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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Older Riku would quickly jump out of the a the way dodging the spikes only getting angrier as he saw Keto come at him with his sword. He than pulled out a sword that was not made of metal only the hilt. It had a blade made of energy which was red and it clashed with his.

Younger Riku looked at Adrianna hearing the Radio. " I thought older me left.? We have to hurry and help him " he said to her worried about his older self
"Can you get us there?" Adriana shook her head "he said he did leave, I don't understand, we must get there NOW!" Adriana was shaking, what was his plan, what was he thinking. Her mom might not be safe, she had to get there right away.

"Riku please!" Izumi called, "you know me listen to my voice what are you doing?" she walked a few steps closer to him she was cautious but she had to try anything to get him to listen.

@Jason Thorn
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Keto growled, punching Riku in the stomach with a hand full of fire while going for another slash of his sword towards Riku's face 

Kai stood there watching his father fight almost in awe, he turned to Izumi "Miss Izumi we need to leave. This is going to turn bad and fast." Kai follwed her making sure she stayed inside the barrier


@Jason Thorn
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Izumi looked at Kai "no I can't leave, I won't." she turned back toward Riku. She didn't know him, but if he was from the future it meant he knew her, hell he had a kid with her, so he must love her. "Riku it's Izumi listen to me you need to stop this." She thought she could reason with him, if he knew who she was he shouldn't want to hurt her.

@Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn
Older Riku got hit by the punch but his armor protected him from the fire he managed to clash his sword with Keto blocking the hit to his face. He then quickly spun around slashing at Keto's leg barely grazing him but it would burn slightly as he moved his hand up his palm towards Keto as a he felt the same invisible force push him back getting distance from Keto. His eyes shifted toward Izumi his head shaking a bit like trying to fight out of the trance but couldn't

Younger Riku managed to take her by the hand and did a hand sign instantly teleport in then both there next to Izumi and he saw his older self. " this is not good
*Axel and Alice watch from a safe distance,in the trees,waiting to see if their assistance would be helpful*

Alice: Axel,what's going on here? *she scratches her quills*

Axel: Beats me. Let's listen,and hopefully we don't get noticed.
Kai watched his dad get hit then fly back wards "Father!!!!"

Keto's eyes turned red and a red aura surrounded him as he stood up walking towards Riku he threw a few fire balls at Riku then teleported behind him throwing a slash of fire towards his back then teleported in front of Izumi and Kai standing his ground firmly growling intensly glaring at Riku
"daddy STOP" Adriana yelled, she ran closer to him "please daddy" she grabbed onto his arm, she knew he might hurt her but she would do anything for her father. "daddy fight this please"

Izumi looked over seeing Riku and Adriana. She thought it was weird seeing 2 Riku's at once

@Jason Thorn
Axel: What the hell...

Alice: Shh!!! Be quiet,or they'll......AHH!! *the tree branch they were standing on snapped,and they both fell out the tree,hitting the ground with a thud*

Axel:so much for waiting quietly.....
Keto was focused on Riku. 

Kai looked over at the two curiously then yelled out at them "Either run on get inside my barrier!"
Older Riku used the invisible force to stop the fireballs in mid air but then his eyes shifted behind him rolling forward only to get burned a bit. He stood back up glaring at him than he saw Adrianna run towards and grabbed his arm " Adrianna?" He said her name his eyes were shifting colors trying to fight it. He managed to drop the sword and fell to his knees as the invisible force around him began to quake the earth a bit"

Younger Riku appeared next to Adrianna " help him use your magic to expel the darkness
Adriana put both hands on him. "daddy I'm sorry." a bright white light appeared from her hands, she was trying to expel the darkness from him. "daddy I need to to fight the darkness. Please" tears were in her eyes she was using a lot of magic to stop him." 

Izumi glared at them. "why were you spying on us?"

@Jason Thorn  @Emperor Axel James
Keto stood at the ready, at any moments notice he was ready to protect everyone around from the older Riku. Keto tensed up snarling at little Riku Risky and Adrianna got close to him "If anything happens they are in my line of fire."

Kai sighed "Well y'all may be dead emperor and emperess if that guy gets pissed off if y'all don't get inside the damn barrier"
Axel: Well,to be blunt,we saw the situation. We watched quietly,to judge if we would be of assistance,or not.

Alice: Right. you can't just rush in to help people,not knowing the story,ya know. We weren't trying to spy on you,or otherwise,alarm any of you.
Axel:......*looks at Alice*

Alice: *nods her head*

*The pair draw their signature Holy weapons. Axel draws the holy Tyrfing sword from it's sheath. And Alice,draws the holy Gungnir spear. Both drew their weapons,just in case,and cautiously approached the barrier*
Izumi looked back at Keto "if you hurt Adriana I will kill you myself." she knew Adriana was her kid in the future, she didn't know why but she felt like she needed to protect her. She turned back to Axel and Alice. "well you did a hell of a job, we don't need your help"

Adriana was still fighting the darkness in Adult Riku. "daddy please"

@Emperor Axel James @Keto_Uskai @Jason Thorn
*Alice and Axel stop in their tracks*

Axel: You sure? I mean,I can't just stand and do nothing to help someone in need.

Alice: Axel,you know I'm not one to just walk away,but this is one of those times,where we should make a exception. I mean,what if they really DON'T need our help,this time around?
Keto growled looking back at Izumi "Well tell her to get out of the line of fire if your worried so much about her! I have you, Kai, Grov and whom ever those other two are to protect from Riku, I can't help it if she puts herself between us if he doesn't stop, but do what you think you must."

Keto turned back to the two approaching snarling "Either get in the barrier or get away!"
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Older Riku gritted his teeth but his eyes were returning back to normal. They started to turn blue and his tone returning to normal. The darkness was being pushed back a and he looked up at Adrianna " what happened?.. I was going back to our future but I blacked out..

Younger Riku eyes were wide never falling that deep before but glad it was pushed back " good job Adrianna
Axel: Maybe waiting until they ask for help would be wise. This will be a helluva story for the Chancellor and everyone else back home,huh?

Alice: No kidding. We've been on some strange journeys,and seen many strange things. But I don't know what to say here,honestly......
"I didn't ask for you to protect me." she raised her voice upset. "And if you remember Adriana saved you so trust that she knows what she's doing."

Adriana smiled looking up at her dad "the darkness it took over." she hugged him "I saved you daddy."

@Jason Thorn @Keto_Uskai
Older Riku would breath heavily and hugged her back and he would smile calmly " thank you sweetie. " he looked over at his younger self and he raised an eyebrow " your me?.. well this awkard 

Younger Riku would smile and nod " yeah it is, but I'm used to seeing strange things
Keto glared at Riku putting his sword away "Black out or not, you try and hurt or kill my son or anyone one else I consider a friend I'll kill you." Keto turned to Izumi looking at her "Next time I'll let him kill you, how is That? And save me? No, far from it Izumi." 

Keto turned to Kai "Come on son, let's go back to the castle, we have much to discuss." 

Kai nodded following Keto

Keto and Kai walked into the castle, Keto yelled out "Miss October!" 

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