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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.

Kippers said:
-[[ I live in the UK also. I'm in Essex. And don't worry I did not find it creepy. ]]-
(Good. I've been doing this whole stay up till the crack of dawn shit for a few days because I'm an idiot. An I'm in Manchester)
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JustCallMeAimee said:
(Good. I've been doing this whole stay up till the crack of dawn shit for a few days because I'm an idiot. An I'm in Manchester)
-[[ Thats regular for me. Only cause I fall asleep early and wake up late. ]]-
He thought he was alone until he heard the same voice from earlier. He peered up at her using only his eyes and not moving his head from the spot it was in. "It doesn't matter." he said and then continued to look into the same direction towards the mountain only ever looking up when he saw the movement of her legs swinging. Only because it was the only thing actually moving at the top of his eye.
JustCallMeAimee said:
(I do the same most of the time, doesn't mean I'm not an idiot for it though )
-[[ It's up to you if you want to stay up later then most people. I mean I don't think you are an idiot for it but that is my opinion. ]]-
"Fine don't tell me I'm not arsed." She jumped down ladybug artfully next to him, "might be able to figure it out on my own." She gave him a once over with those glinting eyes if her's, "hmm."
He kept his hood neatly over his head. Enough so that it would shadow his eyes a little but not enough so that he could not see above him. He felt the branch of the trees vibration only slightly when she landed next to him. "And I did take your advice earlier. I know that the person is dangerous. I do trust your words." he explained with a sigh and heard her speak about possibly figuring out what he was on her own.
"Yes, you have listened to me. In a way." She scowled slightly circling him, "but you're still going to go after him." She straightened although it didn't do much height wise against him, "this place is important to you?" She snorted shaking her head, "men, they always need such trivial things and it's what gets them into trouble and sometimes killed." She shook her head circling back around him, "well you're stubborn I'll give you that. But I suppose I can pay my respects." She awkwardly bowed her head in greeting, "what's your name?"

Kippers said:
He kept his hood neatly over his head. Enough so that it would shadow his eyes a little but not enough so that he could not see above him. He felt the branch of the trees vibration only slightly when she landed next to him. "And I did take your advice earlier. I know that the person is dangerous. I do trust your words." he explained with a sigh and heard her speak about possibly figuring out what he was on her own.
"Well someone has to do it. I wouldn't say I am going after him. More like. Waiting for him myself. I have a feeling he wants to take out anything that could pose as a threat. Considering that he took out Vora." He explained. "And I like the veiw here. The forest is important to me because it's where I have seen countless people I care about live. And die. It's where most of my memories have formed since I grew up here." He said with a sigh not with any emotion about it. Just to sigh. "Some might find it trivial. But that is there opinion and I can also respect that." He put his hand out to shake hers. "The name is Mystery. Most call me Mist." he then looked down at his hand and back to her "Don't worry it's clean."
"You want me to shake your hand?" She looked at his out stretched palm and sighed, "mystery..." She took his hand in hers awkwardly and almost reluctantly shook it, "memories and all those other such things you cherish aren't in the landscape that you stand by but in your head." She let him go, " and as cold as this may sound, caring for people is worse than being alone, in this place."
(Right, I give up and Im going to try and sleep again, wish me look) (good night/morning)
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-[[ Sorry. The stupid thing did not notify me. But I'll give you a post for when you wake up. ]]-
Kippers said:
-[[ Sorry. The stupid thing did not notify me. But I'll give you a post for when you wake up. ]]-
(~sleep is for the weak~ I have no patients when it comes to sleep) (see seven FRICKING minutes) (sorry auto corrected to caplock)
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"Well I guess I am going to have to experience that pain for myself. And then decide what to do next." He replied and shook her hand and letting go when she did. "And the landscape I grew up in reminds me of my memories. That is why I cherish this island dearly." He said with a smile planted on his face. "What about you? Don't you have anyone to care for?" He asked but would not push the question on if she did not want him to.
JustCallMeAimee said:
(One of these days. I'll kill those dogs.) (I'm just here like life why?)
-[[ I was welcoming you back. And trying to be funny at the same time. ]]-
"That's not something I tell strangers who don't even know me by name," she glanced at him with almost cold eyes, "I have a feeling I'm going to stay for a while." She shrugged, "this guys going after threats right?" She laughed harshly shaking her head.

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