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Fantasy Into the Night

She watched as the dance floor from happily energetic to chaotic terror as the humans ran in all directions only to be stopped at the exits. It never got old, people just panicked and that was always entertaining. A few humans seemed to be heading for the front door, so she put her phone back into her pocket then jumped over the railing just in time to land in front of them. “I’m sorry, but I think you already heard. No one is allowed to leave.” Just as she finished saying that, one of the boys tried to run through her. She got somewhat frustrated with his stubbornness but simply sidestepped, grabbed the back of his shirt, and tossed him to the middle of the dance floor before looking at the rest. “Anyone else need assistance?” The rest of the little group ran to the dance floor since there was nowhere else to run.
"So um......Let's get this party started shall we"..... Speaking to Red as he walked over to her chuckling...."So who's the first victim".....he stared at the girl near the two vampire gals...."why don't you find the strongest human instead of this girl....it makes more sense if you think about.... it make sense really, show them no one can stop us because this girl serves no real threat" So he stood by the crying girl and shoved her off back into the group of humans with his free arm. "Scamper" he said to the girl and then looked for a large male... "Why not him" pointing into a crowd was a large man that had muscles that must have been enhanced by steroids. He had beaver brown hair and a face equipped with a goatee. He was wear a rather skin tight tank top and some plain jeans. "Yeah....perfect victim if you ask me" Saying with his head cocked back at Red.
Kayleigh groaned. Her senses began to come back little by little. She dangled limp over Klem's shoulder, her long platinum hair draping down along with her arms. A finger twitched, gaining conscienceness. Her nose crinkled and piercing blue eyes fluttered opened,"Uggh..." She moaned. Her vision was a little blurry and she could see red dripping on the ground below her. She looked at the shoulder of one of her arms that dangled, and the blue sweater was covered with red. She blinked more and her eyes widened,"Wha--...." Her hand was red with her blood. "What?!" She looked at her blood drenched sleeve.
Kimi stretches out as she slowly follows the little group of humans to the dance floor. She quietly gives her input, "I'd have to agree with him... There is not much reason to hurt a girl, that'd probably give us a worse reputation." Hearing the groans of the girl on the vampire's shoulder, Kimi grabs a few napkins and walks them to her. Admittedly a bit awkward to speak to a girl hanging over a guy's shoulder but oh well. "Panicking will make it worse, breathe. Use these to put pressure on it." She says as she hands the girl the napkins. Turning her attention to the boy, "Planning on letting gravity drain her blood for you?"
Aella smiled and bite her tongue playfully. She turned to some random guy. "Oh my gosh, please help. My ankle. And those things!" She glanced over her shoulder. "Here," he said as he put my arm over his shoulder. "Thank you," she said before turning to face him and bite into his neck. Soon enough his body dropped to the ground. She licked her lips and sighed, "I needed that." She rolled her neck a bit as her body felt more energized. She went back to the bar and hops up and slides over to the other side. She poured herself a shot of tequila and quickly downed it, "Ah. It always tastes better after dinner." Then she throws the glass on the bar.
Red had been smiling, but when all these people were tying to tell her what to do she stopped. She didn't like it that people were trying to take over her party. "Here's an idea." She said, her voice taking on a feral tone as she started to walk in circles around the group of humans gathered in the center of the dance floor. "We don't have to choose." She smiled again, but it was different this time, wrong. "Everybody dies. And if you don't agree with me, you aren't going to have much fun tonight."
Freya leaped through the bushes and out into the street towards The Echo. Her brother had told her to stay away from it tonight. She usually always listened to him, but this time she figured she would investigate. He would never expect her to go against his word. Leaning against the side of the building, she hesitated to go inside. A sickening feeling mixed with a strong sense of curiosity filled her. Something was off, and that meant adventure. She would embrace this. She decided to head carefully towards the back entrance to see if she could sneak in without being noticed. Pausing at the door, she bit her lip in anticipation.

