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Fantasy Isle of Mist

The vampire walks along not really paying that much attention to Liz. He goes towards the forest. Davorin walks like a man with purpose. Which may be because he had a purpose for going into the forest. @Crystal Cali
Liz sees Davrin turn off towards the forest, though she assumes he is just going back to his own house, considering she saw him leaving a house in the forest the other day. She would continue to walk towards the beach.



Raina nods. "I do not think I even made it there before she left."

"Alright..." he would rub the back of his head awkwardly "Sorry about earlier....I dont like...well being insulted...." he was truly sorry but also still sounded a little upset about it @Crystal Cali
Hickory would emerge from the forest, facing the colonist city. In his left hand he held a cooking pot, and in the right he held his sword. From here he walked into the city, reaching it's center and began his new brilliant way of warding off the other factions.

"Oi'll ya fawkin tree sheits n' Night freeks! Git tha fock otta ma damn town!" He shouted as loud as he could.
Davorin makes his way throughout the forest. Passing his hidden home, or not so hidden seeing as how many people had become aware of it, he made his way to a flower bleed. Like purple jewels that glistened in the day and were a beacon in the night. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" the vampire quoted smell the flower. "Then again your purpose is not intoxicate the nose but rather stop the beating of a heart" Davorin muttered encase anyone was watching (Open for interaction)


Raina nods. "I do not think I even made it there before she left."

"Elita has always been able to flee before reinforcements arrive, so don't worry. next time I'm going after her alone." he walks a little away from them. "its my fault. I should't have brought Ty with me. I knew she might get one of us but we i thought it would be me."
Raina shakes her head. "No, I am sorry. I did not wish to be insulting, I was only worried," she sighs, then looks back to Evan, frowning. "After what happened just now, going alone is an even more foolish idea than before. Elita is stealthy, she would easily overtake someone who was alone." Raina sighs, and looks ahead as her sensitive ears pick up a commotion in the towns square. "Get Ty to the infirmary, Evan, but be weary. Something obnoxious is happening in the square." (I never made it to the hospital. Evan should still be carrying Ty.)

@ThatOneLunatic @Wild Wolf Wind @Otakubeats


May hears the commotion from her open window, and looks out towards the streets. She walks out to her balcony, and spots the skeleton making the ruckus. The common folk outside, were for the most part, merely annoyed, and also mostly human, so the skeleton's rambling would seem out of place. May clears her throat, and shouts so most everyone can hear, "You there with the sword and cooking pot! You are disturbing the peace, and are hereby ordered to stop your shouting and leave the area at once!"

@ThatOneLunatic[/URL] @Wild Wolf Wind @Otakubeats


May hears the commotion from her open window, and looks out towards the streets. She walks out to her balcony, and spots the skeleton making the ruckus. The common folk outside, were for the most part, merely annoyed, and also mostly human, so the skeleton's rambling would seem out of place. May clears her throat, and shouts so most everyone can hear, "You there with the sword and cooking pot! You are disturbing the peace, and are hereby ordered to stop your shouting and leave the area at once!"

"Shat your trap, ye overblown heiress!" Hickory would yell back, now dropping the pot, but briefly raising his sword to the sky. He'd lower it shortly after, coming up with an idea. "Ol'Right! I'll head out if ah recieve tree tings. Ah want pure alcohol, flint, n some respect when ah return!" He'd say as a devious plan formed in his mind, with his face being incapable of portraying his mischievous excitement. @Crystal Cali
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May looked slightly annoyed as she turned back inside her house. She walks downstairs to her office, and writes a note:


Another animated skeleton has appeared in the town square in front of my house. He was carrying a cooking pot and sword, and caused a rather loud disturbance. Please keep an eye on him. He may be scheming something, but my first impression is that he is not very intelligent, so he may be little more than an annoyance. Still best to be cautious, so please inform the guard.


May hands the note to a young girl, and gives the girl instructions to find Raider and hand him the note, while also avoiding contact with the skeleton man. The girl sets off towards the barracks, taking a long route to avoid even coming close to the skeleton.

@ThatOneLunatic[/URL] @Wild Wolf Wind @Otakubeats


May hears the commotion from her open window, and looks out towards the streets. She walks out to her balcony, and spots the skeleton making the ruckus. The common folk outside, were for the most part, merely annoyed, and also mostly human, so the skeleton's rambling would seem out of place. May clears her throat, and shouts so most everyone can hear, "You there with the sword and cooking pot! You are disturbing the peace, and are hereby ordered to stop your shouting and leave the area at once!"

"I can probably deal with it, but for now i will get him back" he grabs ty again and goes to the village kiera follows close behind. on the way there he could hear banging and shouting.

