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Fantasy Into the Night

"Sounds wonderful, please do." Freya brightened up. When Isono held up the keys she gasped in awe at all the different cute keyrings. "Your other house, do you ever stop by there?" She wondered outloud. @Fallen from Heaven
"No." Isono shook her head, "Sometimes, I walk past and look in the window. But it makes me feel sad inside. My parents are very sad without me too. I climbed up and looked at my old bedroom; my parents haven't moved anything. It's exactly as I left it. That made me feel very sad." She began to tear up and wrapped her arms around Freya, "I miss my mommy and papa, big sister!" She began to sob.
"Maybe we can leave some sweets on their door step." She whispered as she wiped away Isono's tears. "Let's go buy some ingredients and then we can go home. Don't cry. You're cuter when you smile. I know how you feel though...I miss my parents too." @Fallen from Heaven
"Okay." Isono sniffed. She smiled through her tears, looking up at Freya, still a little sad.

"I wanna go home soon, though." she said, "Matthew'll be missing me- oh! I promised I'd get him a notebook. Come on, we need to go find the stationery store. There's a really specific kind of notebook that he likes." She grabbed Freya by the arm and dragged her out of the store and to the stationery store.
Freya nodded. I would assume the house is fairly quiet without her there. "Specific Huh?" I wonder what he likes. They arrived at the stationary store and Freya actually found a few of the ingredients she needed for the sweets and paid for them since stealing so much was impossible, at least for her anyways. She came over to Isono who was looking through the office supplies section that contained several different notebooks, agendas, and calendars. @Fallen from Heaven
Isono found what she was looking for quickly; an A4 sized notebook with blank pages and a black leather cover. She picked it up and, in what had to be the least subtle move in the world, shoved it up her shirt. She grabbed Freya by the wrist and made a run for it, pulling the girl with her. She was very fast for someone so small. She didn't stop running until they reached the end of the street.

"Got it." she said, innocently. She pulled the notebook from under her shirt and tucked it under her arm.

"Let's go, big sister."
Freya nodded and they both began to head home. She glanced at the notebook with a leather cover. It looked quite fancy but not too much. Soon they arrived at the door and unlocked it, walking inside. Freya laid her stuff on the counter and felt her new necklace before turning to Isono. "Today was fun." @Fallen from Heaven
"Fun." Isono echoed, quietly. A surprisingly sad look was plastered across her usually cheery face. She fumbled with her new hairgrips, rearranging them in her hair. That was when Matthew turned up and picked the girl up.

"I missed you, Isono." Matthew said. She held out his notebook for him to take. He took it and slowly, lowered her back to the ground. Isono ran to her room as fast as her little legs could carry her, slamming the door shut behind her. Matthew paused for a moment.

"What did you do to her?" His glare settled on Freya.
"I-uhmm-Well-" Freya flinched at Matthew's glare. "Perhaps it was something I said??" She gave a look of confusion. He's going to kill me. That answer isn't valid enough! She began to panic. She didn't know how to deal with something like this. She had never really had friends before, always being the outcast. She began to swiftly make her way towards Isono's door, but then stopped at the entrance. Suddenly her body wouldn't move any further. She was scared. Her voice no longer worked. She turned and slid to the floor, pressing her back to the wooden door, resting her head on her arms, tucking her knees close to her chest. "Isono..." She whispered, more to herself than anyone else. She looked like a puppy waiting for its master. How exactly does one deal with something like this? What am I supposed to do? I don't feel like such a good friend...@Fallen from Heaven
"If you've upset her, I swear to god-!" Matthew couldn't think of a threat scary enough, "Nobody upsets Isono and gets away with it!" His eyes practically glowed with rage. He put his notebook aside and cracked his knuckles. That was when Isono's door opened and she dragged Freya inside. She shut the door behind her.

"Isono-!" Matthew hammered on the door, "ISONO, OPEN THE DOOR!"

"I'm sorry." Isono said, "He gets angry sometimes." She was leaning against the door as Matthew tried to kick the door open from the other side.

"I'm sorry." Isono whispered. After a few minutes, Matthew stormed off to rage at something else and Isono slumped against the door. She sighed.

On a brighter note, her room was gorgeous. Isono's room was painted with the most beautiful mural of a cherry blossom tree with falling blossoms, her entire wall painted to look like it was outside. Clouds were painted messily on the ceiling. "みよ越し,磯野" was written on the wall in golden curvy writing. All the furniture was shoved into one corner of the room because the room was taken up by pictures and photos and crumbs that were lying on the floor. J-Pop and K-Pop CDs- as well as various keyrings and hair ribbons- were piled around the room.

"Do you like it?" Isono asked, hopefully.
Freya, still on the ground, looked around the room in fascination. I can see the floor opposed to Matthew's room.

"It's very beautiful. Especially the cherry blossom." She managed a smile. "This room definitely screams you." She crawled over to the CDs sprawled around and picked one up. "You like J-Pop and K-Pop? So do I." She looked back at Isono. "Was anything wrong earlier? I was afraid I said something to upset you." @Fallen from Heaven
"It's not you." Isono said, "You just got me thinking about things and... It made me a little sad. But, um, I'm fine really. I just feel sad. Everybody does, sometimes." She rubbed her hands together, anxiously, "Don't touch my CDs, please. Please..." Slowly, she made her way over to the bed and sat down. She pulled her legs up onto the bed and crossed them, her eyes firmly on Freya.

