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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.

Laverna squeezed her eyes shut tightly upon being poked. She pushed her arms out, her coils tightening slightly as she stretched. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes when she heard Zereph's teasing. She looked over to him, her eyes growing wide seeing herself wrapped around him. "S-Sorry!" The word fumbled out of her mouth as she uncoiled herself and made her way out of the cave. Luckily with the heat Zereph had "donated" she was able to move, though at a sluggish rate, to the top of the shelter to continue heating up. She scanned around the nearby area for Victoria considering she hadn't been in the small area. 'Perhaps Z knows.' She thought.

@Mediocritys Muse @wolfborn4
"I... I hope everything will be fine." Akkora glances over her shoulder, back to the Shaman's house. All the bead blinds are pulled over the windows, and the door closed. But still, flashes of green and yellow light are seem coming from inside. "That was one of your brothers? I uhm, didn't really expect to meet him tonight. Or in that way. B-but don't worry, Vora has never not saved anybody's life in all his long life!" Akkora tries to say, smiling reassuringly at Hitomu and rubbing his shoulder.



The Shaman, Vora. Skilled in his work, but impatient. His healing practices are undoubtedly effective, but it's a painful process to knit the flesh back together, repair damaged muscles and bone, and replace the blood lost. "Foolish boy, do you not know better than to get bitten?!"

He shakes his head. It seems his hands are moving with a mind of their own, separate from his own thought, his body in a wild dance, to call upon the power of natures healing gifts. "Lucky the fox-eared girl had some favor with me."


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Hitomu smiles weakly back at Akkora. "Yeah..."


Katsumi bit his lip.
"S-sorry." He said to Vora.

@Foxgirl Jay
For a split second you could notice Ziadresh's face go dark. He had planned to murder The old Shaman for a long time now. A man that can heal wounds that are extremely severe would only make Ziadresh's job tougher. If he'd ever accidentally not finish off someone it would give him a rough time. The so called evil face stayed for only such a short time that it was almost impossible to notice. He went back to the sympathizing face that he had before:

"Aishh.. He'll definietly get better! The Shaman is one of the best on the island after all..."

Oh my bad! @Ldybug123

@Foxgirl Jay
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"Do not apologize! What weak will." He chides. "Chin up, grit and bear the pain!" The wound is closed, but it'll stay sore and painful for a while yet. A day or two at most. Vora would help Katsumi to sit up, but the last mercy the Shaman shows him for now. "Now leave my house, I've many... Shaman duties to attend to." The last bit he says with a grumble. It makes one wonder if the duties were actually important.


Akkora felt something off about Zidaresh... but then again, she feels it about a lot of people. Sometimes her instincts were wrong, sometimes they were right. "Want me to uh, come back with you to the beach, y'know to make sure you and your brother get there fight?" Akkora asks Hitomu shyly. She wasn't sure how obvious her feelings were... no matter how non-serious or innocent they were.


Ziadresh stared at the door. It was old and made out of dark mahogany wood. He was tempted to go in and just slay the healer. Luckily he wasn't rash and had logical thinking. He didn't know the powers that the other two creatures had. If they turned out to be stronger than him, it would've been his end. He decided to make allies of the others. That way he could be trusted and possibly kill The Shaman by backstabbing him. He noticed the foxgirl talk.

"Ah, in that case want me to come too? Just to be safe. There are all kinds of evil creatures wanting to attack others out there."

@Foxgirl Jay

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"I'm glad you're feeling better!" She says to Katsumi. But, more of that bad feeling from Zidaresh. Akkora rubs her shoulder. "I uhh, I don't know." She looks to Hitomu for an answer. She'll let him, or his brother decide.



(Feel free to kill Vora. He's a one-off character I pulled outta' nowhere to use for this bit of RP :P Had no plans for him beyond this little scene. )
Victoria had stayed up most of the night watching the moon or exploring not to far from camp though when the sun came up she strolled back to the rock cave. She pulled out a blood bag and opened the corner before looking a straw in the hole she sipped on the blood inside letting it slid down her throat as both of her eyes turned red. She took her eye patch off so she could use her other eye for a while and have both visible, at the moment both where red.

@Deadly Darkness @Mediocritys Muse
@Deadly Darkness


He let out a light chuckle as the girl hastily made her exit out of the shelter, him standing after she made her way on to the roof of it. Z then walked out of the shelter and saw Victoria making her way back toward the shelter and waved over to her, him saying as he stretches a small bit, "Morning Victoria, seems like last night went well enough for you as well." He paused and then grinned, him adding with a slight nod, "Although I guess you didn't have a snuggle buddy last night, that helped me a lot." It was pretty obvious that he was just joking but he did say it loud enough for Laverna to hear what he had said. At the moment he was having a good time with these two that he had not met more than a day ago, which was new for him seeing as how he traveled alone all of the time.
"Before we go, let me talk with The Shaman for a few seconds. We are old friends and I haven't seen him in a while!"

Ziadresh said, hiding his true intentions. It'd be nice to get rid of him before he could heal anyone else.


@Foxgirl Jay
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"I hope you feel better soon." Akkora offers him her hand, to help him walk. She glances at Hitomu and Zidaresh. "It won't take long, right?" She mumbles with a shy look at the ground. She didn't think Vora had any friends at all.



(all good)
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"Ah! Actually, we have a lot to catch up on. You can leave first!"

He said, with a light smile on his face that slowly faded away as he entered the hut.

I'm going to sleep, so i'll end it so you guys can continue rping
Vora won't be expecting visitors. He's deep in a shamanistic herb induced trance, sitting cross legged on the floor, swaying gently and chanting.



"Can you help? He seems really unsteady and stuff." Akkora asks of Hitomu, putting another hand on Katsumi's back to try and keep him up

Laverna squeezed her eyes shut once again trying to block the blood rushing to her head. She tried to focus on absorbing heat to occupy her thoughts. 'If the earth has an average density of 5.51 grams per centimeter cubed, and the sun's intensity is affected by the 92.96 million miles between the earth's surface and the sun then it'll take me..' Her mind continued to ramble as she calculated how long it would take her to heat up the rest of the way.

@Mediocritys Muse @wolfborn4
Akkora helps them back to the beach. She takes them on the safe routes through the forest, the ones she knows monsters don't often go on. Back at the beautiful moonlit beach. "Well uhm... You live in like, a city underwater right? This is... as far as I can help you take him... I'm sorry." Akkora says to Hitomu softly, with a slight sad expression. She really wishes she could help more.

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Hitomu looks at Akkora. "That's alright. I'll see you again sometime alright?" He said before walking into the water with Katsumi. They dived below the surface of the water and went to the underwater city. @Foxgirl Jay
Akkora waves her goodbyes, and starts the walk back to her lonely home. It had been such an exciting day. All sorts of new, exciting and interesting things. But at the end of it all, she felt more tired and happy than anything else. Laying down on her soft bed, curling up and falling asleep. A long sleep, as her species likes to do. She'd wake up late in to the morning, and groggily get ready for the day ahead.

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