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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Redd tilted his head down a bit in a nod. "I haven't seen you around sir. Are you new around here?" Redd asked, less intimidatingly now that he was sure the scarecrow wouldn't harm them without reason. 

The scarecrow shook his head no. He had been there on his perch and in these woods for 50 years. He was older than the farmer he worked for. The scarecrow had never seen them either but he kept to himself anyhow so it wasn't surprising.

"I have a name you know, it's not just vampire." sighs calming herself down trying to focus again. "did you mean what you said? Shik-" she stopped short remembering Izumi can't know about her yet. "I mean a friend can help with that if you're serious." 

Izumi looked up hearing her say Shik, her eyes went wide, no she couldn't mean Shikoku could she? A million thought raced through her mind, her past, her one friend, how she must be a huge disappointment. It was making her crazy, She needed to know but somehow the words wouldn't come out of her mouth. She was too unfocused it made it easier for the demon to control her. Her eyes turned black, the demon taking over again, it finally broke out of the ropes holding her to the tree, she reached into her bag and pulled out powder. "bored now see ya soon" She chanted in another language and in an instant 'poof' she was gone. 

"NO" October tried to get to her in time but she was already gone. 


Dirk had partially turned away when Izumi broke free. "Just know that I'm Terrible with names.." he began to explain, then widened his eyes in surprise when Izumi disappeared in front of them. Stepping forward, he reached his hands into the cloud of powder, but found nothing as it disappeared into the air. "What Sorcery is this?!" he muttered, looking around at the trees like a paranoid man. "She's a danger to society" Dirk stated, turning to face October "Where did she go? She needs to be stopped!"
October shakes her head "if she tries hard enough she can hod the demon back. She hasn't killed anyone thus far." she bent down where Izumi poofed out to see if there was any trace of where she went to. "It's called magicks, a demon inside of a witch, there's a lot of power there. But I'm not sure where she has gone." She stood back up the dirt slipping from her hand. "I can't track her I don't have magicks anymore."

October shakes her head "if she tries hard enough she can hod the demon back. She hasn't killed anyone thus far." she bent down where Izumi poofed out to see if there was any trace of where she went to. "It's called magicks, a demon inside of a witch, there's a lot of power there. But I'm not sure where she has gone." She stood back up the dirt slipping from her hand. "I can't track her I don't have magicks anymore."


"She didn't look like she had much control" Dirk growled "Finding her in the forest is like searching for a needle in a Hay stack. However, if she seeks out civilization,,," He opened up his trench coat, then pulled out his sword "Where is the nearest village?"
October shook her head "she doesn't have to be nearby, that spell could of taken her anywhere." October growled back "She didn't hurt anyone so she seems in control to me" October wiped her hands clean of the dirt, she didn't like to get dirty unless she had to. "for now we let her go, I will find her later."

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October shook her head "she doesn't have to be nearby, that spell could of taken her anywhere." October growled back "She didn't hurt anyone so she seems in control to me" October wiped her hands clean of the dirt, she didn't like to get dirty unless she had to. "for now we let her go, I will find her later."


"She didn't hurt anyone because she was restrained!" Dirk replied, a sense of urgency to his voice as he spoke "Sure, you can wait till later, but I can't. I don't have the luxury of waiting, my memory of her will fade very quickly. Give it enough time, and you'll be on your own!" he put his sword back in his sheath "You're starting to weigh me down, Vampire, you've already let her escape once. I'm going to do this my way, I'll find her, and I'll end her. If you want to come along, I'm in charge"
"She's had the demon in her for months! she hasn't killed anyone yet. I believe letting her go for now she still won't kill anyone." October was getting irritated at Dirk now he just wouldn't listen to reason. She was curious now how long it'd take before he forgot something. "can you forget about her for one second I will never let you kill her. I'm faster than you and older I have more experience with this."

The scarecrow shook his head no. He had been there on his perch and in these woods for 50 years. He was older than the farmer he worked for. The scarecrow had never seen them either but he kept to himself anyhow so it wasn't surprising.


Redd nodded, "cant talk, eh? That's not a problem. At least you understand us." Redd held out his hand "My name is Redd, it's nice to meet you." 
Redd nodded, "cant talk, eh? That's not a problem. At least you understand us." Redd held out his hand "My name is Redd, it's nice to meet you." 

The scarecrow shook its head 'no' to agree with you. He took your hand and examined it for a minute unsure of what to do with it. His hand was warm, but still colder than a normal persons. 
"She's had the demon in her for months! she hasn't killed anyone yet. I believe letting her go for now she still won't kill anyone." October was getting irritated at Dirk now he just wouldn't listen to reason. She was curious now how long it'd take before he forgot something. "can you forget about her for one second I will never let you kill her. I'm faster than you and older I have more experience with this."


"Months?" Dirk replied slowly, his face changing from anger to embarrassment "I didn't know that.." he stated. Up until now, he had been under the assumption that Izumi was possessed as of Today. "Yeah, good point..." He rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing how to handle this situation.
October smiled knowing he now understood "yeah she's been suffering for months holding her off I think Izumi can last a little longer" she tilted her head looking Dirk up and down. "So you never answered me before." She paused wondering how he really felt if she should even bring it up again. She shook her head figuring she might as well ask. "Were you serious before when you said you want to be alive again?"
October smiled knowing he now understood "yeah she's been suffering for months holding her off I think Izumi can last a little longer" she tilted her head looking Dirk up and down. "So you never answered me before." She paused wondering how he really felt if she should even bring it up again. She shook her head figuring she might as well ask. "Were you serious before when you said you want to be alive again?"

