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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"Thanks I really appreciate the help," she smiled at Mawlock squeezing his hand. She watched Davorin walk away probably going to have a drink. It felt a little awkward for her to not follow him in but if he wanted her company he would ask or invite her along.

"It's a short walk over this way," Evie told him leading the way. The path to the edge of the forest wasn't very long, just far enough to get away from the busy, hectic areas of the small town. Evie preferred some distance and a little solitude, though lately she didn't enjoy being all alone. She showed Mawlock the pile of debris that used to be her home. The tree that used to hold it was knocked over as well.

"There was a bit of a battle here and my tree house ending up becoming a victim of those events," she told him frowning. "We need to find a different tree but most of this can be reused." Her home had been a pretty good size, not huge but it was big enough for two people to live comfortably. "When I first built it I spent a month making it perfect all by myself. After this happened Davorin let me stay with him so I haven't started to rebuild yet. I'm really glad to have your help and it makes me happy that you'll have a place to stay." She really meant it, Evie thought Mawlock was really nice and was grateful for all his help earlier and now with the house.

@Tetro @SirGrey
Mawlock held Evie's hand tightly almost like a child. As he could tell they were near a small town and he got nervous around that area. When they arrived he observed the rubble. At the mention of her staying at Davorin's home he frowned, almost as if he were upset. "I don't want you being around him anymore. He's not... good." He thought deeply as he said the word 'good'. "You're not even special to him. Not like you should be." He added, giving Evie a friendly pat on the shoulder.

Mawlock looked at the tree and the remnants of her home. "We don't need to go anywhere else." He walked over to it all and began to move slowly and smoothly, almost like he was manipulating plants and the tree with his movements. The debris was picked up by large plants, ivy growing and reattaching the tree back together before it was healed back to it's prime strength. By the end of it all the tree house was put back together perfectly with some added vegetation as decoration filling in the gaps. Mawlock took a few steps back until he was standing beside Evie. "I think it looks lovely." He smiled proudly.

"Well then let see who passes out first" Davorin said downing his drink. It burned his throat. He turned to see Evie and Mawlock turn away. Right now he didn't care though that was most likely due to the alcohol. Something brunt though. It was Mawlock he could tell he didn't particularly like vampire. Still the current issue was the alcohol which explained by things were spinning ever so slightly. Still another drink couldn't hurt. @Tetro @Lithia @Crystal Cali
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Will had been quieter in the past few minutes and just as he seemed normal again he grabbed at his pointed ears "kela amin mind uuvanimo! amin'll Ndengina lle!" his voice louder but deeper as if he was half himself and half something else. His voice seemed to have an ominous evil tone to it. @Crystal Cali
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the fight contiuned showing no signs of breaking guard. evan saw the fire grow bigger. if it continues it will burn the forest. he thought "runya tura" he said causing the fire to slowly control its self.
Everything was already spinning for Liz as she started to down her second drink. She watches Davrin closely, noticing he looked off in the direction of the girl he had been with and that boy she had never seen. "Still worried about that other woman? Is she really that important to ye?" she asks, knowing that she was prying into a situation she might not be welcomed to, but makes no apologies for it.



Raina looks to Will as he shouts, then back to Raider. "I do not know how to guide him to overcome this, and I believe my efforts may not be much help. When he is himself, he seems worried that he would hurt me. Causing him anxiety is surely a distraction. I do not wish to leave him alone, however, for he might harm himself. Seeing as you have experience with demons, can you watch over Will until he is well again?" she looks at Raider with an expression as close to helplessness as she would ever allow, though still maintaining a sense of composure.

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
Will would go silent for a few moments and in a quiet pleading tone he would say "Raina......please...." as if he was going to cry. His emotions and mind being toyed with as he pleading he would struggle to get out of the tarp @Crystal Cali
Davorin third drink hit like a punch to the gut. The question wasn't an easy one. "Why jealous? I'm kidding by the way or drunk or both" Davorin said in a light tone. His tone then dropped. "I'm not really sure, I don't what she feels, especially with that new friend of hers I don't think he likes me that much" The vampire said contemplating things. "I never have valued people that much, I guess you were right, I do chase people away" He said taking another sip of his drink. He probably wouldn't say or even think about this if it wasn't for the drink, yet Davorin was glad he was talking about it. @Crystal Cali
Liz laughs. "You only wish I was jealous," she says before finishing off her second drink. She quickly moves onto the third, though pauses midway through it as Davrin speaks. "With the life we live, chasing people away is inaeb.... inevitll..... just a thing that's goin' to happen! Guess ye have to decide if someone's worth keepin' 'round, though only works if they also want ta keep ye around as well, aye?"



The tone of Will's voice hurt Raina like a dagger to the heart. She visibly flinches before turning around and walking over to Will. She kneels beside him, and reaches out a hand to gently stroke his hair as she looks at him with concern. "This is a battle you must fight yourself, Melamin. I do not know how you can. Just remember that you are worth much more than your thoughts tell you that you are."

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX


The tone of Will's voice hurt Raina like a dagger to the heart. She visibly flinches before turning around and walking over to Will. She kneels beside him, and reaches out a hand to gently stroke his hair as she looks at him with concern. "This is a battle you must fight yourself, Melamin. I do not know how you can. Just remember that you are worth much more than your thoughts tell you that you are."

@ThatOneLunatic @YoungX
"She's right Will. You have to right the demon. Don't let it win Will!" He said calmly as he is near the two individuals.

