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Fantasy Into the Night

Kimi stood in shock when Cayden punched the wall. She waited a moment after he sank to the floor before kneeling in front of him. "What do you mean lose? I take it that girl was your sister then..."
Back at the apartment she throwed her sniper by her bed and grabbed the first aid as she started healing herself. '..….' She said nothing else while looking over her bloody shoulder. "Reckless move Emily don't do that again.." She told herself before getting on her bed and slept..
"Yeah. I....haven't exactly been completely honest to her about my identity." He lifted his head and pressed it back against the wall. "I thought I was protecting her....but in the end....she hates me and now she's living in a stranger's house. A vampiric stranger's house!" He ruffled up his hair in frustration. Actually taking a moment to peer into Kimi's eyes, he reached out to brush a strand of hair out of her face with his fingers. He quickly retreated and looked off to the side, hiding himself slightly with his hoodie sleeve.

"Sorry. Force of habit." He stood up and glanced around. "Nice place. Thanks again. Do you think its safe outside or no?" He nonchalantly peered out the window.
"She can't hate you, you're her brother. She may be upset and hurt but still she can't hate you. I'm sure she understands that you were trying to protect her." Kimi got caught in his eyes for the moment he reached out. When he retreated she fixed her hair and looked in the other direction. "No it's fine. And thank you, it's home." She got up and walked behind him while he looked out the window, looking at his now ruffled up hair. "Hopefully, the one hunter ran but I'm not sure about the other. I'm sorry, but you shouldn't go looking for your sister with your hair like that." She tried to reach over him as he was hunched over looking through the window so she could fix his hair back into place. "I'm Kimi, by the way. Like I said earlier, it'd be my pleasure to help and keep you company... if you want the company that is." She said just as she finished fixing his hair and quickly pulling her arm away and looking at the ground. "Sorry...I should have asked."
Kayleigh exchanged good nights with Klem and the stood at the door for a minute after she left. She stood in silence, listening to the loud crickets out side of the bedroom window. Her family and friends popped into her mind, and instantly she grew sad. She sniffled and sobbed a bit, trying to keep quiet. She walked over to the bed clearing her eyes of tears, but they kept coming anyway. She sat down on the soft sheets and looked out the window. She really wanted to go home, but she understood she can't. Theres nothing she can do and she was just gonna have to accept it. Kayleigh laid down on the bed, her legs hanging off the bed but the rest of her body on it. She held one of the pillows and she cried quietly.

Eventually time passed, and she fell asleep. She rolled over revealing the unbitten side of her neck. She lifted a hand and rubbed the bitten side, it was a little sore. She put her hand back down and quickly fell into a deeper sleep.
Red finished snapping the neck of the last human in the club and looked at the new comer. "I'm a little pissed off. " she growled. "And yes, it's about time to go." If the hunter was actually coming, they probably would have been there by now. Hunters normally didn't waste time, or this was was particularly inexperienced. Red walked past the new girl, straight out the front door, stood there for a minute and then kept walking. "If you wish to be informed on what going on, you can follow." She called over her shoulder flatly. There was an abandoned where house in the industrial district of the city, that's where she had set up and that's where she was heading. There was lost to figure out, and revenge to plot.
He thought for a moment; Isono sighed, as if she knew of the tricky subject at hand.

"Well, I don't blame him." Matthew said, "People never accept us for what we are. I've never told anyone that I'm a vampire. In fact, as far as my parents know, I'm dead. I faked killing myself. It was the only way they wouldn't find out about me. And now, I live out here with a fourteen year old girl and have no clue what I'm going to do with the rest of my existence." He sighed, "My point: forgive him. If he'd told you, he'd put you both in danger. Clearly, he cares a lot for you."
Still sleeping on her big soft bed she shifted her position a little bit to get comfortable with. Besides she has a job as a waitress tomorrow and she might need to train a little bit more. And sometimes she wondered if there are more hunters around the city besides her.
"I hope thats how it is." Cayden turned to Kimi and grinned a bit. "Usually I don't let people touch my hair." Mostly because it's so soothing it'll lull me to sleep. "But I'll make an exception this time." He brushed past her and into the kitchen. "I'm so accustomed to cooking my sister dinner every evening. Its weird not doing it for once."

