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Fantasy Into the Night

"You're very welcome to stay as long as you like, Freya!" Isono smiled, "We don't mind, right?" She looked up at Matthew, hopefully. He sighed and nodded. If it made Isono happy... Why not?

"Blood tastes like.... Blood. Sweet and sour and salty all at once. It's the best taste in the world!" Isono exclaimed, waving her hands around as she described it. An excited expression came over her face and she clapped her hands.

"I imagine blood tastes better to us then it does to you." Matthew added, "Don't go trying to drink blood, Freya. It would make you sick and we don't want that."
He gave a small chuckle before speaking. "That's rather depressing if you ask me" The boy faced the girl. "Life isn't like that unless if you let it get to you" He told the girl beside him. He picked up the cat from the human and walked off towards the small area that was made for the cat. Klem walked up behind the girl and Said. "If your hungry you can grab something from the kitchen" Then jumping over the couch and taking his place back on it. He then fixed the black hair that fell onto his face.
Selene looked back at Red. She smirked and pointed into the crowd. There was a boy towards the center with short blonde hair who she had been eyeing. He looked like he would be a good choice. Fit and muscular with a pretty face. "That one." She crooked her finger at the boy. "You. Come here. Now." The boy just stared at her in horror. "NOW." Selene's fury was clearly seen on her face. No one disobeyed her. The boy saw her look and whimpered before turning to a small girl next to him to kiss her. Selene inhaled to yell again but he quickly ended the kiss and started walking towards them. As he reached them, Selene grabbed his chin and moved his face from side to side. "What do you think?" She asked Red. "I think he could make it? Right?" She looked the boy in the eyes and held his head still. "You're getting a present boy. Who are you?" The boy closed his eyes and took a shaking breath. "A-A-Alex, ma'am." He opened his eyes and looked at her pleadingly. "Please don't kill me." Selene laughed emotionlessly. "Oh shut up. You'll be fine." She looked back into the crowd at the girl he had kissed. She wasn't crying; something that Selene wasn't expecting. In fact, she was standing tall and confidently. She was strong. She motioned with her other hand for her to come. "Girl. Come here." The girl walked towards them, a little less confident now. She turned to Red as the girl approached. "These two will be interesting. I'm not sure if she'll survive.... But it'll be an experiment for sure. Plus I think they'll be stronger together." She looked at the two humans in front of her and smiled. "I'm Selene. I'll be your master. Be grateful you're alive." She looked at Red and smirked. "For now at least."
Red nodded, they would just have to keep close watch. She then made her way over to the remaining humans and started killing. She bit some of them, and just snapped the neck of others. She just wanted them all to be dead, they way that happened wasn't so important. There was only about five left when there was an explosion at the front doors. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." she growled. The only answer was hunters, she had only run into one or two in her three years o0f being a vampire but they had a distinctive style. "As if my party wasn't already crashed!"

(hay, im playing cards against humanity online if any of you want to play. It's AxMurderingVampireFromSpace's game and the password is waffleo)
Kiana watched curiously and slightly frozen in fear as the vampires started choosing who to kill and who to turn, whatever that meant. It seemed that those people had no choice in their lives whatsoever and as they started getting killed off it became clear; they were in trouble. Was there really no stopping this?

Despite her best attempts to stop it, Kiana's fear was slowly creeping through her body as the scene unfolded before her. She felt really bad for thinking it as well but she was glad she hadn't been noticed, it meant she did have to be judged.

But then the door exploded...

and Kiana screamed.

She screamed an ear splitting scream with her eyes screwed up together and her arms locking her legs even closer to her body.
"Miss much? The door just freakin exploded." Cayden grabbed Kimi's arm and leaded her into the building next to the club. It was a small souvenir shop, one or two people browsing. "Sorry I dragged you here on instinct. Something tells me a vampire hunter is nearby. Nobody has a bullet that can do that." Cayden had never met one but heard about them quite frequently. I doubt there's anyone in there you want to save, let's just leave?" He suggested.

