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Fantasy Into the Night

"Well, pleased to meet yah Red." Vi kept a little back, and casually peered behind her every so often, it made her a little uneasy that the area seemed to be a hot zone for Hunters, she remained vigilante yet calm, by observation it seemed no one else was following. "Eh, I guess our kinda have lived under the rocks of society far too long, they are comfortable believing that they are safe hidden away, yet what they do not realize is that it doesn't have to be this way. By killing every human we only cripple ourselves, dry out our food source and we ultimately bring upon ourselves our own extinction." 'What the fuck are you saying.. Snap out of it Vi, you hate them just as much as she does. You fool!' She screamed at herself and shook her head. If only life was as simple as a thought.. Finally she snapped out of her subconsciousness with Red's mention of fun. "Fun, huh? I'm all for a little fun." She cracked a wicked grin "So what might this new plan be?"
"... Good. Um, yeah." Matthew said, "I'm going now." And with that, he slammed the door shut behind him on his way out.

"Did you two get to talk?" Isono was out of bed and blocking his path. She looked sleepy and her thumb was stuck in her mouth. She looked about eight years old.

"I didn't want to talk to her." Matthew said.

"But you need to be friends if Freya is going to stay here." Isono yawned, "I'm going back to bed." She traipsed back down the corridor and shut the door behind her. Then, Matthew was alone. He through to the living room and picked up a book. It was going to be a long night.
Waking up she looked around and sighed. Turing to stare at her wounded shoulder she got out from her bed and started to change her bandage before reloading and fixing her weapons. She had to be serious now.....not like what she did earlier awhile but sure she did kill lots vampires at the past and gained some rewards from it, but this time the population of vampires are getting worse and a lot are killed from them.

Sitting in front of her desk was her sniper and gun with silver bullets. Grabbing some she started to work on them one by one. "It's really quiet now...it feels weird.." she said to herself and her mind going to lala land while finishing off the rest of her bullets.
Cayden found his way into the shower, nosing around and eventually found a towel as well. He didn't like asking for help. Slipping in he let the warm water droplets hit and fall down his body. What am I doing here...? I want to be home, with Freya, looking after her, pretending like I'm not a vampire and live a....normal life. He finished up and briskly flipped his hair after drying it a little and wrapping the towel around his waist. Come to think of it I don't really have any other clothes. I'll just use the ones I came in. He walked out silently and noticed Kimi sleeping. "Well she's out." He whispered to himself as he walked into the kitchen, his damp hair still dropping a few water droplets as he got a drink of water.

Freya watched as Matthew left suddenly. She planned to go back out and ask for something else to sleep in but as soon as she laid down in bed she instantly fell into a slumber.

It started out the same as everynight. Her nightmare ritual. She was running through the forest, something was chasing her, she was much younger. As she noticed light she stumbled out into the road, a car screeched and swerved to the left, colliding with a tree. She didn't stop running. But she did look back, it was the car her parents had died in. And she had caused it. Her mother was still alive but whatever had been chasingher decided to Finnish the job.

Freya woke up gasping, her heart beat elevated. She sat up and pushed her hair back. Shakily getting up she went out of the room and towards the kitchen to get a drink of water, in a bit of a blank state of mind, not even acknowledging if anyone was there.
A shadow flicked past in the corridor and Matthew heard footsteps. He heard the footsteps and dropped his book, assuming it to be Isono. He made his way through to the kitchen, following the footsteps. Isono slept badly sometimes and had the most awful nightmares. He stood in the kitchen doorway, ready to reassure and comfort Isono. Only, it wasn't Isono. It was Freya. Matthew wasn't really sure what to do because he was already in the doorway and if he left now, Freya'd notice. So, he decided to say something.

