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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

October nodded understanding. "you don't talk about yourself much do you?" he seemed reserved about talking about himself it made her wonder if he was actually a new 'zombie'. "hope you don't mind leaving this forest" she turned and looked at him wondering how he would react. Curious if he would speak up. For all he know she could be taking him to kill humans or she wondered exactly where he thought she was taking him, she was very curious about him. 

Watching from a distance was a man wearing a large grey robe. His head was completely devoid of hair, and his mouth was frozen in a half open state. His eyes were lost watching the horizon as his tongue murmured something in a different language.

His name was not important, as he was a demon and had no need for human conventions. He clenched his featureless hands together in a sort of prayer as he stared at the horizon. And then he noticed others near the village.

To be honest with himself, he had no recollection of how he had come upon the hill. One moment he was in the fires of hell and the next he was standing in the grass. He was confused. 

He began to ask 

"Where am I?"
Redd and Kina continued on thier way. Finally getting to the cabin on the outskirts of town. Redd tied up the horse and began to remove his chest plate. His body was covered in foul bodily fluids, blood, sweat, and a heavy smell of death clung to him. He took a deep breath, and sighed with a smile. It was a smell he hadn't been able to smell for over 6 years. 
Redd and Kina continued on thier way. Finally getting to the cabin on the outskirts of town. Redd tied up the horse and began to remove his chest plate. His body was covered in foul bodily fluids, blood, sweat, and a heavy smell of death clung to him. He took a deep breath, and sighed with a smile. It was a smell he hadn't been able to smell for over 6 years. 

Kina rubbed her eyes, "Do we have any leftover food?" She groaned. ((When you have writers block ugh))
October nodded understanding. "you don't talk about yourself much do you?" he seemed reserved about talking about himself it made her wonder if he was actually a new 'zombie'. "hope you don't mind leaving this forest" she turned and looked at him wondering how he would react. Curious if he would speak up. For all he know she could be taking him to kill humans or she wondered exactly where he thought she was taking him, she was very curious about him. 


"I don't" Dirk replied "I usually stay clear of people, or anything for that matter. It's a good way to avoid trouble" A humored look crossed his face as he thought about it "I suppose I could move back to society once I'm Alive" He glanced at his pale hand, then realized that he was holding a paper "How did I get this?..."
The demon walked down the hill into the forest. He stopped outside of a house, staying silent for a moment.



Kina jumped off of the horse, before going over to the door to check whether or not the scarecrow had followed them along. When she did finally crack the door open, he was there. She smiled, being polite before calling out to him. "Care to come in?" @ZappiestAbyss @Yohimitsu
Kina jumped off of the horse, before going over to the door to check whether or not the scarecrow had followed them along. When she did finally crack the door open, he was there. She smiled, being polite before calling out to him. "Care to come in?" @ZappiestAbyss @Yohimitsu

The man stopped for a moment and blinked, surprised at the woman who just opened the door.

"Oh... Sure."

He walked in, unsure of what to expect.

"Can I have some water please?"

He wasn't really thirsty, but he felt like he needed to drink it.
Redd wiped the blood and sweat off his body with a fresh wet towel, watching the demon and scarecrow, he went to the kitchen and got a whiskey glass full of water to the new man. "I'll be right back everyone. I'm going to get changed into some fresh clothes." His heavy steps echoed through the cabin as he walked upstairs.
Redd wiped the blood and sweat off his body with a fresh wet towel, watching the demon and scarecrow, he went to the kitchen and got a whiskey glass full of water to the new man. "I'll be right back everyone. I'm going to get changed into some fresh clothes." His heavy steps echoed through the cabin as he walked upstairs.

The 8' foot scarecrow watched as the man left then turned towards the girl. The girl looked bored....the scarecrow looked down at his hands then an idea struck him. He cupped his hands and when he opened them a bunny jumped out.
"I don't" Dirk replied "I usually stay clear of people, or anything for that matter. It's a good way to avoid trouble" A humored look crossed his face as he thought about it "I suppose I could move back to society once I'm Alive" He glanced at his pale hand, then realized that he was holding a paper "How did I get this?..."

