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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.

"I dunno what the doc's gonna do to you so... Go with it. Guess I really need to get involved." He said, watching closely. He figured he should practice some medicene, He atleast was gonna learn something.
Akkora looks away. She didn't know his mother, but she knew him, and felt saddness and sympathy for Hitomu and Katsumi. "Y-you... should go back. G-go to your home." Akkora says, trying to put their feelings ahead of her own. To her, the loss of a loved one was more important than her silly crush.

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Hitomu nodded and followed Toshiro back to the underwater city. He waved at Akkora before they left. When they got there, Hitomu found Katsumi in his room crying. Hitomu went over to Katsumi and hugged him, tears streaming down both of their faces. @Foxgirl Jay
Ziadresh smiled at The Shaman, but his eyes emitted pure bloodlust. He slowly and as quietly as humanly possible closed the door behind him. He knew that the old man had already noticed him, so he sat right in front of him.

"Do you remember me?"

Ziadresh asked. The old man nodded with a frown on his face. He looked very displeased. Most likely he knew that today would be the day he would meet his end. He was aware that any restraint would've been meaningless. He had already experienced the true powers behind the oni in his past.

"Andrac Ziadresh Harde..."

After those words, the room was completely silent for a few minutes. It had been so long from when that name was called out. More than fifty years. The Shaman stood up and grabbed a box from one of the shelves. One of the upper shelves, to be exact. The box was very dusty and seemed like it hadn't been touched for years.

"I go by the name Andrac Ziadresh now."

The old man looked at Ziadresh and sighed. From his face you could easily read out sympathy, but at the same time pity. He sat back down, not taking his eye off Ziadresh. He carefully placed the box in front of him.

"You know what this is, right? This is also the reason you changed your name, isn't it?"

Ziadresh slowly took off the lid and residing inside the box were photos. Photos of a young woman with short blonde hair. On some of the photos there was also a tall guy. All of the pictures were about them being happy, smiling, laughing, hugging, etc. The two were just simple humans.

"Where did you get this from?

Ziadresh stood up and grabbed the old man by his neck. He took off one of his gloves and pointed his claws at The Shaman's face.

The old man smiled. The smile was heart-warming and friendly.
The face somehow hinted that Ziadresh wouldn't get an answer.

"Oh, how lovely you two were when you first arrived.."

In a split second The Shaman's face was ripped open and not a single word was said after that. Ziadresh pushed over one of the candles letting the whole hut burn down. He left with anger written all over his face.

"This is why I hate this rotten island"

@Foxgirl Jay I just kind of used The Shaman to my liking. Hope you don't mind xD
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@SivOmega (Yeah, no. Don't mind it at all. Remember, I just made him for that healing scene and nothing else. :P )

Akkora sits around the sunlit glade for a while along, trying to think about anything. Trying to force herself to be really sad over Hitomu's mother dying. Difficult, simply because she hadn't known the woman at all. Sympathy for him and his brothers at least.

Hitomu and his brothers were now at their mother's funeral, which was emotional to say the least. Her body had been covered with a cloth. They did a ceremony where they dumped her body into what was considered a sacred place in the underwater city. @Foxgirl Jay
After his mother's funeral, Hitomu and Katsumi were sat under a tree, which was their mother's favorite place to go. Both of them were silent. They didn't know that they were near Akkora and that she could see them. @Foxgirl Jay
Rin opens his eyes as he is heavily chained underwater at the underwater village, All he could see is the sun reflecting down upon him as he gave out a little smirk he snapped his fingers and all of the chains came undone. "I'm free..." His blue hair floats upward in the water as he starts to swim up he finds himself at the middle of the ocean far away from other existence "They will pay.." Rin says
Akkora's conflicted. She wants to go to her friends, to try and comfort them. But she doesn't want to intrude on their probably private grieving.

Good will over comes hesitance. She quietly walks up to them, and without so much as a word sits beside Hitomu, and puts a comforting arm around his shoulder. "If you wanna' talk... Y-you can talk to me. But if you don't, that's fine too." The foxgirl says softly.

Akkora softly sighs. She stays, hoping maybe at least her presence and show of sympathy would help, even if a little bit.
He was about to leave when he smelt burning. Then he turned around to see a fire flickering from one of the huts that could burn the entire village down. He quickly ran to the destination and found himself at a hut that was a little bit away from the actual village it's self. "The Shaman." he thought and let no time pass before he let the scales overtake his skin so he could use his power. He stood in the door way and let turrets of water shoot from his hands directly at the fire to put it out. He walked in the hut when the door way was cleared and put out the rest of the fire that was lingering inside.