Freya looked up at Matthew. "Do you like it more? This life compared to your human one?" She stopped as they reached the entrance to the house. "Ah...sorry I ask so many questions its probably annoying. I usually just keep to myself. But things have been so...different lately." She gravitated her eyes down.
"It's may be annoying but it's understandable." Mathew said, "Besides, I get this from Isono all the time. Constant questioning." He sighed, "This... Isn't a life. This is a shadow of a life. I'd... I'd much rather go back to being human, at least I had a life then. Now, I just have Isono. And you, I suppose." He kicked the door open, "Anymore questions?"
Shadow of a life huh? A wonder if Cayden feels that way. I should at least message or call him later. He didn't seem very happy with my choice of company. "Uhm...yes actually." She said softly. "Why...did you decide to let me live earlier? I thought I was supposed to be food"
"You looked like somebody I used to know, that's all." Matthew said, "Don't take it as a compliment. We could still kill you." He laughed. Then, he carried Isono inside and up to her bedroom, where he laid her down on the bed and covered her with blankets.

"Sleep well, Isono." he said, brushing her hair out of her eyes. He shut the door behind him as gently as he could, so that he wouldn't wake her.
"Ahaha." Freya awkwardly laughed. That's still very true. Although with Isono being so fond of me its unlikely. But still very possible. She smiled as she whatched Matthew tuck Isono in for the night. Such a precious scene. She waited till the door closed before speaking quietly, "I suppose I should be going to bed too...it's a shame we didn't get to watch a movie." She sighed. "But at least everyone is okay."
"If okay is the right word for it. The term 'uninjured' seems better suited to the situation." Matthew shrugged, "We don't have any spare bedrooms but you may have my room, just for tonight. Just don't touch anything." He sloped down the hallway and threw open the door at the end, holding it open for her, "I mean it. Don't. Touch. Anything." There was a serious look in his eyes.
Kimi put her hands up jokingly as she let out a small giggle, “Oh geez, I won’t touch your hair again unless told otherwise.” She put her hands down and sat on the arm of the couch. She could still see the kitchen from where she sat but she turned on the television at a low volume for some white noise. “Well it’s a bit late for dinner now. I don’t have too much that you could make anything from, but if you can then go for it. I just wouldn’t want to let it go to waste.” She said with a smile as she turned to look at the television.
"No real reason to." Cayden shrugged. "It tastes fine but makes me a Lil sick afterwards. I only ate it to convince Freya I was human." He leaned against the table. "Its no hindrance if I stay for tonight is it?" He spoke just loud enough for her to hear.

Freya was about to protest about taking the room, but instead just nodded and walked through and into the room.

(@Fallen from Heaven you should provide a description for the room that would be awesome)
"We can't help getting sick after eating human food now... it's a bit sad if you think about it." She started swinging her legs back and forth as they dangled. "It wouldn't be an issue at all. You can stay in my room, I'll stay out here." She then just fell backwards and landed on the couch, laying on her back.
(Fully intended to.)

It was possibly the most cluttered room in the entire world. There was barely any room to move, the floor was so cluttered. There was heaps of junk everywhere, books piled up on almost every surface and what had to be the world's biggest collection of ballpoint pens spread across a desk. There was a stack of about fifteen different notebooks piled on top of each other beside the bed. Hand drawn pictures and cards were tacked up on the wall and the words "BE HAPPY, MATT" accompanied by smiley faces and hearts was written on the wall in pink marker.

"Isono did that." Matthew said, "I'm sorry that it's kind of.... Messy..." That was possibly the understatement of the year.
"Messy? Nooooo." Freya shook her head and said sarcastically. So this is what a guy's room is like....hah...pens...pens everywhere! She eventually found the bed through the sea of ominous clutter and sat down on it lightly. Her hands brushing over the covers. Her face reddened a bit at the thought of this being the first guy's room she's ever been in and she quickly pointed out something to distract herself, "So Isono did all that." She pointed to all the smiley faces and hearts. "It's cute. You guys are cute." She couldn't help but smile. "I used to write stuff like that for my brother all the time. But...after our parents passed, things were never the same." She grew quiet for a moment before looking back at Matthew. "I appreciate this so much. And...I promise not to touch anything." I hope that doesn't count tripping over things....

