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Fantasy Isle of Mist

ThatOneLunatic said:
Will dodged and weaved Under over and to the side of her slashes. As he slid under one of her slashes he spun cutting at her leg his hood falling
Back revealing his glowing eyes. The green aura seeming to leak into the air from his eyes. @Otakubeats @Crystal Cali
She gasped, and used a blinding spell. When it wore off she was gone, the only trace left were specks of blood and torn pieces of her cloak.
Raider would continue patrolling the village. Not much was going on so he would just do his duty as head guard. The other guards would also be at watch as well making sure nothing was out of place.

(Open for interaction)
"no I'm here because of a spell he cast on me" teal sighed as she got up "while i waited for you to i heard some fighting, should we check it out? it was pretty faint though."
Mawlock blinked at Evan, "His heart is in the right place but he's too presumptuous. Thanks for worrying about me." He smiled at Evie. "My plan involves getting a ward to be put up around the town with all those people so then if that ranger person comes back then they'll get stunned. It's a defensive measure I found in the book." He showed her the white book.

"That's a really smart idea," Evie exclaimed. She looked to the doorway Evan had gone though. "It's nice of him to be concerned about me but I want to help. I know I'm not a fighter but I can help in other ways." Evie gave the pup Evan had left a little scratch on the ear, "We have to keep this little one safe too. Do you think she'll be okay in the tree house if we leave?"

"Yeah, she will be. Also I don't like the idea of fighting. If I wanted to harm the ranger then I'd have suggested a different ward." He looked down a little. Mawlock didn't like hurting others honestly, unless it was life or death. The ranger only caused structural damage from what he could tell so he didn't see any reason to use harmful tactics.

"That's why I like you best," Evie laughed, "All these stab first ask questions later types around here, someone's going to get really hurt." The thought of actually helping in a plan to save the island made Evie feel important for the first time in a long time. She really wanted to do whatever she could to help, it was her home too and she didn't like the idea of someone hurting the others who lived here. "You've used a lot of magic lately," she said to Mawlock, "Will it run out or anything?" She wasn't sure if it was a stupid question to ask but she didn't have any magic so she wasn't entirely sure. She didn't want Mawlock to hurt himself in the process of helping everyone though.

Mawlock shook his head, "My magic comes from my heart." He sat down. "It will only run out if it's removed and replaced with something else. It's a type of stone. In fact, my heart is me. This is just a type of vessel." He smiled at her. "I get weak if I am isolated from other people. I need socialization and interaction or I do run out of magic and die. If you want a simple explanation, I run off of love." He explained. Mawlock read through the white book, memorizing the instructions on how to create the ward.

tealevergood said:
"no I'm here because of a spell he cast on me" teal sighed as she got up "while i waited for you to i heard some fighting, should we check it out? it was pretty faint though."
finally hears her. "you heard fighting?" he look at the forest "shit thats Elita." He runs into the forest
Raider would go into the forest after guards reported commotions of a fight. He would go and see Will who looked to have been in a battle. He went over and said, "Will are you alright?"

"Yes. she captured Ty and was torturing him. Raina and myself launched a rescue mission on our own. I distracted her while Raina snuck him out. I got a good hit on her too." he smiled as blood dripped off his sword
"heh, i might get a chance to see if that spell had any other effects on me, this is gonna be fun" teal said as she walked toward the sound with davorin
Raina had already run past everyone, heading to the village with Ty in her arms. She ran past the group at the tavern without a second glance, and headed toward the hospital. The doctors there rushed to help when Raina arrived, and set Ty on a cot. Raina would stand to the side, and wait for them to give her an update on Ty's condition.

@Otakubeats @SirGrey @tealevergood


Liz sees Raina rush by as the others were talking about the noises from the forest. She points in the direction the elf woman vanishes. "If ye really want to know, ye could ask the Forest Queen, I'd bet she know what that was." Liz wasn't fond of the idea of rushing into the forest, and ending up in a fight that may have no benefit at all to her. For all she could tell, Raina's appearance was a sign that this was a fight the Woodland Fae were dealing with, and she wasn't about to get her hands dirty for a problem that wasn't hers.
"Yes if anyone knows what is going on in the forest it would be Raina" Davorin explained for Teal's benefit. "Though I would recommend that you ask her, I mean I will come along as I am intrigued to as is Liz i suspect, but a pirate and someone of my disposition isn't that best for talking to our fair forest queen" Davorin explained as he looked as to where Raina had run off to. Not having to go to forest was a relief. Davorin saw doctors causing him to say "Our Raina seemed to be carrying an injured man so do be nice Teal, unless you need me to explain the word of course" @Crystal Cali @tealevergood
Liz shrugs. "Aye, I'm a bit intrigued, I suppose. I don't think Raina will tell me much, but it's worth a shot." Liz takes a couple steps towards the direction Raina had headed, though paused to make sure the other two were following.

@SirGrey @tealevergood
"Well then lets us be off" Davorin says with a smile as he follows Liz, putting an arm around her waist. "Well I suppose we are doing this insane journey all over again" He mutters to here in a light tone. "I can't wait personally". @Crystal Cali @tealevergood
"I was doing what I always do, think of myself, as well as what happened before between us" Davorin said with a sigh but still it formed a smile. "Before you say anything about that, it was both our faults I think" the vampire said think of how bad those times work. "Still gives me some many ways to make it up to you". @Crystal Cali
Will would swing gis blade in a downward arch. The blood splashing to yhe ground before he sheathed his blade and headed into town

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