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Fantasy Into the Night

Red took a sip of the drink and looked at the guy. "Your right." She said, which is not a phrase that was part of her vocabulary often. "Humans may always control the day, but we can still control the night." She paused and looked back down at her drink. "Maybe humans aren't the ones that need to be controlled, humans are easy to control." She said quietly to herself. Which was probably the most sane though she had had all night, despite the fact that is was a completely mental idea. "We could be the most powerful vampires in this city." She took another sip of her drink.
"You shouldn't be so scared.....Its not like I'm one of those insane evil master minds with a white Persian cat that wants to take over the world" He said to the girl with a small grin. He then stared at the girl and gave a wave...."Becuase really....Have you ever met a bad guy that take care of a kitten before...?" He asked while he tapped the side of the leather couch with his finger over and over and over and over again.
Kayleigh smiled but tried to hide it by looking down at her lap. She still didnt speak a word. He did make a point, i mean sure he took a bite out of the side of her neck, but he really wasnt like the scary vamps back at the club. She moved another piece of her hair behind her ear and looked at Klem,"Sorry..." She said quietly then looked away, to the TV.
"Why are you saying sorry....You didn't bite me..." He scooted closer to her and said. "I'm sorry....for biting you and drinking your wonderful blood..." He then rested his head on his hand and then moved his interest to the show. After severel minutes he switch to plenty of different of shows intill he found one that was somewhat interesting.
Downing his drink, Cayden pressed his arms down leaning against the table. "Most powerful huh? Do you ever take a day to just....have fun? Instead of wondering how to plan world domination." He raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me for slacking, but you're too pretty to be thinking so hard about this." He fixed one last drink for himself and began to head out. "But you're right. That's something they'll never be able to take away from us. The night. It's become precious, before I never placed a second thought about it."
Kayleigh shrugged,"Im always saying sorry," she said with no emotion. She pet the cat more as Klem flipped through channels. "Shes cute..." She spoke out of the blue,"She kinda reminds me of me," Kayleigh lifted the kitten, an inch away from her nose,"So small and helpless, and naive...."she smiled. She scratched behind her ear and Kayleigh's smile started to fade,"But shes gonna reach a point in her life when everything changes as she gets older." Kayleigh sighed,"But at least for now shes okay, and safe, and...home." She touched noses with the kitten and smiled. The kitten pawed at Kayleigh's white hair.
Isono grabbed the fence with her hands and threw herself over the top, landing on her feet on the other side.

"That wasn't necessary." said Matthew, who pushed open the gate.

"No, but it was fun." Isono said. They exchanged a grin. Isono led the way as she kicked aside the garbage that covered the ground and danced around the puddles of gunk. She headed straight for the old abandoned shed, where she nearly always found a victim; homeless people, runaways, children playing there, etc.

"Let's see what we've caught." Isono sung. She flung open the door and smiled down at Freya.

"Don't kill her." Matthew said, sharply.

"Why not?" Isono frowned.

"Just don't." the older vampire replied, coldly, "Go inside, Isono." The girl shrugged and ran up the path to the crumbling apartment building. As soon as the door slammed shut, Matthew poked Freya hard in the arm.

