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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

The hungry half naked man stopped by the door, not noticing anyone nearby. His stomach made another noise. It was disgusting, he then grabbed the doorknob twisting anti clockwise slowly. But a faint noise like a fidget was heard some where nearby but he does not bother and attempts to open the door.
Redd quietly snuck to the back of the cabin. Sliding his knife under the window to lever it up and silently slip inside. He sat and listened for a minute. Snoring upstairs and no sign of the other man. Leaving his warhammer outside he headed upstairs as quietly as possible. The door to the bedroom was already open as Redd reached the top stair. The sound of the man trying to enter the house caught him off guard. His anxiety spiked, he was about to be caught. He'll have two victims if Kina doesn't do anything soon. Acting quickly he covered the handsome man's mouth with his big hand and got on top of him. Straddling him so he can't move. Redd's breathing sped up getting more excited. As the man awoke and struggled Redd bit his lip. "Not yet my dear. You're too handsome to die so fast." The sound of the door distracted him again. "SHH!" he ducked his head into the shoulder of the man. "Hear that? You've got visitors. We can't let them see us like this." Redd whispered in the terrified man's ear. Taunting him before the act was getting himy more and more excited. "God I can't wait to rip into your body with my knife and watch you squirm and try to beg for mercy." His trailed off as he listened to what was going on. 
Redd quietly snuck to the back of the cabin. Sliding his knife under the window to lever it up and silently slip inside. He sat and listened for a minute. Snoring upstairs and no sign of the other man. Leaving his warhammer outside he headed upstairs as quietly as possible. The door to the bedroom was already open as Redd reached the top stair. The sound of the man trying to enter the house caught him off guard. His anxiety spiked, he was about to be caught. He'll have two victims if Kina doesn't do anything soon. Acting quickly he covered the handsome man's mouth with his big hand and got on top of him. Straddling him so he can't move. Redd's breathing sped up getting more excited. As the man awoke and struggled Redd bit his lip. "Not yet my dear. You're too handsome to die so fast." The sound of the door distracted him again. "SHH!" he ducked his head into the shoulder of the man. "Hear that? You've got visitors. We can't let them see us like this." Redd whispered in the terrified man's ear. Taunting him before the act was getting himy more and more excited. "God I can't wait to rip into your body with my knife and watch you squirm and try to beg for mercy." His trailed off as he listened to what was going on. 

The hungry half naked man stopped by the door, not noticing anyone nearby. His stomach made another noise. It was disgusting, he then grabbed the doorknob twisting anti clockwise slowly. But a faint noise like a fidget was heard some where nearby but he does not bother and attempts to open the door.

Kina was upstairs with Redd the whole time, and was more than observant. Of course, with her amazing ability to do absolutely nothing- that's exactly what she did. She felt a sort of remorse for the man who was about to die, but didn't think too much of it. The only odd thing that was happening was the sound at the door. With a sigh, she looked at Redd for a moment, who was listening intently and whispered. "Pretend you're not here, okay?" She mumbled, before hopping down the stairs and tilting her head down. "Hello?" She asked quietly. 
Redd lay on top of the man silently. His breathing steadied as they both listened to Kina and the new man. Redd turned his head to look at the man who was struggling to comprehend his situation. His mouth being silenced by a seeming mountainous weight being applied by the infamous assassin. He struggled to breathe as tears rolled down his cheeks. He could feel Redd's emotional excitement through his breath and his physical excitement through the pressure on his hips. His pride has disintegrated, he was a ladies man now he's about to die to the hands of a psycho. Redd let out a pleasured sigh as the man struggled against his body, quickly making him stop. Redd applied a bit more pressure to the man's mouth to silence him more. Making him choke on his tears, but Redd didn't stop. He was too close to let him go, but he put his trust in a teenager instead of waiting a bit longer for the man to leave. 
The door was locked from the inside as it seemed to lead leaving his hunger. But he happened to hear a quiet, soothing voice of a young lady coming from behind the door. Her cute female voice was alluring. He stood and replied to the voice. "Hey miss, can I stay in your house?" he begged. "I'm hungry and I have nowhere else to go....."

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The door was locked from the inside as it seemed to lead leaving his hunger. But he happened to hear a quiet, soothing voice of a young lady coming from behind the door. Her cute female voice was alluring. He stood and replied to the voice. "Hey miss, can I stay in your house?" he begged. "I'm hungry and I have nowhere else to go....."


Kina crossed her arms and shook her head. "Sorry, but no. My..." She paused. "Partner, of sorts, is upstairs doing buisness." She tilted her head, confused. "How did you even get here?"
Redd gently kissed the man's neck, carefully slicing his sleeping shirt off to reveal his chest "It'll all be over soon. Don't struggle, your body wants to be in pleasure before you die." Redd murmured into the man's ear, his cold armor pressing against the man's chest. 
Kina crossed her arms and shook her head. "Sorry, but no. My..." She paused. "Partner, of sorts, is upstairs doing buisness." She tilted her head, confused. "How did you even get here?"

"Aww come on.... can't you let a poor hungry man get in?" his hand is still holding onto the knob, he grew too desperate and hunrgy. "By pure luck, I just happened to find your lovely house... But let me in... I'm hungry...."
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"Aww come on...." his hand is still holding onto the knob. "I just happened to find your lovely house... but let me in... I'm hungry..."

