stop and he turned and walked off into the trees, he headed to a tall tree that he usually went when he wanted to be left alone @Crystal Cali
Raina looked around. Most of the citizens who had been in the tavern were evacuated, and most of those who remained were obviously drunk. "Yes, he will of course face consequences for what he has done. As for those who heard him, well most of the people within earshot are drunk, the guards know better than to attack someone who has done no wrong, and anyone else who wishes to cause trouble will have to face May's consequences, I am sure." she says the last part a bit louder to make sure people knew there would be punishment for rash action. Raina believed that the incident probably would not cause too much trouble for the vampire. Raina would give the guards a meaningful look, and though she was not their commander, they did let go of the skeleton man, and take a step back, but they were still prepared to strike if needed. Raina watched Will leave, a bit disappointed in herself for the slip with his name. She knew that wasn't his name, why did she say it?

@Hiatus @SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic
Will climbed the tree and sat in it he overlooked the woods from the treetop and sighed. Ignorant humans he thought to himself we never should have let them stay he was angered that Raina had let them and their people be walked on by them @Crystal Cali
"Thank you my dear now if you excuse me and my associate will be out of your way" Davorin said with a smile his voice back to its normal charismatic tone. "If you need anything at all you have but to ask my dear, after all you have done us a great service" the vampire said before going to the skeleton. "are you ready to go Hickory?" @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
SirGrey said:
"Thank you my dear now if you excuse me and my associate will be out of your way" Davorin said with a smile his voice back to its normal charismatic tone. "If you need anything at all you have but to ask my dear, after all you have done us a great service" the vampire said before going to the skeleton. "are you ready to go Hickory?" @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
Hickory would strech, flaunting around his newfound freedom. "Soyins good ta me." He said as he picked up his beaten up blade as well as his cooking pot. "Oi'll get ta alcohol anotha day." He added on, followed by his teeth rattling as they smacked together, as if he was attempting to laugh.
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Raina would smile back at Davrin, then wait a while after they left. She straps Will's sword onto her waist, and tells the guards to deliver her apologies to both Raider and May for the disturbance. She then heads out to the forest, walking slowly in large circles, passing Will a few times, but waiting until she knew she could speak calmly before climbing the tree where he was. "May we speak calmly now, or do you need more time to gather your thoughts?"


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