"Hey, kid. Wake up." he said. (@NyxNightmare)
Freya jumped a bit as she felt the stranger's touch. "Sorry...I didn't realize this belonged to someone..." She looked at the guy more closely and realized he was one of the people who were at the night club. Though he left early with a girl a little younger than him. Her body tensed a bit but she didn't move. "You're.....a vampire aren't you?" Her voice was linked with a bit of uneasiness and curiosity. She figured if he intended to kill her she'd be dead by now. He was a vampire wasn't he? She suddenly couldn't remember most of the people's faces at the club, only her brother and the woman who had allowed her to escape.
"Oh, this place doesn't technically belong to anyone. It's just where Isono likes to claim her victims from. You're not the first to hide here, you know. Just be grateful that neither of us have killed you yet." Matthew said, "And yes, I'm a vampire. Judging by your reaction, I assume you just found out we exist?" He chuckled, "Now, why might a young lady like yourself being hanging around in an abandoned shed? Got nowhere better to go?"
Hasn't killed me yet. Yet. At least I have a chance. "Yeah actually. Not too long ago..." She allowed her eyes to glance around the shed. "Home didn't feel like home anymore. So here I am." She felt betrayed by Cayden so she didn't plan on going back for awhile. Let him worry. He hadn't tried to help her earlier. Focusing back on the vampire in front of her she breathed softly, "I'm Freya." She wasn't sure if telling her name was going to matter or not, especially if he planned on killing her later. But she decided to say it anyways.
He had no intention of giving her his name right away. He didn't give away personal information that willingly. She'd have to ask if she wanted to know things like that.

"It's a pleasure, Freya." Matthew said, turning away, "You know, you can come inside if you wish. Or you can stay out here on your own. It's your decision." With that, he turned away and headed up the path to the apartment building. He didn't care if she followed or not. Why would he care? Freya was human. He let the door swing shut but didn't lock it, before heading up the stairs.
Freya watched as he left. She stayed in place for a few minutes, digesting what just happened. "Stay out here and wait for another vampire to munch on me potentionally killing me, or go inside yours truly's home and still ootentionally get munched on and killed" she said the words softly to herself. "Or....I could go home...and potentionally get munched on by Cayden. What if he doesn't want me around now that he knows I know?" She shook the thought from her mind and got up, walking up the path towards the vampire's house. At least if she died she would die in a nice warm house she figured. Twisting the knob slowly, she entered. It looked like a normal dwelling place so far. She didn't see signs of anyone but she figured they sensed her presence. She closed the door and took off her shoes. Her brother made her do it all the time so she was pretty accustomed to it. She also slid her light jacket off and placed it on a nearby coat rack. She peered around and stumbled into the kitchen. I wonder if they keep any human food around. Well why would they? They're vampires. Or do they have any human friends...it's probably rude to just keep wandering around...but he did leave the door open.
(Only in RP is it acceptable to go into a complete stranger's house because it's safer than your own .-.)

Isono was very surprised to find the human girl in her home. She was also rather delighted. She walked up to Freya and hugged her tightly, giving the girl no warning whatsoever.

"If Matthew trusts you, that means we can be friends!" Isono stated, smiling. She let go of the girl and took several steps back. She looked at Freya for a few moments before turning around and putting the kettle on.

"Do you like tea?" Isono asked, "I used to like tea, back when I could drink it."
Kiana pulled her legs tight to her chest and wrapped her arms around them just as tight. She'd gotten people out and that was good but when she'd tried to go... the window had jammed shut behind the guy before her. Now she was stuck, stuck in a club full of vampires. Safe to say that Kiana was a little scared round about now. They couldn't be that bad but from what had just been decided by them she was probably going to end up at a corpse by the end of the night. Breathe, positive outcomes only remember. You will survive this because these people are still that, /people/. So now she was hidden in a corner of the club round the back of the bar area trying to stay calm, breathe and not get eaten.
Freya gasped as the girl hugged her tightly. She spun around to face her and she calmed herself. The girl seemed nice, and very cute for that matter. "I love it." She smiled a bit. Based on the girl saying she couldn't drink it anymore made her realize she must be a vampire too. "Will it make you sick?" She asked. "Eating or drinking...human food and stuff?" She sat down in one of the chairs. She said we could be friends. At least she's a girl here, makes me feel a bit more at ease. And Matthew....that must have been the guy earlier. I wonder what their relation is.
"I guess." Isono shrugged, "I've never actually tried it and I don't want to, just in case. You know?" She clambered onto the kitchen counter so that she could reach the cupboard above it. She rummaged through and found a mug, eventually. She blew the cobwebs from it.

