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Fantasy Isle of Mist

FrostRaven said:
Evan picks up Kiera while she is still in the cloak. he looks at Ty "Ty when i was a Kings Ranger I helped everyone, not because it was my duty, because i wanted to. A ranger takes on every threat and neutralizes it. So I'm going to help." he looks to Raina "but I'm no longer a kings ranger. I am a Queens Ranger" he says as he takes his cloak back and puts it on.
He sighed. "Well...I guess if I'm explaining things I'd best explain it simply. I'm not a full elf. I'm half elf and half human. The woman that we saw was Elita Romera. An elven widow. She entranced my father using magic, and sent him to kill me. My mother killed him defending me and his family and towns people killed her. That's the short version. Now she is back and I think she is going to try and finish what she started."
Otakubeats said:
He sighed. "Well...I guess if I'm explaining things I'd best explain it simply. I'm not a full elf. I'm half elf and half human. The woman that we saw was Elita Romera. An elven widow. She entranced my father using magic, and sent him to kill me. My mother killed him defending me and his family and towns people killed her. That's the short version. Now she is back and I think she is going to try and finish what she started."
Kiera moved from Evan to Ty and cuddled with him as if she knew how he felt. "hmmm. First question how did she know you were here?" he stands up.
Raider would be hard at work with training the guards. Of course he would train them on improving their basics because he knows they are only human. His strength wasn't even human to begin with, so he would help them with the basics. The training would seem to go well, and he felt that some real progress was being made. Especially Bob, he was one of the best guards there. Everyone loved Bob.
FrostRaven said:
Kiera moved from Evan to Ty and cuddled with him as if she knew how he felt. "hmmm. First question how did she know you were here?" he stands up.
He smiled and pet the pup gently. "Probably blood tracking. I dunno."
Will would be long gone now in the farthest parts of the forest. He was pst the graveyard towards the western side of the Isle not far from where they had killed the Kalkara. It was there where he failed to defend his friends and it was there where he needed to stay. At least that is what he felt. He thought that the people were better off there wothout him and that Raina didnt care for him anymore. Or was it that he didnt feel he could protect Raina and the others? He truly did not know, his mind conflicted his thoughts only of darkness. He Heard the words of another exho through his head, tormenting him. And as he stand there dropping everything he had covering his ears in pain as he fell to his knees as the voice thundered "ul people have ukeen your weakneukuk. savrengavh lat muukav gain. prove lat ayh noav weak." it was through this time of unstable emotions that his thoughts were invaded a toy to do the bidding of who ever had done this.
May walks outside to the barracks to see how Raider was doing with the other guards. She would stand on the balcony above the training grounds and watch, not announcing her presence so she would not disturb them.

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May walks outside to the barracks to see how Raider was doing with the other guards. She would stand on the balcony above the training grounds and watch, not announcing her presence so she would not disturb them.

Raider, not aware of May's presence, would continue training the guards. Through basic attacks and parries, he allows them to fully learn the basics in their own little way. What works for one may not necessarily work for another. After what seemed to be a pretty long, but fun training session Raider would finish up for today. The Guards were thankful to Raider and would be on their way to guard the town. Afterwards Raider, worried about Will, would decide to patrol the Village once more. Bob, who seemed to be the most gifted of the guards, was tasked with guarding the other parts of town.
Evie watched the exchange between the two nervously. She didn't know how Davorin would react to Mawlock's questions but breathed a sigh of relief when the vampire didn't seem too offended. His answer however did send a shiver through her body, they had never really talked about the moral part of what he needed to sustain himself. She didn't believe him to be a monster but of course certain things were necessary to his survival.

She was in a weird way grateful for Mawlock's bluntness. He asked questions Evie was either too nervous to ask or too afraid to hear the answers to. "I would love the help rebuilding my tree house," she told Mawlock, "You could even stay there after it's finished if you want."

@Tetro @SirGrey
"Morality is rarely grey. There are very few instances where a decision is a conscience matter. Murder isn't one of them..." Mawlock responded to Davion's words. He scratched the back of his head, "Intellectual? I think so... I can't really remember." He shrugged. Mawlock nodded at the suggestion of being shown around.