(Sorry guys had to eat something)

Kina shook her head, and slowly got closer. "I don't think you understood." She said, slowling her voice down condesendingly. "Okay? This isn't our- my- house."
Redd quietly groaned the anticipation was becoming too much for him. He never spent this much time on top of a victim before a kill. 

He began to grind his hips, panting quietly into the man's neck

"Just let him in already." Redd yelled down to her. "I'll take care of it when I'm done with this"
"Aww come on.... can't you let a poor hungry man get in?" his hand is still holding onto the knob, he grew too desperate and hunrgy. "By pure luck, I just happened to find your lovely house... But let me in... I'm hungry...."

Redd quietly groaned the anticipation was becoming too much for him. He never spent this much time on top of a victim before a kill. 

He began to grind his hips, panting quietly into the man's neck

"Just let him in already." Redd yelled down to her. "I'll take care of it when I'm done with this"

She rolled her eyes and opened the door wider. "Fine!" She yelled back. "Come in, if you find food, you can have it, I guess..."
She rolled her eyes and opened the door wider. "Fine!" She yelled back. "Come in, if you find food, you can have it, I guess..."

Really miss? He stepped inside and smelled the air in the room, sniffing everywhere of the house's aroma. he headed to a room and find some food he can find. He didn't notice anyone beside the girl he let him in.
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Really miss? He stepped inside and smelled the air in the room, sniffing everywhere of the house's aroma. he headed to a room and find some food he can find. He didn't notice anyone beside the girl he let him in.

She rolled her eyes and followed behind the new male who entered the house. "How did you even get here?"
Redd sat up on the man's hips, taking his hand off his mouth. The man gasped for air like a fish out of water. Redd took his knife and began carving a pentagram into the man's chest. "Silence is golden. You don't want your visitor to get scared." Redd smiled his other hand busy pleasuring himself. The man bit his lip, struggling to contain screams. Once Redd was finished his gruesome masterpiece he slowly slid the knife precisely below the sternum. The man coughed and gasped for air but didn't seem to be able to get enough air. Redd watched him struggle and when he's had enough he pulled the blade out and in seconds the man's blood was soaking into the sheets, he was dead in seconds and Redd was satisfied with the kill. He cleaned himself up with a towel that laid in the corner of the room and headed downstairs. "Sorry for not coming down sooner. I had some business to take care of. My name is Redd" he held his hand out to the man being as gentleman like as possible. 
He grabbed some bread from a pile and gulped in the bits in his throat. Saliva spotted leaking out of his lips, he kept eating and answered.

"How I get here? I got here by luck."

"Hmmm these aren't bad after all..." as he took the last slice of ham, he turned to the other man who just descended from the stairs of the second level. "why hello there, are you her husband?" he smiled.
Redd shook his head. "I'm just a friend. My husband left me a long time ago." He smiled sitting down and motioning for the man to sit down as well. "What's your name stranger?"
Kina stared at Redd with this expression that just screamed "Why are you being so polite and formal right now?!"
He got up and hugged her "shut up you're going to raise suspicion. Let him find it himself when we leave." He whispered in Kina's ear. 

"It's okay dear. It's been a long day and were all tired and hungry. We still hadn't had dinner either. So we best be on our way. I just had a bit of business with the owner of this house I needed to sort out. You could probably talk to him once he wakes up, he's had quite the day as well." Redd spoke louder, gently pushing Kina to the door. 
"Hahaha, my bad... Sorry man..." the half naked man sat down as Redd insisted. He kept eating as they enter his mouth. Tearing them apart, he answered. My name is Harvey, I'm a man looking for an man who is after some little girls... So have you seen an old man pass by with a conical hat?"
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He got up and hugged her "shut up you're going to raise suspicion. Let him find it himself when we leave." He whispered in Kina's ear. 

"It's okay dear. It's been a long day and were all tired and hungry. We still hadn't had dinner either. So we best be on our way. I just had a bit of business with the owner of this house I needed to sort out. You could probably talk to him once he wakes up, he's had quite the day as well." Redd spoke louder, gently pushing Kina to the door. 

She turned back. "You're looking for little girls?" Kina moved foreward and closer towards the doors. "Oh fuck no. That's creepy- I can't."
Redd shook his head, "I'm just here doing my job. And keeping her out of trouble." Redd continued. Pulling Kina to sit down with them. "Be polite. We don't have to be home right now."
Redd shook his head, "I'm just here doing my job. And keeping her out of trouble." Redd continued. Pulling Kina to sit down with them. "Be polite. We don't have to be home right now."

Kina groaned. "Are purposefully trying to make me your kid, or something?" She whined, before sighing and sitting on his lap. It was just to piss him off, really. "And don't tell me what to do, I'm a mature adult, almost, I guess."
narrowing his eyes as the two sat down, he figured that they wanted to leave the house. Harvey eyed Redd. "you two can go now, I came here to eat."
Redd nodded, pulling Kina up. "It was nice meeting you. Hopefully we'll meet again soon." Redd swiftly left the house and called for Doe-eyes waiting for Kina to freak out again. 
Redd nodded, pulling Kina up. "It was nice meeting you. Hopefully we'll meet again soon." Redd swiftly left the house and called for Doe-eyes waiting for Kina to freak out again. 

She rubbed her eyes. "That guy was fucking creepy." She swiftly noted, rubbing her arms. "He's look for little girla of the sorts? What does that even mean?! And plus, I'm literally like a little girl." She sighed. "Wierd."

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