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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Will who had chased after the noise entered soon after his blade drawn. He was only in his tunic as he had just

Gotten out of the infirmary and he raised his sword Towards the skeleton "Put the sword down now." He ordered with a commanding voice. @Hiatus
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will who had chased after the noise entered soon after his blade drawn. He was only in his tunic as he had just
Gotten out of the infirmary and he raised his sword Towards the skeleton "Put the sword down now." He ordered with a commanding voice. @Hiatus
"You've got da right ta yer sword, so does I." Hickory said, now standing from his seat to face him. "Wait ta second.. You's a forest freak in MY TOWN."

His hand tightened on his blade as a likely conflict would begin.
"Temper Temper gentlemen" Davorin said in a jokey manner from his darkened table. He knew who this man was. The ancient skeleton who had been raving in the town about the 'tree sheits n' Night freeks'. No one had listen to him an rightly so. Still the vampire couldn't help but be intrigued by the man. Such bravado was so rare these days. Will on the other hand was the classic hero. Such a pair. Davorin made sure to hide the fangs and eyes. The white could just mean he was into hair styling after all. "Still I but jest and while I know you two won't drink together perhaps some rare brandy would help?" @Hiatus @ThatOneLunatic
Lithia said:
Evie's eyes grew wide at the sight of the man sitting on the floor and the little pup. "What happened?" she asked rushing over. "Did Mawlock heal you?" she was confused because when he had healed her she was fine after. A lot of things weren't making sense to Evie. "What happened to the village? What is Mawlock saving it from?" She ripped off a piece of the bottom of her shirt and handed it to him to cough into, it was wet but it was better than nothing at all.
@Wild Wolf Wind
"yes he did heal me but not all the way. there was a fire at the village, but thats not the real threat. A former ranger is on the Isle. she is one of the most dangerous."
SirGrey said:
"Temper Temper gentlemen" Davorin said in a jokey manner from his darkened table. He knew who this man was. The ancient skeleton who had been raving in the town about the 'tree sheits n' Night freeks'. No one had listen to him an rightly so. Still the vampire couldn't help but be intrigued by the man. Such bravado was so rare these days. Will on the other hand was the classic hero. Such a pair. Davorin made sure to hide the fangs and eyes. The white could just mean he was into hair styling after all. "Still I but jest and while I know you two won't drink together perhaps some rare brandy would help?" @Hiatus @ThatOneLunatic
"Ow bout I do ye one better n skewer tis knife ears." He stated, his face remaining in its permanent blank, as he raised his sword to face the elf. "Let's take dis outside." Although he didn't initially pay much attention to the man's offer, it did now occur to him now that he is a skeleton and is incapable of drinking.
He chuckled and as he held his side woth one hand he dashed forward woth a quick side-slash at the skeletons blade trying to knock It to the side followed by a underhand slash at the skeletons torso @Hiatus
ThatOneLunatic said:
He chuckled and as he held his side woth one hand he dashed forward woth a quick side-slash at the skeletons blade trying to knock It to the side followed by a underhand slash at the skeletons torso @Hiatus
Hickory was surprised by the sudden attack, catching him off guard and allowing him to be staggered and then struck, the blade smacking into his armor and cutting into his bone beneath. However, as a skeleton he did not flinch from this blow due to lacking a sense of pain. In a burst of speed, enabled by his lightweight frame, he dashes forward, attempting to cleave his blade into the Elf's thigh.
Catching the blade woth his own he would spin his sword around the skeletons blade attempting to force it downward lifting his leg to step on the tip and pin it down. His feet began to glow green again and he moved unusually fast for a man who was injured so badly for reasons even he didnt know. @Hiatus
Davorin sighed. "You offer some brandy and they start a fight, why do I bother" the vampire said as he watched the fight taking place in the bar. Davorin stood up and took out his snaphaunce pistols he fire at the roof, hoping to get the two fighters attention. "If you two wish to cleave each others heads of that is fine, I just don't want them rolling around in here, it ruins the already poor decor" Davorin said putting the pistol back. "Perhaps Will you could do as the skeleton said and take it outside" Davorin asked. He didn't think Will would do such a thing as attack someone of guard. Still the nice people are often the most surprisingly deadly. @Hiatus @ThatOneLunatic
ThatOneLunatic said:
Catching the blade woth his own he would spin his sword around the skeletons blade attempting to force it downward lifting his leg to step on the tip and pin it down. His feet began to glow green again and he moved unusually fast for a man who was injured so badly for reasons even he didnt know. @Hiatus
Almost chuckling at the man's lack of offense, Hickory would quickly dive in, attempting to wrap his hands around the man's throat, whilst throwing his weight at the man in an attempt to knock him to the ground.

