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Fantasy Isle of Mist

ThatOneLunatic said:
Will still being used by this now self proclaimed "True elf" would laugh "You think I am scared to fight you? I killed many humans before my death and I will do it again!" Will would dart forward at his top speed slashing his sword downwards at raiders right shoulder
"How naive. Underestimating your opponent," he said calmly as he swiftly dodged the attack. From there he would deliver swift, but deadly kick to Will's side using his left leg. As he did so he would perform a side flip to gain some distance away from Will.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
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Elita finally noticed the flames. She growled, and stepped back. Before Ty could follow she vanished.

"DAMN IT." He focused, and the flames died.

"I was so close..." He turned and walked out of the cavern. As he did, he felt something odd. "...Demonic energy? This far into the isle??"
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Liz laughs, "Aye, probably just drunk, but maybe not. M-maybe we can be pals, aye?" Liz finishes off her drink, then goes to order another, but falls backwards off her stool before she can say a word. She would be silent for a long moment, before finally shouting "I AIN'T FINISHED YET!" but the room was spinning too fast for Liz to be able to get back up.



Raina backed off when the fight broke out. She was hesitant to fight. Even though Will was not in control of his actions, she could not bring herself to attack him.

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
Will as he rushed towards Raider would be screaming "DIE HUMAN FILTH!" but his eyes were watering as if some portion of will was inside, trying to resist and it showed that will could see what was happening but wasnt in control. @Crystal Cali @YoungX
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will as he rushed towards Raider would be screaming "DIE HUMAN FILTH!" but his eyes were watering as if some portion of will was inside, trying to resist and it showed that will could see what was happening but wasnt in control. @Crystal Cali @YoungX
Raider would sigh. "Your rage blinds you fool." He would decide to save his power for later and would use a speed enchantment. With great speed he would be behind Will and deliver a strong deadly kick to Will's head. He wasn't planning on killing him, but he had to break Will free from the elf's control.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Will having been dashing forward would be struck by the kick and would fall forward quickly getting up as if nothing happened "Quick on your feet human? But can you kill your friend?" he chuckled as he said this obviously not caring for wills body or life at all
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will having been dashing forward would be struck by the kick and would fall forward quickly getting up as if nothing happened "Quick on your feet human? But can you kill your friend?" he chuckled as he said this obviously not caring for wills body or life at all
"Will probably wouldn't want to be taken over by someone like you. Don't think for a moment that I'm going to go soft for that reason." Raider decided that he had to bring out perhaps a bit of his power. "You keep calling me human which suggests your hatred for them. As I thought your rage will be your downfall." He would take out Septentrion, his rather huge blade that no one can believe he can wield, and held it in his right hand. As he did there would be a bit of a power spike coming from Raider. Everyone around him could probably feel some pressure in the area. As this was done he would already be behind Will and would strike him with a powerful slash from Septentrion, but would change the direction of the slash midway so that Will couldn't prepare for it. As he did he would already have his feet spin on the ground so that he would gain some distance once the attack was done.

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Will having seen him do this would immediately recognize the attack and roll backwards out of his reach just as the blade would hit the ground chuckling "You think I dont know how you fight? The boys memories are mine. I know you. Raider was it? What a stupid name. Seems to fit a filthy human." He chuckled as he sprinted towards Raider his sword in hand as he lept into the air spinning as he slashed downward at Raiders skull. His speed was blinding as he performed this attack. The "True elf" seemed to be using Wills own powers to fight Raider, his speed, his memories, his strength, and his knowledge.
Davorin laughed at Liz's misfortune and even more at her shouting. "Of course you haven't your completely sober just like me" Davorin joked before getting up walking with legs of jelly. He went to go get another drink but was told no. The Spinning wasn't helping to convince the bartender to say yes. "Looks like we better go" @Crystal Cali
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will having seen him do this would immediately recognize the attack and roll backwards out of his reach just as the blade would hit the ground chuckling "You think I dont know how you fight? The boys memories are mine. I know you. Raider was it? What a stupid name. Seems to fit a filthy human." He chuckled as he sprinted towards Raider his sword in hand as he lept into the air spinning as he slashed downward at Raiders skull. His speed was blinding as he performed this attack. The "True elf" seemed to be using Wills own powers to fight Raider, his speed, his memories, his strength, and his knowledge.
"Is that so? Then I'll have to change things up," and what seemed to be an instant Raider would be gone. He would already be behind Will as he came down for his attack and would deliver a strong slash that would create powerful gusts around them. It was time for Raider to change things up a bit if he was using Will's memory. As he performed the slash, it would feel like the wind would be cut in two even if Will dodged there would be the force of the slash that had a very wide range. With the slash being performed, Raider would perform a perception, strength, defense and speed enchantment on himself. He still refused to bring out more of his real power unless he had too.

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Almost as soon as the wind began to stir wills sword would glow green and vines would burst from the ground to shield him from the attack. It was apparent now that this elf had magic ties when he was alive and that even through death he was powerful enough to manipulate will to use it
ThatOneLunatic said:
Almost as soon as the wind began to stir wills sword would glow green and vines would burst from the ground to shield him from the attack. It was apparent now that this elf had magic ties when he was alive and that even through death he was powerful enough to manipulate will to use it
The attack had subsided but it would be able to pierce through the vines that came from the ground. He had to consider his options carefully and decided to do something that not even Will would ever prepare for. "You say I'm a filthy human, but what do you know about humans? Your knowledge is limited to those you met long ago, and even then you are as bias as you are a fool. You call me human, but tell me do you know if I am human?" It was time for Raider's plan to come into motion. Something that not even Will nor the one possessing him would expect.

