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Fantasy Into the Night

Matthew heard the door swing open and went to greet Freya, in his own special way. He grabbed the girl by the arm.

"You will protect my sister- uh, Isono, I mean- at all costs. You understand?" he hissed, "Or I will rip your face off." Then, he stalked away. Isono appeared in his place a few seconds later, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Big sister, you're here." she sounded delighted, "I missed you while I was sleeping." With that, she flung her arms around Freya. She was wearing bright pink jeans and a metal t-shirt that reached down to about her knees. Her sneakers squeaked against the floor.

"Too tired for dresses. And make-up. And effort." Isono explained, yawning, "Are you ready to go?" she buried her face in Freya's shirt and inhaled deeply, sighing contently. Freya smelt nice.
"Uhm well..." Cayden exhaled. Why is this so much work. "Uhmm....Black and purple...Victorian-ish styled, lots of lace." He paused for a moment. He obviously didn't know much about fashion. "Maybe some bows...and stuff?" He tilted his head slightly wondering if it was a good enough response. Probably not. He tapped his fingers nervously on the table. @MorticiansDaughter

Freya smiled and embraced Isono cheerfully, trying to block Matthew's words out. So scary...!! She would do her best to keep her safe however.

It was actually quite surprising that he was allowing her to take Isono with just the two of them. I guess any guy hates shopping huh? She giggled. "You look kawaii." She entwined her hand in Isono's and headed off. Eventually they reached the mall. @Fallen from Heaven
Cordelia arched her brow, "Well..ok..I guess I can work with that. If anything you can tell me what adjustments to make. How old is your sister? Whats her build?" She took another drink from her mug and gagged. She cursed to herself and walked over to a sink dumping its contents down the drain. She walked back over to the guy and waited for his answer.
"18. She's fairly petite actually. Sometimes I forget she's 18 and imagine her as 16. It's almost like she never grew after that." Cayden chuckled, getting up. "I need to be off, but I'll stop by later. How much are you thinking?" He eyed her a little curiously, walking by her to catch her scent.

If she's a vampire she knows how to mask her scent pretty well. @MorticiansDaughter
Cordelia wrote all that she could down for this order, but when he asked about the price she thought a moment, "Well with what your asking id say around a hundred if not a little more or less but thats the price range you should be prepared for" She ripped the paper out and pinned it to her board. When he came closer to her she wasnt sure what he was doing but she caught his scent of only for a moment. Her breath got caught in her throat as she felt her skin crawl. "I-if you just leave your number..you will be contacted if there are any problems.." She could feel her jaw twitching, her thirst building up.
Isono smiled up at her. For most of the walk, she was quiet as she slowly began to wake up. But, by the time they got to the mall, she was talking Freya's ear off.

"I'm so glad you agreed to come with me, Freya! I normally have to bring Matt 'cos he won't let me come on my own and all he does is mope! And he doesn't appreciate key rings. I love key rings and pretty dresses and flowers and hairgrips!" She beamed, "And today, I will buy lots! And I promised to get Matthew another notebook. And I'll get you whatever you want, Freya, because we're best friends."
Cayden bit his lip. Do girls really spend this much money on clothes?? Freya definitely would...ugh...because I love her. I suppose being a vampire really takes away the normalities of being human. If I were still human like Freya, I just might be spending this much on clothes like normal people. "Sounds good. Here's 50 down payment." He quickly laid 50 on the table and also wrote his number and name on the paper she had pinned to the wall and rushed out the door. Her precense made his skin tingle. @MorticiansDaughter

Freya shook her head. "Oh no you don't have to! Maybe a cute friendship bracelet/necklace?" She smiled.

"And now you have me to go shopping with so we can spend however long we want looking and buying cute things ! Guys just don't understand." She giggled, walking into a store inside the mall that contained many hair accessories. "Bows are my obsession." She admitted. @Fallen from Heaven
Cordelia opened her mouth to tell him that no down payment was needed but he was soon out the door and gone. Her eyes started to glow bright and her fangs grew long, her breathing rapid and hot, "Damn...." She punched the wall leaving a hole there. Her jaw ached and her thirst grew strong, "Even when other vampires are around.."
"I want to buy things for you." Isono insisted, "You're my best friend. Shut up." There was a slightly darker look in her eyes. She was deadly serious. Then, she giggled and the darkness vanished from her eyes. She smiled brightly.

"Love you, big sister!" Then, she turned and began picking out brightly coloured hairgrips and sliding them into her hair. She ripped the price tags off them as she did so.
Cayden shivered. "Won't be the last time I see her that's for sure." He walked swiftly into an alley way, leaning against the cold wall that felt soothing in the dying heat. He figured he should go home soon but wanted to chill out a bit. He'd been too friendly recently , it wasn't his usual style and he found it quite annoying. @MorticiansDaughter

Freya smiled. She's going to pay for that right? And despite her cute appearance something tells me if she wants to be scary she totally can. Matthew status? Probably not, but you know what they say, it's the innocent ones that are the scariest. "Those look really cute on you." She commented, her eyes brightening up at the adorableness. @Fallen from Heaven
"Thank you, big sister!" Isono beamed, "Most things look cute on me. That's what Matthew says! He says I'm naturally cute and as a result, everything looks cute on me! Does that make sense?" She thought about it for a moment and shrugged, "You need to try things on too, Freya!"

