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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Seeing Khaleesi as he walked, the blood covering her shocked him and he rushed as fast as he could to her side ignoring the burns all over him "Khaleesi! What happened?" @PixieDusts
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"I-I could say th-the same for y-you..." Khaleesi said ever so softly as the words moved from her lips. A small smile just escaped her lips as she sat there, her hand placed on Will's cheek. Her green eyes stained into his as she smiled brightly. She shimmered lightly and shook her head lightly. She leaned against him, not meaning to at all, it was an accident before she realized she might have hurt him. Her eyes shook as she moved away from him, a small limp in her leg. "Y-you okay?" She asked, a soft spoken phrase as she didn't want to seem to worried, most people thing worried people are annoying.

"You're a bad liar... And nothing. I'm fine. All good..." Khaleesi said with a weak voice, and a weak smile. Her hair touched the ground as she moved over, not wanting to touch Will. Not that she hated him, but that she didn't want to hurt him. Her eyes glistened as they turned and stared into his, before back on the ground. She began walking to the town, not realizing where she was actually going. "You should go... Go do what you were gonna d-do..."

Raina looks over as Will just leaves, and frowns. He was acting so strange lately, and just because they were not talking with him directly it seems that he simply left. She sighs softly, hoping she was reading too much into it. Raina had heard what Will had said about deserving what Ty had done. What did he expect? That someone was going to take pity on him and tell him everything was alright? Surely he wouldn't except that. Why was Will being so dramatic? Honestly, it was starting to get on Raina's nerves. She, of course, never spoke a word of what she was thinking, and simply turned back to the tree house, picked up her tools, and started working again. She looked a bit more tense than usual, but she continued to work without speaking about it anyway.

@FrostRaven @Otakubeats


May walked along beside Raider, watching the people around her with interest. Eventually she looks to Raider, sensing that his thoughts were preoccupied. "Is something bothering you?" she asks.

Raina sighs as she continues to work. "Simply thinking," she says in somewhat of a sad tone. "You know, I did not think Will's outburst earlier was brought on by some outside force. That does seem to be his internal struggle...... but it does not seem he is willing to move past it. I cannot tell if he enjoys the pain, or the attention he gets from continuing to hold onto it." Raina shakes her head.

"No why dont you come back to the camp, rest up a bit? Maybe get that cut checked out?" He would say motioning her to come with himself. He truly didnt know what else to do, he didnt want to be a bother to the others building as he would probably only get in the way, but he also wanted ot be with them to make up for what he had done. He felt terrible for trying to hurt one of the people he swore to protect and he felt what Ty did was the right thing to do. @Crystal Cali @PixieDusts
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina sighs as she continues to work. "Simply thinking," she says in somewhat of a sad tone. "You know, I did not think Will's outburst earlier was brought on by some outside force. That does seem to be his internal struggle...... but it does not seem he is willing to move past it. I cannot tell if he enjoys the pain, or the attention he gets from continuing to hold onto it." Raina shakes her head.

Ty nodded. "It'll be dark soon. The main house is done anyway."
Raina pauses her work, and looks up at the sky. "Ah, uma. We should set up a campfire here, and we can sleep in the finished house tonight," she says. Raina would take the tools she was working with, jump down to the ground, and then go to put the tools in the shed.

Khaleesi smiled at Will and walked along side him. "If I must!!" She said with a small chuckle and bumped into him slightly, a limp followed. "S-sorry... I didn't mean to get in your way and all. I just heard something... I'm glad it was y-you though..." She said with a bright smile, her emerald eyes sparkled as they watched the forest floor, her lips danced as she hummed lightly, the song from before. The one Will sang!

Skiling to her recognizing the tune of the song. "You remembered it?" He would ask as he smiled back to her as they reached the camp and he lead her to a small forge with a few treestumps around it and he takes his armor off his burns mostly healed now and he sits down smelting the elven steel into pieces that fit the torn parts of his armor
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina sighs as she continues to work. "Simply thinking," she says in somewhat of a sad tone. "You know, I did not think Will's outburst earlier was brought on by some outside force. That does seem to be his internal struggle...... but it does not seem he is willing to move past it. I cannot tell if he enjoys the pain, or the attention he gets from continuing to hold onto it." Raina shakes her head.

Kiera wakes up and starts to loudly yip. "she might be hungry, she is still a pup so she need milk." he takes a few seconds to think. "I'm going to the village since its getting dark i will stay there for the night. can you guys handle it here?"
Raina looks over her shoulder at Evan, and nods. "Uma, we should be fine here." she says, then turns to the untouched forest and begins to gather branches to make a fire. "Ty, could you clear out a space for the fire, please?"

@FrostRaven @Otakubeats
"Yes I did!!" Khlaeesi said proud of herself. She giggled lightly and moved over to him, sitting next to him as she watched him smelt his armor. She looked at his wounds and shook her head, "What happened here?" She asked lightly and laughed, sitting next to him, running her hands over his wounds. She sighed lightly, examining them.

Evan got to the viliage and knocked on May's door. he stood there with Kiera making constant loud yips."shhh girl calm down." he said as he stroked her fur
Raina returns with the firewood and sets up a pile in the center of the circle Ty made. She then looks to Ty and asks, "Could you light the fire for me?"



May sighs at Raider's statement, and nods. "Though the elves are not my people, I do worry for their well-being. Raina and I are good friends, though, and I trust she will be able to deal with the situation."

May nods. "Yes, it is nice to get out once in a while, though I probably should return to my work soon."



Raina would sit directly across the fire from Ty. "
Is something on your mind? You have been rather quiet."



Raina would sit directly across the fire from Ty. "Is something on your mind? You have been rather quiet."

Raider nodded. "Yes that is true you should return to your work. In the meantime, I'll be guarding the village from here on out. Just leave it to me," he said as he begins his patrol. As he did he would stop and ask May a quick question. "There is a barracks around here yes? I should get to know my fellow guards."

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