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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.

-[[ I have a dog myself. He is a Staff cross. He barks all the damn time to traffic. Wait I thought you was asking me "I am just here like life. why?" Thats why I answered. xD ]]-
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Kippers said:
-[[ I have a dog myself. He is a Staff cross. He barks all the damn time to traffic. Wait I thought you was asking me "I am just here like life why?" Thats why I answered. xD ]]-
(No no, I mean like life why am I still awake :').

I have a jackrussle and shitzu cross and a jackrussle and pug cross. And seven little puppies belonging to the two of them (only had the recently) )
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'Oh crap I forgot to ask her name.' she reminded him of this when she said "I don't tell that to strangers who don't even know my name." He smiled awkwardly and then finally asked what her name was but thought 'I'll be lucky to get her name now' and with that we waited for her response.
"It's a nice name." He said with a less awkward smile then before. 'Nona. I like it.' He said to himself in his head and let out a sigh of relief.

-[[ It's fine. ]]-
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None went quiet for a long moment, just looking at him in slight confusion before snorting "Nice?" the fact that he had taken the time to even smile as her was like almost a slap in her mind.

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He waited for something to happen in that time she was quiet. It felt like an hour had gone by but then she spoke the word 'Nice?' which sounded like more of a question."Yea. It's a nice name. I mean it's nice to me anyway." He replied slightly confused but not that much. 'Maybe she disliked me saying that?' he thought and shrugged it off. He scratched the side of his head
Kippers said:
-[[ Sorry the site went down for me. ]]-
(dw it's fine, is it alright if I quickly make another character?)

"I don't know how to reply to a...compliment...." she shrugged awkwardly.
-[[ Yea it's alright. ]]-

"Really? I thought you would have tons of compliments." He complimented and smiled again. He looked up into the sun lit sky and pondered on what to do next. He could not check the villages out because that would be a little suspicious. If anyone knew about him then people would give away his position to the trouble makers.
She laughed quietly and shook her head, stuffing her hands in her pockets, "If you haven't noticed yet. I'm a bit of a bitch."
"I don't think it's bitchy. It's a respectable personality. Confident in what you say and you're straight forward. I think it's more wise then anything." He took his hood down and let out his long pitch black hair to let it flow with the wind.
Quietly she looked up at him, watching his features, the look on his face and his eyes for a long moment. And then it clicked "You're a guardian." she shook her head "Is that why you're risking your neck to get this guy?"

She stopped at the air around them grew quiet, she sniffed the air looking around with darkening almost back eyes, "You might want to get out of here..." she grunted slightly, "Now, and don't turn back, yeah?"
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Ziadresh spread out his wings and flew over the forest straight to the mountains. He landed in front of a dark castle-like building. Normally you'd enter from the gate, but today Ziadresh was in a seriously pissed mood. He flew straight into the garden and blasted a hole through the castle wall. One of the towers almost collapsed, but the oni really didn't care. As soon as he entered the building, a woman approached him. The woman was as beautiful as the moon. She had hair dark as the night and wore a long wine red dress. As soon as she looked into Ziadresh's eyes, she knew what to do. You could hear her whispering something, which sounded like gibberish. The woman disappeared into thin air. The woman was actually a shadow that Ziadresh created to guard the house, who was meant to leave every time Ziadresh would return. The oni went to a room covered in pearls. They were all pitch black. Ziadresh grabbed one of the pearls and threw it against the floor.

"Minus one, 94 left..."

he said. He decided to look around the island to find something to do. Maybe find some out some interesting information that he'd need in the future. He left by the same hole he came in from. This time he changed into his shadow from and once again flew to the sky.

He looked around for quite a while. Right now his main target would've been the guardian, but it wasn't a big problem if he didn't find him either. Just as those thoughts went through his mind, he saw him talking to some woman. He flew straight next to them, masking as a shadow of a tree.


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SivOmega said:
Ziadresh spread out his wings and flew over the forest straight to the mountains. He landed in front of a dark castle-like building. Normally you'd enter from the gate, but today Ziadresh was in a seriously pissed mood. He flew straight into the garden and blasted a hole through the castle wall. One of the towers almost collapsed, but the oni really didn't care. As soon as he entered the building, a woman approached him. The woman was as beautiful as the moon. She had hair dark as the night and wore a long wine red dress. As soon as she looked into Ziadresh's eyes, she knew what to do. You could hear her whispering something, which sounded like gibberish. The woman disappeared into thin air. The woman was actually a shadow that Ziadresh created to guard the house, who was meant to leave every time Ziadresh would return. The oni went to a room covered in pearls. They were all pitch black. Ziadresh grabbed one of the pearls and threw it against the floor.
"Minus one, 94 left..."

he said. He decided to look around the island to find something to do. Maybe find some out some interesting information that he'd need in the future. He left by the same hole he came in from. This time he changed into his shadow from and once again flew to the sky.

He looked around for quite a while. Right now his main target would've been the guardian, but it wasn't a big problem if he didn't find him either. Just as those thoughts went through his mind, he saw him talking to some woman. He flew straight next to them, masking as a shadow of a tree.



Nona's lips pulled back in a sneer and she turned to meet Ziadresh head on and sight growl of distance passing her lips, "Murderer."

Her movements where fast an highly calculated as she skipped out of the knocking Mist @Kippers to one side, "Move, this guy isn't our only problem. Get out of here!"


Sat in a tree watching silently, he tilted his head at the new people, Mist and Ziadresh, he'd never seen before.
'Maybe taking it off was not such a good idea.' he thought with his arms crossed before looking back to her. He knew she was serious when she warned him to leave. He wanted to ask why but knew he would probably annoy her. "As long as you're safe I guess." He said in a concerned voice before saying. "If you are in trouble. Use this word. Ehecatlapechco" And with that he left without another word. "Good luck with who ever it is." he thought and continued in the direction he was going to. He felt something else there to. It was like someone was watching them. A shadow.
Ziadresh turned back into his normal human-like oni form and was quite disappointed that the girl sensed him. He would've liked to silently sit there and listen. What surprised him the most, was the fact that the girl accused him in murder.

"Aishh! I'm impressed that you sensed me. However, why do you think I've murdered someone? Not as far as I know I haven't"


"But that is why you're here no?" she looked at Ziadresh, "You may not be one yet" she sneered, "But you will be." her eyes drifted from him to Valentine, "and you, why are you here?"


Jumped down landing in front of her with an all to real malicious grin that stretched the vain like scaring on his face, "Can't I just say that I missed you Nona?"

@Kippers @SivOmega
"Should I go back? There is two of them." He thought whilst constantly looking back. "I'm sure if she said to go then she can handle them both." he stopped on a branch that was about one hundred meters away from the group of three that were conversing. He could at least stay here until the fight was over. I mean. If she needed help she would use that word right? his mind was all over the place thinking of weather he should go back or stay for the time being.

Dancing back to moved away from him in an attempt to stall, "Can't you just leave me alone?" she sneered, "what happened between us happened a long time ago." She shook her head.


"But I have yet to repay you,"grinning he clocked his fingers and the shadows around them stretched out like blades towards her.


Scowling she dogged the darting shadows.

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