Smiling as he stepped forward "You are nothing more than a weak human!" He raised his arms and vines would latch onto Raider holding him in place as he sprinted forward towards him "Now die!"
ThatOneLunatic said:
Smiling as he stepped forward "You are nothing more than a weak human!" He raised his arms and vines would latch onto Raider holding him in place as he sprinted forward towards him "Now die!"
'He did it. He fell for my trap,' as the vines would burn away as Raider himself felt as if he was emanating great fire. Septentrion's appearance had changed as well into what seemed to be a katana of sorts. Raider brought about half of his real power which would cause the area around them to feel extreme gusts of wind. As Will approached Raider, he would be met with a circle around Raider on the ground. Around Raider would appear to be a barrier filled with a myriad of slashes. Raider sheathed the demon katana and Will would be met with a myriad of powerful burning slashes at him. Will fell for Raider's trap.


@ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats
Raina was standing close by, careful not to get into the middle of Will and Raider's battle. As she had thought, she would be unable to even be considered a contender against the spirit inside Will. She does see Ty when he appears, a little too close to the fight. Quickly, Raina rushes to Ty, and would try to pick him up at the waist and move him farther away.

@Otakubeats @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX


Liz groans as she shakily gets up off the floor, stumbling to the side as she tries to get her balance again. "Aye aye, reached our limit fer one day. Where to now, then?"

@Otakubeats[/URL] @ThatOneLunatic @YoungX


Liz groans as she shakily gets up off the floor, stumbling to the side as she tries to get her balance again. "Aye aye, reached our limit fer one day. Where to now, then?"

He'd be taken off guard and carried. "Raina I'm not a cat! Why does everyone think it's okay to pick me up just because I'm shorter?" Ty looked at the two. "What's with the demonic presence anyway? It shouldn't be able to travel this far into the isle, even with a vessel.."
Otakubeats said:
He'd be taken off guard and carried. "Raina I'm not a cat! Why does everyone think it's okay to pick me up just because I'm shorter?" Ty looked at the two. "What's with the demonic presence anyway? It shouldn't be able to travel this far into the isle, even with a vessel.."
Raina would stop once she got around the corner, now out of sight of Will and Raider. She sets Ty down, and sighs. "It is not exactly a demon. It is the spirit of a deceased elf. I do not know how it got here, but it's power is beyond even what I can fight. It is best to keep a distance. Raider is a good fighter, I am sure he can handle this." Though she said it, she was still worried. The possibility of Will being seriously hurt never left her thoughts.
Will or rather the "True elf" without worry as he used wills body to encircle himself in what seemed to be vines of steel.....they were strong and managed to hold off the attack but wills body wasn't able to hold out much longer and in knowing this would happen the spirit moved the protective barrier along with himself closer to raider and just as he got close the once protective sphere turned into what seemed to be spears as he ran forward the spears surrounding raider allowing only one way out of the soon to be deathtrap. Straight through Will. As he stood there using Wills body as a tool...it must have been the spirits nasty last ditch effort to kill him. As the spears closed in on Raider a few remaining to shield him from the continuous attacks Wills voice would be heard screaming as he said "ma mani lle must! Sii'! Ndengina amin! amin dont merna ai'er gurth-. . . . "
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will or rather the "True elf" without worry as he used wills body to encircle himself in what seemed to be vines of steel.....they were strong and managed to hold off the attack but wills body wasn't able to hold out much longer and in knowing this would happen the spirit moved the protective barrier along with himself closer to raider and just as he got close the once protective sphere turned into what seemed to be spears as he ran forward the spears surrounding raider allowing only one way out of the soon to be deathtrap. Straight through Will. As he stood there using Wills body as a tool...it must have been the spirits nasty last ditch effort to kill him. As the spears closed in on Raider a few remaining to shield him from the continuous attacks Wills voice would be heard screaming as he said "ma mani lle must! Sii'! Ndengina amin! amin dont merna ai'er gurth-. . . . "
Raider solemnly nodded and would with extreme speed would slash through Will and would be a distance away from Will. He would unsheathe his Katana and Will and the spirit would be met with powerful burning slashes of great power. "I'm sorry Will... I hope you have peace from here on."

The spirit used some of the spears to block the attack it still went through but at greatly reduced strength sending will backwards due to the force into a nearby bolder cracking the bolder but the few spears left to defend him had shielded him from the blade. The force was still a great toll against him and as he hit the bolder the dark aura around him left and his eyes turned back to normal. His head leant back facing the sky blood oozing out onto the rock. He was not dead but without proper care he would likely not live for another few minutes. His body trying to repair itself as he looked forward for those he loved "R-Raider.....R..........Raina........" his raspy pained voice would barely croak out @Crystal Cali @YoungX
ThatOneLunatic said:
The spirit used some of the spears to block the attack it still went through but at greatly reduced strength sending will backwards due to the force into a nearby bolder cracking the bolder but the few spears left to defend him had shielded him from the blade. The force was still a great toll against him and as he hit the bolder the dark aura around him left and his eyes turned back to normal. His head leant back facing the sky blood oozing out onto the rock. He was not dead but without proper care he would likely not live for another few minutes. His body trying to repair itself as he looked forward for those he loved "R-Raider.....R..........Raina........" his raspy pained voice would barely croak out @Crystal Cali @YoungX
Raider would immediately head for Will feeling the presence had disappeared. He would immediately take him to the infirmary and would get a doctor to patch him up. When Will decides to wake himself up he'll find himself at a bed.

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
"I don't know does a pirate queen have some where I can rest, my home is a far walk away" He said stumbling try to help Liz with her balance. Which was difficult due to his own balance being off by about one hundred percent. @Crystal Cali

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