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Fantasy Isle of Mist

YoungX said:
Raider would only nod and followed Evan.
"Will got hurt because ty did it. But before you go after ty he defended himself. Will started acting strange, but when i confronted him about it he tried to attack me. Ty stepped in and stopped him accidentally injuring him to what he is now. soon he was on the ground and i asked him why he did it. he was then unaware of his actions." he says as he whips blood from his hands.
FrostRaven said:
"Will got hurt because ty did it. But before you go after ty he defended himself. Will started acting strange, but when i confronted him about it he tried to attack me. Ty stepped in and stopped him accidentally injuring him to what he is now. soon he was on the ground and i asked him why he did it. he was then unaware of his actions." he says as he whips blood from his hands.
"Hmm... I see. What do you suppose it means?" Raider asked having not much of a clue as to what happened to Will.
Evie noticed Mawlock looking around. "If you want I can show you the way to the tavern. It's a good place to find people and information." She very much appreciated all his help getting rid of the dark magic that had been used on her but she didn't want to take up all of his time. Evie didn't think they were too deep in the woods. "It shouldn't take too long to get back."

She stood up and dusted herself off. Ready to go whenever he was.

YoungX said:
"Hmm... I see. What do you suppose it means?" Raider asked having not much of a clue as to what happened to Will.
"something might be wrong with Will. keep him here and don't let him leave until he is fully recovered"
FrostRaven said:
"something might be wrong with Will. keep him here and don't let him leave until he is fully recovered"
"All right," Raider would then head back to Will to watch him. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him, but he was ready for anything.
Mawlock nodded at her, "Thank you.... What's a tavern?" He tilted his head. He got off the large plant, closing the book and holding it. "You... You were interested in the story. Are you having pyre troubles?" He asked her. Mawlock thought about what a tavern might be. When he went to try to open the book, hoping he might be able to find information about taverns, the book refused to open again. "Hmm..."

Elizabeth had been waiting in the tavern for a while now, curious as to why she never saw Killua or Davrin show up. She taps her fingers on the table, frowning. Surely the vampire didn't do anything to the kid, did he? She was getting impatient. Liz leaps up from her chair, and walks out the door at a brisk pace, almost literally running into Killua. "Woa, hey kid!" she says in a cheerful voice, smiling at him. "Lone time no see."



Raina looks at Ty with a soft expression, and sighs. "Well, then perhaps you should train your powers some more, but no one will be mad at you for what you have done today," she says in a gentle voice. "You were not ready for a fight, yet one came to you. Your actions are hardly criminal."



Rather than following, May would simply go back to her work. She trusted Raider to handle the situation. She could hear the muffled voices of the men talking outside the library's window for a period of time, but could not make out what they said.

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]


Raina looks at Ty with a soft expression, and sighs. "Well, then perhaps you should train your powers some more, but no one will be mad at you for what you have done today," she says in a gentle voice. "You were not ready for a fight, yet one came to you. Your actions are hardly criminal."


"Are you sure?" He looked at her doubtfully.


Raina looks at Ty with a soft expression, and sighs. "Well, then perhaps you should train your powers some more, but no one will be mad at you for what you have done today," she says in a gentle voice. "You were not ready for a fight, yet one came to you. Your actions are hardly criminal."



Rather than following, May would simply go back to her work. She trusted Raider to handle the situation. She could hear the muffled voices of the men talking outside the library's window for a period of time, but could not make out what they said.

*Killua sees her and smiled brightly* "Hi!"
Raina nods. "I can say for certain that I will not pass judgment on you for what happened today, and as the queen of the forest, that would be my call. I am sure the others will be reasonable once everyone is calm, and Will's wounds are taken care of."



Liz smiles at Killua, then looks around for Davrin. "Where's that man you were with earlier? I saw you two in the forest just before ye ran off." she asks.

Raina follows Ty, and would start to help with building the house. She was worried for Will, but rushing off to try to find him would be useless. For now she would help where she could, and silently pray that Will would be alright.



Liz clenches her teeth as she hears that Davrin just abandoned Killua for the girl who she figured was probably going to leave him anyway. "What an ass," she mumbles very softly under her breath. Liz would sigh, and shake her head, then look to Killua with a smile again. "Some guys just ain't got a sense of what's important and what's not, kid. Ah, let's not worry about him, I'll look after ye," she says with a genuine smile. Liz thought it as odd that she felt such a strong urge to take care of this kid. Maybe, in some way, she sympathized with him. Liz had been treated like a prisoner most of her life. "Ye want your room in the inn back, or have ye decided what kind of life ye want to pursue? No pressure on that, though. It takes time to find one's place in the world."



Liz clenches her teeth as she hears that Davrin just abandoned Killua for the girl who she figured was probably going to leave him anyway. "What an ass," she mumbles very softly under her breath. Liz would sigh, and shake her head, then look to Killua with a smile again. "Some guys just ain't got a sense of what's important and what's not, kid. Ah, let's not worry about him, I'll look after ye," she says with a genuine smile. Liz thought it as odd that she felt such a strong urge to take care of this kid. Maybe, in some way, she sympathized with him. Liz had been treated like a prisoner most of her life. "Ye want your room in the inn back, or have ye decided what kind of life ye want to pursue? No pressure on that, though. It takes time to find one's place in the world."

"my dad said he wouldnt accept me back....so im stuck here.....unless you can talk to him" *Killua looked at her*
Liz gives Killua a regretful expression. "I ain't exactly one fer words, kid, and I wouldn't even know how to find your father. Where did ye say he lives again?" Liz thought Killua might have mentioned it when they first met, but she wasn't sure if she was just getting events mixed up.

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ThatOneLunatic said:
Will would be laying there unconcious for a good while until Raider walked in. He would suddenly spring up sitting upright and attempting to stand up @YoungX
Raider would walk up to Will, but kept his distance just in case Will became "possessed" again. "You alright Will?"

ThatOneLunatic said:
"Yeah im f-fine...." He would say trying to cover the fact that he was in pain @YoungX
He would look at him calmly, but he could tell he was wincing in pain based on his speech. "I see well you should still rest for a bit. Your burns haven't healed yet, and it's most likely better to recover fully."

Liz looks up to the sky, and raises an eyebrow, then looks back to Killua. "Right. Well, if ye really want to try, then go ahead, but I can't promise I'll do any good talkin' to him," she says, silently doubting that Killa would even get a response from his father in the first place.

ThatOneLunatic said:
"I'm fine no....need to worry...no need...for rest....I'm and Elf afterall.....I h-heal....faster than you humans..." Obviously failing at lying @YoungX
"You definitely need rest," he says to Will as he would check up on medical supplies. It seems elves heal faster than humans, but of course he wasn't exactly human either. "It's much more important to stay here and rest up for a bit. All right?"


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