Cayden was out roaming around, wondering if the rest of the Vampires in town would be successful in their take-over. He didn't appreciate being like this, he never asked for any of it. "I just hope Freya is okay....I trust that she's safe at home."
Aella sits up on the bar and watches quietly as she drinks tequila straight from the bottle. She pulls her hair to the side and she swings her legs. 'This is going to interesting. Should be a fun night,' she smirked to herself as she watched the humans gather and step over each other in fear. Aella sat there amused. Humans and their naive ways. Thinking they are the most powerful creatures on this planet. They think they are invincible and consume themselves with war and fighting. There was a bigger power above them that they would now learn of, vampires. 'We aren't easily killed, my little mice,' she giggles to herself. Aella leans her head back again, taking another few gulps from her bottle.
"We'll if gravity kills her it kills her not my problem.....and anyways it's not like she's one of us..." But he shifted the girl into his arms anyways and moved on over to a booth were he sat her down so she could take of the bleeding said the sentence .........

"Move away from this spot and I kill you alright".....but saying it in a rather cheerful matter. So then he walked off back to the main group of every living and undead thing at the echo....."Also....we should keep some of them alive....they are our main food source.....if you kill them all we'll die...." He suggested to the crowd with his hands in his pockets.
Slipping through the door, she walked a little ways before noticing what was happening behind the corner. She quickly stepped back out of sight, only hoping nobody saw her. What the heck is this? What's going on?? She thought as she slid down onto the ground wondering if she should escape. It obviously wasn't safe. Of course, perhaps it was all fake? Just the theme of the party? Didn't seem likely. And one of them? Just sick human beings? Or something else.....like...Vampires? Freya thought to herself.
"Gah!!" Kayleigh jumped as the napkins were being handed to her,"D-dont touch me!" She squirmed. She was swung around into Klems arms, gripping on her own shirt for comfort. He put her in a booth. She scoot up and away from him, gripping onto the back of the seat. He threatened to kill her if she tried to escape. She nodded, tears swelling in her eyes as she breathed heavily in fear and anxiety. She complied for her own safety. When he walked away from her she scrambled for the napkins that were at the booth's table. She pressed them to her wound,"O-ow!" She cringed and bit her lip. She looked more pale than usual, a very ghostly pale from loss of blood. She started to feel light headed too but she fought it. There was a purse in the booth seat next to her, mustve been left behind. She dumped it out and picked up a compact mirror. Kayleigh scrambled to open it, shaking and trembling, and pointed it at an angle to look at the bite,"Oh my god..." She covered her mouth in shock, and the tears rolled down. She looked back at the vampires, or who she suspected as a vampire, it wasnt hard to sort them out. They were rounding up the other humans like dogs with a herd of cattle. Her mind was telling her to try and escape but she kept thinking of the threat given to her if she tried. She sat there applying pressure to the bite.
Red turned and looked closely at the one who she felt was continually making bad suggestions. "Last time I checked there were close to 200 thousand people living in this god damn city. I don't think we'll be running out of food any time soon." She said, raising her voice. She really didn't like it when people tried to change the plans. "We aren't killing them yet anyway. We need to talk first." After saying this she made her way to a place where everyone could see and her.

"Who here wants to play a game?" She asked. First she would find out who was on her side, and then she would kill the rest. And after that, well, she really hadn't thought quite that far ahead.
Cayden walked into his house, realizing his dear sister was nowhere to be found. "Dammit!" He growled as he ran towards The Echo. He opened the doors and looked around, relieved that Freya wasn't around. Although he thought he could smell her familiar sent, though he was new to this whole vampire thing and the scents of the humans mixed with each other. He saw the vampires and the humans gathered and made a disgusted face. But why not go along for the mean time. He was out numbered even if he tried to stop anything. He glanced over at the girl on the booth, watching her attempt to stop the steady flow of blood from her neck and frowned. She seemed terrified.

Freya held her breath as she heard her brother walk in.
Kimi jumped back when the girl yelled. "Sorry!" as she made some space between herself and the girl. She mentioned to the boy, "There has to be a reason you decided to literally hold onto her, but it's not my place to ask." She then jumps onto a nearby table, watching the other vampires and kicking her feet. She's already spoken more than she wanted to and it doesn't seem like anything she says will make a difference, so she just sat silently waiting and watching. So far it seems that the most violent vampire girl is the one who called this meeting and the rest of us are just answering her call. The vampire on the bar was very confident, as was the other vampire girl on the dance floor. The boy was more of a mystery to her. Another boy barged through the doors and the sound caught her attention for a moment. She held her head in her hands in her frustration. "Is this a meeting or are we unnecessarily gathering food for the winter?"
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"I'm in for this game...." The words slipped from his mouth as the new comer arrived. "But what kind of game is it" he asked Red before he returned to the booth that contained Kayleigh and sat facing the group of live stock under the vampires possession. "Bad time for you to visiting the club" He said to Kayleigh without turning his head to meet her eyes. He then pulled from his pocket his phone which he used to play a game of angry birds just to let time pass not like anything fun was going on.
Is there any way to save them? Cayden watched Red. Her blonde hair ran down to her sides. He had been around enough to know she meant serious business. Her attitude irritated him yet interested him at the same time. So he decided to stick around to see how things would go down. "I'm in." He felt sorry for the humans, but he didn't know them, they weren't any of his concern.