Dirk now had a sheepish smile as he stayed quiet, listening to her explanation. The moment she brought up the question, Everything about him changed. His eyes widened and he suddenly moved up to October, grabbing her shoulders tightly "I would give ANYTHING to be alive again!" He exclaimed, his voice full of desperation "To be able to eat! Feel the sun! Have my mind whole again!"
October smiled a little. "I know someone who might be able to help." She looked up at the moon, it wasn't a full moon tonight but in a few days it would be. "In 2 days will be a full moon, Shikoku can only be here on the night of full moon. She's very powerful." October brushed Dirk's arms off her shoulders. "It will come with a price though, using that much magic. I'm not sure what the price will be but she will." She looked up at him with her eyes red as blood. "Are you interested?" 
The scarecrow shook its head 'no' to agree with you. He took your hand and examined it for a minute unsure of what to do with it. His hand was warm, but still colder than a normal persons. 

Redd shook his hand "like this, it's a sign of peace. I know, it's a silly human thing." 
October smiled a little. "I know someone who might be able to help." She looked up at the moon, it wasn't a full moon tonight but in a few days it would be. "In 2 days will be a full moon, Shikoku can only be here on the night of full moon. She's very powerful." October brushed Dirk's arms off her shoulders. "It will come with a price though, using that much magic. I'm not sure what the price will be but she will." She looked up at him with her eyes red as blood. "Are you interested?" 

Dirk followed her gaze up to the moon, then let his hands fall to his sides "The full moon, the time of bewitching.." he stated, as if mesmerized. Snapping back to reality, he looked back at October with a glint of hope "Everything comes with a price, I get it, I'm willing to bargain with her. This, Shikoku, right? As long as she can make me whole again, that's all I want. My mind is weak, please, Don't let me forget!"
Redd sighed, pulling the horses reigns, "I guess I have to go now. It was nice meeting you" as he began to walk away with the horse and Kina on it, "oh" he turned around to see the scarecrow again "do you have somewhere to go? I don't have much room at home, but I have a garden, if you don't have anywhere to go."
Redd sighed, pulling the horses reigns, "I guess I have to go now. It was nice meeting you" as he began to walk away with the horse and Kina on it, "oh" he turned around to see the scarecrow again "do you have somewhere to go? I don't have much room at home, but I have a garden, if you don't have anywhere to go."

The scarecrow shook its head 'no' to agree with you. He took your hand and examined it for a minute unsure of what to do with it. His hand was warm, but still colder than a normal persons. 

Kina rolled her eyes. "Are you serious, Redd, he can't just sleep in the fucking garden." She growled, before slumping over the horses back and petting it gently.
Kina rolled her eyes. "Are you serious, Redd, he can't just sleep in the fucking garden." She growled, before slumping over the horses back and petting it gently.

"he's a scarecrow!" Redd huffed. "I guess not, you came from somewhere right? Is it safe for you to go back?" He could tell Kina was getting impatient, but he wanted to make sure everyone was safe, even if they had just met. He might be a good kill in the future anyway.
"he's a scarecrow!" Redd huffed. "I guess not, you came from somewhere right? Is it safe for you to go back?" He could tell Kina was getting impatient, but he wanted to make sure everyone was safe, even if they had just met. He might be a good kill in the future anyway.

She whined, sighing and frowning. 
October shook her head "it's not Shikoku you bargain with. It's all magic comes with a price." she looked around feeling a bit hungry it's been a few weeks since she ate. She could last awhile because of how old she was, she was used to not eating regularly. "I won't let you forget" she smiled "but my business in these woods are over for now, are you hungry? We can find someplace to eat." 

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October shook her head "it's not Shikoku you bargain with. It's all magic comes with a price." she looked around feeling a bit hungry it's been a few weeks since she ate. She could last awhile because of how old she was, she was used to not eating regularly. "I won't let you forget" she smiled "but my business in these woods are over for now, are you hungry? We can find someplace to eat." 


"Okay, I kinda get it,," Dirk glanced around, slightly confused "I may be one of the 'Supernatural', but I don't think I've ever been involved with magic, so I'm still unaccustomed to it. I'm not sure what to expect when I try to gain my mortality back, so perhaps you could explain?" He queried, motioning with his hand for her to take the lead, since he had no idea where they were or where they could find food
October looked back at him as they walked "so is it true that you eat brains?"  she quickly looked back, hoping she didn't offend him, she had no idea about his kind. 

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October looked back at him as they walked "so is it true that you eat brains?"  she quickly looked back, hoping she didn't offend him, she had no idea about his kind. 

Dirk followed at first, but picked up the pace and walked beside her "Excuse me?!" He exclaimed, almost as if he were offended. Nobody had ever been that strait forward about it "Didn't expect that" he muttered, then glanced up at the stars with a grimance as he answered her questions "It's a Partial Truth" Dirk explained thoroughly, then his eyes lowered to the ground "We just go for the entire human corpse,,,it's the only thing that,," he rubbed his belly "Only thing that fulfills our hunger..."
"he's a scarecrow!" Redd huffed. "I guess not, you came from somewhere right? Is it safe for you to go back?" He could tell Kina was getting impatient, but he wanted to make sure everyone was safe, even if they had just met. He might be a good kill in the future anyway.

The scarecrow shook its head no and began to follow the horse. Scarecrow wouldn't be missed anyhow so why not?

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