At the sight of the Shaman on the floor with.. "His face ripped open.." He shifted back from his scaly armor and knelt down and searching the scene for anything that seemed like something that could have done it. He noticed claw marks were there. Faint but they were still there. "Wolven maybe?" he asked himself wondering if they came looking for him but ended up finding the Shaman. "No.. They take their pray back with them.." He pondered what could have done this and if they were still around. 'Hmm..' he thought and decided that he would tell only the counsel of this. It was up to them if they should tell the rest of the village. So he set off to the counsel building near the middle of the village.
Kippers said:
He was about to leave when he smelt burning. Then he turned around to see a fire flickering from one of the huts that could burn the entire village down. He quickly ran to the destination and found himself at a hut that was a little bit away from the actual village it's self. "The Shaman." he thought and let no time pass before he let the scales overtake his skin so he could use his power. He stood in the door way and let turrets of water shoot from his hands directly at the fire to put it out. He walked in the hut when the door way was cleared and put out the rest of the fire that was lingering inside.
At the sight of the Shaman on the floor with.. "His face ripped open.." He shifted back from his scaly armor and knelt down and searching the scene for anything that seemed like something that could have done it. He noticed claw marks were there. Faint but they were still there. "Wolven maybe?" he asked himself wondering if they came looking for him but ended up finding the Shaman. "No.. They take their pray back with them.." He pondered what could have done this and if they were still around. 'Hmm..' he thought and decided that he would tell only the counsel of this. It was up to them if they should tell the rest of the village. So he set off to the counsel building near the middle of the village.
Silent on her feet, like death at night she followed him, keeping to the shadows face hidden.

She moved closer towards him with every step.

She watched the clock work of his mind as his decisions became apparent, "are you sure that's wise?"
"Well. Someones got to know." He answered and then realized what had just happened. He turned around to see someone behind him. 'I was not talking out loud again was I?' he asked himself and thought of how this person could have known what he was thinking. But he spoke to her anyway. "Well if the counsel knows about what has happened they would probably put high security around the town to fend off what ever it is attacking. On the other side they could panic." he thought again about his decision. "He was the villages Healer. A great one too.."
Kippers said:
"Well. Someones got to know." He answered and then realized what had just happened. He turned around to see someone behind him. 'I was not talking out loud again was I?' he asked himself and thought of how this person could have known what he was thinking. But he spoke to her anyway. "Well if the counsel knows about what has happened they would probably put high security around the town to fend off what ever it is attacking. On the other side they could panic." he thought again about his decision. "He was the villages Healer. A great one too.."
She spoke bluntly and calmly, "you do not know who did it, there for how could you know what is best in this situation?" She sighed almost grimly, "I have the feeling the matter of this...murder was personal. There for it is unlikely that he will come back." She shrugged softly.
She was blunt. He respected that since a lot of people would not get their opinion out in a situation like this. "That is a possibility. Well what do you think would be the best thing to do in this situation?" He asked and thought of many things to do. Things like just letting a funeral and mourning service go on. He would be buried among the greatest for all his hard work as a healer. And if what ever and who ever did it attacks again he could take matters into his own hands.
Kippers said:
She was blunt. He respected that since a lot of people would not get their opinion out in a situation like this. "That is a possibility. Well what do you think would be the best thing to do in this situation?" He asked and thought of many things to do. Things like just letting a funeral and mourning service go on. He would be buried among the greatest for all his hard work as a healer. And if what ever and who ever did it attacks again he could take matters into his own hands.
Nona sighed folding her arms and glancing up at him, "I'm going to do my job." Her eyes darkened a bit, "and you, should get involved, yeah?" She could feel the pressure in the air that the killer had left and she didn't like it. "This person isn't just your average villain" she spat with sarcasm.
"Good luck with your job." He said and turned around to walk off in the other direction away from the village. He took in what she said to him and headed her warning. 'If I could not defeat what ever has terrorized the village then what kind of guardian would I be. I don't ask for these things to happen and I did not ask to be born as one either.' he thought to himself and questioned his powers against the evil lingering on the island. He ended up at the edge of the forest on one of the giant branches with his head resting against the trunk of the tree behind him.
JustCallMeAimee said:
(If I vanish it's because I'm in the Uk and it's 3:23am)
-[[ It's alright. I woke up at 1:30 am over here. Thats probably why I am still up now. xD (I also live in the UK.) ]]-
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Kippers said:
"Good luck with your job." He said and turned around to walk off in the other direction away from the village. He took in what she said to him and headed her warning. 'If I could not defeat what ever has terrorized the village then what kind of guardian would I be. I don't ask for these things to happen and I did not ask to be born as one either.' he thought to himself and questioned his powers against the evil lingering on the island. He ended up at the edge of the forest on one of the giant branches with his head resting against the trunk of the tree behind him.
Rolling her eyes she mumbled something under her breath and vanished.

"You know, it's rude to one. Ignore people's friendly advice and two. Walk off in a conversation." She swung her legs sat in a branch above him. Pulling up her collar to further hide her face, "go back to the village." Her eyes flashed a shade brighter, "wait...what are you?" She looked down at him.

(Where are you, like in the world? What's the time zone for you?)

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