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
It was just as Raider finished with his words that Will would stop. All movement in his body ceased. After a few moments he began to breathe again but it wasn't normal breathing. He took deep, breathes and his eyes had rolled backwards as his body pulsated he screamed in agony just before going limp once again his eyes still rolled back feint of breath. @Crystal Cali @YoungX
ThatOneLunatic said:
It was just as Raider finished with his words that Will would stop. All movement in his body ceased. After a few moments he began to breathe again but it wasn't normal breathing. He took deep, breathes and his eyes had rolled backwards as his body pulsated he screamed in agony just before going limp once again his eyes still rolled back feint of breath. @Crystal Cali @YoungX
"Raina we must hurry. Take him to the infirmary now!" He said calmly, but with seriousness. "Currently he is fighting within himself, so we must tend to him as this occurs. Be careful as the demon can still take control and attack."

@Crystal Cali
Raina was unnerved by Will's actions, but remained calm. She looks to Raider and nods as she stands and takes the rope again. With the help of Ash, she would drag Will to the infirmary. She wasn't strong enough to lift him herself, however, so she would simply unravel Will from the tarp as he lay on the floor.

@YoungX @ThatOneLunatic
"Philosophy from a pirate, mirac...mira... amazing things never stop, still happen" Davorin said with a laugh. Still what she said had rung true. "I guess you are right its up to the two of us" The vampire sighs. "Still it doesn't help when you're a 'blooding sucking monster', people don't trust you that much" He says before having yet another drink. "Still maybe there right not to" He says with a smile. "Thank you anyway, its nice to talk to an equal, well someone who understands" @Crystal Cali
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SirGrey said:
"Philosophy from a pirate, mirac...mira... amazing things never stop, still happen" Davorin said with a laugh. Still what she said had rung true. "I guess you are right its up to the two of us" The vampire sighs. "Still it doesn't help when you're a 'blooding sucking monster', people don't trust you that much" He says before having yet another drink. "Still maybe there right not to" He says with a smile. "Thank you anyway, its nice to talk to an equal, well someone who understands" @JPax42
(Well better fix that tag. Hue.)
Liz grins. "Aye, well ain't no right to trust a pirate neither, yet ye have. Ye tellin' me all 'bout yerself and yer struggles like we're old friends er somethin'" Liz's speech was getting more and more slurred as she finished her third drink and moved onto her fourth. Things were really getting fuzzy in her vision now. Liz swayed back and forth on the stool, giving Davrin a stupid-looking smile. "Though I guess we could be considered 'old friends' if we moved past the hatin' each other part."

Will would remain still for a good while stirring occasionally until after a little while he opened his eyes. Their green gone all that was left was pure darkness. In a deep dark menacing voice he began to say "Deldhinor iuk uorkormajal. najor doeuk mausan biddaumn. lat liwo mat." The name used was Wills Elven name. It hadnt been used since before the Humans had come...very few Elves and creatures had known this name. It was a familiar language similar to Elven but not the same, it was the language of those who had fallen...the language of the dead.....

@Crystal Cali @YoungX (BTW its black speech from lotr heres the translator Black Speech Translator ― LingoJam
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will would remain still for a good while stirring occasionally until after a little while he opened his eyes. Their green gone all that was left was pure darkness. In a deep dark menacing voice he began to say "Deldhinor iuk uorkormajal. najor doeuk mausan biddaumn. lat liwo mat." The name used was Wills Elven name. It hadnt been used since before the Humans had come...very few Elves and creatures had known this name. It was a familiar language similar to Elven but not the same, it was the language of those who had fallen...the language of the dead.....
@Crystal Cali @YoungX (BTW its black speech from lotr heres the translator Black Speech Translator ― LingoJam
"What did you say? He as well as us aren't dying on our watch!" He said having recognized this familiar language. "Who are you? Speak your name demon!"

@ThatOneLunatic @Crystal Cali
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Things were spinning like crazy now. Davorin speech was slurred and picking up the glass was the hardest thing in the world. Still he manged another drink. Somehow. Nearly falling over wasn't the best thing to do. It was funny though. "Your trusting the 'blood sucking vampire' so I guess where both feeling very trustworthy, or drunk, mostly drunk" He joked. "Sure why not sounds fun, besides hating you wasn't doing me any favours" @Crystal Cali
Will would chuckle as he stood up smiling widely, his teeth pointed and bloody as he drew his blade from its sheathe "drok? lat muukav be miukavaken. jiak kij ij parar. ij avrue parar. ni nalkriuk doeuk noav bend avo avhe invaderuk liwo. " he had obviously been speaking of the times when the humans and Woodland fae's had been fighting all those years ago. He was most likely one of the many who died fighting against the humans of those dark times.
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will would chuckle as he stood up smiling widely, his teeth pointed and bloody as he drew his blade from its sheathe "drok? lat muukav be miukavaken. jiak kij ij parar. ij avrue parar. ni nalkriuk doeuk noav bend avo avhe invaderuk liwo. " he had obviously been speaking of the times when the humans and Woodland fae's had been fighting all those years ago. He was most likely one of the many who died fighting against the humans of those dark times.
"Is that so? These colonists are not invaders. They are just here not for the reasons of invasion. You are blinded by rage. Cease your anger or you'll have to face us in combat." Raider would guess that whoever was possessing Will had a vendetta against the colonists. "Revenge is useless. The colonists do not deserve to die." Then he would speak out to Will. "ul elveuk agh coloniukavuk ukhould live shal peace."

@Crystal Cali @ThatOneLunatic
Will still being used by this now self proclaimed "True elf" would laugh "You think I am scared to fight you? I killed many humans before my death and I will do it again!" Will would dart forward at his top speed slashing his sword downwards at raiders right shoulder

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