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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Evie once again opened the book with ease and handed it back to Mawlock. "It's weird that I can open it." The two walked in the direction of the tavern.

"It's more because I'm not sure of the situation," she told him. "I met this vampire and he was very nice, we kissed a few times and I thought we felt the same for each other but then he was flirting with other people. We never put any labels on anything so I'm not sure he even did anything wrong... I guess it just made me question what I wanted." She sighed and continued, "I've never been in love but I thought maybe I could have loved him. It was just too soon to tell."

She looked at Mawlock apologetically, she hadn't meant to ramble, her feelings were just all jumbled up and she wasn't sure how to untangle them.

"That's when I felt the dark magic and went into the forest even though I know better than to go in there alone. I couldn't stop myself though, it was like something was leading me into a trap. And then you found me and helped take care of the magic problem. Thanks," she said with a smile.

By the time she had finished telling Mawlock everything they had made it back to the tavern. "This is it," Evie said, "Maybe you'll be able to find more information in here."

Mawlock took the book after she opened it. "Well I think that he doesn't really love you. Not in a special way." He blinked at her. He looked at the tavern once they got to it, and studied it for a few seconds. "I just want to know where I am, and if there is a place I can live." He looked at her. Mawlock tilted his head a bit at Evie before smiling. His features began changing until he looked exactly like her, becoming a carbon copy within seconds. Mawlock's voice was the same as hers as well, "Long hair feels nice." she giggled. "Can you show me around the tavern?"

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Davorin walked back to the tavern and waited outside wiping his mouth. He had just 'had a meal' with someone. No one saw him. No one will miss him. Davorin grins to himself when he sees two people approaching. Evie and another fellow. "I seemed blessed with gifts this day" Davorin mutters as he waves to the two. @Tetro @Lithia
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Khaleesi smiled as they got there and moved closer to Will. She leaned against him and shivered lightly. "Nope! Not scared... Just fascinated~!" She said with a giggle and laughed lightly. She shook her head and looked up at Will, her green eyes sparkled lightly.

He blushed at the sight of her sparkling eyes and he honestly didnt mind her moving closer to him as he lead her to a deep area of the cave lit with starlight that shined through the opening to the surface that was above them and he smiled as he said "You know....I really like our time together..."
The girl blushed as they walked into the caves. She smiled lightly at his words and looked up at the starlight. The light hit her hair and made it look copper, her green eyes were now a teal from the light as she held his hand and giggled lightly. "Same... You're a great friend...." She said, a small chuckle from her lips.

"Well I don't exactly have a place to live right now either. My tree house got destroyed," she frowned at the memory.

Evie giggled at Mawlock's transformation into, well her. "That's amazing," she said lifting up a strand of hair and examining it. "You look exactly like me."

"Of course I can show you around, follow me," she told Mawlock. Just as she was about to head inside Evie noticed Davorin waving at them. She waved back, "This is my friend Mawlock," she told the vampire. The two looked exactly the same so she wasn't sure how Davorin would react but Evie thought it was kind of funny. "He doesn't usually look like me."

@Tetro @SirGrey
Davorin face goes from confusion to mild amusement. "Heaven forbid I doubt I could stand the power of two of you my dear" He says in a jokey manner. "Also hello Mawlock my name is Davorin" He said bowing a little. It was good to see her again. "I take you have come to have a drink, around our local tavern then?" @Tetro @SirGrey
"I could help you rebuild your house."She offered, patting her on the shoulder.

Mawlock giggled, "Thank you, it's pretty easy to do." She began to shift her eyes' color rapidly until they were back to their emerald color.

"The vampire you told me about." She blinked, then looked at Davorin's hand. Mawlock began to change again and looked exactly like Davorin. "I came here because Evie is showing me around. I'm not thirsty though. Not yet anyways." He scratched the back of his head. Mawlock laughed and began to shift back again into his normal form. "So why do you kill people when you feed off of them? You don't have to. Is it because you're a bad person or because you can't control yourself?" He tilted his head curiously. Mawlock didn't speak with any irony or sarcasm, genuinely interested in knowing what the answer was.