"Thanks that'd be really nice." Mawlock grinned when Evie told him he could stay at her tree house once it was rebuilt. Mawlock was a bit nervous to meet new people, worried he might not fit in or that he might stick out since he wasn't a normal creature. He reached over and held Evie's hand for comfort, moving a bit closer to her. "Okay, lets go."

@Lithia @SirGrey
Otakubeats said:
He smiled and pet the pup gently. "Probably blood tracking. I dunno."
"What does she look like? I can't help if you don't tell me" he grabs Kiera's bottle and picks her up.
May would leave shortly after Raider, and go walking around the market. She visits all of the places likely to sell things she can use for her alchemy experiments, wondering what she should try to create next. (Open for interaction)


Liz hangs out inside the tavern, ordering a mug of ale, and swiping a coin purse some drunk fool left laying on the counter. Jeez, these people make it easy. (Open for interaction).
"Well when survival is involved morality becomes all but grey" Davorin explained with a smile "I simply do what I must, death is a consequence". "I would be happy to show you at any time you want" the vampire said going back towards the bar. Seeing Liz doing her thing again was a comfort. "Glad to see you never change" Davorin said standing next to her. Doing what you have to, Liz understood that at least. The vampire didn't know why he was talking to her. Breaking the ice perhaps? Or trying to burn bridges? @Crystal Cali
FrostRaven said:
"What does she look like? I can't help if you don't tell me" he grabs Kiera's bottle and picks her up.
"She has silver hair and fair skin. Her eyes are teal and she often wears a dark green cloak."
Otakubeats said:
"She has silver hair and fair skin. Her eyes are teal and she often wears a dark green cloak."
Evan's eyes widen "dark green you say. like mine?" he grabs a part of the cloak
Liz turns to face Davrin, surprised he'd even look at her after their last conversation. "When a method works, why bother changing it? Too late for me to change now anyway," she spoke in a friendly way, though she was still unsure of why he was talking with her, and maybe a little suspicious, but she would hide those feelings as she spoke.

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Davorin smiled at her response. "I can drink to that, if your good at and you enjoy it why change" he said ordering a drink. Taking a sip he decide to answer the question she would must have. "You are wonder why I'm talking to you, especially after what we said last time" Davorin asked before answering it himself. "I realised that burning a bridge wouldn't get me any way, as you hinted we are both very similar, plus talking to you does have it benefits" Davorin explained. @Crystal Cali
Davorin take a another swig of his drink "A hard drinking so called pirate queen as I recall is never a bad person to have as a friend" he says with a smile. Though there previous relationship wasn't great he did enjoy her company. Like he said she was so similar. @Crystal Cali
Otakubeats said:
"What do you mean?"
"Elita Romera was a Ranger" he turns to Raina "you have a huge problem here. Eliza was one the senior rangers, but a long time ago she was banished" he cuts off and looks into the sky ".....because of me."

@Crystal Cali
FrostRaven said:
"Elita Romera was a Ranger" he turns to Raina "you have a huge problem here. Eliza was one the senior rangers, but a long time ago she was banished" he cuts off and looks into the sky ".....because of me."
@Crystal Cali
"......Okay, can you explain what she did?"
Otakubeats said:
"......Okay, can you explain what she did?"
"After the kalkara appeared in the kingdom, many senior rangers died. She became the head of the rangers, and because i was still an apprentice i went under her wing. the day after i finished my apprenticeship with her, she left and pillaged several villages far from the kingdom. however i was sent out to investigate and someone told me about a sliver oak leaf. i told the king and she banished. in short she did bad thing, and i told king."
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FrostRaven said:
"After the kalkara appeared in the kingdom, many senior rangers died. She became the head of the rangers, and because i was still an apprentice i went under her wing. the day after i finished my apprenticeship with her, she left and pillaged several villages far from the kingdom. however i was sent out to investigate and someone told me about a sliver oak leaf. i told the king and she banished. in short she did bad thing, and i told king."
"She's still up to her old tricks I guess....what do we do?"

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