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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"Sure. Lets walk too." He told her as he handed her the book. Mawlock walked in the same direction he found Evie stumbling, figuring that was where the tavern might be. "You avoided my question, why? Is it uncomfortable for you to talk about?" He blinked at her. "If it is then you don't have to answer." He wasn't going to pry, he was just curious.

ThatOneLunatic said:
Shocked he hugs back ignoring the terrible pains in his arms and back now "You forgive me...?"
Ty let go and looked at him. "Yea. No one's ever apologized for trying to hurt me and I trust you."
ThatOneLunatic said:
He would have a look of relief on his face "Thank you..."
Ty nodded. He went a bit away from Will, lay down and fell asleep. The cloth on his hand slipped partially revealing the still open wound on his palm.
The vampire decide to go to the tavern some cheap wine might help his mood. He sat in the back in his usual spot sipping his wine. "Still hasn't improved much if you ask me" He muttered. Still it would do. Besides in here he could view all the goings on.

(Open for Interaction)
The young Khaleesi sat there in the light. She sighed though, she was upset. Alone. Used to it... but it felt weird. With a huff she sat up, looking among the beautiful trees. Nothing was the matter... Nothing but she missed someone. Or was it something? She shifted into a bunny, nothing more but a bunny. Her green eyes sparkled in the light as she sat there, looking among the grass, tree branches, leaves. What beauty in the light. The shimmering of the light caught into her eyes, making them seem a teal. Her fur made her seem to be a demon of some sort, but it was a beautiful sight. Her tiny tail fluffed and she sighed, it echoed in her long ears before she laid there in the tall grass, alone it seemed to be. Or was she? Maybe she wasn't alone...

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The bunny hopped and hopped, listening to the sound of nothing really. She smiled happily as she moved her way towards where Will had moved. She didn't know where she was going, her heart was taking her to where she thought she should go... maybe just cause she was bored though. Her fur shimmered as she hopped in and out of the tall grass. No noises were said as she looked up, seeing Will stretch. She didn't know what to do so just sat there and awaited something to be said. She didn't know if Will knew it was Khaleesi, and honestly didn't want him to. But her green eyes might have given off that it was her. She sat there, her eyes glistened as she watched him closely.


All the bunny did was hop into Will's hand. Her little tail fluffed as she smiled, her eyes glistened lightly. Will looked upset... But she didn't think much of it. She wasn't going to get into his business. She curled up in his hand and nuzzled it. Her ears staying up to listen to Will, maybe his problems, or anything like that. She sighed though, this feeling was so weird...

The bunny shook her head and cuddled up in his hand. She laughed under her form and then hopped out, a yawn was placed as smoke swarmed her and she turned back to Khaleesi, "Why would I be?" She asked with a laugh and sat on the forest floor, staring up into Will's beautiful eyes, her own, staring at his.

"Nice surprise?" Khaleesi asked with a laugh and then shook her head with a sigh, she was on the forest floor. Her hair flowed past her short, tiny, little body as she stared up to Will, normally having to do that. A smiled plastered on the girl's face as she looked up, her green eyes hit the light just right and made them look teal, once again. She looked into the beauty of Will's eyes, how beautiful they were.

The vampire sat back in the tavern still waiting for something to do. "Well I really shouldn't keep siting around" The vampire said walking out. The vampire wander around the village looking for something to do.

(Open for interaction)
Khaleesi watched Will walk past her and pushed herself off the forest floor. She smiled brightly as she ran over to him and bumped into him. She swayed lightly as she moved with Will, right by his side. She giggled lightly, her green eyes on Will's.

"Yep!! You're handsome face!!" Khaleesi said with a laugh and walked a little faster, not even noticing what she had said. She moved swiftly, but yet was behind him, in front of him, and also next to him. Back and forth she moved like a little bunny. Well, she was, but not anymore. She was in her human form, looking at Will with no worry. She was happy, not knowing why to be honest.

He smiled as he walked with her "My handsome face?" He questioned happy that she had said it. It made him feel that not everyone had something against him. He didnt know why it made him blush but it did and he didnt care to hide it. @pixiedu
Khaleesi looked up at his handsome face and looked at his smile. Her green eyes drifted down to his rosy red cheeks as she too blushed. "Y-yes... Your um... Handsome face...." She said as she loooked away, wanting to hide it. "S-so! Where are we g-going??" She asked with curiosity and giggled lightly, still trying to make him happy, but she didn't know why...

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"You'll see!" He said cheerfully as he lead her to ine if the many caves on the island and as they approached the caves he looked to her "You're not scared, are you?"

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