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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Older Riku would look at her and shake his head " they are going to come after you regardless if you want them to or not. Your right you don't have a choice but to fight for your right to live.. after that your free to do what you want Izumi. " he said has he vanished.

Younger Riku looked at Izumi and sighed " I'm going to still fight. You can help if you want or stay out of it. I'm not ready to die just yet " he looked at Adrianna and quickly made a hand sign and teleported away attempting to follow his older self
Izumi sighed "I'll be in my room" she walked back to the castle past everyone and upstairs to her room. She fell face first unto the bed. "what do I do?" she had put a sound proof magic on her room so the vampires couldn't hear her, and she started crying. 

Adriana stood there as Izumi left she didn't want to bug her right now. 
Logan watched this girl walk back to the castle, and he closed the book and proceeded to follow her. When she entered her room, he waited a few minutes before knocking. "Hello? You don't know me yet... But I just wanted to ask if you were ok... So you ok?" He asked.
Izumi wiped away her tears and opened the door. "I'm fine" she said kind of defensivly. "why do you care you don't even know me" 
Younger Riku returned and appeared next to Adrianna. " older me is to skilled I couldn't stay caught up to him " he looked down " when you leave back in your future and this is all over I'm going to miss you Adrianna.. 
Grov had stayed in the garden to clean up an fix any damage plants. "Stupid old Riku and his darkness. He could of at least help clean up." Grov mumbled.
Milo walked around the town, going to different neighborhoods and then from house to house, asking if anyone knew him. After about an hour of fruitless snags at information about his past, he moved to one of the last few neighborhoods that he had yet to explore.

=First house.. Hopefully something will come of this..=

He knocked on the door a few times and waited a bit. A few seconds past and the door opened, leading into the smell of cinnamon and a pleasant warmth from the outside cold. A young woman stood in the doorway and smiled at him.

-Did you get them?- She asked expectantly.

Milo frowned and was about to respond, but she cut him off, pulling him inside and closing the door.

-Oh for god's sake come in!- She laughed rather giddily.
Younger Riku would nod " it's hard to understand really " he said as he smiled calmly at her " but you did save us from both Scar and Jason. If you weren't here they would of easily have killed us all 
Adriana smiled "glad someone sees it that way." she scrunched her face "I think Izumi is more fragile in this time, but I may be wrong it could just be because she's human here."
Young Riku would nod and smile calmly " She is doubting herself. We're weak when we doubt ourselves. I think she's stronger than she even knows. Scar is scared of her. Your mother seems very powerful. Becoming a Vampire really doesn't change much only the craving for blood and immortality.  I think she's strong, and when she sees it she will get passed anything in her way 
Milo made his way through the forest and arrived at the castle. He looked up, eyeing it grimly.

"A lot bigger than I remember.."

He continued forward to the front entrance.
Grov had finished cleaning up the garden and saw milo and asked as he returned to the castle. "Hey where you been?"
Milo stopped and looked up at the golem confused. He didn't remember ever meeting a golem in his life but this one seemed to know him. He smiled softly.

"Erm, I've been at my home..." He pointed back toward the forest. "Town over that way you know? Hey I've been here before, a while back, I was wondering if any of you still had herbs for a fever?"
Grov scratched his head. "You were here a few hours ago and you had lost your memories. You were scared of me too but I'm really nice, wait did you get your memories back?"
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Milo was about to chew the golem out for joking around when he needed the herbs to help his daughter, but he seemed sincere.

"I'm not entirely sure you understand what your saying.."

=Perhaps a defective life core?=

"Listen, I just need these herbs, do you have any still or am I going to have to go elsewhere to get my daughter the help she needs?"
Amber had followed him out of the town, staying within the cover the trees of the forest provide. She, herself was in awe at the towering castle. She lied in wait, over hearing their conversation. Hiding; One of the few good things that being small could give her. 
Grov shrugs. "I know what I said and if you need herbs for a fever follow me to my garden, I think I have some Fever weed to bring down a temperature. How high of a fever does she have and is she in pain? If she is I have a few plants that could help." He says as he walks towards his garden in the forest.
"Well it's very mild currently.. only some warmth and she's shivering a bit every now and then.."

Milo followed Grov into the trees.
She got down lower, low as she could get, to the point she was pressing herself into the dirt. She had no idea what her excuse would be for following and eavesdropping on them. Then again if she did get into a fight I still had her bow and a pistol. 
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"well she seemed to be completely different than the mommy I know." she shook her head. "I always knew mommy was sad but she was never this insecure at least never in front of me."
Logan sighed, and with book in hand took a walk outside. He wasn't paying attention and tripped on what he thought was a root, he twisted as he fell, landing on his back. He leaned forward and saw the girl. "Who are you?" He asked quietly, hand on his pistol grip.
Grov saw the girl hiding and laughed but other wise didn't say a word. He lead Milo to hi garden that now looked as good as it had before. "The fever weed should be over there beside th razor bush it looks like red long grass, only pick three and make her chew them, not swallow them. I'll go get some herbs to solve the shivers." He went to pick some mos he knew would help.
Amber scrambled up onto her feet, her hand reached for her own pistol. She looked up at him with an irritated look. "Does it really matter exactly 'who' I am?", she said, in quite a calmer tone then she wanted to come out.
He drew his as he saw her reach. "Let go of the handle or I put you down." He said very calmly. "And yes it does matter as this place doesn't take to trespassers very well, so who are you, miss?" He asked, still remaining kind in his words despite his glare.

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