Freya shook her head. "Hah, no blood for me thank you I'll stick to my tea. But its fascinating to think it tastes so yummy to you. And thank you for being so kind to me." She paused for a moment. "Can....can you smell my blood? Or is that just a made up thing?" She wondered out loud.
“Wait wha-“ She was cut off by him pulling her into the little shop. She kept her voice to a whisper as she spoke to him. "Please don't be sorry… thank you. If a hunter is nearby then you probably saved my life and we need to be careful.” She looked at him with confusion as he asked her about saving anyone. “Is there even anyone left to save? It seemed like there was no stopping the impending massacre…” Her voice was lower as the word massacre came out of her mouth. She didn’t like the idea of it, let alone having to say it. “With a possible hunter nearby I guess anyone who could be saved will be, right? Where do you want to go? My place is down the road if you want to lay low for a bit, but no pressure.”
"Time to go to bed" Grinning at the girl as he spoke. He knew she didn't weigh anything because he already lifted her ounce. Pulling on the sides of the girls blue crew neck sweater...her body was pulled with it and was putt directly into the arms of the before he stood up and walked up the hardwood stairs of his house. The vampire placed the fragile human back onto the ground. Then his hand was onto the handle that opened the white door to his guest room. The room was cozy enough with a queen sized bed and with a plain white blanket and sheet's. He pushed her into the room. "Any questions?" He asked the girl in front of him.
Cayden opened his mouth to object, but thought better of it and nodded. It was best to stay out of sight. "Lead the way." He kept wondering if Freya was okay. He hoped she wouldn't reject him later. When he last saw her she wasn't heading home that's for sure. So there wasn't really any reason for him to go there now. Sure he didn't know this girl, but it was better than staying here near sudden death. Besides, he still had to get back at her somehow for throwing a napkin at him. The memory had almost left his mind.
"What?" she blinked,"Wah!" she yelled as she was pulled up on her feet. Was she really that light? or were vampires strong? She looked around confused as she was being pushed into the room,"U-umm....' she said. She looked at the room once reopened the door, it seemed nice enough. She looked at him and tilted her head,"Questions?" she looked back at the room,"N-no i don't think i have any....", she avoided eye-contact.
"Of course we can, Freya." Isono said, "Just not as strongly as we'd smell it, if we split you open. You're very much like a chocolate bar. You're very nice in the wrapper but you'd taste better without it." She smiled, proud of her analysis, "Of course, we'd never feed from you now that we're friends." She reached over and squeezed Freya's arm, "Best friends!"
"Goodnight girly..." He said as he walked from the room, closed the door and left to his own endeavors. He strolled on down to the main floor of the house then made his way out of the home. Then laying on the lawn of his plot of land he wanted for something be it a homeless person to drink off of or a cat to pet he really didn't care what happened right now. This is what he always did during the night, laying in his lawn and just staring up into the night above enjoying the stars that seemed to be abundant.

(now im hungry....Thanks for that post....)
Crimson vitae drizzled down Violet's chin as she slurped and savored the young man she'd followed into the bath room of the 'The Echo'. His body trembled against the wall where she'd pinned him. Enjoying a good game of cat and mouse, she got off on the fear of her victims relishing the pleading requests not to kill them. Her puckered lips released and she gasped, absorbing the euphoric buzz that traveled through her form. A meal like that had been few and far between, and then sadly her bliss was interrupted by the sound of an explosion, she lurched backwards dragging the guy away from the wall. He whimpered like a child when his body was shoved through the entrance to the bathroom that lead back out into the club.

Something was seriously off and she had an inkling she missed a huge part of the evening when she noticed the carpet of bloody bodies scattered all over the place, some slumped in corners others with a more dramatic position, draped over the banisters like some kind of artistic decor.

Violet looked a little bewildered as she stood there, her long black locks cascaded down her back and holding her heart shaped face, she wore denim cut offs with holed tights, army style boots and a black low cut vest. definitely more of a casual kinda girl.

Silvery hues narrowed almost instantly discarding the pale traumatized male down the steps in front of her, he grunted when he collided with the ground and curled into a fetal position. Her eye's locked onto the female snapping necks, assuming she was the ring leader. "I know hungers a bitch but have you lot lost your marbles?" Smirking briefly. "I know It's about time a statement was made but pretty sure that explosion wasn't you. Don't suppose you wanna get out of here, huh?" She gestured to the door with a soft unhinged giggle that irrupted. Some what amused by the sheer insanity of the evening.
A chocolate bar huh? Freya giggled softly. "Mmm....chocolate sounds good right now." She licked her lips. "I'll have to go get some tomorrow or something." She sipped the last of her tea and washed it quickly in the sink. When Isono mentioned they were best friends she was happy, but wondered how she could place so much trust in her all of a sudden. Her eyes glanced over at Matthew. It has to be because of him. Then again...why would he bother to show any hospitality towards me in the first place. I'm just a regular human girl. But if Isono says she likes me now and won't feed from me, I'm sure he won't either. There's nothing to worry about right? It's perfectly nor- nope...definitely not normal to be living with vampires. But...so far it's not necessarily bad.
"Why are you looking at me?" Matthew scowled, "What exactly is your problem?" He got up and walked away, vanishing into the shadowy hallway. The lights in the hall were broken and only lit the place dimly. Isono cleared her throat.