Matthew wasn't exactly bored. It was more like disinterest in doing anything or talking to anyone. And that was why he didn't normally let Isono leave the house- aside from the fact that it put her in danger. She was like an antidepressant for him, always brightening the place up. The apartment was lonely without her. He lay on his bed and stared up at the ceiling, wondering what Isono and Freya were doing right now. Girly things. He snorted in distaste and reached for his notebook.

Tori was wandering with no purpose. She wasn't going anywhere in particular, just walking around and seeing where her feet would take her. As long as she got home in time for dinner, her mom let her wander around outside as she pleased. She spun in a circle and that was when she came to a stop, looking up at the clouds. She literally stopped in the middle of the street to stare at a cloud in the sky, that vaguely resembled a heart. She smiled, softly.
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Freya nodded and found a cute bow to wear. It was purple with a black lace trim. "Everything is so cute." She sighed. Maybe one day I can come back and buy the whole store haha. She thought to herself. She had never really done this before; went shopping with friends. So it was a new experience and felt really nice. "Its a bit confusing but he's definitely right about everything looking cute on you." Freya took a large bow and clipped it on, giggling a bit at its size. "But its great to have a girl's opinion from time to time."

Cayden was about to fall asleep when he half focused on a girl standing in the middle of the road. A car speeded down towards her direction yet she kept gazing up at the sky. "Tch. The clouds aren't that mezmorizing." She still didn't make an effort to move as it drew closer. "Are you freakin kidding me???! Curse my love for humanity...." He said annoyingly as he leaped up and raced over just in time to push her out of the way. They landed in the grass on the other side. Cayden immediately jumped up and brushed off his jeans. "What the hell were you thinking??" He growled at the girl, almost baring his fangs, yet he managed to keep them retracted.

Half of him was simply annoyed, the other half was hungry so trying to keep his fangs in wasn't the easiest of tasks.

@Fallen from Heaven
"I..." Isono thought hard for a moment, "I don't think opinions have anything to do with gender. A boy's insight is just as wise as a girl's. You know?" She frowned for a moment, thinking it over, "We're all human after all." She winked at Freya and giggled.

Tori was pushed into the grass and she let out a small yelp of surprise as she tumbled over. She hurt all over as she hit the ground and landed on her back.

"Oh." she lifted her head up and saw Cayden, "Hello, friend. I was thinking about the differences between daytime and night. And clouds. And cotton candy. Lots of things, actually." She rubbed her nose, thoughtfully, and smiled softly.

"You look annoyed. Am I annoying you?" she flopped back onto the ground, her arms out to the side. She closed her eyes and lay there, as the pain ebbed away.
Freya thought for a moment about it but didn't comment. Isono had a point.

She went over to pick up a black and pink heart necklace to try it on. "Matthew cares about you a lot." She spoke suddenly. "One would think you actually are brother and sister. I'm surprised he let me take you away for today."

Something tells me this isn't the first time she's zoned out into her own little world and almost got killed. Cayden sighed. "And yeah actually. I am annoyed." He paused for a moment. "Just.....just the sun. I hate the sun. It aggravates me...." His voice lost its edge. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

Such a stupid question. She would have been far more hurt if that vehicle had it her. Then again, would she even feel it? Being so lost in thought.

@Fallen from Heaven
"Well, we only have each other. But we can't spend all our time together. We'd drive each other insane, eventually." Isono shrugged, "I'm really grateful for him. I'd be dead without him." She looked down, solemnly. She sighed, deeply. Then, she looked back up at Freya. There were tears glistening in her eyes.

"You know, pink looks really good on you, Freya!" she smiled, brightly.

"No." Tori said, "I'm okay. I'm also really good at flower arranging. That's what my mom says anyway." She opened her eyes and sat up, crossing her legs, "Why do you hate the sun? The sun doesn't hate you- Ooh, butterfly!" Tori pointed at a orange butterfly as it fluttered past, "Did you know that butterflies wings break if you touch them?" She looked sad, "That's why I don't keep butterflies as pets anymore. I wonder if a fairy's wings would break if you touched them."
"Does it?" She turned from side to side to look at it from different angles. I wonder if Mathew will think it fits too? She found herself desiring some sort of approval from him. But something told her she wouldn't get that for awhile. "I guess I'l get this then." She smiled. "Then we can go look at some dresses." She said excitedly.

"I....I think it does hate me. Almost....almost feel like it wants me to burn into flames." He said without much emotion. So true though....I'd definitely burst into flames. "And Fa-....." She's talking about faeries now. "Well as long as you're okay I guess I'll just go home n....ow..." He realized he only lived a block away. Who knew such an airhead lived so close. He grinned to himself. Seriously how has she not killed herself already.