"Did you have a bad dream?" he asked, quietly, "It's okay if you did. We all do, sometimes." He slunk forward, "Are you okay? You look rather panicked."
"Huh?" Freya's head snapped up at the sound of Matthew's voice. "Uhm...yeah..." She took a sip of the water she had managed to pour herself. Only they are quite normal for me to have every night. I'm not okay. I've never been okay since then. "It just...always feels so real." She tried to smile but quickly looked back down to her water glass. "Were...you already up...or?" She asked slowly.
Kimi was laying on the couch asleep when she started mumbling. According to her old friends, she would sometimes talk in her sleep. She was dreaming about the night she was turned. Reliving the night she felt most betrayed started to send her into a small panic, making her mumble and slowly close up her body by bringing her hands close to her chest as she slept. It wasn’t the most violent of turning stories, but it meant a great deal that her friends were dishonest and hid things from her. She wasn’t angry, just felt betrayed since she thought she had done something wrong. “I’m sorry.” Was the only thing that she was mumbling over and over as she slept.
"I know what you mean. And in answer to your question, of course I was awake. Did you think I was going to risk sleep when there are hunters and rogue vampires prowling the streets? Do you think I want to get us all killed?" He raised his voice a little, "You must think poorly of me, if you expect me to put everyone in danger by resting. And... You were kind of in my room... So..." He trailed off with a shrug, "We'll have to sort out better sleeping arrangements if you decide to stay permanently. I want my room back." Matthew crossed his arms and leaned against the kitchen counter, studying Freya carefully, as if she were a particularly intriguing science experiment.
Freya blinked a few times, thinking about what to say. Her mind was thinking of several things so she wasn't very focused. "Right! I stole your room. Sorry..." She looked over at him with soft eyes, almost as if she was about to cry. "I dont think poorly of you. I'm actually very thankful. Sorry if I offended you..."

Cayden's ears caught the sound of Kimi's voice and he turned. "Is...is she talking in her sleep?" He slowly started to walk over, decided he should put some pants on first, then came back to study her face. Normally he would tend to her like he did his sister and hold her until she was quiet again. But this was a stranger. So he caressed the side of her cheek instead.
"It's fine. And I don't mind having you in my room. It's just a little unnerving to think about you looking at my stuff and sleeping in my bed. And... You're a girl..." Matthew wrinkled his nose, "I don't want a girl going through my belongings. It's bad enough that Isono's stealing my stuff half the time. She's not even subtle about it. The other day, she was walking around with my t-shirt on! It looked ridiculous on her, she's so small!" Then, he started laughing, "I'm sorry but this conversation is also slightly ridiculous. But, um, you didn't touch anything, right?"
Freya turned away and whispered to herself, "Hah....its a good thing I didnt borrow one of his shirts to wear then." Louder she answered, "No, of course not. You specifically told me not to." She leaned against the counter and finished her water. "I wish I could've seen that though, Isono in your shirt. " the thought of it made her smile a little.
For a few moments Kimi instinctively tilted her head into Cayden’s hand, soothing her slightly. Once enough pressure was put on her check though, she stirred awake and shot up with a yell “I’m sorry!” Falling back onto the couch and rubbing her eyes, she looked down and quietly murmured “Sorry…I didn’t mean to.” She wasn’t sure if she said that for the falling asleep or yelling part… but she meant it for both. After a moment for her to wake up more she tried to get over the embarrassment of her actions with something , “I hope you had a nice shower. Ready to find your sister once the hunters are gone?”
"Yeah. Isono looked pretty adorable- but then, when does she not?" Matthew shrugged, "She is the queen of adorable. So... It's late enough to be considered morning. What do you plan to do today, Freya? Any plans at all?" He crossed his arms, "We could find your brother, if you want. You'll get to apologise to him." It didn't sound like an offer, more like an order, "Though, I think I heard Isono say something about shopping."
He jumped back a bit as she woke.

"Ssokay. When I go back home today I'm sure I'll see her." Cayden checked his phone. No messages from her. "I hope anyways. I hate the thought of her hanging around other vampires. But....if she trusts them enough to stay with them they must not be that bad."