October looked down at the paper and shook her head "I have no idea when you got it. What does it say?" she looked back they were on the edge of the forest now you can see the buildings in of the town. 
Dirks eyes scanned the buildings as he slowed to a stop "Remember what you said earlier about eating? With human flesh being the only thing that can satisfy my hunger, I simply Don't, I choose not to be a monster. I may be starving, but I don't 'die'" He opened the paper and began to read it.


Redd came downstairs, suddenly realizing he's to have Dirk over at any moment as a guest. "Shit, Kina! I have a date!" He yelled pulling her up off the ground. "he'll be here at any moment!" Redd started to become anxious and worried about what Dirk would think of him and if he would even be able to read his scribbles that barely dictated where to meet up.
Redd came downstairs, suddenly realizing he's to have Dirk over at any moment as a guest. "Shit, Kina! I have a date!" He yelled pulling her up off the ground. "he'll be here at any moment!" Redd started to become anxious and worried about what Dirk would think of him and if he would even be able to read his scribbles that barely dictated where to meet up.

The 8' foot scarecrow watched as the man left then turned towards the girl. The girl looked bored....the scarecrow looked down at his hands then an idea struck him. He cupped his hands and when he opened them a bunny jumped out.

The man stopped for a moment and blinked, surprised at the woman who just opened the door.

"Oh... Sure."

He walked in, unsure of what to expect.

"Can I have some water please?"

He wasn't really thirsty, but he felt like he needed to drink it.

After seeing the bunny and rushing over to it in a fit of giggles, she looked over at the completely distressed Redd. "A date? Really? Can I come?"
Panicked, Redd looked as though he was going to cry "he's going to be coming here! And this place is a mess! And I smell like blood and death!" He fell into a chair in the main room, his head in his hands.
Dirks eyes scanned the buildings as he slowed to a stop "Remember what you said earlier about eating? With human flesh being the only thing that can satisfy my hunger, I simply Don't, I choose not to be a monster. I may be starving, but I don't 'die'" He opened the paper and began to read it.



October stayed close to him as they walked in the town. He might not want to be a monster but she knew how hard it was to control the urge sometimes. "then what do you eat?" 
Panicked, Redd looked as though he was going to cry "he's going to be coming here! And this place is a mess! And I smell like blood and death!" He fell into a chair in the main room, his head in his hands.

She sighed, walking over to him with the bunny. "Don't worry, I'll clean the place up, alright? You just... clean yourself up."
Scarecrow looked at the house and then at the bunny. He would've smiled at the girl with the bunny. Instead he chuckled softly, he stopped suddenly surprised by the fact that he could chuckle or make any noise at all.
October stayed close to him as they walked in the town. He might not want to be a monster but she knew how hard it was to control the urge sometimes. "then what do you eat?" 

"Directions?" Dirk said as he squinted his eyes at the piece of paper, he now took the lead. "I Don't eat" He replied, looking back at her with desperate eyes "Normal food does not satisfy me, and I Refuse to eat human flesh" He picked an apple off a random tree and looked it over with disdain "To enjoy this, I must become one Mortal. I am Tired of living in a perpetual state of Starvation!"
"would you eat if they weren't alive? Or if it was magic?" she smiled now wondering how long has he actually be undead, if he's never eaten he just be breaking down, and since humans were around he couldn't be too starved since he didn't go after them. She wondered if he has eaten and taken life and forgot it since his mind was so easily lost. 

"would you eat if they weren't alive? Or if it was magic?" she smiled now wondering how long has he actually be undead, if he's never eaten he just be breaking down, and since humans were around he couldn't be too starved since he didn't go after them. She wondered if he has eaten and taken life and forgot it since his mind was so easily lost. 


Dirk let out a strange laugh, clenching his hands into fists "That's the Only way I eat, when they're Dead!" A glint of horror came across his face, now approaching an old house "I've been a 'grave robber', if you catch my drift..." As far as he knew, he hadn't killed anybody for food, but there wasn't much to go off of.

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