@Lithia @SirGrey
"I don't always kill people and you wouldn't know that I do" He explains a bit surprised by such a direct answer. "Sometimes I can control myself sometimes I maybe a bit morally questionable at time and sometimes I bit the people who have bit others" Davorin explain. "You a rather intellectual person are you not" Davorin said with a smile. "Anyway I'm waffling let us show you around". @Tetro @Lithia
Raina would sit quietly and watch as Will apologized to Ty. She did not feel much like saying anything to Will, but seeing him walk off with Kaleesi.... Well Raina sighs as she thinks to herself. Perhaps I should not worry about him anymore. Raina couldn't help but feel.... well jealous because of Kaleesi's apparent attachment to Will. She came to the conclusion that Will was either clueless, or hungry for the affection. The thought tied knots in her stomach.

@FrostRaven [/color][/color]
"yes, thank you" Kiera notices may and wiggles to get out of Evans hold. she successfully free's herself and starts jumping on May. "well she certainly likes you." he says as her scratches behind her ear.
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[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina would sit quietly and watch as Will apologized to Ty. She did not feel much like saying anything to Will, but seeing him walk off with Kaleesi.... Well Raina sighs as she thinks to herself. Perhaps I should not worry about him anymore. Raina couldn't help but feel.... well jealous because of Kaleesi's apparent attachment to Will. She came to the conclusion that Will was either clueless, or hungry for the affection. The thought tied knots in her stomach.
@FrostRaven [/color][/color]

Ty woke sitting up. He grabbed one of his swords and walked to the edge of the clearing looking into the leaves. He'd heard someone or something.
May smiles and reaches down to pick up the pup. "She is certainly friendly. She does not seem to be injured. Was she left behind by her pack?" May asks curiously.



Raina looks over to Ty. "What is wrong?" She asks. Raina hadn't heard anything since Will and Kaleesi walked off.

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May smiles and reaches down to pick up the pup. "She is certainly friendly. She does not seem to be injured. Was she left behind by her pack?" May asks curiously.

"she is a runt, and her name is Kiera" he brushes his hand against her fur. "she was from sliver wolves, and also because of the black fur she was rejected."
Crystal Cali]May smiles and reaches down to pick up the pup. "She is certainly friendly. She does not seem to be injured. Was she left behind by her pack?" May asks curiously. @FrostRaven ...... Raina looks over to Ty. "What is wrong?" She asks. Raina hadn't heard anything since Will and Kaleesi walked off. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34708-otakubeats/ said:
"Hmm...nothing. I thought I'd heard someone."
May nods. "I see. Well, if you need supplies to help care for her, feel free to come to the kitchen." @FrostRaven


Raina shrugs. "Might have been Will and Kaleesi walking away," she says indifferently.

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May nods. "I see. Well, if you need supplies to help care for her, feel free to come to the kitchen." @FrostRaven

"thank you." Evan takes Kiera from Mays arms and she starts whimpering. "she seems to like you a lot. hmm maybe when the woodland fae are busy could you take care of her? y'know since she likes you so much"
Raider would be at work patrolling the village, and does his job. For now his duty calls and watches out for anything eye-catching.
as Evan walked back and sees there is no one there and picks up a guitar sitting in the tree house and sings. [media]

Leah had just left her tree house for her afternoon duties and followed the path down to the farms, she'd always liked the walk but today something felt off. As she was nearing closer to the farms she heard a guitar and someone singing, catching Leah by surprise she went to investigate and found herself by the foot of a tree house. Unsure whether to make herself know she stood for a while and listened to the music.

Will would smile to Khaleesi

And apologize "I-I'm sorry but I really must go." And before she could answer he would run off out of the caves. He had noticed his affection for her and he didnt want it to go any further than it already had. He kept running his mind conflicted, not knowing what to do he ran straight into the camp where Raina and the others were at what seemed to be the speed he would run at if in a fight

or on the run. A look of confusion mixed with worry and a dash of pain in it he continued to run passing Ty and Raina and he would contimue to run reaching the elven camp scrambling around his tent grabbing his spare sword and whatever materials he felt necessary. He even grabbed a smithing hammer and a couple Elven steel Ingots before dashing out of his tent now tears in his eyes. @Otakubeats @PixieDusts @Crystal Cali

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