"When do I get to meet your brother?" Isono asked, to change the subject, "Properly, this time."
Freya put the CDs down. "My brother?" She pursed her lips. "Hmm....I suppose this weekend if you aren't busy. But I must admit he's not the best around company. Just about everything irritates him. But who knows." She shrugged. "He's been a little better about it all lately." @Fallen from Heaven
"I'm never busy..." Isono said, bouncing up and down on her bed, "And "not the best around company"." She laughed, lightly, "Have you met Matthew? He verges on sociopath." She smiled, "Speaking of Matthew, I'm gonna make him a card. You should too. That way, he won't be mad anymore." And she leapt off the bed and pulled stacks of paper from under it. She grabbed a handful of felt tip pens and laid on her stomach, on the floor. She folded a piece of paper and began to draw flowers across the front of it.
Freya giggled. "I guess they are a little alike then. And Sounds good." She took some of the paper and drew a bunny holding a rose in its mouth, decorating it with several colors. "All the cards and pictures he has on his wall that you made, those are cute. I wish I had an imagination like yours." @Fallen from Heaven
Isono looked up from her card in surprise, her mouth a little open.

"He keeps them on his wall? I didn't know that! I mean, I knew they were there." Isono scratched her head, "But I didn't know he kept them up. I assumed he'd take them off." She rarely went in his room. He didn't her being in there. He didn't like anyone being in there, he liked his privacy.

"Wait..." Isono bit down on her felt tip pen, "Why were you in Matthew's room?"
He adores you of course he would keep them up.

"Hm?" Freya looked up. Oh! That's right, she was sleeping wasn't she. "He let me crash there for one night. He was very stern on making sure I didn't touch anything." She pointed out. @Fallen from Heaven
Isono scribbled a heart on her card, pressing down a little harder than she needed to. The pen snapped under her tight grip and ink leaked out, spilling all over her hand and card.

"He let you sleep there, big sister?" Her eyes widened, "But he's my big brother and he never let me sleep in there."
"You do have your own room. It was probably just easier for him to make sure I wasn't doing anything bad if I was confined to a room." Freya explained . She gasped as the ink ran over Isono's hand. She put her own hands under hers so it didn't drip onto the carpet anywhere. "Let's go wash up and give the cards to Matthew. The ink didn't spread over the picture much, it actually has a nice abstract them going on now. I'll dab some over mine." She paused for a moment. "He did mention that he'd rip my face off or something like that." She added. The last thing I need is for Isono to be jealous or upset. That pen incident called for a lot of pressure. @Fallen from Heaven
"I don't want to wash it off." Isono said, quietly, "You can't tell me what to do, Freya. You're not my mom. You're not even that much older than me. Just leave it!" She picked up her card and tore it in half, breaking it slowly down the middle. Then, she dropped it on the floor.

"You can't tell me what to do." she repeated, softly.
Oh boy. Freya flinched at Isono's words. Although I'm actually a year older than Matthew...I just look like I'm 16. She sighed helplessly as she got up, taking her card and Isono's ripped one and left the room without a word. She laid the cards on the kitchen table and attempted to wash off the ink, but it still showed a little. She quietly slipped out the door and sat on the front porch. She figured anything she said would only upset Isono more,and she was afraid to go to Matthew. She wrapped her arms around herself. @Fallen from Heaven
1...2...3...how many seconds had gone by? Derek eased up in bed. Just another night at a hotel. He glanced to his side, vision still blurry. A woman. Yeah, just an ordinary day. Steadily rising, he rubbed his face with his hands. "Mmmm....Derek?" The woman yawned, awaking.

God...what was her name? I don't know. Derek looked back at the unfamiliar face that son wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Last night was fun." She giggled, biting her lip and pressing them against his.

"I'm glad." Derek smiled, kissing her back. "It's nice that that will be your last feeling won't it?"

A confused look crossed the woman's face before Derek snapped her neck. He dressed himself and then left.

Walking along the streets he went into a local bar. Derek was no ordinary vampire. He craved vampire blood itself. Searching for others was sometimes difficult, but he managed.

Cayden had decided to go to the local bar to ease his stress. The girl from earlier was still on his mind a bit, and he kept wondering if leavingher was truly the right thing to do. She did manage to stay alive this long. He pointed out to himself as he sat down.

Derek was close by. He had picked up Cayden's scent a bit ago and figured it was time to make his move. He went over and sat in the seat beside him. "Hey there." He greeted. "Name's Derek."

Cayden simply nodded and ignored him.

"What? Cats got your tongue?" He ruffled up Cayden's hair.

"Get off me!" Cayden growled, shoving Derek away.

"Woah woah, come on." He leaned in a little closer, when he had his attention, he bared his fangs. Cayden's eyes got wide as he quickly averted his eyes.

"See. I'm just like you." Derek chimed, placing his arm around him, drawing him closer.

"Hardly." Cayden remarked stubbornly, yet his body relaxed. How did he know? He must be more experienced than I am to catch my scent so easily. But how much experienced?

Derek grinned at him with playful eyes. Playful eyes that harbored a darker secret greater than his own. Every sign told Cayden to leave; to escape before something terrible stirred. But this atmosphere....he embraced it.

And thus was the start of something new for the both of them.

@iShyShy (It's finally happening muahahahaha)
(Freya, Matt, Isono are in their house handling some drama. Cayden has just met Derek and evil things are to come. Klem and Kayleigh have poofed. Kimi has been...doing whatever she's been doing. Not sure about everyone else so I'm sorry. That's the quickest summary I could think of but I'm sure the others could give you a better one.)

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