@Otakubeats @Hiatus
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Evie lead the way up the spiral stairs that went around the trunk of the tree and into the newly built house. She looked around at everything perfectly in its place. Her hammock bed was in it's corner just like before as if it had never been disturbed. The only thing that was different was that it seemed a little bit bigger, there was an extra bed on one side, a small balcony had been added and her bathing tub now had it's own little room. The whole place smelled like fresh flowers and Evie's emerald eyes sparkled like never before. "It's perfect. Thank you," she told Mawlock excitedly.

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Mawlock smiled, "It's nothing really. I was just helping my friend." He looked around. "Hmm..." He looked at the bathtub area. He walked over to it and removed any obstructions before having a thick layer of ivy grow like curtains. He made a hole in the ceiling and had a branch grow from the tree and shaped it perfectly. "A shower. There we have it." He nodded, satisfied.

The vampire had been siting grinding up the flowers with a pestle & mortar in the forest. His project was going well, with the results that were even better then expected. "Like a well aimed dagger of liquid you will strike to the heart" Davorin muttered with a smile. His mind electrified with ideas of horror. They caused a wicked grin to from on his face. (Open for interaction)
"A shower?" Evie said and her eyes grew wide, "You mean like a waterfall in the tree house?" Back in the town she had come from, only the rich and extremely well off had 'showers' in their manors. She had never used one before. "Can you make it work?" she asked stepping into the tub clothes and all and looking up at the newly formed branch in anticipation.

Mawlock tilted his head, "Humans take showers with clothes on...? Odd." He blinked. "I can, give me a minute though." He started making water from the tree pour down and onto Evie. Mawlock kept it going, watching her. For some reason she looked very familiar and he couldn't put his finger on the reason as to why she did. The water that was used fell down back to the ground outside, being absorbed back by the tree through it's natural process. Mawlock sped up the process just a bit so that the tree wouldn't get sick and die.


Ezekiel was eating some dead animal in his human form, he needed all the strength he could get at a time like this. He heard rustling in the bushes and growled. He came closer and was jumped by a small girl wearing a hat of leaves, she let out a shriek that pierced his ears.


Avery shrieked knowing it would give her some time to tackle him to the ground. She was about to sink her teeth before pulling away "Dead. I win, hang on for a sec," she said going to the meal and taking some for herself. "Come on before I burn," she said making sure the hat covered her head before walking back behind the bush and a bit farther. She sat down around an opening and began to cry.


Ezekiel got up, he let out a sigh before following her back behind the bush. He twitched before getting on all fours, he saw what Avery was planning and stayed still, waiting.

(Open for interaction :) )
"Well usually one doesn't bathe clothed," Evie laughed as the water began to rain down on her. It was amazing. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, feeling every single drop that landed on her. Her tunic, pants, and boots were soaked but Evie didn't care, it was like dancing in the rain except the water wasn't freezing.

Evie opened her eyes to find Mawlock watching her. She blushed as water droplets dripped off the ends of her long dark hair. "Have you ever tried this?" she asked him smiling.

"Well that isn't what I would call a civilised meal I would say" Davorin said with a smile. The vampire bowed tipping his hat to Ezekiel and Avery. The vampire had heard some commotion going. Plus one seemed to be one of his race but he didn't want to be rude. "My name is Davorin and it is pleasure to meet you" @Shammy the Shamrock
Avery sighed as she wiped the crocodile tears away, dusting her clothes off "Heh, hello Davorin, I really don't like introductions but what the hell. I'm Avery Heart and my follower Ezekiel," she said making sure Ezekiel was ready in case the guy was ready. Exchanging names was something she didn't normally do but this guy seemed easy to mess with and he was no food to her.

Ezekiel shoved her to the ground "You follow me," he said frowning before looking at the new man. His clothes were in tatters as he stood behind Avery in case the guy tried something.

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Otakubeats said:
Ty slowly got colder as his wounds worsened bit by bit.
Evan started to sprint as fast as he could as he felt Ty's warmth leave his body. "shit. come on stay with me." he said trying to push through. Soon later he tripped and fell, and during it he tried to take away as much damage to ty as he could. he landed on his back soon hearing a loud SNAP followed by a shout of pain. he looked back and his bow string had snapped from the fall. Kiera whimpered and nudged him to get up. he was so hurt he couldn't look to see the tree house above him. "its fine girl shhh shhh" he said with a weak voice. he knew it wasn't alright he needed help fast. he atempted to get up but laid back down with a scream of agony.

@Lithia @Tetro
"A pleasure but I must confess this wasn't just a social visit" Davorin said as he pulled on his waist coat. "Now I heard you something about burning up, which I assume is something to do with the sun, I can understanding more then you think" Davorin said smiling with his fangs showing. He wouldn't normally do this, but it had been so long since he had seem more then one of his own kind. @Shammy the Shamrock
Avery tilted her head "What are you talking about? What else could you be here for," she said whistling for Ezekiel to get up. She glared as the tiny bit of trust she had for this man dwindled.

Ezekiel got up and stayed silent, he didn't transform. He knew if he did it would weaken him and vampires were hard to catch for him.


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