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Fantasy Isle of Mist

teal soon spotted a man high above her, though what he was doing was unclear. teal began to run towards him and as she got closer to the man on the hill she saw that he had his back turned to her. soon she was coming up the hill as she slowed to a walk as she got behind him she asked "hello sir but do you know where i am?".
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will looked to Raina's position and smiled as he made his way towards the noise, his footsteps leaving no noise. His years of training taught him many things including how to move virtually without sound. There was a Reason why he was called Will Whisperwind by the colonists. As he neared the noise he drew his blade slowly and quietly. Peaking around the corner to see if he could see what was happening. @Crystal Cali @Otakubeats
Ty lay on the ground wounded and still. Elita stood nearby smirking proudly. She had gotten his attention with the fire, and when he found her, she stabbed him. Twice. Now she walked away, towards another part of the cavern.
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will looked at her from the shadows and he gripped his sword tighter as he made his way closer, his footsteps making not a sound as he drew closer @Otakubeats
As he got closer he'd be able to hear her muttering. "That's one down. Next is that ranger boy."
Tetro said:
Mawlock nodded, "Its size is determined by the caster. We'll need a rose petal, a piece of refined iron, flint, and some paint. Oh and a piece of evergreen vegetation." He listed. Mawlock began to think about Evie, worrying. He stood up, "I should probably head back. If you want I can write down the instructions for you. But I need to make sure my friend is okay."
@Crystal Cali
Lithia said:
"I think I'll wait here with Kiera. Mawlock has been gone a while so maybe he'll be back soon and I don't want to miss him. Are you sure you're well enough to leave?" Evie asked a little worried.

@Wild Wolf Wind

As soon as she finished asking Mawlock came through the door. Evie smiled as he told her he wanted to make sure she was safe, "That's funny I wanted to find you to make sure you were safe," she laughed. "What is your plan?" she asked him, "and how can I help?"



Finally Paige had made it to the village. That's strange, she thought, the air smells like ash, there must have been a fire here recently. She headed in the direction of the tavern, a sure place to get news if not exaggerated versions of the truth.
"Well I must go find this threat i was talking about. she could kill many people, and i have to stop her." he stands up feeling a lot better. "its best to stay inside this house. she can get anyone at any time." he turns to Evie. "keep that gun close. you might just need it." kiera struggled to get out. "no girl you stay." she whimpered. Evan walked over to Evie and kissed Kiera's head. "amin will tul a n'alaquel laito. take care of her." he leaves the tree house and disappears into the forest.
Will would slowly creep up behind her, sticking to the walls as he grew closer to her until he was within striking distance. He remained there quietly to examine her movements as he prepared to strike @Otakubeats
Liz chuckles at Darrin's comment. "Darling, does this face look unflattering to you," she says in a playful tone, batting her eyes. "Ah, I am well. Just out rescuing stray children from the peril, as I seem to have developed a habit of doing," she shrugs. "What about you? Why do you look so troubled?" Liz asked with a hint of genuine concern. Maybe it was because she felt bad for scarring Davrin during their past relationship, or perhaps she was starting to actually care for the vampire, but seeing the look on his face earlier concerned Liz, and she wanted to help.

"I just wonder about me from time to time, I know arrogant as it sounds" Davorin says with a weary sigh. "Am I a monster driven my instincts, no better then a wild wolf, just living for the basis of life's desires" Davorin says with a sigh. "Will I leave this world as a monster hunted and hounded until I die bloodily and alone" He says looking to Liz. The vampire gets like this from time to time as he see people enjoy life he ponders his own. @Crystal Cali
Liz puts a hand on her hip, and raises an eyebrow. "Hmm... well, I've never been inside a wolf's head, but I'm pretty sure they don't think as much as you do. Thinking is what separates us from the beasts, right, so clearly you're already better than your analogy. As for the 'bloody and alone' part, people like us do tend to have bloody deaths, but the alone part.... well..." Liz trails off as she thinks of how to word her thoughts. "Ah, if ye can't get anyone else to like ye, I still ..... care." she shrugs awkwardly as she tries to explain her feelings, though she couldn't really sort out what they were.

