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Fantasy Isle of Mist

ThatOneLunatic said:
"No...I must apologize.....I hurt so....so many people....and...I have my duties..." He would get to his feet @YoungX
Raider would help him up, but would still stand his ground. "Apology accepted, but you must need rest. That is what I'm sure your comrades would want this."

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"Rest is...for the weak...and old..." He'd crack a smile figuring he knew how old most elves were and that they look young but are usually Hundreds of years old @YoungX
ThatOneLunatic said:
"Rest is...for the weak...and old..." He'd crack a smile figuring he knew how old most elves were and that they look young but are usually Hundreds of years old @YoungX
"Rest is for those who need to recover," he says wisely to Will. "I understand you have a sense of duty, and I can respect that. However as a friend and comrade, I cannot just allow you to go out like that in your current state. At least please rest up here for a bit."

"I wont" he would stumble into the street as he sees the girl who hung around that vampire a lot, it was odd to see her away from him. He continued walking covered in burns that had somewhat recovered although still very noticeable and very painful @Lithia @YoungX
Raider would then secretly follow Will to make sure he doesn't do anything rash. For now he would stay hidden using his stealth enchantment spell. It wasn't that he distrusted Will, but according to what Evan said he could get "possessed" at any moment. It was his duty as Head Guard to protect the town, but also to protect his allies.
Will would head into the forest picking his sword up from the place it had landed back when he was hit by the flames soon walking off further into the woods in the Direction of where Ty had ran, he had seen Ty run off and Raina go after him so he would carefully follow their tracks like a hunter would his prey, his sword sheathed as he moved quietly and carefully but due to his pained state he wasnt silent as usual, he would step on the occasional twig @Otakubeats @Crystal Cali @YoungX
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will would head into the forest picking his sword up from the place it had landed back when he was hit by the flames soon walking off further into the woods in the Direction of where Ty had ran, he had seen Ty run off and Raina go after him so he would carefully follow their tracks like a hunter would his prey, his sword sheathed as he moved quietly and carefully but due to his pained state he wasnt silent as usual, he would step on the occasional twig @Otakubeats @Crystal Cali @YoungX
Thanks to the stealth enchantment, Will would't suspect a thing. In any case it seems he would be headed back to see Raina. He would let them take it from there and headed back to the town. From there he would go and visit May in the library.

@Crystal Cali
Liz flinches slightly at the loud boom, but then stares in amazement when Killua's father actually does appear. "Ah, well.... that worked," she comments.



Raina and Ty were working on the tree houses. Raina looks over and sees Will walking past. "Melamin," she calls to him, waving her hand to get his attention.



Raider was pretty much free to come into the house without explanation to the bodyguard at this point. May would look up as Raider entered the room, and tilt her head to the side curiously. "Is everything alright?"

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Raina and Ty were working on the tree houses. Raina looks over and sees Will walking past. "Melamin," she calls to him, waving her hand to get his attention.



Raider was pretty much free to come into the house without explanation to the bodyguard at this point. May would look up as Raider entered the room, and tilt her head to the side curiously. "Is everything alright?"

"well of course....hey daddy......my friend would like to talk to you" *He sighed and looked at the girl* "what do you want?"


Raina and Ty were working on the tree houses. Raina looks over and sees Will walking past. "Melamin," she calls to him, waving her hand to get his attention.



Raider was pretty much free to come into the house without explanation to the bodyguard at this point. May would look up as Raider entered the room, and tilt her head to the side curiously. "Is everything alright?"

He would walk up to May and would smile. "Everything seems to be alright. Although it seems Evan was carrying Will. Seems Will was acting strange for some reason, but for now he seems to be ok." He wondered what could've happened to Will, but if something happens then he'll do something.
Will would look to her and crack a weak smile "H-hey..." Still in pain although barely showing it as he walked over "Do you have....any Elven...steel?" Referring to the type of metal his armor and blade had been made of @Crystal Cali
Liz tenses up a bit as Killua just throws all the attention on her. She clears her throat. "Well.... ye see.... Killua here's a nice kid. Been taken advantage of by the townsfolk down here. They had him chained up to power their devices with his lightenin'. The folks 'round here can be cruel, and he ain't really ready to be dealin' with them. He's too sweet, and from what I can tell he misses home. Look, I ain't the most sensitive girl there is, but I care fer the kid, and would like to know he's happy. So, I'm askin' ye to consider takin' him back home." Liz felt her speech was rather awkward, but she meant the words she said. She looks hopeful that Killua's father would consider what she told him, so maybe Killua could go back and have a chance at a happy life, a chance Liz never really had herself.



May bites her lip gently as she thinks about the information that Raider had given her. "Hmm. That is suspicious. We should look out for more occurrences like this. If this was not something plaguing Will specifically, there may be another dark creature hiding on the isle."



Raina nods. "Uma. In the chest back at camp."



May bites her lip gently as she thinks about the information that Raider had given her. "Hmm. That is suspicious. We should look out for more occurrences like this. If this was not something plaguing Will specifically, there may be another dark creature hiding on the isle."



Raina nods. "Uma. In the chest back at camp."

He would look at her with a sort of serious face to portray the issue. "Hmm... perhaps, but it seems that only Will was the only one acting suspiciously. For now I'm sure the elves will monitor his situation."


May bites her lip gently as she thinks about the information that Raider had given her. "Hmm. That is suspicious. We should look out for more occurrences like this. If this was not something plaguing Will specifically, there may be another dark creature hiding on the isle."



Raina nods. "Uma. In the chest back at camp."

*His father sighed* "you poor girl......you have been tricked i tell you.....this boy is opposite of sweet....in fact he is a little devil.....thats why i cast him down here......all he does when he is home is kill our animals"
May nods and smiles. "Alright then," she says, and gets up from her chair at the desk, and moves to the couch. "I believe you were going to tell me a story before?"

Liz raises an eyebrow, looking back and forth between Killua and his father. "I see," she shrugs. "I can't judge much on the whole killing animals thing. I'm a far more dangerous criminal myself," she admits with pride. "So, ye sent him down here, but it does seem to me like he wants to go back. Any way you can work a deal with him?"

The statement made causes Liz's anger to boil. She clenches her fists and glares at Killua's father. "Ain't the parent supposed to teach the kid how to become a man? What good does it do him to just throw him to the wolves before he's ready? That's a pretty good way to screw a kid up, ye know?"



May thinks for a moment, then shrugs. "There are many well-known humans. I feel your question is a bit too vague for me to find the answer."



May thinks for a moment, then shrugs. "There are many well-known humans. I feel your question is a bit too vague for me to find the answer."

He smiled at her and would go into more detail. "Hmm... good point. All right I'll go into more detail then. What do you know about how the races were born?"

@Crystal Cali (I swear if I could make some sweet lore out of this then I'll be proud of myself. xD )
May shakes her head. "Not much. Before I came to this isle, I would not have even thought that there would be other intelligent races besides human."

@YoungX (go for it ;) )


May thinks for a moment, then shrugs. "There are many well-known humans. I feel your question is a bit too vague for me to find the answer."

"that is not my problem....he needs to learn on his own" *The god glared back, he had a very intimidating aura*

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