"Have you always lived around here?" He questioned. @Fallen from Heaven
"Yay!" Isono smiled, "I love dresses! I have so many at home but I'm always willing to get more. The only problem is..." She looked around and lowered her voice, "Dresses are much harder to steal than jewellery and key rings and hair grips!" She tore the price tag off a silver necklace and hung it around her neck, tugging her hair aside.

"Yes." Tori smiled softly, "Always. All my memories are here." Slowly, she stood up and stepped to the left. She pointed down the street to a fairly normal house that had flowers growing up the side and dream catchers hung from the windows.

"That's my house." Tori said, "And that's where I nearly got eaten by a vampire!" She pointed further down the street to an alleyway, "I don't suppose you know him, Cayden?" Which would be a perfectly normal question except: a. She was talking about vampires in a casual fashion and b. Cayden had never actually told her his name. She just knew it.
Cordelia flipped the open sign to closed and snatched up her parasol, she needed to go for a walk. It had been days since she last fed and she needed to get out and take her mind off it. Though all this time without food was making her sick. She popped the large black parasol open and stepped outside,making sure she covered most skin in clothing if she could with gloves and long skirts.
She really is going to steal it!! Guess she's not completely as innocent as she seems. Freya twirled her hair and whispered, "Ah....you know...I've never stolen anything before....I probably suck at it." And that wasn't particularly a lie. "Do you suppose we could steal a kitten? They're pretty cute."

Cayden froze. Did....she just mention my name? Does she know me? Should I try to feed on her? His body tensed up. "Vampires huh? Faeries and vampires, man you are on a roll." He tried to laugh off the uncertainty in his voice. "I don't believe in such things." He said coldly as he began walking away. Now that I know she lives so close, I'll be noticing her a lot. Great....just what I needed. It needs to become night already so I can feed. "Bye bye fairy girl." He waved. "Try not to get yourself killed." He quickly ran off, still trying to figure how he knew his name. @Fallen from Heaven
Cordelia stopped under the shade of a tree and cursed to herself, she didnt want to attack a human and end up killing again but at this point she would be noticed by some human or another. She continued walking trying to avoid peoples eyes as she did so. Her body ached and her stomach churned as she had to make frequent stops in spots of shade. Should she go back home? No...not at the moment. Her mind was to mixed to want to go back to that place. She collapsed to her knees on the grass and sighed in defeat. "Just my luck..."
"Well, no. I suppose you don't have to steal things, big sister." Isono looked down in disappointment, "I don't... We're a little low on money, at the moment- actually, all the time. We don't have any way of gaining money as I'm too young and Matthew refuses to do any kind of work. But I don't mind! We live quite contently. And, I think stealing a kitten would be a bad idea. They're too noisy." @MorticiansDaughter
Freya suddenly felt guilty for thinking all the things she did. "You know, I work as a waitress on certain evenings during the week. At a cute cosplay cafe actually. Maybe next year you can try to work with me? Or...maybe its just an excuse to see you in cute outfits." She giggled. "I guess theres really no reason for you two to work though, not having to really buy food or anything. But..." She shrugged. "And you're right....even if we did succeed I have a feeling Matthew might scold me haha. Oh! You know, Valentine's day is coming up, and I'm supposed to make sweets for the restaurant. Do you mind helping me make some at home? If I make them at Cayden's house he'll just end up doing it for me, and I actually want it to come from the heart." @Fallen from Heaven

Mental note, stay as far away from that girl as possible. Something tells me she's trouble. That or I just don't want to feel anything for her. Not for a human. I can't afford that. My self control....is definitely not the best. I'm surprised I've managed with Freya. But to be honest...I'm gad she's out of the house a lot lately. I don't have to face any cravings. Cayden rubbed his eyes as he walked into his house and just collapsed onto the couch. "These past two days....have been thee most stressful of my life."
"Cosplay?" Isono brightened up, smiling, "I love cosplay! Cosplay is the greatest!" She laughed, "And there are things to buy other than food, you know! Furniture, clothes, books. We need new light bulbs in the hall." She thought about Freya's offer for a while.

"M'kay." Isono said, "My mom was teaching me to cook before... Before I had to leave my family. Anyways, have you ever had wagashi?"
"Yay! And no I havn't, what is it like?" She said as they traveled from the store to a different one that sold key rings.

Freya found a section for cell phone charms and was picking through them.

@Fallen from Heaven
"It's like... It's a kind of sweet thing made from a paste?" Isono shrugged, "My mom always had a tin of them at hand. They're really nice. I think I could try and make some wagashi for you, Freya." She rummaged through keyrings, searching for the cutest ones. Eventually, she found a glittery cherry keyring. She pulled her house keys from her pocket and added the keyring to the collection that hung off her two keys.

"That's the key to mine and Matthew's house." Isono held up the keys for Freya to see, "And that's my key to my other house. My old house. That belongs to my mom and papa." She smiled.

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