Liz puts a hand on her hip, and raises an eyebrow. "Hmm... well, I've never been inside a wolf's head, but I'm pretty sure they don't think as much as you do. Thinking is what separates us from the beasts, right, so clearly you're already better than your analogy. As for the 'bloody and alone' part, people like us do tend to have bloody deaths, but the alone part.... well..." Liz trails off as she thinks of how to word her thoughts. "Ah, if ye can't get anyone else to like ye, I still ..... care." she shrugs awkwardly as she tries to explain her feelings, though she couldn't really sort out what they were.

ThatOneLunatic said:
Will would slowly creep up behind her, sticking to the walls as he grew closer to her until he was within striking distance. He remained there quietly to examine her movements as he prepared to strike @Otakubeats
Focusing, Elita began to cast a cloaking spell. This would be to prevent tracking for a while. A small window for attack was open.
Will darted from the cover slashing at her back with extreme speed as soon as he seen his opportunity. His feet glowing green once again illuminating the ground beneath him. @Otakubeats
Davorin smile at Liz's words, reminding him of who he was. "Yes maybe I do think, maybe a bit too much for my own good and as for the death well I might as well enjoy life" Then he says with a smile and light laugh. The last part surprised Davorin after how badly it went last time. Still she was right, recently with how much they had been talking he had felt something as well. "Well that is a great honour though as I'm sure you can understand I'm not great expressing this with words so..." Davorin says before kissing Liz. It was like reliving the past all over again. Davorin thought about how great his past was. @Crystal Cali
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will darted from the cover slashing at her back with extreme speed as soon as he seen his opportunity. His feet glowing green once again illuminating the ground beneath him. @Otakubeats
Elita let out an inhuman screech and turned, swinging her saber at his heart.
hello, sir i asked you a question? do you know where i am? the lady there called you davorin right? well besides that I'm sorry for interrupting.
Liz leans into Darrin's kiss, and wraps her arms around his neck. She can hear her heart pounding in her ears, and she would cling to Davrin tighter and not paying attention to anyone passing by.



Hearing the fighting going deeper into the cave, Raina quietly ventures in, finding Ty. She keeps close to the walls, and hidden by the shadows to make sure she would not be seen when she went to rescue Ty.

@Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic
Davorin puts his hands on her waist grabbing tight. He doesn't know how much longer he can keep this up but he doesn't mind finding out. His mind is an explosion at the moment. @Crystal Cali
"fine I'll wait you love birds" teal sighed as she sat down and waited for "davorin" to finish making out with the girl
Evan went to the beach and didn't notice the new girl there. he was followed by wolves. "check ilya directions en' i' tol. scouts auta taurn. hunters manka lle utua he` let amin sinta, ar' cronha he` too. " he shouted and pointed in different directions. he unslung his bow and put on his hood. "We need to find her! she shall not kill anyone else!" he shouted to the wolves. They all ran,barking as they split in the directions he pointed.

Hearing the fighting going deeper into the cave, Raina quietly ventures in, finding Ty. She keeps close to the walls, and hidden by the shadows to make sure she would not be seen when she went to rescue Ty.

@Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic

Elita was busy shrieking insults at Will to notice her.

Ty lay on the cavern floor still, his swords laying several feet away.
Davorin had to tear himself away from the kiss to address teal. "Er yes sorry about that, you are currently on our isles village area" Davorin explained. "So are you new here?" @tealevergood
"Well you are here now, here on a isle of man, elf and other assorted creatures" Davorin says in a jokey manner. "The tavern is not a bad place to start if you just got here" Davorin says turning back to Liz "Well then" @Crystal Cali @tealevergood
Raina silently walks up to Ty, taking the weapons that were on the ground, and attaching them to her waist. She would then gently pick up Ty, and try to run out of the caves with him as smoothly as possible. @Otakubeats


Liz looks over to the woman who had disturbed them with an annoyed expression. "Aye? You're not the only one who's come here after fighting a demon. You wouldn't have been in the.... er.... fifty-something-eth floor, were you? Might be a direct link between here and there." she chuckles. Liz looks back to Davrin with a smile and shrugs.

@SirGrey @tealevergood
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Will dodged and weaved Under over and to the side of her slashes. As he slid under one of her slashes he spun cutting at her leg his hood falling

Back revealing his glowing eyes. The green aura seeming to leak into the air from his eyes. @Otakubeats @Crystal Cali

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