(Just a reminder, Hickory cancels out all magic within 10ft, just incase you've got some magical gift.)
Raina had managed to loose Will in the commotion, but she hears the gunshot coming from the tavern, and rushes over to see what was happening. As she did, several of the town guards rushed in as well. Two of the guards moved to break up the violent fight, and one of them hastily started to evacuate the frightened patrons from the tavern. Raina attempted to summon vines in order to restrict both Will and the other man to assist the guards, but found that she couldn't. She looked to the skeleton with a suspicious expression, but her inability to use her magic was the least of her concerns right now.

Raina takes a deep breath, then shouts, "Both of you, put your weapons down now!" She was more concerned for the innocent people who could end up as collateral damage than anything else now.

@SirGrey @ThatOneLunatic @Hiatus
He was to into the fight to hear her words and he caught the mans hand with his free hand and leaned towards him putting one foot back to counter his weight as he pushed his sword arms elbow into the skeleton with a fierce push @Crystal Cali @Hiatus (sorry work got busy)
ThatOneLunatic said:
He was to into the fight to hear her words and he caught the mans hand with his free hand and leaned towards him putting one foot back to counter his weight as he pushed his sword arms elbow into the skeleton with a fierce push @Crystal Cali @Hiatus (sorry work got busy)
(editing because I just realized which princess this is)

Hickory stumbled back from the mans shoved, making sure he didn't hit any civilians as he rebalanced. Upon realizing the presence of the earth freak queens, he began to formulate a plan. "Settle don ye craze elf kid!" Hickory demanded. "E' ran in ere and demanded ay give up meh sword."
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He took the chance not caring for the skeletons demands. He walked into a tavern armed and demanding things. Those people in his book didnt deserve to be alive or undead and so he spun cutting across at the level of the skeletons neck with his blade. The green aura around his feet gone but he was still fast. The hundreds of years of training turned him into a agile yet decisive fighter @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
Seeing that the skeleton stopped, the guards swiftly moved to restrain him. Raina simply gives the skeleton a look of disgust due to the disrespect, but was less concerned about him than she was about Will. She looks over as Will rushes the skeleton, and leaps towards him, aiming to hit Will in the side and knock him off course, and to the ground. Even without her magic, Raina was strong, and the momentum she had would be enough to knock Will off balance if she hit.

@ThatOneLunatic @Hiatus
He was already mid spin and his blade was going to hit the skeleton even if he was hit by raina. So long as the skeleton wasnt able to block it which from the guards attenpting to restrain him would be difficult @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
ThatOneLunatic said:
He was already mid spin and his blade was going to hit the skeleton even if he was hit by raina. So long as the skeleton wasnt able to block it which from the guards attenpting to restrain him would be difficult @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
The notion was humorous to Hickory. Right before the blade could strike him, he popped off his own head, catching it by raising up his left foot.
His blade would cleave his leg off as it was a strong slash just as raina had tackled him to the ground his sword dropped from his hand and he looked up

at her and smiled "Cant stay away from me can you?" He smiles sweetly @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
Raina would pin Will's arms so he could not reach for his weapon again. She looked in the eye with a furious expression. "What the hell are you thinking fighting inside a public tavern like this? Do you know how many innocent people you could have accidentally injured? Please, at least tell me that you were not the one who drew first!"

"I didnt draw first, calm down and I watched where I was swinging.

I made sure no one would be hurt

Now get off me and let me kill the bastard!" He would push up against her
ThatOneLunatic said:
His blade would cleave his leg off as it was a strong slash just as raina had tackled him to the ground his sword dropped from his hand and he looked up
at her and smiled "Cant stay away from me can you?" He smiles sweetly @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
His armor stopped his foot from being blown away, in order to prevent from his bones being cleaved apart, his foot was blown out of the socket, now standing limp in his pants. With no continuing conflict to stop him, he began awkward movements to hook it back together. In the midst of this, he heard them talking. "Ask de white ayred man, dat shovel eared put attacked meh while i's was orderin da drink." His skull said from somewhere towards the corner.
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ThatOneLunatic said:
He looked to him "Ordering? You demanded drinks angrily with your sword drawn! You liar!" @Crystal Cali @Hiatus
"Mah sword was at mah side cuz ah was just usen it to bang pots, ye dumb git." He snapped back. "Oi actually live in dis damn town, you's a filtty elf invader!"
Raina refused to move, sighing through her nose. "Will, it does not matter if you were watching where you were swinging. Fighting with weapons inside the tavern will get you a night in jail! You should have gone outside! I know you are a skilled swordsman, but the law applies to everyone!" Raina looks over at the skeleton man as he rambles on, and says in an irritated tone, "If you wish to speak about invaders, you disrespectful, pile of bones, you will want to look in the mirror. We lived on this isle for centuries before any human washed up here, so you have no room to talk."

@ThatOneLunatic @Hiatus

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