Somtimes Cayden missed eating human food. So many different choices. Now there's just one, blood.

"No way." Cayden came and leaned over the couch a bit. "I can even sleep on the floor if need be. I'm not going to kick you out of your own room." He glanced towards the TV. She didn't seem to be watching anything in particular.
She looked up at him as he leaned over her, "Yes way. You're the guest so don't even think about it. You're not kicking me out, I chose it, silly. Duh." She stuck her tongue out slightly. The remote was at her feet and though she really didn't need it, it was an excuse to look away without being obvious. So she knocked it onto one foot using the other and tried to flick it to herself. She flicked it higher than she thought she would but she caught it anyway.
A massive heaving breath left her body. How in hells name did she just survive that?! How was she still alive when all the other humans in the club were dead?! Deciding no to take any chances, Kiana thought it best to make a run for it now and with that thought she bolted for the door and out into the alleyway. "Seven hells...." she breathed as she leant against a wall, completely failing to notice that the very scary girl who'd been calling the shots inside was still withing view in her relief at getting out alive and safe.
"Skill." Cayden grinned. "And whatever you say." He didn't particularly agree but didn't want to argue about it any further. He wasn't even sure why he was staying there in the first place. He found most people extremely irritating. But it would be safer to leave in the morning when the risk of running into a hunter would be slim. He knew they didn't prefer to attack out in daylight where there were many witnesses."Do you mind if I take a shower?" He asked, gazing at the TV rather than at her.
"Thanks. I'm sorry to be so pushy on it, but it's true." She changed the channels looking for something to put on as she answered. She wasn't really in the mood for tv but she hoped it would put her mind at ease. "Not at all." She took a moment to answer, she still didn't know the boy's name but was fine with letting him do as he wanted. She just hoped it was helping at least a little. Then a show she liked finally came onto the tv. She waiting until he left to flip onto her stomach to watch tv. Ultimately she was fighting sleep as she laid there, and would probably be out within the next few minutes.
" True." Violet smirked amused by the women's blunt behavior and mannerism. 'Could be interesting.' She thought while she skipped down the few steps where the young man she'd previously shoved to the floor, lay. He clung to his knees and shook murmuring to himself. To Violet it seemed as if it were in a foreign tongue and paid no mind to his discomfort as she slipped down to his level and ran her tongue over his bloody cheek, inhaling him in as if he was the most mouth watering meal. "What an intriguing treat you were.." She whispered before her hand slipped beneath his chin and in a short sharp jerk of her wrist and the eerie sound of bone dislodging, it was clearly over..In her eye's she had done him a favor seeing as she'd pretty much drained him, he was bound to die anyway. That was how she justified herself. "Girls gotta eat." Cruel to be kind.

In a blink of an eye she was up and had brushed herself off, watching as the woman made her way towards the front entrance and she followed suit. "So you have a name? I'm Violet, people call me Vi. I take it the party was a bust? Don't seem to be many Vampires around here." She paused briefly mulling things over before continuing in a more callous tone. "Or.. Are they all hiding?" Curious as to what this woman had planned and also Violets own personal ulterior motive's, it was like killing two birds with one stone.
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"People can me Red." She said, continuing to walk at a brisk pace. "There were plenty of vampires here, but, with the exception of a few, they were useless human loving fools." She said, obviously angry. "I though that they would like to join me in taking over this city, but it turns out they were too stupid to understand, or they didn't hear anything I said. Am I the only one who knows that taking over a town DOESNT mean killing humanity?" She stopped abruptly and turned to look at the Violet. "I'm crazy, but I'm not an idiot." She then turned and kept walking. At this point she was really just thinking out load, and not talking to Violet. "I had it all planned out, they told me it would work. They said it would be fun, and I thought it was a good idea. And then everything was ruined. But that's okay, I have a better plan now. Much more fun."

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