Freya nodded. He is family. I want to see him. "I'm going to stop by the house to see if he's there. Tell Isono I want to go shopping with her today if she plans to so I'll be back." She put on her jacket and was about to make her way out of the door when she turned back and waved to Matthew. "Thanks for talking to me a little. It...set me at ease. See you soon." And with that she stepped outside and ran towards her house. I hope Cayden is home. I don't want him to be mad at me.
"I'm sure she'll be there, I bet she misses you just as much as you miss her. Thanks for saving me from the hunter earlier, I owe you." She held out her hand as if to give him a handshake. "Let me know if there's anything you need or want, and good luck with your sister. I'm sure everything will be better." She said with a smile.
There wasn't much to do but to sit on his bed and watch the reruns of his favorite shows. He already had his house sun proofed for the day.

He changed from his attire into a My Chemical Romance t-shirt and a black pair of shorts. He jumped up from his dark bed and walked out of the room and into the hallway. He walked up to Kayleigh's room and struck the door with a loud bump of his fist. He yelled "Wake up" then he when to the downstairs of the home and laid down on the couch.
Cayden arrived home around the same time Freya did. They both just stared at each other for a few moments. The Freya ran into her brothers arms, crying softly.

"I was so worried about you." Breathed cayden as he held her close. They parted and cayden looked more seriously at her. "The vampires you were with..."

"Are nice people." Finished Freya.

"We're monsters no matter what way you look at it. Barely considered people.

Freya shook her head. " You're wrong. What about the way you've looked after me? The way you ate human food for me even though it made you sick. "

Cayden looked down.

"You're not as bad as you think. You are the best brother I could ask for. I love you. You are the only family I have left.... We have to stick together."

Cayden almost cried but just laughed it off. "Yeah you're right. I missed you."

"Same. But Isono and Matthew are my friends. I hope you can understand and live with that."

"I'm sorry I introduced you to this kind of world." Cayden said.

"Don't be sorry." Freya made a face. "I want to be apart of your life regardless."
Freya had parted with Cayden and was making her way back to Isono's place. She arrived and the door was unlocked so she let herself in. Cayden had agreed to allow her to spend the night there whenever she wanted to, as long as she visited him frequently. "Shopping, shopping." She hummed to herself. @Fallen from Heaven

Cayden was pleased to finally make amends with his sister. It felt good to have her back. He decided to take a nap underneath a tree in the park, wearing his hoodie as extra protection if he stepped out into the sun. It irritated him to death. Eventually the heat got to him and he went to take shelter in a nearby boutique that sold fancy clothing. Immediately he sensed the presence of another vampire.

@MorticiansDaughter (You said she liked fashion or once upon a time haha)
(Yes she was a fashion student ^^)

Cordelia was sizing a mannequin for a black dress she had recently made, its lacey black design perfect for fancy parties or a night on the town. She sighed under her breathe as once again the mannequin was to small, "What are we toothpicks??" She held the dress to her chest and sighed when she heard the stores door ding, telling her that someone was inside. "Ill be right with you!" She sensed something but she pushed it to the back of her mind replacing it with work duties. She hung the dress up and came out form the back.
Cayden turned his attention to the girl that appeared. He was breathing a little heavily, having had ran over. I'm gonna die...He leaned against the counter, having an actual glance around the place. It had wonderful apparel and everything seemed to have its own special touch. "You design these?" He breathed to the girl.
Cordelia looked at the boy strangely, oh please dont steal anything. She put her hair up into a curly ponytail, her black nails a sharp contrast, "O-oh yes..I did. I have all the time in the world to design so I do" She had a small smile on her pale lips but it really wasnt much. "Are you looking for anything specific? Present for a girlfriend or something? I also do custom order" She picked up a mug that was on her desk and took a small sip. wrinkling her nose slightly.
All the time in the- oh. Freya might enjoy something like this. And her birthday is coming up. "Actually, yes. For my sister. She's turning 18 next month. A dress would be perfect; and she would simply adore your style." All the time I've lived here and only now....it took almost perishing under the rays of the sun to find a store that screamed Freya on it. Cayden was more composed now and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.
Cordelia nodded and grabbed a notebook from her desk as well as a pen, "OK then..ill need to know measurements and your desired look and any extra add ons" She walked over to him and sat at the closest table, her black skirt still almost touching the floor with its length. She tucked her hair behind her ear and felt another twinge in her jaw that made her close her eyes for a moment.

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