He's what???! Freya gasped, almost running out behind the wall to question her insane brother. Surely he couldn't be one of them?
Kayleigh scooted away from Klem and trembled as he sat next to her. It was obvious that she was scared, but she tried not to show it. She didnt respond to him, just watched him closely in case he tried to do anything again. She still had her hand pressed to her neck, and her eyes watered from the pain. Her eyebrows were furrowed in an angry way, she just wanted to go home. She couldnt believe this was happening to her, it felt surreal but at the same time TOO real. She took a quick glance around at the others that her there, and her friends werent in sight. They mustve escaped. 'They left me...' She thought. Kayleigh lifted a hand to her mouth and faced her lap, trying to fight back the sobs. She sniffled and looked back up wiping her tears. She peered back over to Klem,"Why me..." She wasnt asking him specifically, more like thinking out loud. She shook her head in disbelief of the situation.
Cayden glared at the girl speaking to Klem. It's so pitiful and futile to ask such questions. He sighed.

Freya grabbed her red and black phone from her jacket pocket and snapped a few pictures. The pleated skirt she was wearing fell just above her knees. Pulling her sleeve down over her hands, she covered her mouth as her breathing quickened. She felt like she had to do something. But who would listen to her cries for help? Like the police would even hear her out. These....vampires...she concluded it was safe to assume, interested her greatly.
Red heard the new comer say that he was in, as well as a low murmur of the same response from a few more. She smiled, an actually smile of happiness, and made eye contact with every vampire there. "We have been confined to the night for too long, but I think we all know that we are better than that." she said. "We are better than having to hide in the day. Our weakness to sun cannot be changed, but the humans have power over us during the day, and they don't even realize. I think that it's about time we took that power away. We are stronger, and faster, and better than humans. I want to make sure they know they are never safe." She started to slowly pace back and fourth. "So let's play a game, the objective is to take over this city and make it ours. And we all start here."
" Funny thing is your not going to die like the rest of the cattle...." He said Referring to the rest of the humans. "And the only reason I didn't suck you dry was because you tasted good" he told the girl as he cocked his head at her. He slipped his phone into his pocket and then reached for the girl...."Come here and you won't die, if you stay...that crazy blonde is going to rip out your intestines and use them as a jump rope now doesn't that sounds fun doesn't it...." Then tapping his finger nail in a rapid matter onto the table in till she went over to him.
Aella laughed manically, clearly tipsy from the alcohol. "Sounds like fun! I'll bite!" She say and then throws the empty bottle onto the floor, shattering it. She giggles even more as the humans flinch. She walks up to a girl and grabs her face, "Oh the look in your eyes. How precious." She shoves the girl's face away and circles the group of humans. Her old eyes catch a simple tense movement and she bares her fangs at a young male, probably a college freshman. He instantly stops on survival instinct alone and is paralyzed in fear.
'This is just a random attack,' she thought,"This is a rally..." She whispered. Kayleigh's head snapped back to Klem as he spoke. He spared her, but in return she'd have to go with them. Sapphire eyes looked at the fearful humans, she didnt want to die, not here, not now. She took a deep breath, still trembling,"A-alright..." She said hesitantly and took his hand. She looked back at the rest of the people,'It wont stop with just these people....' She told herself, seeing the worry and fear in their faces made her think of everyone else in the city, children and mothers, friends and families. Everything was going to change. This wasnt right. She took another deep breath,'This will be fixed...' She mentally promised herself.
"Finally. Now that's a game I want to play." She said just loud enough for the others to hear. It was weird to see the blonde vampire smile though. As the speech was being made she listened intently, watching the blonde vampire pace back and forth and wondering where she was going with her plans. She then scanned the humans for the boy who tried to run though her, he was her target once she got thirsty, revenge would make his alcohol filled blood sweet enough.

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