"Chocolate's nice, isn't it?" Isono continued, "It was my favourite food!" Her words were oblivious and mild but they sounded forced, like she was trying to brighten the atmosphere. She smiled, concern filling her eyes as she glanced towards the hall.

"What do you want to do, Freya?" she asked, turning back to the girl.
Freya flinched at the sudden harshness in Matthew's voice. "I...uhm...." She couldn't muster up an appropriate response to him before he disappeared. He laughed when we first met but now I can't even look at him. Her voice dropped down low. "Is he going to be okay? Maybe...I shouldn't stay. It doesn't look like he likes me very much." She shifted uncomfortably. "Do....you like movies?" She also tried to contribute to the awkward atmosphere in the air. She leaned against the table. At least Isono enjoyed her company.
"No, don't leave!" Isono said, quickly; she stood up, waving her arms in the air as she talked, "You're the only person to ever visit us! I'll be sad if you leave." She pouted, "And... It's not you. He's not very good with people, in general. That's why we live here, away from everyone else." She sighed. Then, she smiled as positively as she could.

"I love movies! We have a few, I think. Not many."
"Is that so...?" She brightened a bit. That's a relief...so it's not particularly me. "I don't want to disappoint a friend so I suppose I'll stay." She smiled. "We should go watch a movie. That would be fun I think." She thought for a moment. Do people really change at all when they become vampires? It's hard to imagine Isono any other way that this. She brightens the mood everywhere she walks. "Say...what exactly is the process to becoming a vampire? I hope you don't mind me asking." She twirled a strand of her hair.
"You mean, go see a movie? Like, outside and stuff?" Isono was bouncing up and down with excitement, "Can we do that?" She smiled widely, until Freya asked the next question. Then, she looked down and chewed on her thumbnail.

"I... I don't really know." Isono admitted, sheepishly, "I was, uh, unconscious when I was turned. Nearly dead, actually. And I've never turned anyone. We don't... We don't turn people. We have no reason to. We bite people, sometimes, but that's purely for survival reasons. We don't kill for fun. You know?"
"Mm...That's a relief. But yes, why don't we go? The night isn't over yet anyways." Freya found her phone and looked up a few movie times. "Hmm...Scary, romantic, or comedic?" She asked. She personally could go to any genre. "I actually haven't been to the movies in awhile myself." She peered down the hallway. "Should we invite him or no?" He seems like the type to stick to Isono's side protectively, but who knows. Freya clasped her hands together. It had been so long since she actually went out with friends.
"I like scary movies!" Isono said, brightly, "They're very entertaining. I'll ask Matthew if he wants to come. You better stay here." With that, she ran off down the hallway. She was back in less than five minutes, dragging Matthew by the arm.

"Matthew said he'll look after us. Isn't that nice?" Isono smiled, "Can we go now? Can we go now? Can we go now?" She jumped up and down.

"If Freya's ready, then yes." Matthew said, "Are you ready, Freya?"
Looking at the people escaping she grinned and stood up while running, leaving the scene. She went to the souvenir shop where Cayden and Kimi was before. Pointing her sniper at the glass and a glass jar beside Cayden's head she pulled the trigger and shot the jar as it exploded into tiny pieces.

Emily knew they were both demons and at the bar she wants to save a certain girl but first she had to deal with these two.

(ehem sorry for tha delay internet broke)
"Absolutely!" She quickly put on her jacket and slipped out the door with them. As she was scrolling through the movie listings she let out a soft giggle. "Theres a vampire movie haha. How fitting." She continued to scroll, "Paranormal Activity...heres something about zombies...what are you into?" She handed the phone to Isono. While they were walking she tried her best to avoid looking at Matthew for longer than a second.

"Dammit!" Cayden fell down to the floor. "Does your house have a vampire hunter force field around it??" He joked to Kimi without any amusement in his voice, although a part of him wished it were true. He hid behind one of the magazine racks. This is not my day.
"Uh..." Isono thought hard, staring at the phone screen, "It would be funny for us to go and see a vampire movie, huh?"

"You mean, ironic?" Matthew corrected, and the girl nodded.

"Yep!" she smiled, "Vampire movie it is." She handed the phone back to Freya. She held Matthew's hand tightly and she reached over and took Freya's too, pulling them all closer together.

"You're my two best friends!" Isono decided, "My big brother and my big sister." She grinned, "Yay!"

"Yay." Matthew echoed, smiling softly at her.

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