"What's your name?" she asked, realising that she didn't know, "I'm Isono!"
"Isuno huh? I'm Freya." Freya smiled. She saw the cobwebs and thought it really must have been awhile before they had much human company. "Tea is just wonderful. My mom used to make it all the time before bed." She tapped her fingers lightly on the table. "I don't mean to pry, but have you always lived here?"
"Not always." Isono shook her head solemnly, "I don't know about Matthew, but he brought me here after he turned me and now he looks after me." She sighed, pouring tea leaves into the mug, "Do you take milk? Or sugar? Though, I don't think we have either." Her hands shook as she held the kettle with both hands. Steadily, she poured hot water into the cup and stirred it with a fork- she couldn't find a spoon. She put the cup on the table and smiled, brightly.

"I'm sorry it's not the best." she said.
"It's okay. This is literally the highlight of my day." She laughed a bit. "I've never really....been to someone else's house before. It's all sort of new to me. I...usually keep to myself." She shrugged, holding the mug and absorbing its warmth before pressing it slowly to her lips. "It's delicious. What kind of tea is it?"
"It's.... Whatever-was-left-in-the-cupboard flavour. The label on the tin had worn away completely so..." Isono shrugged, "Could be any flavour." She sat down in one of the chairs and crossed her legs, "So... You're a human and stuff... What's it like? I can't remember."

"How can't you remember?" Matthew slunk into the room and stood behind Isono, his hands resting on her shoulders, "You were human too, not so long ago."

"Glad you decided to join us, Matt." the girl smiled up at him, "Do you want to sit down?"

"No." He kept his hands firmly on her shoulders, protectively.
Red shrugged, "World domination is fun. I'm not concerned about the world right now though, just here." She said and finished her drink. Then she got up and made her way over to the group of still terrified humans. There were about thirty of them, which was enough. "Have you picked the ones you want to turn yet?" She asked the other vampire, she really should ask her name. She had decided that the vampires that stayed would be safe. And the others, she may or may not try and kill them at some point.
Meanwhile on top of the building just in front of the club sat a girl reloading her beautiful sniper while looking down at the entrance. She could smell the vampires feeding off humans which kinda disgusting at her own point of view. Right now she wanted to kill some vampires well maybe two or three. Pushing her glasses up she aimed the sniper at the entrance. After minutes......she shot the entrance door.

But secretly her single bullet was a bomb which obviously blown up the entrance seeing some people held captive. Still hiding she switched her bullets and aimed at the door at see whose the first one out.
Freya tensed up slightly as Matthew made his appearance. "Uhm...thank you. Both of you really. I could be dead right now. And instead you gave me a place to stay and made me tea. I'll be out of your hair by tomorrow I don't want to be a bother." She sipped on her tea. "Being a human is....well....considering there are vampires, it feels pretty sucky. But, living without the pleasure of tea...." She sighed. "What does blood taste like to you?" She asked them inquisitively.

Cayden stopped to watch the frightened humans. Turn them? Great, more vampires. He wondered for a moment what the vampire hunters were like. He assumed they were out there, just hoped he wouldn't have to run into one. With that, he left. He had no intention to watch. Maybe he would see them later. Just as he was a ways down the road he heard an explosion. "What the heck??" He gasped as he swiftly turned around to examine the scene.
It’s been an hour or so since Kimi actually got home. She’s been pacing through her apartment relentlessly, just entering and leaving rooms while thinking about what happened tonight. She felt guilty for getting mad at the boy who was just trying to ensure his safety. It just seemed like a huge wreck to her, some vampires were blood crazed and others seemed to not be as violent. She didn’t understand most of their actions though, or why anything happened really. She was left with more questions than answers and she couldn’t stop thinking about it all. She had to get some sort of answers or she would drive herself crazy. But how? I guess I need to go back…sadly. She thought. She sped down the road back to the club only to see Cayden standing there. She remembered him being still and throwing the napkin at him so she stopped. He may be able to put her mind at rest. “You woke up. Did I miss anything significant?”

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