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Fantasy Isle of Mist

He smiles and nods "Dont apologize. But I do not need anymore rest ok? I'm fine....I can understand your concerns but I truly am fine and....I wont hurt any of you again....if it comes close to that I'll end it myself."
"tracking is best done in dark." Evan walks over to Kiera "hey girl do you think you can do that again?" she barks in reply. Evan picks her up and puts her on a high up rock outside. she then fixes her stance and lets out a long loud howl that echoes through the forest. there is a second of delay then poof all light is gone. "raina only light a fire if needed ok?" he starts a little toward the woods, disappearing with the forest. "come on ty" kiera follows disappearing in the dark along with Evan.

@Crystal Cali @Otakubeats
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(High rock inside the hospital? ;) )

Raina hops up, and turns to face Will with a stern look. "Will you stop acting like you have a death wish?" she speaks in a slightly louder and irritated tone. "No one is comforted by the constant promises you make to kill yourself, and that was not my concern in the first place! You do realize that only moments ago, you went flying into a boulder so hard that you split it in two, right? Elven kin heal faster than most, that is true, but not that fast Melamin!"

"If I say I can do it I can!" He would yell back at her not liking the tone she spoke to him in. He never liked being yelled at or when people spoke to him with attitude. "I"m not pushing myself and I'm not going to die! I know my own damn capabilities Raina!" He would say clearly angry at always being treated like a child and he stood up as he added "I'm not a damn child...." @Crystal Cali
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Raina sighs, clenching her fists, and almost glaring at Will. "You cannot promise you will not die when you fight as recklessly as you do! You run towards danger without a single concern for your safety, and you always offer your life as sacrifice when the battle can be won without taking it! It is true that our lives are meant to protect the forest, but you behave as if you wish to be a martyr!"

"Reckless? I move into battle analyzing their skills, testing them at first to see what they can do then properly deal with them to the best of my abilities! It's not my fault that you don't understand the basic concepts of battle! That is why you are the leader and I am the soldier! I am not a foolish child! Every move I make, even the reckless ones has its own purpose weather to assess my opponents capabilities or to make them overconfident so I may surprise them with a decisive blow! Now I dont want to have to repeat myself. I.Am.Not.A.Child." He was insulted by her words and he turned his back towards her as he began to walk out of the building. @Crystal Cali
Raina gasps sharply at the words Will spoke, and turned her face away from him. She froze, waiting to hear him leave before allowing herself to react. The thought occurs to her that she could have misjudged Will's actions, and reacted rashly, but for now she keeps her thoughts to herself, waiting until she has the chance to calm herself before coming to a conclusion.

The bartender pours Will some rum, noting that he was apparently on edge, but not seeming to care as he went back to cleaning the dishes.



Once she was sure Will was gone, Raina left as well, turning in the opposite direction he went, and ending up at May's manor. Rather than going inside, she climbed up to the roof, something she had done a few times before when she had needed to stay inside the village for safety reasons, though did not wish to stay inside a building. She catches sight of May as she passes the bedroom window, and May looks back at her, only vaguely surprised. Raina keeps climbing until she comes to the roof, and moves over to a corner where she could not easily be seen from the road. There she sits, pulling one knee up to her chest, and resting her head on that knee as she tries to calm her nerves, and start thinking rationally again.
Kiera's eyes shined in the dark as he closely followed Evan. "no sign of her. Ty let me know if you think you have something."

(since you created elita u control her) @Otakubeats
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Wild Wolf Wind]Kiera's eyes shined in the dark as he closely followed Evan. "no sign of her. Ty let me know if you think you have something." (since you created elita u control her) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34708-otakubeats/ said:
"Yea su-" He suddenly fell silent as there was a loud slash and a thud from behind Evan where Ty had last spoken from. In the dark it was impossible to tell what had happened.

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Liz groans as she starts to wake, and rolls over towards Davrin. "Hrrmph...." she grumbles with her face buried in the hay pile. She stays like that for a moment, before she sneezes. She jolts up, gasping a bit as she does, and practically inhaling some of the hay. Liz falls into a sitting position and coughs as she frantically tries to get the hay, and her disheveled hair, out of her face.



The bartender looks at Will, frowning at the tone of voice. "Mind your manners, boy, or else there won't be a third," he warns as he ours another glass and sits it in front of Will.

Davorin has good chuckles at Liz's antics. "What would you're enemies think if they saw the dreaded pirate queen now" the vampire said in a sarcastic manner. The vampire moves a bit closer to help with the hay and hair. The vampires head pounds like a fighter on his training dummy, but due to his vampire blood it wouldn't last too long. @Crystal Cali
Liz huffs and rolls her eyes as Davrin helped with her hair. "Ah, well, if I do not strike fear into their hearts at first glance, I'll just have to let my skills with a blade do that for me," she says confidently, as she brushes hay off various places of her clothing.



The bartender poured Will another, though giving the elf a cautious look as he did so.

Davorin smiled at Liz bluster. "Ah yes your mighty blade skills, skills which I can match I would bet" Davorin said smile. "Then again we both know you have other...skills" the vampire said with a smile as he refers to there past relationship. @Crystal Cali
Liz rolls her eyes at Davrin's comment, though the motion just adds to the growing headache she had. "Aye aye, we all know I have many skills, for both striking fear into man's hearts, and making them melt." Liz looks directly into Davrin's eyes with an amused, though slightly dazed, look and says, "While I would love to see your skills with a blade in action, I don't exactly trust ye wouldn't kill me if ye got the upper hand. Then again, I don't trust that anyone would refrain from doing such things, so don't take it personally, love."



The bartender frowns, but pours Will another drink as he says "Alright, but no more after this. I don't need anyone gettin' rough in here."

Otakubeats said:
"Yea su-" He suddenly fell silent as there was a loud slash and a thud from behind Evan where Ty had last spoken from. In the dark it was impossible to tell what had happened.
Evan heard ty cut off and some sort noise from behind him. kiera immediately stuck to Evans leg. he knew that it was Elita "ELITA!" he yelled booming his voice. "SHOW YOURSELF!" he put his hand on the handle of his saxe.
[QUOTE="Wild Wolf Wind]Evan heard ty cut off and some sort noise from behind him. kiera immediately stuck to Evans leg. he knew that it was Elita "ELITA!" he yelled booming his voice. "SHOW YOURSELF!" he put his hand on the handle of his saxe.

Elita's laughter seemed to come from everywhere before she spoke. "Dear, you have bigger problems than me right now." There was the clink of a blade hitting something followed by a short gasp of pain. Her laughter faded away.
Otakubeats said:
Elita's laughter seemed to come from everywhere before she spoke. "Dear, you have bigger problems than me right now." There was the clink of a blade hitting something followed by a short gasp of pain. Her laughter faded away.
he heard the clink and someone getting hurt. he went full on guard, for all he knew that could have been Ty. "ELITA SHOW YOURSELF NOW!" he repeated but a little louder enough that it might reach Raina.

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