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Fantasy Isle of Mist

As she walked off the beach, slightly dehydrated, she went to look for shelter stumbling upon a man holding another man over his shoulder. The man being held, covered in burns, the side of his armor torn looked hurt. She approaches them from the side saying loudly "Oh is the baby gonna cry?" As she stood with her hand on her hip leaning slightly on one foot with a cruel smirk.

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic
Will would look to her barely able to speak as he croaks out "H-hold your tongue....wench...." trying not to tear up due to the trauma and pain all over his body @FrostRaven
Raina moved over next to Ty, and would gently try to place her hand on his shoulder. "Will came back to being more himself. It would seem he was unaware of his actions. I do not know why, but we will figure it out. For now, Evan is taking him to see a healer."

YoungX said:
"No it's all good. The people here are very nice folk, and it seems the elves are recovering as well." He would then consider what he would do next. "Well it seems your at work, but if your free then we could always have some time to ourselves," he would give a pretty warm smile at her.
May stood up and walked over to Raider. "I can take a break," she smiles. "What do you have in mind to do?"
Rugggggy said:
As she walked off the beach, slightly dehydrated, she went to look for shelter stumbling upon a man holding another man over his shoulder. The man being held, covered in burns, the side of his armor torn looked hurt. She approaches them from the side saying loudly "Oh is the baby gonna cry?" As she stood with her hand on her hip leaning slightly on one foot with a cruel smirk.
@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic
Evan ignored the girl and kept walking "Will she is not worth the fight we need to get to the village"
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]May stood up and walked over to Raider. "I can take a break," she smiles. "What do you have in mind to do?"

He smiled back and would offer up his hand again. "Well maybe we could relax here in the library. Leaders need their rest you know," and would sit down near a bookshelf.
May would take Raider's hand and sit next to him, smiling. "Sure. Maybe you could tell me about some of your travels. It sounds like you have done some interesting things in the past."



Raina nods. "Uma," she says in a very matter-of-fact voice. "But he could have hurt you. It was your right to defend yourself in the situation you were in, and quite brave to do so when the one threatening you is a friend. It may not seem that way, sometimes, but doing nothing would have only made matters worse."



Raina nods. "Uma," she says in a very matter-of-fact voice. "But he could have hurt you. It was your right to defend yourself in the situation you were in, and quite brave to do so when the one threatening you is a friend. It may not seem that way, sometimes, but doing nothing would have only made matters worse."

"I was just scared, and my powers just reacted...I didn't mean to..."


Raina nods. "Uma," she says in a very matter-of-fact voice. "But he could have hurt you. It was your right to defend yourself in the situation you were in, and quite brave to do so when the one threatening you is a friend. It may not seem that way, sometimes, but doing nothing would have only made matters worse."

He would take May's hand as well and would look to her smiling. "Well sure why not? I'll tell you about the time I took a job where I had to hunt for food much like I did for the festival. Only thing was I had to hunt a diamond-back gator. Pretty rare species by the way, and not to mention they are very huge gators. Their back are hard as diamonds, and their meat is very very valuable."
ThatOneLunatic said:
"Just let me....kill her...." He woukd ssy grunting in pain as he grits his terthe in pain
Evan purposely griped his arm a little tighter to remind him the condition he was in "No" he said firmly
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"So, what's going on today?" Etna asked nonchalantly after walking in from... Somewhere. "I got lost" she giggled and decided now might be a fun time to use her spear, she hadn't used it in a while and had "forgotten" how sharp it was. She held her arm out in front of her and a large, blood red spear appeared in her hand, practically the size of her


Will would Now be unconscious as he was covered in burns, his armor torn open at the side where he bled from his re-opened wound
YoungX said:
Raider would be in the library with May until he heard someone yelling from the outside. It was pretty clear it was Evan, thank goodness for his advanced hearing. "I'll be back May," he would kiss her on the cheek and headed outside. From there he would see Evan carrying Will. "What happened here?"
"Something controlled Will. He is starting to act strange." he says as he sets will down. He gave a look that said thats not all, tell you later
FrostRaven said:
"Something controlled Will. He is starting to act strange." he says as he sets will down. He gave a look that said thats not all, tell you later
ThatOneLunatic said:
Will would Now be unconscious as he was covered in burns, his armor torn open at the side where he bled from his re-opened wound
He would look at Evan completely understanding that look. Then he turned to Will and noticed his burns and his torn armor. "Well I see. In any case we do have a doctor around here you know. Follow me," he would then lead Evan to the local doctor in hopes of getting him fixed.

@FrostRaven @ThatOneLunatic (Any of us could play a typical doctor or something. Hue.)
SirGrey said:
The while following his mysterious companion wonder about Evie how she was doing. The last time they spoke wasn't the happiest of times. Still Evie was stronger then even she knew. Plus she had a gun. "So where are we head?" The vampire asked.
@Lithia @IkutoForever2222
*Killlua looked at him and shrugged* "its up to you"
Evan set Will down on a bed and turned to Raider. "i need to talk with you in another room" he walks outside.

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