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Fantasy Isle of Mist

ThatOneLunatic said:
Walking closer to Ty Will seemed to have a almost distant look in his eyes, as if it wasnt really him as he raised his sword above Ty about to swing downward "Just a tool....to die when commanded....and to kill when commanded..." @FrostRaven
Evan slowly un-drew his bow and said "go ahead then... kill me" he dropped his bow and spread his arms. he turned and looked at Raina. he gave her a look that said i'll be fine
Will being hit by the flames would be propelled backwards into one of the many trees his sword landing beside him the cloak that had been over his armor on fire as he lay there unmoving @FrostRaven
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will being hit by the flames would be propelled backwards into one of the many trees his sword landing beside him the cloak that had been over his armor on fire as he lay there unmoving @FrostRaven
Ty ran faster hearing him fall. Fear shortened his breath and he kept running. He didn't stop until he was a good mile and a half away. He climbed a tree and sat on the branch shaking as tears fell. No no no stop.
Raina hit the ground to avoid Will and the flames, though she could still feel the heat. She would crawl away, trying to not get into this fight as she could not see from the tears flowing from her eyes.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Raina hit the ground to avoid Will and the flames, though she could still feel the heat. She would crawl away, trying to not get into this fight as she could not see from the tears flowing from her eyes.

The flames suddenly died, and the lack of heat made the entire area feel cold. Will's dagger lay on the ground where Ty had fled. He hadn't meant to hurt anyone...it was a reaction.
Will would slowly try to stand as the flames engulfed his cloak all the while screaming in pain tearing at his cloak trying to get it off before falling to the ground and crawling towards Raina just as the flames disapeared and there would be tears in his eyes "M-mela....min..."
since the fire started evan never moved from his spot, his arms still spread. he picked up his bow and stood next to him and kneeled down "why..... why did you do it."
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Ty eventually walked back, hiding in the trees as he watched. They probably hated him...he'd hurt Will. One of his only friends. He stood on a branch in the treetop, and was extremely silent.
Will would look to Evan not knowing what he was talking about "What...are you...t-talking about......" he was truly confused as he hadnt remembered anything from the past hour or so and he had awoken to being in flames and in immense pain and seeing Raina in pain.
Raina whirled around to Will, reached down to the cloak, and yanked it off. She'd stomp out the fire before turning to Will, an ice-cold look in her tear-filled eyes. "Do not call me by that name," she demands in a tone harsher than she had ever used before. "If you are going to insist on being a tool, then be a tool. A tool does not think, nor feel, nor love, so if that is the fate your wish to accept, then accept it. Do not lead me to believe you love me, because a tool cannot love, it can only serve." Raina struggles to speak through her tears, but her voice makes it clear that she is angry and hurt by the whole situation. She pauses for a long moment, glaring at Will on the ground while trying to steady her breathing. Once she does, she opens her mouth to speak again, though her words sound as if she would burst into tears yet again. "But, if you choose to love, if you wish to be my Melamin, then give up this idea that you should throw your life away on a moment's notice. You can still protect the forest, while also holding value in your life, and allowing your family," she gestures to herself, then Evan, then in the direction she saw Ty run off to, since the did not realize he was back, "to care for you. You are not seen by us as our tool, you are seen by us as our equal, and you should see yourself just the same." She was honestly too busy ranting at Will to hear him speak up again. ((which is to say that I just spent 5 minutes of my life typing this whole thing out, and Will just snapped out of it before I could post :P ))

@FrostRaven @Otakubeats
Ty had left when she began ranting and sat on the forest floor near a small pond. He was still shaking from the encounter. It had dug up horrible things, and he couldn't help but tremble a bit, afraid one of them would be upset and lash out at him.

@Crystal Cali
The body guard came to the door later than usual, opened it and apologized for the delay. He informed Raider that May was in the library, and that she was expecting him to return, so he could go on in.

@YoungX (I promise I didn't forget you xD )
Will would try to push himself to his feat barely managing to stand up as he stood there in extreme pain his body not only cut but burned as well and he looked at her confused and in tears "I dont k-know...what your talking......about...." he stepped back slowly almost in fear. His legs shaking as he did so "I....I'm sorry......I d-dont...know what.......you're talking about......" he looks over his body in even greater fear "I'm a monster..."
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Raina's eyes widen at Will's response, and her expression softens. "Will?" she timidly approached him, now looking concerned. What was going on? "Hama, lle naa e' awra," she says in a more gentle voice than the tone she was using a while ago.



May was sitting at the desk, and looked up when Raider entered the room. She smiles. "I just wanted to know how things were going. I did not see much of the people's reaction to the news of your new position. How are things going? Anything to report?"

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"nan' amin ume somethien. . . . amin tried a'. . . . . hurt lle. . . . " he would continue backing away as the memories of what had just happened flooded into him, torturing him as he sees himself trying to harm those he has sworn to protect, the people he loves. Shaking his head not wanting to believe what was flashing through his mind @Crystal Cali


May was sitting at the desk, and looked up when Raider entered the room. She smiles. "I just wanted to know how things were going. I did not see much of the people's reaction to the news of your new position. How are things going? Anything to report?"

"No it's all good. The people here are very nice folk, and it seems the elves are recovering as well." He would then consider what he would do next. "Well it seems your at work, but if your free then we could always have some time to ourselves," he would give a pretty warm smile at her.
Ty remained in the woods. He'd dropped the dagger and his swords were at camp along with everything else. Basically he was on his own for defense and such. He hoped will hadn't died.


May was sitting at the desk, and looked up when Raider entered the room. She smiles. "I just wanted to know how things were going. I did not see much of the people's reaction to the news of your new position. How are things going? Anything to report?"

ThatOneLunatic said:
"amin sal' ume ta....." He falls back groaning in pain as his burns scrape against the ground and his armor
Evan stands straight up. "We should get him back to town to get him checked." he puts Will's arm around his shoulder. "Somthing's magic might be effecting him and we need to find out what."

Raina closes her eyes for a moment, her hands twitching a bit as this situation still annoyed her. "Uma, take care of him for me. I need to be sure Ty is alright," she says, heading off in the direction the boy ran. It wouldn't take long before she caught up with him. "Ty?" she spoke calm, in a soft voice. She had come up behind him, and did not wish to startle him. "Are you alright?"

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic @Otakubeats

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